Контекстное меню Explorer
Данный код адаптирован с PureBasic. Создает контекстное меню проводника в своей программе, вклинивая туда свой пункт меню.
Платформа: Windows
Автор оригинала: freak
кода под FreeBasic (нужна библиотека window9):
Станислав Будинов
#INCLUDE "window9.bi" #INCLUDE "win/shellapi.bi" #INCLUDE "crt.bi" Type CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX As DWORD cbSize As DWORD fMask As HWND hwnd As LPCSTR lpVerb As LPCSTR lpParameters As LPCSTR lpDirectory As Integer nShow As DWORD dwHotKey As HANDLE hIcon As LPCSTR lpTitle As LPCWSTR lpVerbW As LPCWSTR lpParametersW As LPCWSTR lpDirectoryW As LPCWSTR lpTitleW As Point ptInvoke End Type Type QCMINFO hmenu As HMENU indexMenu As UINT idCmdFirst As UINT idCmdLast As UINT pldMap As Any Ptr End Type #DEFINE PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE LPCITEMIDLIST #DEFINE PCUITEMID_CHILD_ARRAY LPCITEMIDLIST Ptr #DEFINE GCS_VERBA 0 #DEFINE CMF_NORMAL 0 #DEFINE CMF_CANRENAME 16 #DEFINE DFM_MERGECONTEXTMENU 1 #DEFINE DFM_INVOKECOMMAND 2 #DEFINE DFM_GETDEFSTATICID 14 #DEFINE DFM_CMD_PROPERTIES -5 #DEFINE ExplorerList 1 #DEFINE FirstShellMenuItem 0 #DEFINE LastShellMenuItem 9999 Dim CDefFolderMenu_Create2 As Function(_ pidlFolder As PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE,_ hwnd As HWND,_ cidl As UINT,_ apidl As PCUITEMID_CHILD_ARRAY Ptr,_ psf As IShellFolder Ptr,_ lpfn As Any Ptr,_ nKeys As UINT,_ ahkeys As HKEY Ptr,_ ppcm As IContextMenu Ptr Ptr) As Integer Dim Shared As Integer CustomMenuEntry Dim Memdll As Any Ptr Dim As HWND HWND Dim As Integer event Dim Shared Desktop As IShellFolder Ptr Dim ShellMenu As IContextMenu Ptr Dim Parent As IShellFolder Ptr Dim ParentIDL As LPCITEMIDLIST ' Callback function for the CDefFolderMenu_Create2() call ' Function Callback(Byref psf As IShellFolder Ptr, hwnd As HWND, pdtobj As IDataObject Ptr, uMsg As Integer, wParam As WPARAM, lParam As LPARAM) As Integer Select Case uMsg Case DFM_MERGECONTEXTMENU ' Here custom entries can be added to the created menu ' Dim qcminfo As QCMINFO Ptr = Cast(QCMINFO Ptr,lParam) If qcminfo->idCmdLast > qcminfo->idCmdFirst Then If InsertMenu(qcminfo->hmenu, qcminfo->indexMenu, MF_BYPOSITION Or MF_STRING, qcminfo->idCmdFirst, @"--- Custom Menu Entry ---") Then ' Save the ID and tell the caller that one entry was added ' CustomMenuEntry = qcminfo->idCmdFirst qcminfo->idCmdFirst += 1 Endif Endif Return S_OK Case DFM_INVOKECOMMAND ' Here the execution of the commands can be overwritten. ' return #S_FALSE to get the default behavior Return S_FALSE Case DFM_GETDEFSTATICID ' return #S_FALSE to get the default handling Return S_FALSE Case Else Return E_NOTIMPL End Select End Function CoInitialize(0) Memdll=DylibLoad("shell32.dll")'получаем хендл библиотеки If Memdll=0 Then End CDefFolderMenu_Create2=DyLibSymbol(Memdll, "CDefFolderMenu_Create2")'получаем указатель на функцию If CDefFolderMenu_Create2 = 0 Then End hwnd = OpenWindow("ContextMenu test", 100, 100, 500, 500) ExplorerListGadget(ExplorerList, 10, 10, 480, 480, "C:\") Do Event = WaitEvent() If event=EventRBDown Then If EventNumberListView = ExplorerList Then ' Get the IDL and IShellFolder for the current directory in the gadget If SHGetDesktopFolder(@Desktop) = S_OK Then Print "got desktop folder" Dim As ZString*256 ParentFolder = GetExplorerListGadgetPath(ExplorerList) If Desktop->lpVtbl->ParseDisplayName(Desktop,hwnd, NULL, ParentFolder, NULL, @ParentIDL, NULL) = S_OK Then Print "got parent folder idl" If Desktop->lpVtbl->BindToObject(Desktop,ParentIDL, NULL, @IID_IShellFolder, @Parent) = S_OK Then Print "got parent folder object" ' Get the IDLs for all selected items Dim As HWND LISTVIEW = GetExplorerListGadgetHwnd(ExplorerList) Dim As Integer TotalCount = GetItemCountListView(ExplorerList) Dim As Integer ItemCount = GetSelectedCountListView(ExplorerList) If ItemCount > 0 Then Dim FileIDL(ItemCount-1) As Integer Ptr Dim As Integer ParsedCount For i As Integer = 0 To TotalCount-1 Var ItemName = GetTextItemListView(ExplorerList,i,0) If ListView_GetItemState(LISTVIEW,i,LVIS_SELECTED) And ItemName <> ".." Then If Parent->lpVtbl->ParseDisplayName(Parent,hwnd, NULL, ItemName, NULL, Cast(LPITEMIDLIST Ptr,@FileIDL(ParsedCount)), NULL) = S_OK Then ParsedCount += 1 Endif Endif Next ' Only go to the menu if parsing all items worked correctly ' If ParsedCount = ItemCount Then ? "got item idl's" ' Free the old menu object If ShellMenu Then ShellMenu->lpVtbl->Release(ShellMenu) Endif ' Open the registry keys for shell extensions ' Dim As Integer KeyCount = 1 Dim KeyStrings (KeyCount) As String Dim hKey(KeyCount) As Integer KeyStrings(0) = "*" Dim As Integer KeysOpen For i As Integer= 0 To KeyCount-1 If RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, Cast(LPCTSTR,@KeyStrings(i)), 0, Null, 0, KEY_READ, Null, Cast(PHKEY,@hKey(KeysOpen)), Null) = ERROR_SUCCESS Then KeysOpen += 1 Endif Next i ' Create the menu object for our items with the above callback ' If CDefFolderMenu_Create2(ParentIDL, hwnd, ParsedCount,Cast(PCUITEMID_CHILD_ARRAY Ptr, @FileIDL(0)), Parent, @Callback(), KeysOpen, Cast(HKEY Ptr,@hKey(0)), @ShellMenu) = S_OK Then ? "got menu" Dim As HMENU HMENU = CreatePopMenu() ? "got fb menu" ' Add the Shell menu to our popup menu ' You can specify the range of menu item ids to use here (to not conflict with others from your program) ' If ShellMenu->lpVtbl->QueryContextMenu(ShellMenu,HMENU, 0, FirstShellMenuItem, LastShellMenuItem, CMF_NORMAL Or CMF_CANRENAME) >= 0 Then ? "menu items added" ' Finally display the popup menu ' DisplayPopupMenu(HMenu,GlobalMouseX,GlobalMouseY) Endif Endif For i As Integer = 0 To KeysOpen-1 RegCloseKey(Cast(HKEY,hkey(i))) Next Else ? "error in parsing a selected item" Endif ' Free the item IDLs (as far as they were parsed) ' For i As Integer= 0 To ParsedCount-1 CoTaskMemFree(FileIDL(i)) Next i Endif Parent->lpVtbl->Release(Parent) Endif CoTaskMemFree(ParentIDL) Endif Desktop->lpVtbl->Release(Desktop) Endif ' A menu event from the contextmenu range Endif ' Elseif Event = EventMenu And ShellMenu<>0 Then If EventNumber >= FirstShellMenuItem And EventNumber <= LastShellMenuItem Then If EventNumber = CustomMenuEntry Then ' Its our custom menu item ? "--- custom menu item selected ---" Else ' its one of the shell items ? "handling event: " & EventNumber Dim As ZString*1000 CommandS If ShellMenu->lpVtbl->GetCommandString(ShellMenu,EventNumber, GCS_VERBA, Null, @CommandS, 1000) = S_OK Then ? "Commmand: " + CommandS ' Some of these commands can be directly passed to ShellExecute_() for example Endif ' Let the menu object execute this command ' Dim info As CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX info.cbSize = Sizeof(CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX) info.hwnd = hwnd info.lpVerb = Cast(LPCSTR,EventNumber) info.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL Var Err_ = ShellMenu->lpVtbl->InvokeCommand(ShellMenu,Cast(LPCMINVOKECOMMANDINFO,@info)) If err_ = S_OK Then ? "command executed" Else ? "command could not be executed. error = " & err_ Endif Endif Endif Endif Loop Until Event = EventClose CoUninitialize() Dylibfree Memdll ' освобождаем DLL