Sub Item_Spin.Destroy() ID = "" : Title = "" DestroyWindow(whwnd) DestroyWindow(shwnd) minVal = 0 : maxVal = 0 whwnd = 0 : shwnd = 0 End Sub '*********************************************************************************** 'parent item (Window) Function CreateSpinBox(byref ItemHandle as Item, byval px as Integer , byval py as Integer, _ byval iWidth as UInteger = 70, byval iHeight as UInteger = 25, _ byval minVal as Integer = 0, byval maxVal as Integer = 255, byval curVal as Integer = 0) as Item Dim as UInteger ExStyle = WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE Dim as UInteger eStyle = WS_VISIBLE OR WS_CHILD OR ES_LEFT OR ES_NUMBER OR WS_TABSTOP Dim as UInteger uStyle = WS_VISIBLE OR WS_CHILD OR UDS_ARROWKEYS OR UDS_NOTHOUSANDS OR UDS_AUTOBUDDY OR UDS_ALIGNRIGHT OR UDS_SETBUDDYINT If (ItemHandle = 0) Then return NULL Dim as RECT prect Dim as HWND phwnd Dim as Integer rx, ry Dim as Integer XPFix = 0 If (ItemHandle -> ID = WindowID) Then phwnd = ItemHandle -> whwnd rx = px : ry = py ElseIf (ItemHandle -> ID = GroupBoxID) Then phwnd = GetParent(ItemHandle -> whwnd) GetClientRect(ItemHandle -> whwnd, @prect) MapWindowPoints(ItemHandle -> whwnd, phwnd, Cast(LPPOINT, @prect),2) rx = prect.left + px : ry = + py Else LOGSTRING(Time & " | ERROR | Parent is not an valid Item.") Return NULL End If Dim as Item_Spin ptr newSpinBox = new Item_Spin Dim as Integer scurVal = IIF(curVal < minVal, minVal, IIF(curVal > maxVal, maxVal, curVal)) Dim as Integer VLen = IIF(Len(str(minVal))>Len(str(maxVal)),Len(str(minVal)),Len(str(maxVal))) Dim as HWND ed = CreateWindowEx(ExStyle, "EDIT", str(scurVal), eStyle, rx, ry, iWidth, iHeight, phwnd, NULL, Globals.hInstance, newSpinBox) Dim as HWND up = CreateWindowEx(NULL, UPDOWN_CLASS, "", uStyle, rx, ry, iWidth, iHeight, NULL , NULL, Globals.hInstance, NULL) 'try as XP Fix If (up = 0) Then 'Note: This function is obsolete. It is a 16 bit function and cannot handle 32 bit values for range and position. XPFix = 1 ' up = CreateUpDownControl(uStyle, rx, ry, iWidth, iHeight, phwnd, NULL, Globals.hInstance, ed, maxVal, minVal, scurVal) End If If (ed = 0) or (up = 0) Then If ed<>0 Then DestroyWindow(ed) If up<>0 Then DestroyWindow(up) Delete newSpinBox LOGSTRING(Time & " | ERROR | Failed to create " & SpinBoxID) MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to create " & SpinBoxID, "Error", NULL) Return NULL End If SetWindowLongPtr(ed, GWLP_USERDATA, Cast(LONG_PTR, newSpinBox)) SetWindowLongPtr(up, GWLP_USERDATA, Cast(LONG_PTR, newSpinBox)) SendMessage(ed, WM_SETFONT, Cast(WPARAM, Globals.hFont), Cast(LPARAM,TRUE)) If XPFix = 0 Then SendMessage(up, UDM_SETBUDDY , cast(WPARAM,ed), NULL) SendMessage(up, UDM_SETRANGE32, minVal, maxVal) 'range SendMessage(up, UDM_SETPOS32 , NULL , scurVal) 'current End If SendMessage(ed, EM_LIMITTEXT, Cast(WPARAM, VLen), NULL) 'Set Char Limit SendMessage(ed, DM_SETDEFID, Cast(wParam,IDOK), NULL) newSpinBox -> ID = SpinBoxID newSpinBox -> Title = str(ed) newSpinBox -> whwnd = ed newSpinBox -> shwnd = up newSpinBox -> minVal = minVal newSpinBox -> maxVal = maxVal LOGSTRING(Time & " | INFO | " & SpinBoxID & " " & newSpinBox -> Title & " created on " & ItemHandle -> ID & " " & ItemHandle -> Title & ".") Globals.ItemList.AddItem(newSpinBox) return newSpinBox End Function '*********************************************************************************** Function GetSpinBoxValue(byval SpinBox as Item) as Integer Dim as Integer SBVal Dim as String gs If SpinBox andalso SpinBox -> ID = SpinBoxID Then gs = space(255) gs = left(gs,GetWindowText(SpinBox -> whwnd, gs, len(gs))) SBVal = Val(gs) If (SBVal < (Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SpinBox) -> minVal)) Then SBVal = Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SpinBox) -> minVal SetWindowText(SpinBox -> whwnd,str(Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SpinBox) -> minVal)) SendMessage(Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SpinBox) -> shwnd, UDM_SETPOS32 , NULL , SBVal) ElseIf (SBVal > (Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SpinBox) -> maxVal)) Then SBVal = Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SpinBox) -> maxVal SetWindowText(SpinBox -> whwnd,str(Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SpinBox) -> maxVal)) SendMessage(Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SpinBox) -> shwnd, UDM_SETPOS32 , NULL , SBVal) Else SetWindowText(SpinBox -> whwnd,str(SBVal)) SendMessage(Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SpinBox) -> shwnd, UDM_SETPOS32 , NULL , SBVal) End If Function = SBVal End If End Function