Международные шашки
Великолепный исходник 100 клеточных шашек. Программа имеет довольно неплохой AI . Вся графика выполнена средствами FbGfx. Управление мышью.
Платформы: Windows, Linux
Автор: badidea
' Autor: badidea '----------------------------------------------- 'Option Explicit 'Option Byval 'OPTION DYNAMIC #DEFINE CLEARCOLORS 0 #DEFINE MAX_MOVES 128 #DEFINE MAX_DEPTH 16 #DEFINE MAX_SEARCH_DEPTH 7 #DEFINE HIT_SEARCH_DEPTH 12 Type moveType x As Integer y As Integer End Type Type boardType occupied As Integer '0=empty, 1=black, 2=white discType As Integer '0=normal piece, 1=king tileType As Integer '0=brown/black, 1=yellow/white End Type Type boardPtrType board(9,9) As boardType End Type Type bufferType board(9,9) As boardType dummyMoveSeq(MAX_DEPTH-1) As moveType msl(MAX_MOVES-1,MAX_DEPTH-1) As moveType mdl(MAX_MOVES-1) As Integer End Type Declare Sub showIntro() Declare Function intrnd(limit As Integer) As Integer Declare Function xScreen(x As Integer) As Integer Declare Function yScreen(y As Integer) As Integer Declare Function getTileColour(pTile As moveType, inverted As Integer) As Integer Declare Function getMousePos(MouseX As Integer, MouseY As Integer, Byref pTile As moveType) As Integer Declare Sub drawTile(x As Integer, y As Integer, colour As Integer) Declare Sub drawTileBorder(x As Integer, y As Integer, colour As Integer) Declare Sub initBoardArray(bPtr As boardType Ptr) Declare Sub initBoardRandom(bPtr As boardType Ptr) Declare Sub drawBoard(bPtr As boardType Ptr) Declare Sub showActiveColour(activeColour As Integer) Declare Sub findForcedMoves(Byref moveCtr As Integer, Byref maxDepth As Integer,_ depth As Integer, hitColour As Integer, discType As Integer, bPtr As boardType Ptr,_ mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr, cmsPtr As moveType Ptr) Declare Sub findNormalMoves(Byref moveCtr As Integer, hitColour As Integer,_ bPtr As boardType Ptr, mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr,_ cmsPtr As moveType Ptr) Declare Sub showMoves(numMoves As Integer, colour As Integer,_ mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr) Declare Sub showSingleMove(moveNum As Integer, colour As Integer,_ mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr) Declare Sub doMove(p0 As moveType, p1 As moveType, bPtr As boardType Ptr) Declare Sub doFullMove(localMoveSeq As moveType Ptr, localDepth As Integer,_ bPtr As boardType Ptr, animate As Integer) Declare Function filterHitMoves(numMoves As Integer, maxDepth As Integer,_ bPtr As boardType Ptr, mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr) As Integer Declare Sub createMoveList(Byref moveCtr As Integer, Byref maxDepth As Integer,_ turnColour As Integer, bPtr As boardType Ptr, mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr) Declare Sub createHitList(Byref moveCtr As Integer, Byref maxDepth As Integer,_ turnColour As Integer, bPtr As boardType Ptr, mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr) Declare Function searchMove(p0 As moveType, p1 As moveType, moveDepth As Integer,_ moveCtr As Integer, mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr) As Integer Declare Function evalBoard(bPtr As boardType Ptr, turnColour As Integer) As Integer Declare Sub copyBoard(bSrcPtr As boardType Ptr, bDstPtr As boardType Ptr) Declare Sub saveBoard(bPtr As boardType Ptr) Declare Sub loadBoard(bPtr As boardType Ptr) Declare Function enemyColour(colour As Integer) As Integer Declare Function findBestMove(bPtr As boardType Ptr, moveColour As Integer,_ evalColour As Integer, mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr,_ searchDepth As Integer) As Integer Const xOffset = 180 'horizontal offset board, centre of 1st tile Const yOffset = 50 'vertical offset board, centre of 1st tile Const rTile = 27 'tile radius, including borders Const dTile = rTile*2 Const rDisc = 23 'disc radius, including borders Const pressed = 1, released = -1, idle = 0 Const true = 1, false = 0 Const isEmpty = 0, isBlack = 1, isWhite = 2 Const isPiece = 0, isKing = 1 Const LMB = 1, RMB = 2, MMB = 4 Const isBrown = 0, isYellow = 1 Const isComputer = 0, isHuman = 1 Const noAnimate = 0, doAnimate = 1 #IF (CLEARCOLORS = 1) Const cBlack = 0, cDarkBlue = 1, cGreen = 6, cBlue = 3 Const cRed = 4, cPurple = 5, cBrown = 2, cLightGrey = 7 Const cDarkGrey = 8, cXBlue = 9, cLightGreen = 10, cLightBlue = 11 Const cLightRed = 12, cLightPurple = 13, cYellow = 14, cWhite = 15 #ELSE Const cBlack = 0, cDarkBlue = 1, cGreen = 2, cBlue = 3 Const cRed = 4, cPurple = 5, cBrown = 6, cLightGrey = 7 Const cDarkGrey = 8, cXBlue = 9, cLightGreen = 10, cLightBlue = 11 Const cLightRed = 12, cLightPurple = 13, cYellow = 14, cWhite = 15 #ENDIF Dim As boardType board(9,9), tempBoard(9,9) Dim As moveType moveSeqList(MAX_MOVES-1,MAX_DEPTH-1) 'move sequence list Dim As moveType bestMoveSeq(MAX_DEPTH-1) Dim As moveType p0, p1, pOld, pCur0, pCur1 Dim As Integer moveDepthList(MAX_MOVES-1) Dim As Integer bestMoveDepth Dim As Integer i, j, x, y 'Free to use Dim As Integer MouseX, MouseY, mouseWheel, mouseButtons Dim As Integer lmbChange, lmbStat, lmbPrev Dim As Integer rmbChange, rmbStat, rmbPrev Dim As Integer mmbChange, mmbStat, mmbPrev Dim As Integer startSet, stopSet, forcedHit Dim As Integer turnColour, moveCtr, moveDone, allowMove Dim As Integer moveDepth, maxDepth, moveNum, player(3-1) Dim As Integer evalScore, evalColour Dim As Integer moveScore, bestScore, nBestScores, score(MAX_MOVES-1) Dim As String keyString '----------------------------------------------- Dim Shared As bufferType global(HIT_SEARCH_DEPTH) Dim Shared As Integer endOfGame, startTime Dim Shared As Integer maxSearchDepth, hitSearchDepth maxSearchDepth = MAX_SEARCH_DEPTH hitSearchDepth = HIT_SEARCH_DEPTH '----------------------------------------------- maxDepth = 1 moveDepth = 0 endOfGame = 0 moveDone = 0 player(isBlack) = isComputer player(isWhite) = isHuman turnColour = isWhite 'wit begint moveCtr=-1 Screen 19 initBoardArray(@board(0,0)) showIntro Color cLightGrey, cDarkGrey startTime = Timer Randomize startTime drawBoard(@board(0,0)) showActiveColour(turnColour) Do If player(turnColour) = isHuman Then Getmouse MouseX, MouseY, mouseWheel, mouseButtons lmbPrev = lmbStat If ((mouseButtons And LMB) = LMB) And (mouseButtons <> -1) Then lmbStat = 1 Else lmbStat = 0 lmbChange = lmbStat - lmbPrev '+1=pressed, -1=released rmbPrev = rmbStat If ((mouseButtons And RMB) = RMB) And (mouseButtons <> -1) Then rmbStat = 1 Else rmbStat = 0 rmbChange = rmbStat - rmbPrev '+1=pressed, -1=released mmbPrev = mmbStat If ((mouseButtons And MMB) = MMB) And (mouseButtons <> -1) Then mmbStat = 1 Else mmbStat = 0 mmbChange = mmbStat - mmbPrev '+1=pressed, -1=released If (lmbChange = idle) And (rmbChange = idle) And (mmbChange = idle) Then Sleep 10 'Do not stress CPU, when doing nothing End If If (keyString = "s") Then saveBoard(@board(0,0)) 'save to board.bin drawBoard(@board(0,0)) End If If (keyString = "o") Then loadBoard(@board(0,0)) 'open from board.bin drawBoard(@board(0,0)) End If If (rmbChange = pressed) Then '(debug) 'show allowed moves If (moveDepth = 0) Then createMoveList(moveCtr,maxDepth,turnColour,@board(0,0),@moveDepthList(0),@moveSeqList(0,0)) End If showMoves(moveCtr,cLightGreen,@moveDepthList(0),@moveSeqList(0,0)) End If If (rmbChange = released) Then '(debug) drawBoard(@board(0,0)) 'clear help lines showActiveColour(turnColour) End If If (lmbChange = pressed) Then startSet = getMousePos(MouseX, MouseY, p0) End If 'Show mouse position If (lmbStat = 1) Then getMousePos(MouseX, MouseY, pCur0) If (pCur0.x<>pCur1.x) Or (pCur0.y<>pCur1.y) Then drawTileBorder(pCur0.x, pCur0.y, getTileColour(pCur0,1)) drawTileBorder(pCur1.x, pCur1.y, getTileColour(pCur1,0)) pCur1 = pCur0 End If End If If (lmbChange = released) Then stopSet = getMousePos(MouseX, MouseY, p1) End If If (lmbChange = released) And (startSet = 1) And (stopSet = 1) Then 'New move/turn? Make new list. If (moveDepth = 0) Then createMoveList(moveCtr,maxDepth,turnColour,@board(0,0),@moveDepthList(0),@moveSeqList(0,0)) pOld=p0 'clear old end positions End If allowMove = searchMove(p0, p1, moveDepth, moveCtr, @moveDepthList(0), @moveSeqList(0,0)) If (allowMove) And (pOld.x=p0.x) And (pOld.y=p0.y) Then doMove(p0,p1,@board(0,0)) 'Do partial move from sequence drawBoard(@board(0,0)) moveDepth+=1 pOld=p1 Else showActiveColour(-1) 'error showActiveColour(turnColour) End If End If If (moveDepth >= maxDepth) Then If (p1.y=0) And (board(p1.x,p1.y).occupied=isWhite) Then board(p1.x,p1.y).discType = isKing If (p1.y=9) And (board(p1.x,p1.y).occupied=isBlack) Then board(p1.x,p1.y).discType = isKing moveDone = 1 moveDepth = 0 'reset End If If (moveCtr = 0) Then endOfGame = 1 Else 'player = isComputer moveScore = findBestMove(@board(0,0), turnColour, turnColour, @bestMoveDepth, @bestMoveSeq(0), 0) If (endOfGame <> 1) Then Locate 8,2: Print "Best:";moveScore\10;" "; doFullMove(@bestMoveSeq(0), bestMoveDepth, @board(0,0), doAnimate) Endif moveDone = 1 End If If (moveDone = 1) Then moveDone = 0 drawBoard(@board(0,0)) 'Draw whenever we do or try to do a move turnColour = enemyColour(turnColour) showActiveColour(turnColour) End If keyString = Inkey$ Loop While (keyString <> Chr$(27)) And (endOfGame = 0) '----------------------------------------------- Color cWhite, cBlack Locate 19,44: Print "End of Game!"; Locate 21,40: Print "Random seed was:";StartTime Sleep 1000 While (Inkey$ <> Chr$(27)): Wend End 0 '----------------------------------------------- Sub showIntro Dim As Integer scrWidth, scrHeight Dim As Integer PlayerLevel Locate 12,35: Print " Checkers game by BadIdea"; Locate 13,35: Print " with 'Dutch' rules"; Sleep 200 Locate 15,35: Print " Version 1.8 / 25 May 2007"; Locate 16,35: Print " very_bad_idea@hotmail.com"; Sleep 200 Locate 18,35: Print " <Escape> to exit program!"; Sleep 200 While ((PlayerLevel < 2) Or (PlayerLevel > 6)) Locate 25,35: Print " " Locate 25,35: Input " Dificulty (2...6): ", PlayerLevel Wend maxSearchDepth = PlayerLevel hitSearchDepth = PlayerLevel*2-1 'draw dark grey window background Screeninfo scrWidth, scrHeight Line (0, 0)-(scrWidth-1, scrHeight-1), cDarkGrey, BF End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Function intrnd(limit As Integer) As Integer Return Int(Rnd*limit) End Function '----------------------------------------------- Function xScreen(x As Integer) As Integer Return x * dTile + xOffset End Function '----------------------------------------------- Function yScreen(y As Integer) As Integer Return y * dTile + yOffset End Function '----------------------------------------------- Function getTileColour(pTile As moveType, inverted As Integer) As Integer 'Strange code, but works If (((pTile.x+pTile.y) And 1) = inverted) Then Return cYellow Else Return cBrown End If End Function '----------------------------------------------- Function getMousePos(MouseX As Integer, MouseY As Integer, Byref pTile As moveType) As Integer Dim validPos As Integer validPos = 0 If (MouseX > xOffset - rTile And MouseX < xOffset + rTile * 19) Then If (MouseY > yOffset - rTile And MouseY < yOffset + rTile * 19) Then pTile.x = (MouseX - xOffset + rTile) \ (dTile) pTile.y = (MouseY - yOffset + rTile) \ (dTile) validPos = 1 End If End If Return validPos End Function '----------------------------------------------- Sub drawTile(x As Integer, y As Integer, colour As Integer) Dim sz As Integer 'sz = size to edge, half of square tile sz = rTile - 1 Line (xScreen(x)-sz, yScreen(y)-sz)-(xScreen(x)+sz, yScreen(y)+sz), colour, BF End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Sub drawTileBorder(x As Integer, y As Integer, colour As Integer) 'for debugging Dim As Integer sz1, sz2 'sz = size to edge, half of square tile sz1 = rTile - 1 sz2 = rTile - 2 Line (xScreen(x)-sz1, yScreen(y)-sz1)-(xScreen(x)+sz1, yScreen(y)+sz1), colour, B Line (xScreen(x)-sz2, yScreen(y)-sz2)-(xScreen(x)+sz2, yScreen(y)+sz2), colour, B End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Sub initBoardArray(bPtr As boardType Ptr) 'Initiate: board().tileType & board().occupied Dim As Integer x, y For y = 0 To 9 For x = 0 To 9 If ((y+x) And 1) Then bPtr[x*10+y].tileType = isBrown If (y<4) Then bPtr[x*10+y].occupied = isBlack bPtr[x*10+y].discType = isPiece Elseif (y>5) Then bPtr[x*10+y].occupied = isWhite bPtr[x*10+y].discType = isPiece Else bPtr[x*10+y].occupied = isEmpty End If Else bPtr[x*10+y].tileType = isYellow End If Next Next End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Sub initBoardRandom(bPtr As boardType Ptr) 'Initiate: board().tileType & board().occupied Dim As Integer x, y For y = 0 To 9 For x = 0 To 9 If ((y+x) And 1) Then bPtr[x*10+y].tileType = isBrown If Int(Rnd(1) * 10) > 7 Then If Int(Rnd(1) * 2) = 1 Then bPtr[x*10+y].discType = isPiece Else 'bPtr[x*10+y].discType = isKing End If If Int(Rnd(1) * 2) = 1 Then bPtr[x*10+y].occupied = isBlack Else bPtr[x*10+y].occupied = isWhite End If Else bPtr[x*10+y].occupied = isEmpty End If Else bPtr[x*10+y].tileType = isYellow End If Next Next End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Sub drawBoard(bPtr As boardType Ptr) Dim As Integer x, y, colour, edge Dim As Integer whiteCtr, blackCtr Dim As Integer whiteKingCtr, blackKingCtr Dim As Integer discHeight, discYoffset, discXoffset 'XXX Theoretical bug! No king if no pieces hit 'draw light grey board background edge = rTile + 1 Line (xScreen(0)-edge, yScreen(0)-edge)-(xScreen(9)+edge, yScreen(9)+edge), cLightGrey, BF 'draw square tiles & discs For y = 0 To 9 For x = 0 To 9 If (bPtr[x*10+y].tileType = isYellow) Then drawTile(x,y,cYellow) Else drawTile(x,y,cBrown) If (bPtr[x*10+y].occupied = isWhite) Then Circle (xScreen(x),yScreen(y)),rDisc,8,,,,f 'white disc Circle (xScreen(x),yScreen(y)),rDisc-1,15,,,,f 'white disc border If (bPtr[x*10+y].discType = isKing) Then Circle (xScreen(x),yScreen(y)),rDisc-8,7,,,,f 'white disc king! whiteKingCtr+=1 End If whiteCtr+=1 Elseif (bPtr[x*10+y].occupied = isBlack) Then Circle (xScreen(x),yScreen(y)),rDisc,7,,,,f 'black disc Circle (xScreen(x),yScreen(y)),rDisc-1,0,,,,f 'black disc border If (bPtr[x*10+y].discType = isKing) Then Circle (xScreen(x),yScreen(y)),rDisc-8,8,,,,f 'black disc king! blackKingCtr+=1 End If blackCtr+=1 Else 'Empty square End If End If Next Next discHeight = 12 discYoffset = 550 discXoffset = 20 For y = 0 To 19-(whiteCtr+whiteKingCtr) Line (discXoffset, discYoffset-y*(discHeight+1))-Step(rDisc*2, discHeight), cBlack, b Line (discXoffset+1, discYoffset-y*(discHeight+1)+1)-Step(rDisc*2-2, discHeight-2), cWhite, bf Next Line (discXoffset, discYoffset-y*(discHeight+1))-Step(rDisc*2, discHeight), cDarkGrey, bf discXoffset = 80 For y = 0 To 19-(blackCtr+blackKingCtr) Line (discXoffset, discYoffset-y*(discHeight+1))-Step(rDisc*2, discHeight), cLightGrey, b Line (discXoffset+1, discYoffset-y*(discHeight+1)+1)-Step(rDisc*2-2, discHeight-2), cBlack, bf Next Line (discXoffset, discYoffset-y*(discHeight+1))-Step(rDisc*2, discHeight), cDarkGrey, bf Locate 2,2: Print "Black:";blackCtr;" "; Locate 3,2: Print "White:";whiteCtr;" "; Locate 5,2: Print "Time:";Int(Timer)-startTime;" "; Locate 6,2: Print "Eval:";evalBoard(bPtr, isWhite)\10;" "; If (blackCtr = 0) Or (whiteCtr = 0) Then endOfGame = 1 End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Sub showActiveColour(activeColour As Integer) Dim As Integer scrWidth, scrHeight Screeninfo scrWidth, scrHeight If (activeColour=isWhite) Then Circle (scrWidth-50,scrHeight\2),rDisc,8,,,,f Circle (scrWidth-50,scrHeight\2),rDisc-1,15,,,,f Elseif (activeColour=isBlack) Then Circle (scrWidth-50,scrHeight\2),rDisc,7,,,,f Circle (scrWidth-50,scrHeight\2),rDisc-1,0,,,,f Else 'unknown color Circle (scrWidth-50,scrHeight\2),rDisc,cRed,,,,f Circle (scrWidth-50,scrHeight\2),rDisc-1,cLightRed,,,,f Sleep 250 End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Sub showMoves(numMoves As Integer, colour As Integer,_ mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr) Dim As Integer i For i = 0 To numMoves-1 showSingleMove(i,colour,mdlPtr,mslPtr) Next End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Sub showSingleMove(moveNum As Integer, colour As Integer,_ mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr) Dim As Integer i, j, pitch Dim As moveType p0, p1 i = moveNum pitch = i * MAX_DEPTH For j = 0 To mdlPtr[i]-1 'Lines between steps p0 = mslPtr[pitch+j] p1 = mslPtr[pitch+j+1] Line(xScreen(p0.x)-1, yScreen(p0.y))-(xScreen(p1.x)-1, yScreen(p1.y)),colour Line(xScreen(p0.x), yScreen(p0.y))-(xScreen(p1.x), yScreen(p1.y)),colour Line(xScreen(p0.x)+1, yScreen(p0.y))-(xScreen(p1.x)+1, yScreen(p1.y)),colour Next drawTileBorder(mslPtr[pitch+j].x, mslPtr[pitch+j].y, colour) End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Sub doMove(p0 As moveType, p1 As moveType, bPtr As boardType Ptr) Dim As Integer x, y, xSign, ySign 'do move bPtr[p1.x*10+p1.y].occupied = bPtr[p0.x*10+p0.y].occupied bPtr[p1.x*10+p1.y].discType = bPtr[p0.x*10+p0.y].discType bPtr[p0.x*10+p0.y].occupied = isEmpty 'Remove all discs between x0,y0 and x1,y1; Works for kings as well If Abs(p1.x-p0.x) > 1 Then 'not a normal move? xSign = Sgn(p1.x-p0.x) ySign = Sgn(p1.y-p0.y) y = p0.y + ySign For x = p0.x+xSign To p1.x-xSign Step xSign bPtr[x*10+y].occupied = isEmpty y+=ySign Next End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Sub doFullMove(localMoveSeq As moveType Ptr, localDepth As Integer,_ bPtr As boardType Ptr, animate As Integer) Dim As Integer i Dim As moveType p0, p1 For i = 0 To localDepth-1 p0 = localMoveSeq[i] p1 = localMoveSeq[i+1] If (animate = doAnimate) Then showSingleMove(0,cGreen,@localDepth,localMoveSeq) Sleep 750 doMove(p0, p1, bPtr) 'deel v/d move drawBoard(bPtr) Sleep 250 Else doMove(p0, p1, bPtr) 'deel v/d move End If Next If (p1.y=0) And (bPtr[p1.x*10+p1.y].occupied=isWhite) Then bPtr[p1.x*10+p1.y].discType = isKing If (p1.y=9) And (bPtr[p1.x*10+p1.y].occupied=isBlack) Then bPtr[p1.x*10+p1.y].discType = isKing End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Function filterHitMoves(numMoves As Integer, maxDepth As Integer,_ bPtr As boardType Ptr, mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr) As Integer Dim As Integer i,j,k Dim kingFound As Integer j = 0 'Filter to get highest depths For i = 0 To numMoves-1 If (mdlPtr[i] = maxDepth) Then If (i<>j) Then 'Equal? copy is nonsense mdlPtr[j] = mdlPtr[i] For k = 0 To maxDepth mslPtr[j*MAX_DEPTH+k] = mslPtr[i*MAX_DEPTH+k] Next End If j+=1 End If Next 'King present in hit-list? numMoves = j-1 kingFound = 0 For i = 0 To numMoves If bPtr[mslPtr[i*MAX_DEPTH+0].x * 10 + mslPtr[i*MAX_DEPTH+0].y].discType = isKing Then kingFound = 1 Exit For End If Next 'Filter to get king moves If (kingFound = 1) Then j = 0 For i = 0 To numMoves If bPtr[mslPtr[i*MAX_DEPTH+0].x * 10 + mslPtr[i*MAX_DEPTH+0].y].discType = isKing Then If (i<>j) Then 'Equal? copy is nonsense mdlPtr[j] = mdlPtr[i] For k = 0 To maxDepth mslPtr[j*MAX_DEPTH+k] = mslPtr[i*MAX_DEPTH+k] Next End If j+=1 End If Next End If Return j End Function '----------------------------------------------- Sub createMoveList(Byref moveCtr As Integer, Byref maxDepth As Integer,_ turnColour As Integer, bPtr As boardType Ptr, mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr) 'Prioriteit: ' 1. Meerslag gaat voor ' 2. Damslag gaat voor ' 3. Slag gaat voor 'createMoveList: ' 1. findForcedMoves (recursive function) ' 2. findNormalMoves ' 3. filterHitMoves Dim As Integer x, y, xs Dim As Integer hitColour, hitForced, discType Dim As moveType curMoveSeq(MAX_DEPTH-1) 'current move sequence Dim cmsPtr As moveType Ptr moveCtr = 0 maxDepth = 0 hitForced = 1 cmsPtr = @curMoveSeq(0) hitColour = enemyColour(turnColour) 'search for forced moves For y = 0 To 9 If (y And 1) Then xs = 0 Else xs = 1 'skip yellow squares For x = xs To 9 Step 2 If bPtr[x*10+y].occupied = turnColour Then cmsPtr[0].x = x 'start position disc cmsPtr[0].y = y 'start position disc discType = bPtr[x*10+y].discType findForcedMoves(moveCtr, maxDepth, 0, hitColour, discType, bPtr, mdlPtr, mslPtr, cmsPtr) End If Next Next 'no forced moves found, now find normal moves If (moveCtr = 0) Then hitForced = 0 maxDepth = 1 For y = 0 To 9 If (y And 1) Then xs = 0 Else xs = 1 'skip yellow squares For x = xs To 9 Step 2 If bPtr[x*10+y].occupied = turnColour Then cmsPtr[0].x = x 'start position disc cmsPtr[0].y = y 'start position disc findNormalMoves(moveCtr, hitColour, bPtr, mdlPtr, mslPtr, cmsPtr) End If Next Next End If If (hitForced = 1) Then moveCtr = filterHitMoves(moveCtr, maxDepth, bPtr, mdlPtr, mslPtr) End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Sub createHitList(Byref moveCtr As Integer, Byref maxDepth As Integer,_ turnColour As Integer, bPtr As boardType Ptr, mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr) Dim As Integer x, y, xs Dim As Integer hitColour, discType Dim As moveType curMoveSeq(MAX_DEPTH-1) 'current move sequence Dim cmsPtr As moveType Ptr moveCtr = 0 maxDepth = 0 cmsPtr = @curMoveSeq(0) hitColour = enemyColour(turnColour) 'search for forced moves For y = 0 To 9 If (y And 1) Then xs = 0 Else xs = 1 'skip yellow squares For x = xs To 9 Step 2 If bPtr[x*10+y].occupied = turnColour Then cmsPtr[0].x = x 'start position disc cmsPtr[0].y = y 'start position disc discType = bPtr[x*10+y].discType findForcedMoves(moveCtr, maxDepth, 0, hitColour, discType, bPtr, mdlPtr, mslPtr, cmsPtr) End If Next Next End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Sub findForcedMoves(Byref moveCtr As Integer, Byref maxDepth As Integer,_ depth As Integer, hitColour As Integer, discType As Integer, bPtr As boardType Ptr,_ mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr, cmsPtr As moveType Ptr) 'Todo: change xCur, yCur to curPos.x, curPos.y, etc. Dim As moveType pCur, pHit, pNew 'current, hit & new position Dim As Integer xi, yi, i, enemyFound Static As Integer boardHit(9,9) pCur = cmsPtr[depth] 'if (depth=0) then erase boardHit depth+=1 If discType = isPiece Then For xi = -1 To +1 Step 2 For yi = -1 To +1 Step 2 pHit.x = pCur.x - xi pHit.y = pCur.y - yi pNew.x = pCur.x - xi*2 pNew.y = pCur.y - yi*2: If (pNew.x<10) And (pNew.x>=0) And (pNew.y>=0) And (pNew.y<10) Then If (bPtr[pNew.x*10+pNew.y].occupied=isEmpty) Then If bPtr[pHit.x*10+pHit.y].occupied=hitColour And boardHit(pHit.x,pHit.y)=0 Then If depth > maxDepth Then maxDepth = depth 'one level deeper cmsPtr[depth] = pNew mdlPtr[moveCtr] = depth For i = 0 To depth mslPtr[moveCtr*MAX_DEPTH+i] = cmsPtr[i] 'store current move sequence Next moveCtr+=1 boardHit(pHit.x,pHit.y)=1 'mark jumped findForcedMoves(moveCtr, maxDepth, depth, hitColour, discType, bPtr, mdlPtr, mslPtr, cmsPtr) boardHit(pHit.x,pHit.y)=0 'unmark jumped End If End If End If Next Next Elseif discType = isKing Then For xi = -1 To +1 Step 2 For yi = -1 To +1 Step 2 pNew.x = pCur.x + xi pNew.y = pCur.y + yi enemyFound = 0 'look for enemy While (pNew.x<10) And (pNew.x>=0) And (pNew.y>=0) And (pNew.y<10) If (bPtr[pNew.x*10+pNew.y].occupied <> isEmpty) Then 'white or black If (bPtr[pNew.x*10+pNew.y].occupied = hitColour) And (boardHit(pNew.x,pNew.y) = 0) Then enemyFound = 1 pHit = pNew End If Exit While End If pNew.x += xi pNew.y += yi Wend 'look for empty places after enemy If (enemyFound = 1) Then pNew.x += xi pNew.y += yi While (pNew.x<10) And (pNew.x>=0) And (pNew.y>=0) And (pNew.y<10) If (bPtr[pNew.x*10+pNew.y].occupied = isEmpty) Then If depth > maxDepth Then maxDepth = depth 'one level deeper cmsPtr[depth] = pNew mdlPtr[moveCtr] = depth For i = 0 To depth mslPtr[moveCtr*MAX_DEPTH+i] = cmsPtr[i] 'store current move sequence Next moveCtr+=1 boardHit(pHit.x,pHit.y)=1 'mark jumped findForcedMoves(moveCtr, maxDepth, depth, hitColour, discType, bPtr, mdlPtr, mslPtr, cmsPtr) boardHit(pHit.x,pHit.y)=0 'unmark jumped Else Exit While End If pNew.x += xi pNew.y += yi Wend End If Next Next Else Print "Error: findForcedMoves": Sleep 100 End If depth-=1 End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Sub findNormalMoves(Byref moveCtr As Integer, hitColour As Integer,_ bPtr As boardType Ptr, mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr,_ cmsPtr As moveType Ptr) 'Todo: change xCur, yCur to curPos.x, curPos.y, etc. Dim As moveType pCur, pNew 'current & new position Dim As Integer xi, yi, i, pitch 'move increment pCur = cmsPtr[0] 'Deze twee Piece/King kunnen (in principe) samen gevoegd worden. If bPtr[pCur.x*10+pCur.y].discType = isPiece Then If hitColour = isBlack Then yi = +1 If hitColour = isWhite Then yi = -1 For xi = -1 To +1 Step 2 pNew.x = pCur.x-xi pNew.y = pCur.y-yi If (pNew.x<10) And (pNew.x>=0) And (pNew.y>=0) And (pNew.y<10) Then If (bPtr[pNew.x*10+pNew.y].occupied=isEmpty) Then mdlPtr[moveCtr] = 1 pitch = moveCtr * MAX_DEPTH mslPtr[pitch] = pCur mslPtr[pitch+1] = pNew moveCtr+=1 End If End If Next Elseif bPtr[pCur.x*10+pCur.y].discType = isKing Then For xi = -1 To +1 Step 2 For yi = -1 To +1 Step 2 pNew.x = pCur.x + xi pNew.y = pCur.y + yi While (pNew.x<10) And (pNew.x>=0) And (pNew.y>=0) And (pNew.y<10) If (bPtr[pNew.x*10+pNew.y].occupied = isEmpty) Then mdlPtr[moveCtr] = 1 pitch = moveCtr * MAX_DEPTH mslPtr[pitch] = pCur mslPtr[pitch+1] = pNew moveCtr+=1 Else Exit While 'Oject encountered End If pNew.x += xi pNew.y += yi Wend Next Next Else Print "Error: findNormalMoves": Sleep 100 End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Function searchMove(p0 As moveType, p1 As moveType, moveDepth As Integer,_ moveCtr As Integer, mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr) As Integer Dim As Integer i, moveFound, pitch moveFound = 0 'Search for move in list: moveFound For i = 0 To moveCtr-1 pitch = i * MAX_DEPTH If mdlPtr[i] > moveDepth Then 'May this disc (x0,y0) move to (x1,y1) ? If p0.x = mslPtr[pitch+moveDepth].x And p0.y = mslPtr[pitch+moveDepth].y Then If p1.x = mslPtr[pitch+moveDepth+1].x And p1.y = mslPtr[pitch+moveDepth+1].y Then moveFound = 1 Exit For End If End If End If Next Return moveFound End Function '----------------------------------------------- Function evalBoard(bPtr As boardType Ptr, turnColour As Integer) As Integer Dim As Integer x, y, xs, score, hitColour Dim As Integer moveCtr, maxDepth hitColour = enemyColour(turnColour) score = intrnd(19)-9 'Choice between: -9...+9 ' if bPtr[x*10+y].occupied = turnColour then ' cmsPtr[0].x = x 'start position disc ' cmsPtr[0].y = y 'start position disc ' discType = bPtr[x*10+y].discType ' findForcedMoves(moveCtr, maxDepth, 0, hitColour, discType, bPtr, mdlPtr, mslPtr, cmsPtr) ' end if For y = 0 To 9 If (y And 1) Then xs = 0 Else xs = 10 'skip yellow squares For x = xs To 90 Step 20 If bPtr[x+y].occupied = turnColour Then If bPtr[x+y].discType = isPiece Then score+=30 If (x=0) Or (x=90) Or (y=0) Or (y=9) Then score+=10 Else score+=70 If (y=9) And (turnColour=isWhite) Then score+=10 If (y=0) And (turnColour=isBlack) Then score+=10 End If Elseif bPtr[x+y].occupied = hitColour Then If bPtr[x+y].discType = isPiece Then score-=30 If (x=0) Or (x=90) Or (y=0) Or (y=9) Then score-=10 Else score-=70 If (y=0) And (hitColour=isWhite) Then score-=10 If (y=9) And (hitColour=isBlack) Then score-=10 End If Else 'empty End If Next Next Return score End Function '----------------------------------------------- Sub copyBoard(bSrcPtr As boardType Ptr, bDstPtr As boardType Ptr) 'Quick and dirty! Dim As boardPtrType Ptr scrPtr, dstPtr scrPtr = Cptr(boardPtrType Ptr, bSrcPtr) dstPtr = Cptr(boardPtrType Ptr, bDstPtr) *dstPtr = *scrPtr End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Sub saveBoard(bPtr As boardType Ptr) Dim As Integer filePtr Dim As boardPtrType Ptr bufferPtr bufferPtr = Cptr(boardPtrType Ptr, bPtr) filePtr = Freefile Open "board.bin" For Binary As #filePtr Put #filePtr, , bufferPtr[0] Close #filePtr Locate 20,41: Print "board --> board.bin"; Sleep 500 End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Sub loadBoard(bPtr As boardType Ptr) Dim As Integer filePtr Dim As Byte Ptr bufferPtr bufferPtr = Cptr(Byte Ptr, bPtr) filePtr = Freefile Open "board.bin" For Binary As #filePtr Get #filePtr, ,bufferPtr[0], Sizeof(boardPtrType) Close #filePtr End Sub '----------------------------------------------- Function enemyColour(colour As Integer) As Integer If colour = isWhite Then Return isBlack Elseif colour = isBlack Then Return isWhite Else Return -1 End If End Function '----------------------------------------------- Function findBestMove(bPtr As boardType Ptr, moveColour As Integer,_ evalColour As Integer, mdlPtr As Integer Ptr, mslPtr As moveType Ptr,_ searchDepth As Integer) As Integer Dim As boardType Ptr tempBoardPtr Dim As moveType Ptr tempMslPtr Dim As moveType Ptr dummyMsPtr Dim As Integer Ptr tempMdlPtr Dim As Integer dummyMoveDepth, DummyMaxDepth Dim As Integer bestMoveScore, bestMoveIndex, moveScore Dim As Integer i, moveCtr, hitColour hitColour = enemyColour(moveColour) searchDepth+=1 tempMdlPtr = @global(searchDepth).mdl(0) tempMslPtr = @global(searchDepth).msl(0,0) tempBoardPtr = @global(searchDepth).board(0,0) dummyMsPtr = @global(searchDepth).dummyMoveSeq(0) If (searchDepth > maxSearchDepth And searchDepth <= hitSearchDepth) Then createHitList(moveCtr, dummyMoveDepth, moveColour, bPtr, tempMdlPtr, tempMslPtr) End If If ((searchDepth <= maxSearchDepth) Or (moveCtr<>0)) Then If ((searchDepth And 1) = 1) Then bestMoveScore = -999 Else bestMoveScore = 999 bestMoveIndex = -1 createMoveList(moveCtr, dummyMoveDepth, moveColour, bPtr, tempMdlPtr, tempMslPtr) If (moveCtr <> 0) Then For i = 0 To moveCtr-1 copyBoard(bPtr, tempBoardPtr) doFullMove(tempMslPtr+i*MAX_DEPTH, tempMdlPtr[i], tempBoardPtr, noAnimate) moveScore = findBestMove(tempBoardPtr, hitColour, evalColour, @dummyMoveDepth, dummyMsPtr, searchDepth) If ((searchDepth And 1) = 1) Then 'even If (moveScore > bestMoveScore) Then bestMoveScore = moveScore bestMoveIndex = i End If Else If (moveScore < bestMoveScore) Then bestMoveScore = moveScore bestMoveIndex = i End If End If If (searchDepth = 1) Then If (i < moveCtr-1) Then Locate 37,2: Print Using "Searching: ## % ";(i*100)\(moveCtr-1); Else Locate 37,2: Print "Searching: Ready"; End If End If Next *mdlPtr = tempMdlPtr[bestMoveIndex] For i = 0 To *mdlPtr mslPtr[i] = tempMslPtr[bestMoveIndex*MAX_DEPTH+i] Next Else If (moveColour = evalColour) Then If (searchDepth = 1) Then endOfGame = 1 'no move to start with... Else bestMoveScore = -900 'E.g.: white plays & white can not move: bad thing End If Else bestMoveScore = +900 'E.g.: white plays & black can not move: good thing End If End If Else bestMoveScore = evalBoard(bPtr, evalColour) End If Return bestMoveScore End Function '-----------------------------------------------
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