Video Encoder (запись видео с настройками видеокодека)
Великолепный пример записи видео. В начале предоставляется возможность выбора
кодека для сжатия, далее с помощью библиотеки OpenGL в окне проигрывается 3D
анимация, которая как раз и записывается. Пример маленький, простой и
Платформа: Windows.
Автор: D.J. Peters 2009 -
Его сайт.
' AVI Encoder ' Written by D.J. Peters (2009) ' Exported to a single BI file by Kristopher Windsor #INCLUDE Once "" #INCLUDE "gl/" Const AVIIF_KEYFRAME = &H10 Enum FILEFLAGS OF_WRITE = &H0001 OF_CREATE = &H1000 End Enum Enum AVISAVEFLAGS ICMF_CHOOSE_KEYFRAME = (1 Shl 0) ICMF_CHOOSE_DATARATE = (1 Shl 1) ICMF_CHOOSE_PREVIEW = (1 Shl 2) ICMF_CHOOSE_ALLCOMPRESSORS = (1 Shl 3) End Enum Type AVIFileInfo As Uinteger dwMaxBytesPerSec As Uinteger dwFlags As Uinteger dwCaps As Uinteger dwStreams As Uinteger dwSuggestedBufferSize As Uinteger dwWidth As Uinteger dwHeight As Uinteger dwScale As Uinteger dwRate As Uinteger dwLength As Uinteger dwEditCount As String * 63 szFileType End Type Type AVIStreamInfo As Uinteger fccType As Uinteger fccHandler As Uinteger dwFlags As Uinteger dwCaps As Ushort wPriority As Ushort wLanguage As Uinteger dwScale As Uinteger dwRate As Uinteger dwStart As Uinteger dwLength As Uinteger dwInitialFrames As Uinteger dwSuggestedBufferSize As Uinteger dwQuality As Uinteger dwSampleSize As Uinteger l,t,w,b As Uinteger dwEditCount As Uinteger dwFormatChangeCount As String * 63 szName End Type Type AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS As Uinteger fccType As Uinteger fccHandler As Uinteger dwKeyFrameEvery As Uinteger dwQuality As Uinteger dwBytesPerSecond As Uinteger dwFlags As Any Ptr lpFormat As Uinteger cbFormat As Any Ptr lpParms As Uinteger cbParms As Uinteger dwInterleaveEvery End Type Type PAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS As AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS Ptr Type BITMAPINFOHEADER As Integer biSize As Integer biWidth As Integer biHeight As Short biPlanes As Short biBitCount As Integer biCompression As Integer biSizeImage As Integer biXPelsPerMeter As Integer biYPelsPerMeter As Integer biClrUsed As Integer biClrImportant End Type Type AVISaveCallback As Function (Byval nPercent As Integer) As Integer Type AVIFILE As Any Ptr Type AVISTREAM As Any Ptr Declare Function String2FOURCC Lib "winmm" Alias "mmioStringToFOURCCA" (Byval As String, Byval As UInteger=0) As Uinteger Declare Sub AVIFileInit Lib "avifil32" Alias "AVIFileInit" Declare Sub AVIFileExit Lib "avifil32" Alias "AVIFileExit" Declare Function AVIFileOpen Lib "avifil32" Alias "AVIFileOpenA" (Byval As AVIFILE Ptr, Byval strfile As String, Byval flag As FILEFLAGS, Byval lpClass As Any Ptr) As Integer Declare Function AVIFileRelease Lib "avifil32" Alias "AVIFileRelease" (Byval As AVIFILE) As Integer Declare Function AVIFileCreateStream Lib "avifil32" Alias "AVIFileCreateStreamA" (Byval As AVIFILE, Byval As AVISTREAM Ptr, Byval As AVIStreamInfo Ptr) As Integer Declare Function AVIStreamRelease Lib "avifil32" Alias "AVIStreamRelease" (Byval As AVISTREAM) As Integer Declare Function AVIMakeCompressedStream Lib "avifil32" Alias "AVIMakeCompressedStream"(Byval As AVISTREAM Ptr, Byval As AVISTREAM , Byval As AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS Ptr, Byval lpClassHandler As Any Ptr) As Integer Declare Function AVISaveOptions Lib "avifil32" Alias "AVISaveOptions" (Byval hParent As Integer, Byval As AVISAVEFLAGS, Byval nStreams As Uinteger, Byval As AVISTREAM Ptr, Byval As PAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS Ptr) As Integer Declare Function AVISaveOptionsFree Lib "avifil32" Alias "AVISaveOptionsFree" (Byval nStreams As Integer, Byval As PAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS Ptr) As Integer Declare Function AVIStreamSetFormat Lib "avifil32" Alias "AVIStreamSetFormat" (Byval As AVISTREAM, Byval As Integer, Byval As Any Ptr, Byval As Integer) As Integer Declare Function AVIStreamWrite Lib "avifil32" Alias "AVIStreamWrite" (Byval As AVISTREAM, Byval nPos As Integer, Byval nStream As Integer, Byval lpPixel As Any Ptr, Byval bytes As Integer, Byval flag As Integer, Byval swritten As Integer Ptr, Byval bwritten As Integer Ptr) As Integer Dim Shared As AVIFILE file Dim Shared As AVISTREAM stream Dim Shared As AVISTREAM encoderstream Dim Shared As AVIStreamInfo streaminfo Dim Shared As AVICOMPRESSOPTIONS compressoptions Dim Shared As PAVICOMPRESSOPTIONS Ptr ArrayOptions Dim Shared As BITMAPINFOHEADER Bitmapformat ' ' written by d.j.peters (joshy) Dim Shared As Byte Ptr avi_lpBits, avi_lpScreen Dim Shared As Integer avi_screen_x, avi_screen_y, avi_frame_rate, avi_frame_count, avi_hWin Dim Shared As Double avi_timer ArrayOptions = Callocate(4) ArrayOptions[0] = @compressoptions Sub avi_start (file_name As String, _ screen_x As Integer, _ screen_y As Integer, _ frame_rate As Integer) Dim As Integer ff = Freefile avi_screen_x = screen_x avi_screen_y = screen_y avi_frame_rate = frame_rate Open file_name For Output As ff: Close ff Screencontrol fb.GET_WINDOW_HANDLE, avi_hWin AVIFileInit If AVIFileOpen(@file, file_name, OF_WRITE Or OF_CREATE,0)<>0 Then AVIFileExit ? "error: AVIFileOpen!" Beep: Sleep: End 1 End If With streaminfo .fccType = String2FOURCC("vids") .dwScale = 1 .dwRate = avi_frame_rate .dwSuggestedBufferSize = avi_screen_x * avi_screen_y * 3 ' RGB .l = 0: .t = 0: .w = avi_screen_x:.b = avi_screen_y End With With BitmapFormat .biSize = 40 .biWidth = avi_screen_x .biHeight = avi_screen_y .biPlanes = 1 .biBitCount = 24 .biCompression = 0 ' raw rgb .biSizeImage = avi_screen_x * avi_screen_y * 3 ' rgb avi_lpbits = Callocate(.biSizeImage) End With If AVIFileCreateStream(file, @stream, @streaminfo) Then AVIFileRelease(file) AVIFileExit ? "error: AVIFileCreateStream!": Beep: Sleep: End 1 End If If AVISaveOptions(avi_hWin, &H7, 1, @stream,ArrayOptions) <> 1 Then AVIStreamRelease(stream) AVIFileRelease(file) AVIFileExit ? "error: AVISaveOptions!": Beep: Sleep: End 1 End If If AVIMakeCompressedStream(@encoderstream,stream,ArrayOptions[0], 0) Then AVISaveOptionsFree(1, ArrayOptions) AVIStreamRelease(stream) AVIFileRelease(file) AVIFileExit ? "error: AVIMakeCompressedStream!": Beep: Sleep: End 1 End If If AVIStreamSetFormat(encoderstream, 0, @BitmapFormat, 40) Then AVISaveOptionsFree(1, ArrayOptions) AVIStreamRelease(encoderstream) AVIStreamRelease(stream) AVIFileRelease(file) AVIFileExit ? "error: AVIStreamSetFormat!": Beep: Sleep: End 1 End If End Sub Sub avi_capture Static As Integer x, y, d, s If avi_frame_count = 0 Then avi_timer = Timer avi_lpScreen = Screenptr ' from bottom to top avi_lpScreen += (avi_screen_y - 1) * (avi_screen_x * 4) For y=0 To avi_screen_y-1 d = y * avi_screen_x * 3: s = 0 For x = 0 To avi_screen_x - 1 ' ARGB32 to RGB24 avi_lpBits[d + 0] = avi_lpScreen[s + 0] avi_lpBits[d + 1] = avi_lpScreen[s + 1] avi_lpBits[d + 2] = avi_lpScreen[s + 2] d += 3: s += 4 Next avi_lpScreen -= (avi_screen_x * 4) Next AVIStreamWrite(encoderstream, _ avi_frame_count, _ 1, _ avi_lpBits, _ BitmapFormat.biSizeImage, 0, 0, 0) avi_frame_count += 1 While avi_frame_count / (Timer - avi_timer) > avi_frame_rate: Wend 'limit FPS End Sub ' save OpenGL framebuffer as AVI frame Sub avi_capture_gl Dim As Ubyte tmp Dim As Ubyte Ptr lpRGB If avi_frame_count = 0 Then avi_timer = Timer ' get framebuffer glReadPixels(0,0,avi_screen_x,avi_screen_y,GL_RGB,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,avi_lpBits) ' swap red and blue lpRGB=avi_lpBits For i As Integer=0 To avi_screen_x*avi_screen_y-1 tmp=lpRGB[0] lpRGB[0]=lpRGB[2] lpRGB[2]=tmp lpRGB+=3 Next ' write one AVI frame AVIStreamWrite(encoderstream, avi_frame_count, 1, avi_lpBits, BitmapFormat.biSizeImage, 0, 0, 0) avi_frame_count += 1 While (avi_frame_count / (Timer - avi_timer)) > avi_frame_rate Sleep 3 Wend End Sub Sub avi_end ' now free saveoptions,release streams,file and dll AVISaveOptionsFree(1,ArrayOptions) AVIStreamRelease(EncoderStream) AVIStreamRelease(Stream) AVIFileRelease(File) AVIFileExit End Sub 'главный файл #INCLUDE "" #INCLUDE "GL/" #INCLUDE "GL/" ' ' main ' Const scr_w=320 Const scr_h=240 Dim rtri As Single, rquad As Single avi_start "test.avi", scr_w,scr_h, 20 ' 20 frames per second Screenres scr_w,scr_h,,32,FB.GFX_OPENGL glViewport 0,0,scr_w,scr_h glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity gluPerspective 45, scr_w/scr_h, 0.1, 100 glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW glLoadIdentity glShadeModel GL_SMOOTH glClearColor 0,0,0,1 glClearDepth 1 glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST glDepthFunc GL_LEQUAL glHint GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, GL_NICEST Do glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT Or GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT glLoadIdentity glTranslatef -1.5, 0, -6 glRotatef rtri, 0, 1, 0 glBegin GL_TRIANGLES glColor3f 1, 0, 0:glVertex3f 0, 1, 0 glColor3f 0, 1, 0:glVertex3f -1,-1, 0 glColor3f 0, 0, 1:glVertex3f 1,-1, 0 glEnd glLoadIdentity glTranslatef 1.5, 0 ,-6 glRotatef rquad, 1, 0 , 0 glBegin GL_QUADS glColor3f 1, 0, 0:glVertex3f -1, 1, 0 glColor3f 0, 1, 0:glVertex3f 1, 1, 0 glColor3f 0, 0, 1:glVertex3f 1,-1, 0 glColor3f 1, 1, 0:glVertex3f -1,-1, 0 glEnd rtri += 1 rquad += 2 avi_capture_gl Flip Loop While Inkey = "" avi_end End