Converts numeric or string expression to a UInteger or UInteger<bits>


Declare Function CUInt ( ByVal expression As datatype ) As UInteger
Declare Function CUInt<bits> ( ByVal expression As datatype ) As UInteger<bits>

Type typename
End Type


result = CUInt( numeric expression )
result = CUInt( string expression )
result = CUInt( user defined type )


A numeric constant expression indicating the size in bits of unsigned integer desired. The values allowed are 8, 16, 32 or 64.
a numeric, string, or pointer expression to cast to a UInteger or Uintger<bits> value
any numeric, string, or pointer data type
a user defined type

Return Value

A UInteger or UInteger<bits> containing the converted value.


The CUInt function rounds off the decimal part and returns a UInteger value, or if a bits value is supplied, an unsigned integer type of the given size.

The function does not check for an overflow; for example, for a 32-bit UInteger results are undefined for values which are less than 0 or larger than 4 294 967 296.

The name can be explained as 'Convert to Unsigned INTeger'.

If the argument is a string expression, it is converted to numeric by using ValUInt or ValULng, depending on the size of the result type.


' Using the CUINT function to convert a numeric value

'Create an UNSIGNED INTEGER variable
Dim numeric_value As UInteger

'Convert a numeric value
numeric_value = CUInt(300.23)

'Print the result = 300
Print numeric_value

Dialect Differences

  • Not available in the -lang qb dialect unless referenced with the alias __Cuint.

Differences from QB

  • New to FreeBASIC

See also