Анимация с помощью OpenGl (разрываемая форма)

Небольшой пример анимациии формы. Сам вид формы зависит от того, в каком месте находится указатель мыши.
Платформы: Windows , Linux.
Автор: Innova и Kristopher Windsor. Создано: 2008 год.


' Torus OpenGL Demo! v1.0
' (C) 2008 Innova and Kristopher Windsor

#INCLUDE "GL/gl.bi"

#INCLUDE "GL/glu.bi"

Const screenx = 800, screeny = 600

Const true = -1, false = 0, pi = Atn(1) * 4

Type camera_type
  As Double eye(1 To 3)
  As Double see(1 To 3)
  As Double up(1 To 3)
End Type

Type coord_type
  As Double x, y
End Type

Dim Shared As String Key
Dim Shared As camera_type camera

Sub start
  Screenres screenx, screeny, 32,, 2

  glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION
  gluPerspective 35.0, screenx / screeny, .01, 8

  glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW
  glClearColor 0, 0, 0, 1

  glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST 'properly handles overlapping polygons (draw order for layering)
  Randomize Timer

End Sub

Sub main
  Const torus_width = .3

  Dim As Integer mx, my
  Dim As Double angle_x, angle_y, angle_z, step_major = pi / 32, step_minor = pi / 2

  Dim As Double x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4

    If Getmouse(mx, my) Then mx = screenx: my = screeny
    Select Case key
    Case Chr(255, 72): If step_major < pi / 2 - .01 Then step_major *= 2

    Case Chr(255, 80): step_major /= 2

    Case Chr(255, 75): If step_minor < pi / 2 - .01 Then step_minor *= 2

    Case Chr(255, 77): step_minor /= 2

    End Select

    With camera
      .eye(1) = 4: .eye(2) = 0: .eye(3) = 0

      .see(1) = 0: .see(2) = 0: .see(3) = 0

      .up(1) = 0:  .up(2) = 0:  .up(3) = 1

      gluLookat .eye(1), .eye(2), .eye(3), .see(1), .see(2), .see(3), .up(1), .up(2), .up(3)
    End With

    'random spinning (instead of walking around the ground)
    angle_x += .4: glRotatef angle_x, 1, 0, 0

    angle_y += .6: glRotatef angle_y, 0, 1, 0

    angle_z += .7: glRotatef angle_z, 0, 0, 1

    glBegin GL_QUADS
      'loop around the circumference of the torus
      For d1 As Double = 0 To pi * 2 * mx / screenx Step step_major
        x1 = Cos(d1)
        y1 = Sin(d1)
        x2 = Cos(d1 + step_major)
        y2 = Sin(d1 + step_major)
        'loop around a circle on the torus
        For d2 As Double = 0 To pi * 2 * my / screeny Step step_minor
          x3 = Cos(d2) * torus_width
          y3 = Sin(d2) * torus_width
          x4 = Cos(d2 + step_minor) * torus_width
          y4 = Sin(d2 + step_minor) * torus_width
          glColor3d d1 / (pi * 2), d2 / (pi * 2), 1 - (d1 + d2) / (pi * 4)
          '2 points at v1
          glVertex3d x1 + x3 * x1, y1 + x3 * y1, y3
          glVertex3d x1 + x4 * x1, y1 + x4 * y1, y4
          '2 points at v2
          glVertex3d x2 + x4 * x2, y2 + x4 * y2, y4
          glVertex3d x2 + x3 * x2, y2 + x3 * y2, y3
        Next d2
      Next d1

    Sleep 10, 1

    Key = Inkey

  Loop Until Key = Chr(27)
End Sub
