Draw String и шрифты

Отличный пример создания шрифтов для функции Draw String. 
Платформы: Windows , Linux
Автор: dodicat, создано в 2011 году.

создание шрифтов

Type point2d
    As Single x,y
    As Uinteger col
End Type

Type retainer
    As Single minx,miny,maxx,maxy
    As Long pixels
End Type

Declare Function rotatepoint2d(pivot As point2d,_
_point As point2d,_
angle As Double,_
dilator As double=1) As point2d
Declare Sub scan_for_image(background As Uinteger,c As retainer)
Declare  Sub scaleimage(pivot As point2d,size As Single,angle As Double)
Declare Sub drawfont(x As Integer,_
y As Integer,_
text As String,_
colour As Uinteger,_
size As Single,_
angle As single=0)

Redim Shared As point2d infoarray(0)           'required in all cases
Dim Shared As Uinteger background               ' -''-
background=rgb(255,255,255)                    'optional colour

Screen 19,32',,1                               'fullscreen if wanted
Paint (0,0),background                         'optional

Draw String (100,10),"normal size",Rgb(0,0,200)
drawfont(100,50,"Two times size",Rgb(200,0,0),2)
drawfont(100,100,"Four times size",Rgb(255,200,0),4)
drawfont(10,200,"3.5 times size at 10 degrees",Rgb(0,200,0),3.5,10)
drawfont(0,400,"GOODNIGHT! (5 Times)",Rgb(0,0,0),5)


'To scale/rotate
Function rotatepoint2d(pivot As point2d,_
    _point As point2d,_
    angle As Double,_
    dilator As double=1) As point2d
    Dim pi As Double=4*Atn(1)
    #DEFINE rad *pi/180

    Dim As point2d np=_point
    np.x=dilator*(Cos(angle rad)*(_point.x-pivot.x)-Sin(angle rad)*(_point.y-pivot.y)) +pivot.x
    np.y=dilator*(Sin(angle rad)*(_point.x-pivot.x)+Cos(angle rad)*(_point.y-pivot.y)) +pivot.y
    Return np
End Function

'pixel scan across text
Sub scan_for_image(background As Uinteger,c As retainer)
    Dim count As Long

    For x As Integer=c.minx To c.maxx Step 1

        For y As Integer=c.miny To c.maxy Step 1

            If Point(x,y)<>background Then


                Redim Preserve infoarray(count)
            End If

        Next y
    Next x
End Sub

'draw the new font
Sub scaleimage(pivot As point2d,size As Single,angle As Double)
    Dim As point2d cpt(Ubound(infoarray))
    For z As Integer=1 To Ubound (infoarray)
    Next z
    Dim sz As single=size/2

    For z As Integer=1 To Ubound(infoarray)

    Next z
End Sub

Sub drawfont(x As Integer,y As Integer,text As String,colour As Uinteger,size As Single,angle As single=0)
    Dim As Integer xres,yres
    'dim as uinteger background=rgb(0,0,1)
    Screeninfo xres,yres
    Dim c As point2d
    Dim  scanline As retainer
    scanline= Type<retainer>(x,y,8*size*len(text),y+8*size)
    Draw String(x,y),text,colour
    Draw String(x,y),text,background
End Sub