Целью данной игры разгадывание числа с определенного кол-ва попыток. Компьютерный оппонент сообщает результаты сравнения вашего числа с загаданным ( больше или меньше). Игра написана на DEV-CPP и переписана на FreeBasic
Платформа: Windows, Linux
Автор: неизвестно
под Freebasic: electrik
Declare Sub Start () Declare Sub GetResults () Dim Shared As Integer i, j, life, maxrand Dim Shared As Byte c ' program start Print "** Jackpot game **" Print "The goal of this game is to guess a number. You will be ask to type" Print "a number (you have 5 guess)" Print "Jackpot will then tell you if this number is too big of too small compared to the secret number to find" Print Start() End Sub Start () i = 0 j = 0 life = 0 maxrand = 6 Print "Select difficulty mode:" ' the user has to select a difficulty level Print "1 : Easy (0-15)" Print "2 : Medium (0-30)" Print "3 : Difficult (0-50)" Print "or type another key to quit" c = 30 Input ">",c ' read the user's choice Print Select Case c Case 1 : maxrand = 15 ' the random number will be between 0 and maxrand Case 2 : maxrand = 30 Case 3 : maxrand = 50 Case Else: End 0 End Select life = 5 ' number of lifes of the player Randomize Timer j = Rnd * maxrand ' j get a random value between 0 and maxrand GetResults() End Sub Sub GetResults () If (life <= 0) Then ' if player has no more life then he lose Print "You lose !" Print Start() End If Print "Type a number:" Input ">",i ' read user's number If ((i>maxrand) OrElse (i<0)) Then ' if the user number isn't correct, restart Print "Error : Number not between 0 and ";maxrand GetResults() End If If (i = j) Then Print "YOU WIN !" ' the user found the secret number Print Start() Elseif (i>j) Then Print "Too BIG" life = life - 1 ' -1 to the user's "life" Print "Number of remaining life: ";life Print GetResults() Elseif (i<j) Then Print "Too SMALL" life = life - 1 Print "Number of remaining life: "; life Print GetResults() End If End Sub