Sub Item_StaticText.Destroy() ID = "" : Title = "" DestroyWindow(whwnd) DeleteObject(Font) DeleteObject(BckBrush) Font = 0 : BckBrush = 0 FColor = 0 : BColor = 0 End SUb Function CreateStaticText(byref ItemHandle as Item , byval px as Integer , byval py as Integer , _ byval TxT as String , byval Font as String = "", byval FontStyle as UInteger = 0, _ byval FontSize as Integer = 16, byval FColor as Integer = 0 , byval BColor as Integer = TRANSPARENT) as Item Dim as UInteger Style = WS_CHILD OR WS_CLIPSIBLINGS If (ItemHandle = 0) orelse (Len(TxT) = 0) Then return NULL Dim as RECT prect Dim as HWND phwnd Dim as Integer rx, ry If (ItemHandle -> ID = WindowID) Then phwnd = ItemHandle -> whwnd rx = px : ry = py ElseIf (ItemHandle -> ID = GroupBoxID) Then phwnd = GetParent(ItemHandle -> whwnd) GetClientRect(ItemHandle -> whwnd, @prect) MapWindowPoints(ItemHandle -> whwnd, phwnd, Cast(LPPOINT, @prect),2) rx = prect.left + px : ry = + py Else LOGSTRING(Time & " | ERROR | Parent is not an valid Item.") Return NULL End If Dim as Item_StaticText ptr newStaticText = new Item_StaticText newStaticText -> whwnd = CreateWindowEx(NULL, "STATIC", TxT, Style, 0, 0, 0, 0, phwnd, NULL, Globals.hInstance, newStaticText) If (newStaticText -> whwnd = 0) Then Delete newStaticText LOGSTRING(Time & " | ERROR | Failed to create " & StaticTextID) MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to create " & StaticTextID, "Error", NULL) Return NULL End If SetWindowLongPtr(newStaticText -> whwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, Cast(LONG_PTR, newStaticText)) newStaticText -> ID = StaticTextID newStaticText -> Title = TxT newStaticText -> FColor = Convert_RGB_To_BGR(FColor) newStaticText -> BColor = TRANSPARENT If BColor<>TRANSPARENT Then newStaticText -> BColor = Convert_RGB_To_BGR(BColor) newStaticText -> BckBrush = CreateSolidBrush(newStaticText -> BColor) End If If Font = "" Then Font = WinExtFontName Dim as LOGFONT lf With lf .lfHeight = FontSize .lfFaceName = Font .lfItalic = IIF(Bit(FontStyle,0),TRUE,FALSE) .lfWeight = IIF(Bit(FontStyle,1),FW_BOLD,FW_REGULAR) .lfUnderline = IIF(Bit(FontStyle,2),TRUE,FALSE) .lfStrikeOut = IIF(Bit(FontStyle,3),TRUE,FALSE) End With newStaticText -> Font = CreateFontIndirect(@lf) Dim as HDC dDC = GetDC(NULL) Dim as HDC fDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dDC) Dim as SIZE fSize SelectObject(fDC, newStaticText -> Font) GetTextExtentPoint32(fDC, TxT, len(TxT), @fSize) ''// extend for overhanging text (italic and bold problems) ''// Dim as ABCFLOAT ptr WidthsABC = new ABCFLOAT[256] GetCharABCWidthsFloat(fDC, 0, 255, WidthsABC) 'DeleteObject(newStaticText -> Font) DeleteDC(fDC) ReleaseDC(NULL,dDC) ''// overhang of the last character Dim as double dOverhangTrailing = WidthsABC[TxT[Len(TxT)-1]].abcfC Delete[] WidthsABC If dOverhangTrailing<0 Then fSize.CX -= dOverhangTrailing MoveWindow(newStaticText -> whwnd, rx, ry, fSize.CX, fSize.CY, TRUE) ShowWindow(newStaticText -> whwnd, SW_SHOW) SendMessage(newStaticText -> whwnd, WM_SETFONT, Cast(WPARAM, newStaticText -> Font), Cast(LPARAM, TRUE)) LOGSTRING(Time & " | INFO | " & StaticTextID & " " & TxT & " created on " & ItemHandle -> ID & " " & ItemHandle -> Title & ".") Globals.ItemList.AddItem(newStaticText) return newStaticText End Function