Эффект радара

Небольшой по размеру и красивый пример, реализующий анимацию: эффект радара. 
Платформы: Windows, Linux
Автор: ikkejw. Создано в 2006 году

Эффект радара

'by ikkejw
#INCLUDE "fbgfx.bi"

Randomize Timer

Const pi As Double = Atn(1) * 4

Const deg2rad = pi / 180

Const false = 0

Const true = Not false

Const xres = 640, yres = 480

Const p = 100 'precision (default: 100 (=2 decimal places))
Const radarcolor = Rgba(128,255,128, 255)
Const radarlinecolor = Rgba(255,255,255,255)
Const gridcolor = Rgba(0, 128, 0, 255)
Const fadecolor = Rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)
Const borderr = 255

Const borderg = 255

Const borderb = 255

Const bordersize = 10

Const grid = true
Const gridsize = 15

Const roundgrid = true
Const roundgridcolor = Rgba(192, 255, 192, 255)
Const roundgridstart = 0.1

Const roundgridend = 0.9

Const roundgridsize = 25

Const movespeed = 0.01

Const maxthings = 10

Const thingmovespeed = 0.0005

Const thingchance = 250 'chance of 'things' appearing (default: 1 in 250)
Const thingcolor = Rgba(255,255,255,255)
Const thingsize = .01

Const thingsappearafter = 10 'degrees
Const dp = 2 'detection precision (less is more precise)

Const xrn = xres / yres
Screenres xres,yres,32,2, &h40

Screenset 1,0

Locate Hiword(Width)/2, Loword(Width)/2-5

Print "Loading...":Flip

Dim As Uinteger i, a, b, c, d = 1

Dim As Single g, h

Redim As Double _sint_(0 To 360*p - 1), _cost_(0 To 360*p - 1), _tant_(0 To 360*p - 1)
#DEFINE sint(x) _sint_( (x) Mod (360 * p) )

#DEFINE cost(x) _cost_( (x) Mod (360 * p) )

#DEFINE tant(x) _tant_( (x) Mod (360 * p) )

For i = 0 To 360*p
    sint(i) = Sin((i/p)*deg2rad)
    cost(i) = Cos((i/p)*deg2rad)
    tant(i) = Tan((i/p)*deg2rad)
Next i

Type thingtype
    alive As Integer

    x As Single

    y As Single

End Type

Dim As thingtype thing(maxthings)
Dim As Uinteger things

Dim As Any Ptr circ, temp
temp = Imagecreate(xres, yres)
circ = Imagecreate(xres, yres)
If grid = true Then

    For g = (xres Mod gridsize) / 2 - 1 To xres Step gridsize
        Line circ, (g, 0)-(g, yres), gridcolor
    Next g
    For g = (yres Mod gridsize) / 2 - 1 To yres Step gridsize
        Line circ, (0, g)-(xres, g), gridcolor
    Next g
End If

Line temp, (0,0)-(xres,yres), Rgba(0,0,0,255), BF
Circle temp, (xres / 2, yres / 2), yres / 2, Rgba(255,0,255,255),,,, F
Put circ, (0,0), temp, Trans
For g = 1 To bordersize Step .01

    h = Iif(g < bordersize/2, (g*2)/bordersize, (bordersize/2)/ g)
    Circle circ, (xres / 2, yres / 2), (yres / 2) + g, Rgba(borderr * h, borderg * h, borderb * h, 255)
Next g

Window (-xrn, -1)-(xrn, 1)

If roundgrid = true Then

    For i = 1 To 360*p Step gridsize*p
        Line circ, (sint(i) * roundgridstart, cost(i) * roundgridstart)-(sint(i) * roundgridend, cost(i) * roundgridend), roundgridcolor
    Next i
    For i = 1 To 100 Step roundgridsize
        Circle circ, (0,0), i/100, roundgridcolor
    Next i
End If

Line temp, (-xrn, 1)-(xrn, -1), Rgba(0,0,0,255), BF
For a = 0 To 360*p Step p
    For b = 0 To p Step 1

        c = a + b
        Line temp, (0,0)-(sint(c), cost(c)), radarcolor
    Next b
    Line temp, (0,0)-(sint(c), cost(c)), radarlinecolor
    d xor= 1:If d = 1 Then Line temp, (-xrn, -1)-(xrn, 1), fadecolor, BF
    Put temp, (-xrn,1), circ, Trans
Next a
g = xrn: h = -(1+bordersize/(xres/2/xrn))
For a = 1 To 360*p Step p
    For b = 0 To p Step 1

        c = a + b
        Line temp, (0,0)-(sint(c), cost(c)), radarcolor
    Next b
    Line temp, (0,0)-(sint(c), cost(c)), radarlinecolor
    d xor= 1:If d = 1 Then Line temp, (-xrn, -1)-(xrn, 1), fadecolor, BF
    g -= movespeed
    If g <= -xrn Then g = -xrn
    Put temp, (-xrn,1), circ, Trans
    Line temp, (-xrn, 1)-(h, -1), Rgba(255,0,255,255), BF

    Put (g, 0.9975), temp, Trans

    Sleep 1

    If Inkey <> "" Then System

Next a


    For a = 1 To 360*p Step p
        If (things < maxthings) And (Int(Rnd * thingchance) + 1 = 1) Then

            For i = 0 To maxthings
                With thing(i)
                    If .alive = false Then

                        .alive = true
                        .x = (Rnd * 2) - 1

                        .y = 1

                        Exit For

                    End If

                End With

            Next i
        End If

        For b = 0 To p Step 1

            c = a + b
            Line(0,0)-(sint(c), cost(c)), radarcolor, 'B   'uncomment this for a funny effect
        Next b
        Line(0,0)-(sint(c), cost(c)), radarlinecolor
        For i = 0 To maxthings
            With thing(i)
                If .alive = true Then

                    .y -= thingmovespeed
                    If .y <= -1 Then .alive = 0

                    a -= thingsappearafter*p: b = false
                    If ((.x>0) And (.y>0)) And ((a/p>=0  ) And (a/p<=90 )) And ((Int(tant(a)*dp)) = (Int((.x/.y)*dp))) Then b = true
                    If ((.x>0) And (.y<0)) And ((a/p>=90 ) And (a/p<=180)) And ((Int(tant(a)*dp)) = (Int((.x/.y)*dp))) Then b = true
                    If ((.x<0) And (.y<0)) And ((a/p>=180) And (a/p<=270)) And ((Int(tant(a)*dp)) = (Int((.x/.y)*dp))) Then b = true
                    If ((.x<0) And (.y>0)) And ((a/p>=270) And (a/p<=360)) And ((Int(tant(a)*dp)) = (Int((.x/.y)*dp))) Then b = true
                    a += thingsappearafter*p:If b = true Then Circle (.x, .y), thingsize, thingcolor,,,, F
                End If

            End With

        Next i
        d xor= 1:If d = 1 Then Line(-xrn, -1)-(xrn, 1), fadecolor, BF
        Put (-xrn,1), circ, Trans

        Sleep 1

        If Inkey <> "" Then Exit Do

    Next a

Imagedestroy circ
