'' '' '' commctrl -- header translated with help of SWIG FB wrapper '' '' NOTICE: This file is part of the FreeBASIC Compiler package and can't '' be included in other distributions without authorization. '' '' #ifndef __win_commctrl_bi__ #define __win_commctrl_bi__ #inclib "comctl32" #include once "win/prsht.bi" #ifndef SNDMSG #define SNDMSG SendMessage #endif ''Note: WStr("") may cause problems when cross-compiling (not converted to constant wstring); defined as L"" in C #define DRAGLISTMSGSTRINGA "commctrl_DragListMsg" #define DRAGLISTMSGSTRINGW WStr("commctrl_DragListMsg") #define HOTKEY_CLASSA "msctls_hotkey32" #define HOTKEY_CLASSW WStr("msctls_hotkey32") #define PROGRESS_CLASSA "msctls_progress32" #define PROGRESS_CLASSW WStr("msctls_progress32") #define STATUSCLASSNAMEA "msctls_statusbar32" #define STATUSCLASSNAMEW WStr("msctls_statusbar32") #define TOOLBARCLASSNAMEA "ToolbarWindow32" #define TOOLBARCLASSNAMEW WStr("ToolbarWindow32") #define TOOLTIPS_CLASSA "tooltips_class32" #define TOOLTIPS_CLASSW WStr("tooltips_class32") #define TRACKBAR_CLASSA "msctls_trackbar32" #define TRACKBAR_CLASSW WStr("msctls_trackbar32") #define UPDOWN_CLASSA "msctls_updown32" #define UPDOWN_CLASSW WStr("msctls_updown32") #define ANIMATE_CLASSA "SysAnimate32" #define ANIMATE_CLASSW WStr("SysAnimate32") #define DATETIMEPICK_CLASSA "SysDateTimePick32" #define DATETIMEPICK_CLASSW WStr("SysDateTimePick32") #define MONTHCAL_CLASSA "SysMonthCal32" #define MONTHCAL_CLASSW WStr("SysMonthCal32") #define REBARCLASSNAMEA "ReBarWindow32" #define REBARCLASSNAMEW WStr("ReBarWindow32") #define WC_COMBOBOXEXA "ComboBoxEx32" #define WC_COMBOBOXEXW WStr("ComboBoxEx32") #define WC_IPADDRESSA "SysIPAddress32" #define WC_IPADDRESSW WStr("SysIPAddress32") #define WC_LISTVIEWA "SysListView32" #define WC_LISTVIEWW WStr("SysListView32") #define WC_TABCONTROLA "SysTabControl32" #define WC_TABCONTROLW WStr("SysTabControl32") #define WC_TREEVIEWA "SysTreeView32" #define WC_TREEVIEWW WStr("SysTreeView32") #define WC_HEADERA "SysHeader32" #define WC_HEADERW WStr("SysHeader32") #define WC_PAGESCROLLERA "SysPager" #define WC_PAGESCROLLERW WStr("SysPager") #define WC_NATIVEFONTCTLA "NativeFontCtl" #define WC_NATIVEFONTCTLW WStr("NativeFontCtl") #define WC_BUTTONA "Button" #define WC_BUTTONW WStr("Button") #define WC_STATICA "Static" #define WC_STATICW WStr("Static") #define WC_EDITA "Edit" #define WC_EDITW WStr("Edit") #define WC_LISTBOXA "ListBox" #define WC_LISTBOXW WStr("ListBox") #define WC_COMBOBOXA "ComboBox" #define WC_COMBOBOXW WStr("ComboBox") #define WC_SCROLLBARA "ScrollBar" #define WC_SCROLLBARW WStr("ScrollBar") #define WC_LINKA "SysLink" #define WC_LINKW WStr("SysLink") #ifdef UNICODE #define DRAGLISTMSGSTRING DRAGLISTMSGSTRINGW #define HOTKEY_CLASS HOTKEY_CLASSW #define PROGRESS_CLASS PROGRESS_CLASSW #define STATUSCLASSNAME STATUSCLASSNAMEW #define TOOLBARCLASSNAME TOOLBARCLASSNAMEW #define TOOLTIPS_CLASS TOOLTIPS_CLASSW #define TRACKBAR_CLASS TRACKBAR_CLASSW #define UPDOWN_CLASS UPDOWN_CLASSW #define ANIMATE_CLASS ANIMATE_CLASSW #define DATETIMEPICK_CLASS DATETIMEPICK_CLASSW #define MONTHCAL_CLASS MONTHCAL_CLASSW #define REBARCLASSNAME REBARCLASSNAMEW #define WC_COMBOBOXEX WC_COMBOBOXEXW #define WC_HEADER WC_HEADERW #define WC_IPADDRESS WC_IPADDRESSW #define WC_LISTVIEW WC_LISTVIEWW #define WC_TABCONTROL WC_TABCONTROLW #define WC_TREEVIEW WC_TREEVIEWW #define WC_PAGESCROLLER WC_PAGESCROLLERW #define WC_NATIVEFONTCTL WC_NATIVEFONTCTLW #define WC_BUTTON WC_BUTTONW #define WC_STATIC WC_STATICW #define WC_EDIT WC_EDITW #define WC_LISTBOX WC_LISTBOXW #define WC_COMBOBOX WC_COMBOBOXW #define WC_SCROLLBAR WC_SCROLLBARW #define WC_LINK WC_LINKW #else #define DRAGLISTMSGSTRING DRAGLISTMSGSTRINGA #define ANIMATE_CLASS ANIMATE_CLASSA #define HOTKEY_CLASS HOTKEY_CLASSA #define PROGRESS_CLASS PROGRESS_CLASSA #define STATUSCLASSNAME STATUSCLASSNAMEA #define TOOLBARCLASSNAME TOOLBARCLASSNAMEA #define TOOLTIPS_CLASS TOOLTIPS_CLASSA #define TRACKBAR_CLASS TRACKBAR_CLASSA #define UPDOWN_CLASS UPDOWN_CLASSA #define DATETIMEPICK_CLASS DATETIMEPICK_CLASSA #define MONTHCAL_CLASS MONTHCAL_CLASSA #define REBARCLASSNAME REBARCLASSNAMEA #define WC_COMBOBOXEX WC_COMBOBOXEXA #define WC_HEADER WC_HEADERA #define WC_IPADDRESS WC_IPADDRESSA #define WC_LISTVIEW WC_LISTVIEWA #define WC_TABCONTROL WC_TABCONTROLA #define WC_TREEVIEW WC_TREEVIEWA #define WC_PAGESCROLLER WC_PAGESCROLLERA #define WC_NATIVEFONTCTL WC_NATIVEFONTCTLA #define WC_BUTTON WC_BUTTONA #define WC_STATIC WC_STATICA #define WC_EDIT WC_EDITA #define WC_LISTBOX WC_LISTBOXA #define WC_COMBOBOX WC_COMBOBOXA #define WC_SCROLLBAR WC_SCROLLBARA #define WC_LINK WC_LINKA #endif #define LVM_FIRST &h1000 #define TV_FIRST &h1100 #define HDM_FIRST &h1200 #define ACM_OPENA (1024+100) #define ACM_PLAY (1024+101) #define ACM_STOP (1024+102) #define ACM_OPENW (1024+103) #define ACN_START 1 #define ACN_STOP 2 #define CBEIF_TEXT &h00000001 #define CBEIF_IMAGE &h00000002 #define CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE &h00000004 #define CBEIF_OVERLAY &h00000008 #define CBEIF_INDENT &h00000010 #define CBEIF_LPARAM &h00000020 #define CBEIF_DI_SETITEM &h10000000 #define CBEN_INSERTITEM (CBEN_FIRST - 1) #define CBEN_DELETEITEM (CBEN_FIRST - 2) #define CBEN_BEGINEDIT (CBEN_FIRST - 4) #define CBEN_ENDEDITA (CBEN_FIRST - 5) #define CBEN_ENDEDITW (CBEN_FIRST - 6) #define CBENF_KILLFOCUS 1 #define CBENF_RETURN 2 #define CBENF_ESCAPE 3 #define CBENF_DROPDOWN 4 #define CBEMAXSTRLEN 260 #define DL_BEGINDRAG 1157 #define DL_CANCELDRAG 1160 #define DL_DRAGGING 1158 #define DL_DROPPED 1159 #define DL_CURSORSET 0 #define DL_STOPCURSOR 1 #define DL_COPYCURSOR 2 #define DL_MOVECURSOR 3 #define CCS_TOP 1 #define CCS_NOMOVEY 2 #define CCS_BOTTOM 3 #define CCS_NORESIZE 4 #define CCS_NOPARENTALIGN 8 #define CCS_ADJUSTABLE 32 #define CCS_NODIVIDER 64 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define CCS_VERT 128 #define CCS_LEFT 129 #define CCS_NOMOVEX 130 #define CCS_RIGHT 131 #endif #define ACS_CENTER &h0001 #define ACS_TRANSPARENT &h0002 #define ACS_AUTOPLAY &h0004 #define ACS_TIMER &h0008 #define PGS_VERT &h00000000 #define PGS_HORZ &h00000001 #define PGS_AUTOSCROLL &h00000002 #define PGS_DRAGNDROP &h00000004 #define CMB_MASKED 2 #define MINSYSCOMMAND &hF000 #define SBT_OWNERDRAW &h1000 #define SBT_NOBORDERS 256 #define SBT_POPOUT 512 #define SBT_RTLREADING 1024 #define SB_SETTEXTA (WM_USER+1) #define SB_SETTEXTW (WM_USER+11) #define SB_GETTEXTA (WM_USER+2) #define SB_GETTEXTW (WM_USER+13) #define SB_GETTEXTLENGTHA (WM_USER+3) #define SB_GETTEXTLENGTHW (WM_USER+12) #define SB_SETPARTS (WM_USER+4) #define SB_GETPARTS (WM_USER+6) #define SB_GETBORDERS (WM_USER+7) #define SB_SETMINHEIGHT (WM_USER+8) #define SB_SIMPLE (WM_USER+9) #define SB_GETRECT (WM_USER+10) #define MSGF_COMMCTRL_BEGINDRAG &h4200 #define MSGF_COMMCTRL_SIZEHEADER &h4201 #define MSGF_COMMCTRL_DRAGSELECT &h4202 #define MSGF_COMMCTRL_TOOLBARCUST &h4203 #define ILC_COLOR 0 #define ILC_COLOR4 4 #define ILC_COLOR8 8 #define ILC_COLOR16 16 #define ILC_COLOR24 24 #define ILC_COLOR32 32 #define ILC_COLORDDB 254 #define ILC_MASK 1 #define ILC_PALETTE 2048 #define ILCF_MOVE 0 #define ILCF_SWAP 1 #define ILS_NORMAL 0 #define ILS_GLOW 1 #define ILS_SHADOW 2 #define ILS_SATURATE 4 #define ILS_ALPHA 8 #define ILD_BLEND25 2 #define ILD_BLEND50 4 #define ILD_SELECTED 4 #define ILD_BLEND 4 #define ILD_FOCUS 2 #define ILD_MASK 16 #define ILD_NORMAL 0 #define ILD_TRANSPARENT 1 #define ILD_IMAGE &h0020 #define ILD_ROP &h0040 #define ILD_OVERLAYMASK &h0F00 #define ILD_PRESERVEALPHA &h1000 #define ILD_SCALE &h2000 #define ILD_DPISCALE &h4000 #define HDS_HORZ 0 #define HDS_BUTTONS 2 #define HDS_HIDDEN 8 #if (_WIN32_IE > &h0300) #define HDS_HOTTRACK 4 #define HDS_DRAGDROP &h0040 #define HDS_FULLDRAG &h0080 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0500) #define HDS_FILTERBAR &h0100 #endif #define NM_FIRST 0 #define NM_LAST cuint(-99) #define LVN_FIRST cuint(-100) #define LVN_LAST cuint(-199) #define HDN_FIRST cuint(-300) #define HDN_LAST cuint(-399) #define TVN_FIRST cuint(-400) #define TVN_LAST cuint(-499) #define TTN_FIRST cuint(-520) #define TTN_LAST cuint(-549) #define TCN_FIRST cuint(-550) #define TCN_LAST cuint(-580) #ifndef CDN_FIRST #define CDN_FIRST cuint(-601) ''also in commdlg.bi #define CDN_LAST cuint(-699) #endif #define TBN_FIRST cuint(-700) #define TBN_LAST cuint(-720) #define UDN_FIRST cuint(-721) #define UDN_LAST cuint(-740) #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define RBN_FIRST cuint(-831) #define RBN_LAST cuint(-859) #define MCN_FIRST cuint(-750) #define MCN_LAST cuint(-759) #define DTN_FIRST cuint(-760) #define DTN_LAST cuint(-799) #define CBEN_FIRST cuint(-800) #define CBEN_LAST cuint(-830) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define IPN_FIRST (Cast(UINT,(-860))) #define IPN_LAST (Cast(UINT,(-879))) #define IPN_FIELDCHANGED (IPN_FIRST-0) #define SBN_FIRST (Cast(UINT,(-880U))) #define SBN_LAST (Cast(UINT,(-899U))) #define PGN_FIRST (Cast(UINT,(-900U))) #define PGN_LAST (Cast(UINT,(-950U))) #define PGN_SCROLL (PGN_FIRST-1) #define PGN_CALCSIZE (PGN_FIRST-2) #endif #define HDI_WIDTH 1 #define HDI_HEIGHT 1 #define HDI_TEXT 2 #define HDI_FORMAT 4 #define HDI_LPARAM 8 #define HDI_BITMAP 16 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define HDI_IMAGE 32 #define HDI_DI_SETITEM 64 #define HDI_ORDER 128 #endif #define CBES_EX_NOEDITIMAGE &h00000001 #define CBES_EX_NOEDITIMAGEINDENT &h00000002 #define CBES_EX_PATHWORDBREAKPROC &h00000004 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define CBES_EX_NOSIZELIMIT &h00000008 #define CBES_EX_CASESENSITIVE &h00000010 #define CBEN_GETDISPINFOA (CBEN_FIRST - 0) #define CBEN_GETDISPINFOW (CBEN_FIRST - 7) #define CBEN_DRAGBEGINA (CBEN_FIRST - 8) #define CBEN_DRAGBEGINW (CBEN_FIRST - 9) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0500) #define HDI_FILTER 256 #endif #define HDF_LEFT 0 #define HDF_RIGHT 1 #define HDF_CENTER 2 #define HDF_JUSTIFYMASK 3 #define HDF_RTLREADING 4 #define HDF_OWNERDRAW &h8000 #define HDF_STRING &h4000 #define HDF_BITMAP &h2000 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define HDF_BITMAP_ON_RIGHT &h1000 #define HDF_IMAGE &h0800 #endif #define HDM_GETITEMCOUNT HDM_FIRST #define HDM_INSERTITEMA (HDM_FIRST+1) #define HDM_INSERTITEMW (HDM_FIRST+10) #define HDM_DELETEITEM (HDM_FIRST+2) #define HDM_GETITEMA (HDM_FIRST+3) #define HDM_GETITEMW (HDM_FIRST+11) #define HDM_SETITEMA (HDM_FIRST+4) #define HDM_SETITEMW (HDM_FIRST+12) #define HDM_LAYOUT (HDM_FIRST+5) #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define HDM_GETITEMRECT (HDM_FIRST+7) #define HDM_SETIMAGELIST (HDM_FIRST+8) #define HDM_GETIMAGELIST (HDM_FIRST+9) #define HDM_ORDERTOINDEX (HDM_FIRST+15) #define HDM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE (HDM_FIRST+16) #define HDM_GETORDERARRAY (HDM_FIRST+17) #define HDM_SETORDERARRAY (HDM_FIRST+18) #define HDM_SETHOTDIVIDER (HDM_FIRST+19) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define HDM_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #define HDM_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #endif #define HHT_NOWHERE 1 #define HHT_ONHEADER 2 #define HHT_ONDIVIDER 4 #define HHT_ONDIVOPEN 8 #define HHT_ABOVE 256 #define HHT_BELOW 512 #define HHT_TORIGHT 1024 #define HHT_TOLEFT 2048 #define HDM_HITTEST (HDM_FIRST+6) #define HDN_ITEMCHANGINGA (HDN_FIRST-0) #define HDN_ITEMCHANGINGW (HDN_FIRST-20) #define HDN_ITEMCHANGEDA (HDN_FIRST-1) #define HDN_ITEMCHANGEDW (HDN_FIRST-21) #define HDN_ITEMCLICKA (HDN_FIRST-2) #define HDN_ITEMCLICKW (HDN_FIRST-22) #define HDN_ITEMDBLCLICKA (HDN_FIRST-3) #define HDN_ITEMDBLCLICKW (HDN_FIRST-23) #define HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICKA (HDN_FIRST-5) #define HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICKW (HDN_FIRST-25) #define HDN_BEGINTRACKA (HDN_FIRST-6) #define HDN_BEGINTRACKW (HDN_FIRST-26) #define HDN_ENDTRACKA (HDN_FIRST-7) #define HDN_ENDTRACKW (HDN_FIRST-27) #define HDN_TRACKA (HDN_FIRST-8) #define HDN_TRACKW (HDN_FIRST-28) #if _WIN32_IE >= &h0300 #define HDN_ENDDRAG (HDN_FIRST-11) #define HDN_BEGINDRAG (HDN_FIRST-10) #define HDN_GETDISPINFOA (HDN_FIRST-9) #define HDN_GETDISPINFOW (HDN_FIRST-29) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define HICF_OTHER &h00 #define HICF_MOUSE &h01 #define HICF_ARROWKEYS &h02 #define HICF_ACCELERATOR &h04 #define HICF_DUPACCEL &h08 #define HICF_ENTERING &h10 #define HICF_LEAVING &h20 #define HICF_RESELECT &h40 #define HICF_LMOUSE &h80 #define HICF_TOGGLEDROPDOWN &h100 #endif #define IPM_CLEARADDRESS (1024+100) #define IPM_SETADDRESS (1024+101) #define IPM_GETADDRESS (1024+102) #define IPM_SETRANGE (1024+103) #define IPM_SETFOCUS (1024+104) #define IPM_ISBLANK (1024+105) #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0500) #define I_INDENTCALLBACK (-1) #define I_IMAGENONE (-2) #endif #define CMB_MASKED 2 #define TBSTATE_CHECKED 1 #define TBSTATE_PRESSED 2 #define TBSTATE_ENABLED 4 #define TBSTATE_HIDDEN 8 #define TBSTATE_INDETERMINATE 16 #define TBSTATE_WRAP 32 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define TBSTATE_ELLIPSES &h40 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define TBSTATE_MARKED &h0080 #endif #define TBSTYLE_BUTTON 0 #define TBSTYLE_SEP 1 #define TBSTYLE_CHECK 2 #define TBSTYLE_GROUP 4 #define TBSTYLE_CHECKGROUP (TBSTYLE_GROUP or TBSTYLE_CHECK) #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN 8 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE 16 #define TBSTYLE_NOPREFIX 32 #endif #define TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS 256 #define TBSTYLE_WRAPABLE 512 #define TBSTYLE_ALTDRAG 1024 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define TBSTYLE_FLAT 2048 #define TBSTYLE_LIST 4096 #define TBSTYLE_CUSTOMERASE 8192 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define TBSTYLE_REGISTERDROP &h4000 #define TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT &h8000 #define TBSTYLE_EX_DRAWDDARROWS &h00000001 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0501) #define TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS 8 #define TBSTYLE_EX_HIDECLIPPEDBUTTONS 16 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define TBSTYLE_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER &h80 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0500) #define BTNS_BUTTON TBSTYLE_BUTTON #define BTNS_SEP TBSTYLE_SEP #define BTNS_CHECK TBSTYLE_CHECK #define BTNS_GROUP TBSTYLE_GROUP #define BTNS_CHECKGROUP TBSTYLE_CHECKGROUP #define BTNS_DROPDOWN TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN #define BTNS_AUTOSIZE TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE #define BTNS_NOPREFIX TBSTYLE_NOPREFIX #define BTNS_WHOLEDROPDOWN &h0080 #endif #if _WIN32_IE >= &h0501 #define BTNS_SHOWTEXT &h0040 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define TBCDRF_NOEDGES &h10000 #define TBCDRF_HILITEHOTTRACK &h20000 #define TBCDRF_NOOFFSET &h40000 #define TBCDRF_NOMARK &h80000 #define TBCDRF_NOETCHEDEFFECT &h100000 #endif #define HINST_COMMCTRL cptr(HINSTANCE,-1) #define IDB_STD_SMALL_COLOR 0 #define IDB_STD_LARGE_COLOR 1 #define IDB_VIEW_SMALL_COLOR 4 #define IDB_VIEW_LARGE_COLOR 5 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define IDB_HIST_SMALL_COLOR 8 #define IDB_HIST_LARGE_COLOR 9 #endif #define STD_CUT 0 #define STD_COPY 1 #define STD_PASTE 2 #define STD_UNDO 3 #define STD_REDOW 4 #define STD_DELETE 5 #define STD_FILENEW 6 #define STD_FILEOPEN 7 #define STD_FILESAVE 8 #define STD_PRINTPRE 9 #define STD_PROPERTIES 10 #define STD_HELP 11 #define STD_FIND 12 #define STD_REPLACE 13 #define STD_PRINT 14 #define VIEW_LARGEICONS 0 #define VIEW_SMALLICONS 1 #define VIEW_LIST 2 #define VIEW_DETAILS 3 #define VIEW_SORTNAME 4 #define VIEW_SORTSIZE 5 #define VIEW_SORTDATE 6 #define VIEW_SORTTYPE 7 #define VIEW_PARENTFOLDER 8 #define VIEW_NETCONNECT 9 #define VIEW_NETDISCONNECT 10 #define VIEW_NEWFOLDER 11 #define HIST_BACK 0 #define HIST_FORWARD 1 #define HIST_FAVORITES 2 #define HIST_ADDTOFAVORITES 3 #define HIST_VIEWTREE 4 #define TB_ENABLEBUTTON (WM_USER+1) #define TB_CHECKBUTTON (WM_USER+2) #define TB_PRESSBUTTON (WM_USER+3) #define TB_HIDEBUTTON (WM_USER+4) #define TB_INDETERMINATE (WM_USER+5) #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define TB_MARKBUTTON (WM_USER+6) #endif #define TB_ISBUTTONENABLED (WM_USER+9) #define TB_ISBUTTONCHECKED (WM_USER+10) #define TB_ISBUTTONPRESSED (WM_USER+11) #define TB_ISBUTTONHIDDEN (WM_USER+12) #define TB_ISBUTTONINDETERMINATE (WM_USER+13) #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define TB_ISBUTTONHIGHLIGHTED (WM_USER+14) #endif #define TB_SETSTATE (WM_USER+17) #define TB_GETSTATE (WM_USER+18) #define TB_ADDBITMAP (WM_USER+19) #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define TB_ADDBUTTONSA (WM_USER+20) #define TB_INSERTBUTTONA (WM_USER+21) #endif #define TB_DELETEBUTTON (WM_USER+22) #define TB_GETBUTTON (WM_USER+23) #define TB_BUTTONCOUNT (WM_USER+24) #define TB_COMMANDTOINDEX (WM_USER+25) #define TB_SAVERESTOREA (WM_USER+26) #define TB_SAVERESTOREW (WM_USER+76) #define TB_CUSTOMIZE (WM_USER+27) #define TB_ADDSTRINGA (WM_USER+28) #define TB_ADDSTRINGW (WM_USER+77) #define TB_GETITEMRECT (WM_USER+29) #define TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE (WM_USER+30) #define TB_SETBUTTONSIZE (WM_USER+31) #define TB_SETBITMAPSIZE (WM_USER+32) #define TB_AUTOSIZE (WM_USER+33) #define TB_GETTOOLTIPS (WM_USER+35) #define TB_SETTOOLTIPS (WM_USER+36) #define TB_SETPARENT (WM_USER+37) #define TB_SETROWS (WM_USER+39) #define TB_GETROWS (WM_USER+40) #define TB_GETBITMAPFLAGS (WM_USER+41) #define TB_SETCMDID (WM_USER+42) #define TB_CHANGEBITMAP (WM_USER+43) #define TB_GETBITMAP (WM_USER+44) #define TB_GETBUTTONTEXTA (WM_USER+45) #define TB_GETBUTTONTEXTW (WM_USER+75) #define TB_REPLACEBITMAP (WM_USER+46) #define TB_GETBUTTONSIZE (WM_USER+58) #define TB_SETBUTTONWIDTH (WM_USER+59) #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define TB_SETINDENT (WM_USER+47) #define TB_SETIMAGELIST (WM_USER+48) #define TB_GETIMAGELIST (WM_USER+49) #define TB_LOADIMAGES (WM_USER+50) #define TB_GETRECT (WM_USER+51) #define TB_SETHOTIMAGELIST (WM_USER+52) #define TB_GETHOTIMAGELIST (WM_USER+53) #define TB_SETDISABLEDIMAGELIST (WM_USER+54) #define TB_GETDISABLEDIMAGELIST (WM_USER+55) #define TB_SETSTYLE (WM_USER+56) #define TB_GETSTYLE (WM_USER+57) #define TB_GETBUTTONSIZE (WM_USER+58) #define TB_SETBUTTONWIDTH (WM_USER+59) #define TB_SETMAXTEXTROWS (WM_USER+60) #define TB_GETTEXTROWS (WM_USER+61) #endif #if _WIN32_IE >= &h400 #define TB_GETOBJECT (WM_USER+62) #define TB_GETBUTTONINFOW (WM_USER+63) #define TB_SETBUTTONINFOW (WM_USER+64) #define TB_GETBUTTONINFOA (WM_USER+65) #define TB_SETBUTTONINFOA (WM_USER+66) #define TB_INSERTBUTTONW (WM_USER+67) #define TB_ADDBUTTONSW (WM_USER+68) #define TB_HITTEST (WM_USER+69) #define TB_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE (WM_USER+84) #define TB_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE (WM_USER+85) #define TB_SETDRAWTEXTFLAGS (WM_USER+70) #define TB_GETHOTITEM (WM_USER+71) #define TB_SETHOTITEM (WM_USER+72) #define TB_SETANCHORHIGHLIGHT (WM_USER+73) #define TB_GETANCHORHIGHLIGHT (WM_USER+74) #define TB_MAPACCELERATORA (WM_USER+78) #define TB_GETINSERTMARK (WM_USER+79) #define TB_SETINSERTMARK (WM_USER+80) #define TB_INSERTMARKHITTEST (WM_USER+81) #define TB_MOVEBUTTON (WM_USER+82) #define TB_GETMAXSIZE (WM_USER+83) #define TB_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE (WM_USER+84) #define TB_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE (WM_USER+85) #define TB_GETPADDING (WM_USER+86) #define TB_SETPADDING (WM_USER+87) #define TB_SETINSERTMARKCOLOR (WM_USER+88) #define TB_GETINSERTMARKCOLOR (WM_USER+89) #define TB_MAPACCELERATORW (WM_USER+90) #define TB_GETSTRINGW (WM_USER+91) #define TB_GETSTRINGA (WM_USER+92) #define TB_SETCOLORSCHEME CCM_SETCOLORSCHEME #define TB_GETCOLORSCHEME CCM_GETCOLORSCHEME #define TB_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define TB_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #endif #define TBBF_LARGE 1 #define TBN_GETBUTTONINFOA (TBN_FIRST-0) #define TBN_BEGINDRAG (TBN_FIRST-1) #define TBN_ENDDRAG (TBN_FIRST-2) #define TBN_BEGINADJUST (TBN_FIRST-3) #define TBN_ENDADJUST (TBN_FIRST-4) #define TBN_RESET (TBN_FIRST-5) #define TBN_QUERYINSERT (TBN_FIRST-6) #define TBN_QUERYDELETE (TBN_FIRST-7) #define TBN_TOOLBARCHANGE (TBN_FIRST-8) #define TBN_CUSTHELP (TBN_FIRST-9) #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define TBN_DROPDOWN (TBN_FIRST-10) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define TBN_HOTITEMCHANGE (TBN_FIRST-13) #define TBN_DRAGOUT (TBN_FIRST-14) #define TBN_DELETINGBUTTON (TBN_FIRST-15) #define TBN_GETDISPINFOA (TBN_FIRST-16) #define TBN_GETDISPINFOW (TBN_FIRST-17) #define TBN_GETINFOTIPA (TBN_FIRST-18) #define TBN_GETINFOTIPW (TBN_FIRST-19) #define TBN_GETBUTTONINFOW (TBN_FIRST-20) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0500) #define TBN_RESTORE (TBN_FIRST-21) #define TBN_SAVE (TBN_FIRST-22) #define TBN_INITCUSTOMIZE (TBN_FIRST-23) #define TBNRF_HIDEHELP 1 #define TBNRF_ENDCUSTOMIZE 2 #define TBNF_IMAGE 1 #define TBNF_TEXT 2 #define TBNF_DI_SETITEM &h10000000 #endif #define TTS_ALWAYSTIP 1 #define TTS_NOPREFIX 2 #if( _WIN32_IE >= &h0500 ) #define TTS_NOANIMATE &h10 #define TTS_NOFADE &h20 #define TTS_BALLOON &h40 #define TTS_CLOSE &h80 #endif #define TTF_IDISHWND 1 #define TTF_CENTERTIP 2 #define TTF_RTLREADING 4 #define TTF_SUBCLASS 16 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define TTF_TRACK &h0020 #define TTF_ABSOLUTE &h0080 #define TTF_TRANSPARENT &h0100 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0501) #define TTF_PARSELINKS &h1000 #endif #define TTF_DI_SETITEM &h8000 #define TBCD_TICS 1 #define TBCD_THUMB 2 #define TBCD_CHANNEL 3 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define TBDDRET_DEFAULT 0 #define TBDDRET_NODEFAULT 1 #define TBDDRET_TREATPRESSED 2 #define TBIMHT_AFTER 1 #define TBIMHT_BACKGROUND 2 #endif #define TTDT_AUTOMATIC 0 #define TTDT_RESHOW 1 #define TTDT_AUTOPOP 2 #define TTDT_INITIAL 3 #define TTM_ACTIVATE (WM_USER+1) #define TTM_SETDELAYTIME (WM_USER+3) #define TTM_ADDTOOLA (WM_USER+4) #define TTM_ADDTOOLW (WM_USER+50) #define TTM_DELTOOLA (WM_USER+5) #define TTM_DELTOOLW (WM_USER+51) #define TTM_NEWTOOLRECTA (WM_USER+6) #define TTM_NEWTOOLRECTW (WM_USER+52) #define TTM_RELAYEVENT (WM_USER+7) #define TTM_GETTOOLINFOA (WM_USER+8) #define TTM_GETTOOLINFOW (WM_USER+53) #define TTM_SETTOOLINFOA (WM_USER+9) #define TTM_SETTOOLINFOW (WM_USER+54) #define TTM_HITTESTA (WM_USER+10) #define TTM_HITTESTW (WM_USER+55) #define TTM_GETTEXTA (WM_USER+11) #define TTM_GETTEXTW (WM_USER+56) #define TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTA (WM_USER+12) #define TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTW (WM_USER+57) #define TTM_GETTOOLCOUNT (WM_USER+13) #define TTM_ENUMTOOLSA (WM_USER+14) #define TTM_ENUMTOOLSW (WM_USER+58) #define TTM_GETCURRENTTOOLA (WM_USER+15) #define TTM_GETCURRENTTOOLW (WM_USER+59) #define TTM_WINDOWFROMPOINT (WM_USER+16) #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define TTM_TRACKACTIVATE (WM_USER+17) #define TTM_TRACKPOSITION (WM_USER+18) #define TTM_SETTIPBKCOLOR (WM_USER+19) #define TTM_SETTIPTEXTCOLOR (WM_USER+20) #define TTM_GETDELAYTIME (WM_USER+21) #define TTM_GETTIPBKCOLOR (WM_USER+22) #define TTM_GETTIPTEXTCOLOR (WM_USER+23) #define TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH (WM_USER+24) #define TTM_GETMAXTIPWIDTH (WM_USER+25) #define TTM_SETMARGIN (WM_USER+26) #define TTM_GETMARGIN (WM_USER+27) #define TTM_POP (WM_USER+28) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) '' IE4.0 ??? #define TTM_UPDATE (WM_USER+29) #define TTM_GETBUBBLESIZE (WM_USER+30) #define TTM_ADJUSTRECT (WM_USER+31) #define TTM_SETTITLEA (WM_USER+32) #define TTM_SETTITLEW (WM_USER+33) #endif #define TTN_GETDISPINFOA (TTN_FIRST - 0) #define TTN_GETDISPINFOW (TTN_FIRST - 10) #define TTN_NEEDTEXTA TTN_GETDISPINFOA #define TTN_NEEDTEXTW TTN_GETDISPINFOW #define TTN_SHOW (TTN_FIRST-1) #define TTN_POP (TTN_FIRST-2) #define UD_MAXVAL &h7fff #define UD_MINVAL (-UD_MAXVAL) #define UDN_DELTAPOS (UDN_FIRST-1) #define UDS_WRAP 1 #define UDS_SETBUDDYINT 2 #define UDS_ALIGNRIGHT 4 #define UDS_ALIGNLEFT 8 #define UDS_AUTOBUDDY 16 #define UDS_ARROWKEYS 32 #define UDS_HORZ 64 #define UDS_NOTHOUSANDS 128 #if ( _WIN32_IE >= &h0300 ) #define UDS_HOTTRACK &h0100 #endif #define UDM_SETRANGE (1024+101) #define UDM_GETRANGE (1024+102) #define UDM_SETPOS (1024+103) #define UDM_GETPOS (1024+104) #define UDM_SETBUDDY (1024+105) #define UDM_GETBUDDY (1024+106) #define UDM_SETACCEL (1024+107) #define UDM_GETACCEL (1024+108) #define UDM_SETBASE (1024+109) #define UDM_GETBASE (1024+110) #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define UDM_SETRANGE32 (1024+111) #define UDM_GETRANGE32 (1024+112) #define UDM_SETPOS32 (1024+113) #define UDM_GETPOS32 (1024+114) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0500) #define UDM_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define UDM_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #endif #define SBT_OWNERDRAW &h1000 #define SBT_NOBORDERS 256 #define SBT_POPOUT 512 #define SBT_RTLREADING 1024 #if( _WIN32_IE >= &h0400 ) #define SBT_TOOLTIPS &h0800 #define SBN_SIMPLEMODECHANGE (SBN_FIRST) #endif #define TBS_AUTOTICKS 1 #define TBS_VERT 2 #define TBS_HORZ 0 #define TBS_TOP 4 #define TBS_BOTTOM 0 #define TBS_LEFT 4 #define TBS_RIGHT 0 #define TBS_BOTH 8 #define TBS_NOTICKS 16 #define TBS_ENABLESELRANGE 32 #define TBS_FIXEDLENGTH 64 #define TBS_NOTHUMB 128 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define TBS_TOOLTIPS &h0100 #define TBTS_TOP 0 #define TBTS_LEFT 1 #define TBTS_BOTTOM 2 #define TBTS_RIGHT 3 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0500) #define TBS_REVERSED &h0200 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0501) #define TBS_DOWNISLEFT &h0400 #endif #if _WIN32_IE >= &h400 #define TBIF_BYINDEX &h80000000 #define TBIF_COMMAND 32 #define TBIF_IMAGE 1 #define TBIF_LPARAM 16 #define TBIF_SIZE 64 #define TBIF_STATE 4 #define TBIF_STYLE 8 #define TBIF_TEXT 2 #endif #define TBM_GETPOS (WM_USER) #define TBM_GETRANGEMIN (WM_USER+1) #define TBM_GETRANGEMAX (WM_USER+2) #define TBM_GETTIC (WM_USER+3) #define TBM_SETTIC (WM_USER+4) #define TBM_SETPOS (WM_USER+5) #define TBM_SETRANGE (WM_USER+6) #define TBM_SETRANGEMIN (WM_USER+7) #define TBM_SETRANGEMAX (WM_USER+8) #define TBM_CLEARTICS (WM_USER+9) #define TBM_SETSEL (WM_USER+10) #define TBM_SETSELSTART (WM_USER+11) #define TBM_SETSELEND (WM_USER+12) #define TBM_GETPTICS (WM_USER+14) #define TBM_GETTICPOS (WM_USER+15) #define TBM_GETNUMTICS (WM_USER+16) #define TBM_GETSELSTART (WM_USER+17) #define TBM_GETSELEND (WM_USER+18) #define TBM_CLEARSEL (WM_USER+19) #define TBM_SETTICFREQ (WM_USER+20) #define TBM_SETPAGESIZE (WM_USER+21) #define TBM_GETPAGESIZE (WM_USER+22) #define TBM_SETLINESIZE (WM_USER+23) #define TBM_GETLINESIZE (WM_USER+24) #define TBM_GETTHUMBRECT (WM_USER+25) #define TBM_GETCHANNELRECT (WM_USER+26) #define TBM_SETTHUMBLENGTH (WM_USER+27) #define TBM_GETTHUMBLENGTH (WM_USER+28) #define TBM_SETTOOLTIPS (WM_USER+29) #define TBM_GETTOOLTIPS (WM_USER+30) #define TBM_SETTIPSIDE (WM_USER+31) #define TBM_SETBUDDY (WM_USER+32) #define TBM_GETBUDDY (WM_USER+33) #define TBM_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #define TBM_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define TB_LINEUP 0 #define TB_LINEDOWN 1 #define TB_PAGEUP 2 #define TB_PAGEDOWN 3 #define TB_THUMBPOSITION 4 #define TB_THUMBTRACK 5 #define TB_TOP 6 #define TB_BOTTOM 7 #define TB_ENDTRACK 8 #define HOTKEYF_SHIFT 1 #define HOTKEYF_CONTROL 2 #define HOTKEYF_ALT 4 #define HOTKEYF_EXT 8 #define HKCOMB_NONE 1 #define HKCOMB_S 2 #define HKCOMB_C 4 #define HKCOMB_A 8 #define HKCOMB_SC 16 #define HKCOMB_SA 32 #define HKCOMB_CA 64 #define HKCOMB_SCA 128 #define HKM_SETHOTKEY (WM_USER+1) #define HKM_GETHOTKEY (WM_USER+2) #define HKM_SETRULES (WM_USER+3) #define PBM_SETRANGE (WM_USER+1) #define PBM_SETPOS (WM_USER+2) #define PBM_DELTAPOS (WM_USER+3) #define PBM_SETSTEP (WM_USER+4) #define PBM_STEPIT (WM_USER+5) #define PBM_SETRANGE32 1030 #define PBM_GETRANGE 1031 #define PBM_GETPOS 1032 #define PBM_SETBARCOLOR 1033 #define PBM_SETBKCOLOR CCM_SETBKCOLOR #define PBS_SMOOTH 1 #define PBS_VERTICAL 4 #define LVS_ICON 0 #define LVS_REPORT 1 #define LVS_SMALLICON 2 #define LVS_LIST 3 #define LVS_TYPEMASK 3 #define LVS_SINGLESEL 4 #define LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS 8 #define LVS_SORTASCENDING 16 #define LVS_SORTDESCENDING 32 #define LVS_SHAREIMAGELISTS 64 #define LVS_NOLABELWRAP 128 #define LVS_AUTOARRANGE 256 #define LVS_EDITLABELS 512 #define LVS_NOSCROLL &h2000 #define LVS_TYPESTYLEMASK &hfc00 #define LVS_ALIGNTOP 0 #define LVS_ALIGNLEFT &h800 #define LVS_ALIGNMASK &hc00 #define LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED &h400 #define LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER &h4000 #define LVS_NOSORTHEADER &h8000 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define CDIS_CHECKED 8 #define CDIS_DEFAULT 32 #define CDIS_DISABLED 4 #define CDIS_FOCUS 16 #define CDIS_GRAYED 2 #define CDIS_HOT 64 #define CDIS_SELECTED 1 #define CDIS_MARKED 128 #define CDIS_INDETERMINATE 256 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define CDIS_SHOWKEYBOARDCUES 512 #endif #define CDDS_POSTERASE 4 #define CDDS_POSTPAINT 2 #define CDDS_PREERASE 3 #define CDDS_PREPAINT 1 #define CDDS_ITEM 65536 #define CDDS_ITEMPOSTERASE 65540 #define CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT 65538 #define CDDS_ITEMPREERASE 65539 #define CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT 65537 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define CDDS_SUBITEM &h20000 #endif #define CDRF_DODEFAULT &h00 #define CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW &h20 #define CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMDRAW &h20 #define CDRF_NOTIFYITEMERASE &h80 #define CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTERASE &h40 #define CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT &h10 #define CDRF_NEWFONT &h02 #define CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT &h04 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define LVBKIF_SOURCE_NONE &h00000000 #define LVBKIF_SOURCE_HBITMAP &h00000001 #define LVBKIF_SOURCE_URL &h00000002 #define LVBKIF_SOURCE_MASK &h00000003 #define LVBKIF_STYLE_NORMAL &h00000000 #define LVBKIF_STYLE_TILE &h00000010 #define LVBKIF_STYLE_MASK &h00000010 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h501) #define LVBKIF_FLAG_TILEOFFSET &h00000100 #define LVBKIF_TYPE_WATERMARK &h10000000 #endif #define LVS_OWNERDATA 4096 #define LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES 4 #define LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT 32 #define LVS_EX_GRIDLINES 1 #define LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP 16 #define LVS_EX_ONECLICKACTIVATE 64 #define LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES 2 #define LVS_EX_TRACKSELECT 8 #define LVS_EX_TWOCLICKACTIVATE 128 #define LVSICF_NOINVALIDATEALL &h00000001 #define LVSICF_NOSCROLL &h00000002 #if( _WIN32_IE >= &h0400 ) #define LVS_EX_FLATSB &h00000100 #define LVS_EX_REGIONAL &h00000200 #define LVS_EX_INFOTIP &h00000400 #define LVS_EX_UNDERLINEHOT &h00000800 #define LVS_EX_UNDERLINECOLD &h00001000 #define LVS_EX_MULTIWORKAREAS &h00002000 #endif #if( _WIN32_IE >= &h0500 ) #define LVS_EX_LABELTIP &h00004000 #define LVS_EX_BORDERSELECT &h00008000 #endif #endif #define LVSIL_NORMAL 0 #define LVSIL_SMALL 1 #define LVSIL_STATE 2 #define LVM_GETBKCOLOR LVM_FIRST #define LVM_SETBKCOLOR (LVM_FIRST+1) #define LVM_GETIMAGELIST (LVM_FIRST+2) #define LVM_SETIMAGELIST (LVM_FIRST+3) #define LVM_GETITEMCOUNT (LVM_FIRST+4) #define LVM_SORTITEMSEX (LVM_FIRST+81) #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h501) #define LVM_SETSELECTEDCOLUMN (LVM_FIRST+140) #endif #define LVM_SETVIEW (LVM_FIRST+142) #define LVM_GETVIEW (LVM_FIRST+143) #define LVM_INSERTGROUP (LVM_FIRST+145) #define LVM_SETGROUPINFO (LVM_FIRST+147) #define LVM_GETGROUPINFO (LVM_FIRST+149) #define LVM_REMOVEGROUP (LVM_FIRST+150) #define LVM_MOVEGROUP (LVM_FIRST+151) #define LVM_SETGROUPMETRICS (LVM_FIRST+155) #define LVM_GETGROUPMETRICS (LVM_FIRST+156) #define LVM_ENABLEGROUPVIEW (LVM_FIRST+157) #define LVM_SORTGROUPS (LVM_FIRST+158) #define LVM_INSERTGROUPSORTED (LVM_FIRST+159) #define LVM_REMOVEALLGROUPS (LVM_FIRST+160) #define LVM_HASGROUP (LVM_FIRST+161) #define LVM_SETTILEVIEWINFO (LVM_FIRST+162) #define LVM_GETTILEVIEWINFO (LVM_FIRST+163) #define LVM_SETTILEINFO (LVM_FIRST+164) #define LVM_GETTILEINFO (LVM_FIRST+165) #define LVM_SETINSERTMARK (LVM_FIRST+166) #define LVM_GETINSERTMARK (LVM_FIRST+167) #define LVM_INSERTMARKHITTEST (LVM_FIRST+168) #define LVM_GETINSERTMARKRECT (LVM_FIRST+169) #define LVM_SETINSERTMARKCOLOR (LVM_FIRST+170) #define LVM_GETINSERTMARKCOLOR (LVM_FIRST+171) #define LVM_SETINFOTIP (LVM_FIRST+173) #define LVM_GETSELECTEDCOLUMN (LVM_FIRST+174) #define LVM_ISGROUPVIEWENABLED (LVM_FIRST+175) #define LVM_GETOUTLINECOLOR (LVM_FIRST+176) #define LVM_SETOUTLINECOLOR (LVM_FIRST+177) #define LVM_CANCELEDITLABEL (LVM_FIRST+179) #define LVM_MAPIDTOINDEX (LVM_FIRST+181) #define LVIF_TEXT 1 #define LVIF_IMAGE 2 #define LVIF_PARAM 4 #define LVIF_STATE 8 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define LVIF_INDENT 16 #define LVIF_NORECOMPUTE 2048 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define LVIF_GROUPID 256 #define LVIF_COLUMNS 512 #endif #define LVIS_FOCUSED 1 #define LVIS_SELECTED 2 #define LVIS_CUT 4 #define LVIS_DROPHILITED 8 #define LVIS_OVERLAYMASK &hF00 #define LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK &hF000 #define LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKW cast(LPWSTR, -1) #define LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKA cast(LPSTR, -1) #define I_IMAGECALLBACK (-1) #define LVM_GETITEMA (LVM_FIRST+5) #define LVM_GETITEMW (LVM_FIRST+75) #define LVM_SETITEMA (LVM_FIRST+6) #define LVM_SETITEMW (LVM_FIRST+76) #define LVM_INSERTITEMA (LVM_FIRST+7) #define LVM_INSERTITEMW (LVM_FIRST+77) #define LVM_DELETEITEM (LVM_FIRST+8) #define LVM_DELETEALLITEMS (LVM_FIRST+9) #define LVM_GETCALLBACKMASK (LVM_FIRST+10) #define LVM_SETCALLBACKMASK (LVM_FIRST+11) #if( _WIN32_IE >= &h0400 ) #define LVM_SETBKIMAGEA (LVM_FIRST + 68) #define LVM_SETBKIMAGEW (LVM_FIRST + 138) #define LVM_GETBKIMAGEA (LVM_FIRST + 69) #define LVM_GETBKIMAGEW (LVM_FIRST + 139) #define LV_MAX_WORKAREAS 16 #define LVM_SETWORKAREAS (LVM_FIRST+65) #define LVM_GETWORKAREAS (LVM_FIRST+70) #define LVM_GETNUMBEROFWORKAREAS (LVM_FIRST+73) #define LVM_GETSELECTIONMARK (LVM_FIRST+66) #define LVM_SETSELECTIONMARK (LVM_FIRST+67) #define LVM_SETHOVERTIME (LVM_FIRST+71) #define LVM_GETHOVERTIME (LVM_FIRST+72) #define LVM_SETTOOLTIPS (LVM_FIRST+74) #define LVM_GETTOOLTIPS (LVM_FIRST+78) #define LVM_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define LVM_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #endif #define LVNI_ALL 0 #define LVNI_FOCUSED 1 #define LVNI_SELECTED 2 #define LVNI_CUT 4 #define LVNI_DROPHILITED 8 #define LVNI_ABOVE 256 #define LVNI_BELOW 512 #define LVNI_TOLEFT 1024 #define LVNI_TORIGHT 2048 #define LVM_GETNEXTITEM (LVM_FIRST+12) #define LVFI_PARAM 1 #define LVFI_STRING 2 #define LVFI_PARTIAL 8 #define LVFI_WRAP 32 #define LVFI_NEARESTXY 64 #define LVIF_DI_SETITEM &h1000 #define LVM_FINDITEMA (LVM_FIRST+13) #define LVM_FINDITEMW (LVM_FIRST+83) #define LVIR_BOUNDS 0 #define LVIR_ICON 1 #define LVIR_LABEL 2 #define LVIR_SELECTBOUNDS 3 #define LVM_GETITEMRECT (LVM_FIRST+14) #define LVM_SETITEMPOSITION (LVM_FIRST+15) #define LVM_GETITEMPOSITION (LVM_FIRST+16) #define LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTHA (LVM_FIRST+17) #define LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTHW (LVM_FIRST+87) #define LVHT_NOWHERE 1 #define LVHT_ONITEMICON 2 #define LVHT_ONITEMLABEL 4 #define LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON 8 #define LVHT_ONITEM (LVHT_ONITEMICON or LVHT_ONITEMLABEL or LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON) #define LVHT_ABOVE 8 #define LVHT_BELOW 16 #define LVHT_TORIGHT 32 #define LVHT_TOLEFT 64 #define LVM_HITTEST (LVM_FIRST+18) #define LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE (LVM_FIRST+19) #define LVM_SCROLL (LVM_FIRST+20) #define LVM_REDRAWITEMS (LVM_FIRST+21) #define LVA_DEFAULT 0 #define LVA_ALIGNLEFT 1 #define LVA_ALIGNTOP 2 #define LVA_SNAPTOGRID 5 #define LVM_ARRANGE (LVM_FIRST+22) #define LVM_EDITLABELA (LVM_FIRST+23) #define LVM_EDITLABELW (LVM_FIRST+118) #define LVM_GETEDITCONTROL (LVM_FIRST+24) #define LVCF_FMT 1 #define LVCF_WIDTH 2 #define LVCF_TEXT 4 #define LVCF_SUBITEM 8 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define LVCF_IMAGE 16 #define LVCF_ORDER 32 #endif #define LVCFMT_LEFT 0 #define LVCFMT_RIGHT 1 #define LVCFMT_CENTER 2 #define LVCFMT_JUSTIFYMASK 3 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define LVCFMT_BITMAP_ON_RIGHT 4096 #define LVCFMT_COL_HAS_IMAGES 32768 #define LVCFMT_IMAGE 2048 #endif #define LVM_GETCOLUMNA (LVM_FIRST+25) #define LVM_GETCOLUMNW (LVM_FIRST+95) #define LVM_SETCOLUMNA (LVM_FIRST+26) #define LVM_SETCOLUMNW (LVM_FIRST+96) #define LVM_INSERTCOLUMNA (LVM_FIRST+27) #define LVM_INSERTCOLUMNW (LVM_FIRST+97) #define LVM_DELETECOLUMN (LVM_FIRST+28) #define LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH (LVM_FIRST+29) #define LVSCW_AUTOSIZE (-1) #define LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER (-2) #define LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH (LVM_FIRST+30) #define LVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE (LVM_FIRST+33) #define LVM_GETVIEWRECT (LVM_FIRST+34) #define LVM_GETTEXTCOLOR (LVM_FIRST+35) #define LVM_SETTEXTCOLOR (LVM_FIRST+36) #define LVM_GETTEXTBKCOLOR (LVM_FIRST+37) #define LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR (LVM_FIRST+38) #define LVM_GETTOPINDEX (LVM_FIRST+39) #define LVM_GETCOUNTPERPAGE (LVM_FIRST+40) #define LVM_GETORIGIN (LVM_FIRST+41) #define LVM_GETORIGIN (LVM_FIRST+41) #define LVM_UPDATE (LVM_FIRST+42) #define LVM_SETITEMSTATE (LVM_FIRST+43) #define LVM_GETITEMSTATE (LVM_FIRST+44) #define LVM_GETITEMTEXTA (LVM_FIRST+45) #define LVM_GETITEMTEXTW (LVM_FIRST+115) #define LVM_SETITEMTEXTA (LVM_FIRST+46) #define LVM_SETITEMTEXTW (LVM_FIRST+116) #define LVM_SETITEMCOUNT (LVM_FIRST+47) #define LVM_SORTITEMS (LVM_FIRST+48) #define LVM_SETITEMPOSITION32 (LVM_FIRST+49) #define LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT (LVM_FIRST+50) #define LVM_GETITEMSPACING (LVM_FIRST+51) #define LVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGA (LVM_FIRST+52) #define LVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGW (LVM_FIRST+117) #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define LVM_APPROXIMATEVIEWRECT (LVM_FIRST+64) #define LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE (LVM_FIRST+54) #define LVM_GETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE (LVM_FIRST+55) #define LVM_SETCOLUMNORDERARRAY (LVM_FIRST+58) #define LVM_GETCOLUMNORDERARRAY (LVM_FIRST+59) #define LVM_GETHEADER (LVM_FIRST+31) #define LVM_GETHOTCURSOR (LVM_FIRST+63) #define LVM_GETHOTITEM (LVM_FIRST+61) #define LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT (LVM_FIRST+56) #define LVM_SETHOTCURSOR (LVM_FIRST+62) #define LVM_SETHOTITEM (LVM_FIRST+60) #define LVM_SETICONSPACING (LVM_FIRST+53) #define LVM_SUBITEMHITTEST (LVM_FIRST+57) #endif #define LVN_ITEMCHANGING LVN_FIRST #define LVN_ITEMCHANGED (LVN_FIRST-1) #define LVN_INSERTITEM (LVN_FIRST-2) #define LVN_DELETEITEM (LVN_FIRST-3) #define LVN_DELETEALLITEMS (LVN_FIRST-4) #define LVN_BEGINLABELEDITA (LVN_FIRST-5) #define LVN_BEGINLABELEDITW (LVN_FIRST-75) #define LVN_ENDLABELEDITA (LVN_FIRST-6) #define LVN_ENDLABELEDITW (LVN_FIRST-76) #define LVN_COLUMNCLICK (LVN_FIRST-8) #define LVN_BEGINDRAG (LVN_FIRST-9) #define LVN_BEGINRDRAG (LVN_FIRST-11) #define LVN_GETDISPINFOA (LVN_FIRST-50) #define LVN_GETDISPINFOW (LVN_FIRST-77) #define LVN_SETDISPINFOA (LVN_FIRST-51) #define LVN_SETDISPINFOW (LVN_FIRST-78) #define LVN_KEYDOWN (LVN_FIRST-55) #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define LVN_MARQUEEBEGIN (LVN_FIRST-56) #define LVN_GETINFOTIPA (LVN_FIRST-57) #define LVN_GETINFOTIPW (LVN_FIRST-58) #define LVKF_ALT &h0001 #define LVKF_CONTROL &h0002 #define LVKF_SHIFT &h0004 #define LVGIT_UNFOLDED 1 #endif #define TVS_HASBUTTONS 1 #define TVS_HASLINES 2 #define TVS_LINESATROOT 4 #define TVS_EDITLABELS 8 #define TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP 16 #define TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS 32 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define TVS_CHECKBOXES 256 #define TVS_NOTOOLTIPS 128 #define TVS_RTLREADING 64 #define TVS_TRACKSELECT 512 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define TVS_FULLROWSELECT 4096 #define TVS_INFOTIP 2048 #define TVS_NONEVENHEIGHT 16384 #define TVS_NOSCROLL 8192 #define TVS_SINGLEEXPAND 1024 #endif #if( _WIN32_IE >= &h0500 ) #define TVS_NOHSCROLL &h8000 #endif #define TVIF_TEXT 1 #define TVIF_IMAGE 2 #define TVIF_PARAM 4 #define TVIF_STATE 8 #define TVIF_HANDLE 16 #define TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE 32 #define TVIF_CHILDREN 64 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define TVIF_INTEGRAL &h0080 #endif #define TVIS_FOCUSED 1 #define TVIS_SELECTED 2 #define TVIS_CUT 4 #define TVIS_DROPHILITED 8 #define TVIS_BOLD 16 #define TVIS_EXPANDED 32 #define TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE 64 #define TVIS_OVERLAYMASK &hF00 #define TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK &hF000 #define TVIS_USERMASK &hF000 #define I_CHILDRENCALLBACK (-1) #define TVI_ROOT cptr(HTREEITEM,&hFFFF0000) #define TVI_FIRST cptr(HTREEITEM,&hFFFF0001) #define TVI_LAST cptr(HTREEITEM,&hFFFF0002) #define TVI_SORT cptr(HTREEITEM,&hFFFF0003) #define TVSIL_NORMAL 0 #define TVSIL_STATE 2 #define TVM_INSERTITEMA TV_FIRST #define TVM_INSERTITEMW (TV_FIRST+50) #define TVM_DELETEITEM (TV_FIRST+1) #define TVM_EXPAND (TV_FIRST+2) #define TVM_GETITEMRECT (TV_FIRST+4) #define TVM_GETCOUNT (TV_FIRST+5) #define TVM_GETINDENT (TV_FIRST+6) #define TVM_SETINDENT (TV_FIRST+7) #define TVM_GETIMAGELIST (TV_FIRST+8) #define TVM_SETIMAGELIST (TV_FIRST+9) #define TVM_GETNEXTITEM (TV_FIRST+10) #define TVM_SELECTITEM (TV_FIRST+11) #define TVM_GETITEMA (TV_FIRST+12) #define TVM_GETITEMW (TV_FIRST+62) #define TVM_SETITEMA (TV_FIRST+13) #define TVM_SETITEMW (TV_FIRST+63) #define TVM_EDITLABELA (TV_FIRST+14) #define TVM_EDITLABELW (TV_FIRST+65) #define TVM_GETEDITCONTROL (TV_FIRST+15) #define TVM_GETVISIBLECOUNT (TV_FIRST+16) #define TVM_HITTEST (TV_FIRST+17) #define TVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE (TV_FIRST+18) #define TVM_SORTCHILDREN (TV_FIRST+19) #define TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE (TV_FIRST+20) #define TVM_SORTCHILDRENCB (TV_FIRST+21) #define TVM_ENDEDITLABELNOW (TV_FIRST+22) #define TVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGA (TV_FIRST+23) #define TVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGW (TV_FIRST+64) #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define TVM_GETTOOLTIPS (TV_FIRST+25) #define TVM_SETTOOLTIPS (TV_FIRST+24) #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define TVM_GETBKCOLOR (TV_FIRST+31) #define TVM_GETINSERTMARKCOLOR (TV_FIRST+38) #define TVM_GETITEMHEIGHT (TV_FIRST+28) #define TVM_GETSCROLLTIME (TV_FIRST+34) #define TVM_GETTEXTCOLOR (TV_FIRST+32) #define TVM_SETBKCOLOR (TV_FIRST+29) #define TVM_SETINSERTMARK (TV_FIRST+26) #define TVM_SETINSERTMARKCOLOR (TV_FIRST+37) #define TVM_SETITEMHEIGHT (TV_FIRST+27) #define TVM_SETSCROLLTIME (TV_FIRST+33) #define TVM_SETTEXTCOLOR (TV_FIRST+30) #define TVM_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define TVM_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0500) #define TVM_GETITEMSTATE (TV_FIRST+39) #define TVM_SETLINECOLOR (TV_FIRST+40) #define TVM_GETLINECOLOR (TV_FIRST+41) #endif #define TVE_COLLAPSE 1 #define TVE_EXPAND 2 #define TVE_TOGGLE 3 #define TVE_COLLAPSERESET &h8000 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define TVE_EXPANDPARTIAL &h4000 #endif #define TVC_UNKNOWN 0 #define TVC_BYMOUSE 1 #define TVC_BYKEYBOARD 2 #define TVGN_ROOT 0 #define TVGN_NEXT 1 #define TVGN_PREVIOUS 2 #define TVGN_PARENT 3 #define TVGN_CHILD 4 #define TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE 5 #define TVGN_NEXTVISIBLE 6 #define TVGN_PREVIOUSVISIBLE 7 #define TVGN_DROPHILITE 8 #define TVGN_CARET 9 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define TVGN_LASTVISIBLE 10 #endif #define TVN_SELCHANGINGA (TVN_FIRST-1) #define TVN_SELCHANGINGW (TVN_FIRST-50) #define TVN_SELCHANGEDA (TVN_FIRST-2) #define TVN_SELCHANGEDW (TVN_FIRST-51) #define TVN_GETDISPINFOA (TVN_FIRST-3) #define TVN_GETDISPINFOW (TVN_FIRST-52) #define TVN_SETDISPINFOA (TVN_FIRST-4) #define TVN_SETDISPINFOW (TVN_FIRST-53) #define TVN_ITEMEXPANDINGA (TVN_FIRST-5) #define TVN_ITEMEXPANDINGW (TVN_FIRST-54) #define TVN_ITEMEXPANDEDA (TVN_FIRST-6) #define TVN_ITEMEXPANDEDW (TVN_FIRST-55) #define TVN_BEGINDRAGA (TVN_FIRST-7) #define TVN_BEGINDRAGW (TVN_FIRST-56) #define TVN_BEGINRDRAGA (TVN_FIRST-8) #define TVN_BEGINRDRAGW (TVN_FIRST-57) #define TVN_DELETEITEMA (TVN_FIRST-9) #define TVN_DELETEITEMW (TVN_FIRST-58) #define TVN_BEGINLABELEDITA (TVN_FIRST-10) #define TVN_BEGINLABELEDITW (TVN_FIRST-59) #define TVN_ENDLABELEDITA (TVN_FIRST-11) #define TVN_ENDLABELEDITW (TVN_FIRST-60) #define TVN_KEYDOWN (TVN_FIRST-12) #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define TVN_GETINFOTIPA (TVN_FIRST-13) #define TVN_GETINFOTIPW (TVN_FIRST-14) #define TVN_SINGLEEXPAND (TVN_FIRST-15) #define TVNRET_DEFAULT 0 #define TVNRET_SKIPOLD 1 #define TVNRET_SKIPNEW 2 #endif #define TVIF_DI_SETITEM &h1000 #define TVHT_NOWHERE 1 #define TVHT_ONITEMICON 2 #define TVHT_ONITEMLABEL 4 #define TVHT_ONITEM (TVHT_ONITEMICON or TVHT_ONITEMLABEL or TVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON) #define TVHT_ONITEMINDENT 8 #define TVHT_ONITEMBUTTON 16 #define TVHT_ONITEMRIGHT 32 #define TVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON 64 #define TVHT_ABOVE 256 #define TVHT_BELOW 512 #define TVHT_TORIGHT 1024 #define TVHT_TOLEFT 2048 #define TCHT_NOWHERE 1 #define TCHT_ONITEMICON 2 #define TCHT_ONITEMLABEL 4 #define TCHT_ONITEM (TCHT_ONITEMICON or TCHT_ONITEMLABEL) #define TCS_FORCEICONLEFT 16 #define TCS_FORCELABELLEFT 32 #define TCS_TABS 0 #define TCS_BUTTONS 256 #define TCS_SINGLELINE 0 #define TCS_MULTILINE 512 #define TCS_RIGHTJUSTIFY 0 #define TCS_FIXEDWIDTH 1024 #define TCS_RAGGEDRIGHT 2048 #define TCS_FOCUSONBUTTONDOWN &h1000 #define TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED &h2000 #define TCS_TOOLTIPS &h4000 #define TCS_FOCUSNEVER &h8000 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define TCS_BOTTOM 2 #define TCS_RIGHT 2 #define TCS_VERTICAL 128 #define TCS_SCROLLOPPOSITE &h0001 #define TCS_HOTTRACK &h0040 #define TCS_MULTISELECT &h0004 #endif #if( _WIN32_IE >= &h0400 ) #define TCS_FLATBUTTONS &h0008 #define TCS_EX_FLATSEPARATORS &h00000001 #define TCS_EX_REGISTERDROP &h00000002 #endif #define TCIF_TEXT 1 #define TCIF_IMAGE 2 #define TCIF_RTLREADING 4 #define TCIF_PARAM 8 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define TCIF_STATE 16 #endif #define TCIS_BUTTONPRESSED 1 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define TCIS_HIGHLIGHTED 2 #endif #define TCM_FIRST &h1300 #define TCM_GETIMAGELIST (TCM_FIRST+2) #define TCM_SETIMAGELIST (TCM_FIRST+3) #define TCM_GETITEMCOUNT (TCM_FIRST+4) #define TCM_GETITEMA (TCM_FIRST+5) #define TCM_GETITEMW (TCM_FIRST+60) #define TCM_SETITEMA (TCM_FIRST+6) #define TCM_SETITEMW (TCM_FIRST+61) #define TCM_INSERTITEMA (TCM_FIRST+7) #define TCM_INSERTITEMW (TCM_FIRST+62) #define TCM_DELETEITEM (TCM_FIRST+8) #define TCM_DELETEALLITEMS (TCM_FIRST+9) #define TCM_GETITEMRECT (TCM_FIRST+10) #define TCM_GETCURSEL (TCM_FIRST+11) #define TCM_SETCURSEL (TCM_FIRST+12) #define TCM_HITTEST (TCM_FIRST+13) #define TCM_SETITEMEXTRA (TCM_FIRST+14) #define TCM_ADJUSTRECT (TCM_FIRST+40) #define TCM_SETITEMSIZE (TCM_FIRST+41) #define TCM_REMOVEIMAGE (TCM_FIRST+42) #define TCM_SETPADDING (TCM_FIRST+43) #define TCM_GETROWCOUNT (TCM_FIRST+44) #define TCM_GETTOOLTIPS (TCM_FIRST+45) #define TCM_SETTOOLTIPS (TCM_FIRST+46) #define TCM_GETCURFOCUS (TCM_FIRST+47) #define TCM_SETCURFOCUS (TCM_FIRST+48) #define TCM_SETMINTABWIDTH (TCM_FIRST + 49) #define TCM_DESELECTALL (TCM_FIRST + 50) #if (_WIN32_IE >=&h0400) #define TCM_HIGHLIGHTITEM (TCM_FIRST + 51) #define TCM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE (TCM_FIRST + 52) #define TCM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE (TCM_FIRST + 53) #define TCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define TCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #endif #define TCN_KEYDOWN TCN_FIRST #define TCN_SELCHANGE (TCN_FIRST-1) #define TCN_SELCHANGING (TCN_FIRST-2) #define NM_OUTOFMEMORY (NM_FIRST-1) #define NM_CLICK (NM_FIRST-2) #define NM_DBLCLK (NM_FIRST-3) #define NM_RETURN (NM_FIRST-4) #define NM_RCLICK (NM_FIRST-5) #define NM_RDBLCLK (NM_FIRST-6) #define NM_SETFOCUS (NM_FIRST-7) #define NM_KILLFOCUS (NM_FIRST-8) #define NM_CUSTOMDRAW (NM_FIRST-12) #define NM_HOVER (NM_FIRST-13) #define NM_NCHITTEST (NM_FIRST-14) #define NM_KEYDOWN (NM_FIRST-15) #define NM_RELEASEDCAPTURE (NM_FIRST-16) #define NM_SETCURSOR (NM_FIRST-17) #define NM_CHAR (NM_FIRST-18) #define NM_TOOLTIPSCREATED (NM_FIRST-19) #define SBARS_SIZEGRIP 256 #define CCM_FIRST &h2000 #define CCM_LAST (CCM_FIRST+&h200) #define CCM_SETBKCOLOR 8193 #define CCM_SETCOLORSCHEME 8194 #define CCM_GETCOLORSCHEME 8195 #define CCM_GETDROPTARGET 8196 #define CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT 8197 #define CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT 8198 #define CCM_SETVERSION &h2007 #define CCM_GETVERSION &h2008 #define CCM_SETNOTIFYWINDOW &h2009 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define CCM_SETWINDOWTHEME &h200b #define CCM_DPISCALE &h200c #endif #define ICC_LISTVIEW_CLASSES 1 #define ICC_TREEVIEW_CLASSES 2 #define ICC_BAR_CLASSES 4 #define ICC_TAB_CLASSES 8 #define ICC_UPDOWN_CLASS 16 #define ICC_PROGRESS_CLASS 32 #define ICC_HOTKEY_CLASS 64 #define ICC_ANIMATE_CLASS 128 #define ICC_WIN95_CLASSES 255 #define ICC_DATE_CLASSES 256 #define ICC_USEREX_CLASSES 512 #define ICC_COOL_CLASSES 1024 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define ICC_INTERNET_CLASSES 2048 #define ICC_PAGESCROLLER_CLASS 4096 #define ICC_NATIVEFNTCTL_CLASS 8192 #define INFOTIPSIZE 1024 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h501) #define ICC_STANDARD_CLASSES &h00004000 #define ICC_LINK_CLASS &h00008000 #endif #define GDTR_MIN 1 #define GDTR_MAX 2 #define GMR_VISIBLE 0 #define GMR_DAYSTATE 1 #define GDT_ERROR -1 #define GDT_VALID 0 #define GDT_NONE 1 #define DTS_UPDOWN 1 #define DTS_SHOWNONE 2 #define DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT 0 #define DTS_LONGDATEFORMAT 4 #define DTS_TIMEFORMAT 9 #define DTS_APPCANPARSE 16 #define DTS_RIGHTALIGN 32 #if ( _WIN32_IE >= &h500 ) #define DTS_SHORTDATECENTURYFORMAT &h000C #endif #define MCS_DAYSTATE 1 #define MCS_MULTISELECT 2 #define MCS_WEEKNUMBERS 4 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define MCS_NOTODAYCIRCLE &h0008 #define MCS_NOTODAY &h0010 #else #define MCS_NOTODAY &h0008 #endif #define DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME &h1001 #define DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME &h1002 #define DTM_GETRANGE &h1003 #define DTM_SETRANGE &h1004 #define DTM_SETFORMATA &h1005 #define DTM_SETFORMATW &h1050 #define DTM_SETMCCOLOR &h1006 #define DTM_GETMCCOLOR &h1007 #define DTM_GETMONTHCAL &h1008 #define DTM_SETMCFONT &h1009 #define DTM_GETMCFONT &h100a #define DTN_USERSTRINGA cuint(-758) #define DTN_USERSTRINGW cuint(-745) #define DTN_WMKEYDOWNA cuint(-757) #define DTN_WMKEYDOWNW cuint(-744) #define DTN_FORMATA cuint(-756) #define DTN_FORMATW cuint(-743) #define DTN_FORMATQUERYA cuint(-755) #define DTN_FORMATQUERYW cuint(-742) #define DTN_DROPDOWN cuint(-754) #define DTN_CLOSEUP cuint(-753) #define DTN_DATETIMECHANGE cuint(-759) #define MCM_GETCURSEL &h1001 #define MCM_SETCURSEL &h1002 #define MCM_GETMAXSELCOUNT &h1003 #define MCM_SETMAXSELCOUNT &h1004 #define MCM_GETSELRANGE &h1005 #define MCM_SETSELRANGE &h1006 #define MCM_GETMONTHRANGE &h1007 #define MCM_SETDAYSTATE &h1008 #define MCM_GETMINREQRECT &h1009 #define MCM_SETCOLOR &h100a #define MCM_GETCOLOR &h10&b #define MCM_SETTODAY &h100c #define MCM_GETTODAY &h100d #define MCM_HITTEST &h100e #define MCM_SETFIRSTDAYOFWEEK &h100f #define MCM_GETFIRSTDAYOFWEEK &h1010 #define MCM_GETRANGE &h1011 #define MCM_SETRANGE &h1012 #define MCM_GETMONTHDELTA &h1013 #define MCM_SETMONTHDELTA &h1014 #define MCM_GETMAXTODAYWIDTH &h1015 #define MCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT 8198 #define MCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT 8197 #define MCN_SELCHANGE cuint(-749) #define MCN_GETDAYSTATE cuint(-747) #define MCN_SELECT cuint(-746) #define ODT_HEADER 100 #define ODT_TAB 101 #define ODT_LISTVIEW 102 #define SB_SETBKCOLOR &h2001 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define SB_ISSIMPLE 1038 #define MCSC_BACKGROUND 0 #define MCSC_TEXT 1 #define MCSC_TITLEBK 2 #define MCSC_TITLETEXT 3 #define MCSC_MONTHBK 4 #define MCSC_TRAILINGTEXT 5 #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define MCHT_TITLE &h10000 #define MCHT_CALENDAR &h20000 #define MCHT_TODAYLINK &h30000 #define MCHT_NEXT &h1000000 #define MCHT_PREV &h2000000 #define MCHT_NOWHERE &h00 #define MCHT_TITLEBK (MCHT_TITLE) #define MCHT_TITLEMONTH (MCHT_TITLE or &h0001) #define MCHT_TITLEYEAR (MCHT_TITLE or &h0002) #define MCHT_TITLEBTNNEXT (MCHT_TITLE or MCHT_NEXT or &h0003) #define MCHT_TITLEBTNPREV (MCHT_TITLE or MCHT_PREV or &h0003) #define MCHT_CALENDARBK (MCHT_CALENDAR) #define MCHT_CALENDARDATE (MCHT_CALENDAR or &h0001) #define MCHT_CALENDARDATENEXT (MCHT_CALENDARDATE or MCHT_NEXT) #define MCHT_CALENDARDATEPREV (MCHT_CALENDARDATE or MCHT_PREV) #define MCHT_CALENDARDAY (MCHT_CALENDAR or &h0002) #define MCHT_CALENDARWEEKNUM (MCHT_CALENDAR or &h0003) #endif #define RBS_TOOLTIPS 256 #define RBS_VARHEIGHT 512 #define RBS_BANDBORDERS 1024 #define RBS_FIXEDORDER 2048 #define RBIM_IMAGELIST 1 #define RB_SETCOLORSCHEME CCM_SETCOLORSCHEME #define RB_GETCOLORSCHEME CCM_GETCOLORSCHEME #define RBBS_BREAK &h0001 #define RBBS_FIXEDSIZE &h0002 #define RBBS_CHILDEDGE &h0004 #define RBBS_HIDDEN &h0008 #define RBBS_NOVERT &h0010 #define RBBS_FIXEDBMP &h0020 #define RBBS_VARIABLEHEIGHT &h0040 #define RBBS_GRIPPERALWAYS &h0080 #define RBBS_NOGRIPPER &h0100 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0500) #define RBBS_USECHEVRON &h0200 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0501) #define RBBS_HIDETITLE &h0400 #define RBBS_TOPALIGN &h0800 #endif #endif #define RBBIM_STYLE 1 #define RBBIM_COLORS 2 #define RBBIM_TEXT 4 #define RBBIM_IMAGE 8 #define RBBIM_CHILD 16 #define RBBIM_CHILDSIZE 32 #define RBBIM_SIZE 64 #define RBBIM_BACKGROUND 128 #define RBBIM_ID 256 #define RB_INSERTBANDA (WM_USER+1) #define RB_INSERTBANDW (WM_USER+10) #define RB_DELETEBAND (WM_USER+2) #define RB_GETBARINFO (WM_USER+3) #define RB_SETBARINFO (WM_USER+4) #define RB_GETBANDCOUNT (WM_USER+12) #define RB_GETROWCOUNT (WM_USER+13) #define RB_GETROWHEIGHT (WM_USER+14) #define RB_SETBANDINFOA (WM_USER+6) #define RB_SETBANDINFOW (WM_USER+11) #define RB_SETPARENT (WM_USER+7) #define RBN_HEIGHTCHANGE RBN_FIRST #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0300) #define LVN_ODCACHEHINT (LVN_FIRST-13) #define LVN_ODFINDITEMA (LVN_FIRST-52) #define LVN_ODFINDITEMW (LVN_FIRST-79) #define LVN_ITEMACTIVATE (LVN_FIRST-14) #define LVN_ODSTATECHANGED (LVN_FIRST-15) #ifdef UNICODE #define LVN_ODFINDITEM LVN_ODFINDITEMW #else #define LVN_ODFINDITEM LVN_ODFINDITEMA #endif #endif #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define SB_SETICON 1039 #define SB_SETTIPTEXTA 1040 #define SB_SETTIPTEXTW 1041 #define SB_GETTIPTEXTA 1042 #define SB_GETTIPTEXTW 1043 #define SB_GETICON 1044 #define SB_SETUNICODEFORMAT &h2005 #define SB_GETUNICODEFORMAT &h2006 #define PGF_INVISIBLE 0 #define PGF_NORMAL 1 #define PGF_GRAYED 2 #define PGF_DEPRESSED 4 #define PGF_HOT 8 #define PGB_TOPORLEFT 0 #define PGB_BOTTOMORRIGHT 1 #define PGF_SCROLLUP 1 #define PGF_SCROLLDOWN 2 #define PGF_SCROLLLEFT 4 #define PGF_SCROLLRIGHT 8 #define PGK_SHIFT 1 #define PGK_CONTROL 2 #define PGK_MENU 4 #define PGF_CALCWIDTH 1 #define PGF_CALCHEIGHT 2 #define PGM_FIRST &h1400 #define PGM_SETCHILD (PGM_FIRST+1) #define PGM_RECALCSIZE (PGM_FIRST+2) #define PGM_FORWARDMOUSE (PGM_FIRST+3) #define PGM_SETBKCOLOR (PGM_FIRST+4) #define PGM_GETBKCOLOR (PGM_FIRST+5) #define PGM_SETBORDER (PGM_FIRST+6) #define PGM_GETBORDER (PGM_FIRST+7) #define PGM_SETPOS (PGM_FIRST+8) #define PGM_GETPOS (PGM_FIRST+9) #define PGM_SETBUTTONSIZE (PGM_FIRST+10) #define PGM_GETBUTTONSIZE (PGM_FIRST+11) #define PGM_GETBUTTONSTATE (PGM_FIRST+12) #define PGM_GETDROPTARGET CCM_GETDROPTARGET #define RBS_REGISTERDROP 4096 #define RBS_AUTOSIZE 8192 #define RBS_VERTICALGRIPPER 16384 #define RBS_DBLCLKTOGGLE 32768 #define RBBIM_IDEALSIZE 512 #define RBBIM_LPARAM 1024 #define RBBIM_HEADERSIZE 2048 #define RB_HITTEST (WM_USER+8) #define RB_GETRECT (WM_USER+9) #define RB_IDTOINDEX (WM_USER+16) #define RB_GETTOOLTIPS (WM_USER+17) #define RB_SETTOOLTIPS (WM_USER+18) #define RB_SETBKCOLOR (WM_USER+19) #define RB_GETBKCOLOR (WM_USER+20) #define RB_SETTEXTCOLOR (WM_USER+21) #define RB_GETTEXTCOLOR (WM_USER+22) #define RB_SIZETORECT (WM_USER+23) #define RB_BEGINDRAG (WM_USER+24) #define RB_ENDDRAG (WM_USER+25) #define RB_DRAGMOVE (WM_USER+26) #define RB_GETBARHEIGHT (WM_USER+27) #define RB_GETBANDINFOW (WM_USER+28) #define RB_GETBANDINFOA (WM_USER+29) #define RB_MINIMIZEBAND (WM_USER+30) #define RB_MAXIMIZEBAND (WM_USER+31) #define RB_GETDROPTARGET CCM_GETDROPTARGET #define RB_GETBANDBORDERS (WM_USER+34) #define RB_SHOWBAND (WM_USER+35) #define RB_SETPALETTE (WM_USER+37) #define RB_GETPALETTE (WM_USER+38) #define RB_MOVEBAND (WM_USER+39) #define RB_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define RB_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #define RBN_GETOBJECT (RBN_FIRST-1) #define RBN_LAYOUTCHANGED (RBN_FIRST-2) #define RBN_AUTOSIZE (RBN_FIRST-3) #define RBN_BEGINDRAG (RBN_FIRST-4) #define RBN_ENDDRAG (RBN_FIRST-5) #define RBN_DELETINGBAND (RBN_FIRST-6) #define RBN_DELETEDBAND (RBN_FIRST-7) #define RBN_CHILDSIZE (RBN_FIRST-8) #define RBNM_ID 1 #define RBNM_STYLE 2 #define RBNM_LPARAM 4 #define RBHT_NOWHERE 1 #define RBHT_CAPTION 2 #define RBHT_CLIENT 3 #define RBHT_GRABBER 4 #ifdef UNICODE #define SB_SETTIPTEXT SB_SETTIPTEXTW #define SB_GETTIPTEXT SB_GETTIPTEXTW #define RB_GETBANDINFO RB_GETBANDINFOW #else #define SB_SETTIPTEXT SB_SETTIPTEXTA #define SB_GETTIPTEXT SB_GETTIPTEXTA #define RB_GETBANDINFO RB_GETBANDINFOA #endif #else #define RB_GETBANDINFO (WM_USER+5) #endif #define CBEM_INSERTITEMA (WM_USER + 1) #define CBEM_SETIMAGELIST (WM_USER + 2) #define CBEM_GETIMAGELIST (WM_USER + 3) #define CBEM_GETITEMA (WM_USER + 4) #define CBEM_SETITEMA (WM_USER + 5) #define CBEM_DELETEITEM CB_DELETESTRING #define CBEM_GETCOMBOCONTROL (WM_USER + 6) #define CBEM_GETEDITCONTROL (WM_USER + 7) #define CBEM_SETEXSTYLE (WM_USER + 8) #define CBEM_GETEXSTYLE (WM_USER + 9) #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h0400) #define CBEM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE (WM_USER + 14) #define CBEM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE (WM_USER + 9) #define CBEM_SETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT #define CBEM_GETUNICODEFORMAT CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT #endif #define CBEM_HASEDITCHANGED (WM_USER + 10) #define CBEM_INSERTITEMW (WM_USER + 11) #define CBEM_SETITEMW (WM_USER + 12) #define CBEM_GETITEMW (WM_USER + 13) #define DA_LAST &h7fffffff #define DPA_APPEND &h7fffffff #define DPA_ERR (-1) #define DSA_APPEND &h7fffffff #define DSA_ERR (-1) #define DPAS_SORTED 1 #define DPAS_INSERTBEFORE 2 #define DPAS_INSERTAFTER 4 #if (_WIN32_IE >= &h400) #define WSB_PROP_CYVSCROLL 1 #define WSB_PROP_CXHSCROLL 2 #define WSB_PROP_CYHSCROLL 4 #define WSB_PROP_CXVSCROLL 8 #define WSB_PROP_CXHTHUMB 16 #define WSB_PROP_CYVTHUMB 32 #define WSB_PROP_VBKGCOLOR 64 #define WSB_PROP_HBKGCOLOR 128 #define WSB_PROP_VSTYLE 256 #define WSB_PROP_HSTYLE 512 #define WSB_PROP_WINSTYLE 1024 #define WSB_PROP_PALETTE 2048 #define WSB_PROP_MASK &hfff #define FSB_FLAT_MODE 2 #define FSB_ENCARTA_MODE 1 #define FSB_REGULAR_MODE 0 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define LIF_ITEMINDEX &h00000001 #define LIF_STATE &h00000002 #define LIF_ITEMID &h00000004 #define LIF_URL &h00000008 #define LIS_FOCUSED &h00000001 #define LIS_ENABLED &h00000002 #define LIS_VISITED &h00000004 #define LM_HITTEST (WM_USER + 768) #define LM_GETIDEALHEIGHT (WM_USER + 769) #define LM_SETITEM (WM_USER + 770) #define LM_GETITEM (WM_USER + 771) #define MAX_LINKID_TEXT 48 #define L_MAX_URL_LENGTH 2084 #endif #ifndef UNICODE type COMBOBOXEXITEMA mask as UINT iItem as integer pszText as LPSTR cchTextMax as integer iImage as integer iSelectedImage as integer iOverlay as integer iIndent as integer lParam as LPARAM end type type PCOMBOBOXEXITEMA as COMBOBOXEXITEMA ptr type PCCOMBOEXITEMA as const COMBOBOXEXITEMA ptr type NMCBEENDEDITA hdr as NMHDR fChanged as BOOL iNewSelection as integer szText as zstring * 260 iWhy as integer end type type LPNMCBEENDEDITA as NMCBEENDEDITA ptr type PNMCBEENDEDITA as NMCBEENDEDITA ptr #else ''UNICODE type COMBOBOXEXITEMW mask as UINT iItem as integer pszText as LPWSTR cchTextMax as integer iImage as integer iSelectedImage as integer iOverlay as integer iIndent as integer lParam as LPARAM end type type PCOMBOBOXEXITEMW as COMBOBOXEXITEMW ptr type PCCOMBOEXITEMW as const COMBOBOXEXITEMW ptr type NMCBEENDEDITW hdr as NMHDR fChanged as BOOL iNewSelection as integer szText as wstring * 260 iWhy as integer end type type LPNMCBEENDEDITW as NMCBEENDEDITW ptr type PNMCBEENDEDITW as NMCBEENDEDITW ptr #endif ''UNICODE #ifndef UNICODE type NMCOMBOBOXEXA hdr as NMHDR ceItem as COMBOBOXEXITEMA end type type PNMCOMBOBOXEXA as NMCOMBOBOXEXA ptr type NMCBEDRAGBEGINA hdr as NMHDR iItemid as integer szText as zstring * 260 end type type LPNMCBEDRAGBEGINA as NMCBEDRAGBEGINA ptr type PNMCBEDRAGBEGINA as NMCBEDRAGBEGINA ptr #else ''UNICODE type NMCOMBOBOXEXW hdr as NMHDR ceItem as COMBOBOXEXITEMW end type type PNMCOMBOBOXEXW as NMCOMBOBOXEXW ptr type NMCBEDRAGBEGINW hdr as NMHDR iItemid as integer szText as wstring * 260 end type type LPNMCBEDRAGBEGINW as NMCBEDRAGBEGINW ptr type PNMCBEDRAGBEGINW as NMCBEDRAGBEGINW ptr #endif ''UNICODE type NMIPADDRESS hdr as NMHDR iField as integer iValue as integer end type type LPNMIPADDRESS as NMIPADDRESS ptr type LVKEYDOWN hdr as NMHDR wVKey as WORD flags as UINT end type type NMLVKEYDOWN as LVKEYDOWN type LPNMLVKEYDOWN as LVKEYDOWN ptr type NMPGCALCSIZE hdr as NMHDR dwFlag as DWORD iWidth as integer iHeight as integer end type type LPNMPGCALCSIZE as NMPGCALCSIZE ptr type NMPGSCROLL field = 1 hdr as NMHDR fwKeys as WORD rcParent as RECT iDir as integer iXpos as integer iYpos as integer iScroll as integer end type type LPNMPGSCROLL as NMPGSCROLL ptr type NMSELCHANGE nmhdr as NMHDR stSelStart as SYSTEMTIME stSelEnd as SYSTEMTIME end type type LPNMSELCHANGE as NMSELCHANGE ptr type NMTBHOTITEM hdr as NMHDR idOld as integer idNew as integer dwFlags as DWORD end type type LPNMTBHOTITEM as NMTBHOTITEM ptr #ifndef UNICODE type NMTBDISPINFOA hdr as NMHDR dwMask as DWORD idCommand as integer lParam as DWORD_PTR iImage as integer pszText as LPSTR cchText as integer end type type LPNMTBDISPINFOA as NMTBDISPINFOA ptr #else ''UNICODE type NMTBDISPINFOW hdr as NMHDR dwMask as DWORD idCommand as integer lParam as DWORD_PTR iImage as integer pszText as LPWSTR cchText as integer end type type LPNMTBDISPINFOW as NMTBDISPINFOW ptr #endif ''UNICODE type NMMOUSE hdr as NMHDR dwItemSpec as DWORD_PTR dwItemData as DWORD_PTR pt as POINT dwHitInfo as LPARAM end type type LPNMMOUSE as NMMOUSE ptr type NMTOOLTIPSCREATED hdr as NMHDR hwndToolTips as HWND end type type LPNMTOOLTIPSCREATED as NMTOOLTIPSCREATED ptr type NMDATETIMECHANGE nmhdr as NMHDR dwFlags as DWORD st as SYSTEMTIME end type type LPNMDATETIMECHANGE as NMDATETIMECHANGE ptr type COLORMAP from as COLORREF to as COLORREF end type type LPCOLORMAP as COLORMAP ptr type DRAGLISTINFO uNotification as UINT hWnd as HWND ptCursor as POINT end type type LPDRAGLISTINFO as DRAGLISTINFO ptr type TBBUTTON iBitmap as integer idCommand as integer fsState as UBYTE fsStyle as UBYTE bReserved(0 to 2-1) as UBYTE dwData as DWORD iString as integer end type type PTBBUTTON as TBBUTTON ptr type LPTBBUTTON as TBBUTTON ptr type LPCTBBUTTON as const TBBUTTON ptr type TBINSERTMARK iButton as integer dwFlags as DWORD end type type LPTBINSERTMARK as TBINSERTMARK ptr #ifndef UNICODE type TBBUTTONINFOA cbSize as UINT dwMask as DWORD idCommand as integer iImage as integer fsState as UBYTE fsStyle as UBYTE cx as WORD lParam as DWORD pszText as LPSTR cchText as integer end type type LPTBBUTTONINFOA as TBBUTTONINFOA ptr type LVBKIMAGEA ulFlags as ULONG hbm as HBITMAP pszImage as LPSTR cchImageMax as UINT xOffsetPercent as integer yOffsetPercent as integer end type type LPLVBKIMAGEA as LVBKIMAGEA ptr #else ''UNICODE type TBBUTTONINFOW cbSize as UINT dwMask as DWORD idCommand as integer iImage as integer fsState as UBYTE fsStyle as UBYTE cx as WORD lParam as DWORD pszText as LPWSTR cchText as integer end type type LPTBBUTTONINFOW as TBBUTTONINFOW ptr type LVBKIMAGEW ulFlags as ULONG hbm as HBITMAP pszImage as LPWSTR cchImageMax as UINT xOffsetPercent as integer yOffsetPercent as integer end type type LPLVBKIMAGEW as LVBKIMAGEW ptr #endif ''UNICODE type TBNOTIFY hdr as NMHDR iItem as integer tbButton as TBBUTTON cchText as integer pszText as LPTSTR end type type LPTBNOTIFY as TBNOTIFY ptr type TBSAVEPARAMS hkr as HKEY pszSubKey as LPCTSTR pszValueName as LPCTSTR end type type IMAGEINFO hbmImage as HBITMAP hbmMask as HBITMAP Unused1 as integer Unused2 as integer rcImage as RECT end type type LPIMAGEINFO as IMAGEINFO ptr type HIMAGELIST as IMAGELIST ptr type HD_LAYOUT prc as RECT ptr pwpos as WINDOWPOS ptr end type type LPHDLAYOUT as HD_LAYOUT ptr type HD_HITTESTINFO pt as POINT flags as UINT iItem as integer end type type LPHDHITTESTINFO as HD_HITTESTINFO ptr #ifndef UNICODE type HDITEMA mask as UINT cxy as integer pszText as LPSTR hbm as HBITMAP cchTextMax as integer fmt as integer lParam as LPARAM iImage as integer iOrder as integer type as UINT pvFilter as LPVOID end type type LPHDITEMA as HDITEMA ptr type HD_NOTIFYA hdr as NMHDR iItem as integer iButton as integer pitem as HDITEMA ptr end type type NMHEADERA hdr as NMHDR iItem as integer iButton as integer pitem as HDITEMA ptr end type type LPNMHEADERA as NMHEADERA ptr type NMHDDISPINFOA hdr as NMHDR iItem as integer mask as UINT pszText as LPSTR cchTextMax as integer iImage as integer lParam as LPARAM end type type LPNMHDDISPINFOA as NMHDDISPINFOA ptr type HD_ITEMA as HDITEMA type NMHEADER as NMHEADERA type LPNMHEADER as LPNMHEADERA #else ''UNICODE type HDITEMW mask as UINT cxy as integer pszText as LPWSTR hbm as HBITMAP cchTextMax as integer fmt as integer lParam as LPARAM iImage as integer iOrder as integer type as UINT pvFilter as LPVOID end type type LPHDITEMW as HDITEMW ptr type HD_NOTIFYW hdr as NMHDR iItem as integer iButton as integer pitem as HDITEMW ptr end type type NMHEADERW hdr as NMHDR iItem as integer iButton as integer pitem as HDITEMW ptr end type type LPNMHEADERW as NMHEADERW ptr type NMHDDISPINFOW hdr as NMHDR iItem as integer mask as UINT pszText as LPWSTR cchTextMax as integer iImage as integer lParam as LPARAM end type type LPNMHDDISPINFOW as NMHDDISPINFOW ptr type NMHEADER as NMHEADERW type LPNMHEADER as LPNMHEADERW type HD_ITEMW as HDITEMW #endif ''UNICODE type HD_ITEM as HDITEM type NMCUSTOMDRAW hdr as NMHDR dwDrawStage as DWORD hdc as HDC rc as RECT dwItemSpec as DWORD uItemState as UINT lItemlParam as LPARAM end type type LPNMCUSTOMDRAW as NMCUSTOMDRAW ptr type NMLVCUSTOMDRAW nmcd as NMCUSTOMDRAW clrText as COLORREF clrTextBk as COLORREF iSubItem as integer end type type LPNMLVCUSTOMDRAW as NMLVCUSTOMDRAW ptr type NMTVCUSTOMDRAW nmcd as NMCUSTOMDRAW clrText as COLORREF clrTextBk as COLORREF iLevel as integer end type type LPNMTVCUSTOMDRAW as NMTVCUSTOMDRAW ptr type NMTBCUSTOMDRAW nmcd as NMCUSTOMDRAW hbrMonoDither as HBRUSH hbrLines as HBRUSH hpenLines as HPEN clrText as COLORREF clrMark as COLORREF clrTextHighlight as COLORREF clrBtnFace as COLORREF clrBtnHighlight as COLORREF clrHighlightHotTrack as COLORREF rcText as RECT nStringBkMode as integer nHLStringBkMode as integer iListGap as integer end type type LPNMTBCUSTOMDRAW as NMTBCUSTOMDRAW ptr type NMITEMACTIVATE hdr as NMHDR iItem as integer iSubItem as integer uNewState as UINT uOldState as UINT uChanged as UINT ptAction as POINT lParam as LPARAM uKeyFlags as UINT end type type LPNMITEMACTIVATE as NMITEMACTIVATE ptr #ifndef UNICODE type NMLVGETINFOTIPA hdr as NMHDR dwFlags as DWORD pszText as LPSTR cchTextMax as integer iItem as integer iSubItem as integer lParam as LPARAM end type type LPNMLVGETINFOTIPA as NMLVGETINFOTIPA ptr #else ''UNICODE type NMLVGETINFOTIPW hdr as NMHDR dwFlags as DWORD pszText as LPWSTR cchTextMax as integer iItem as integer iSubItem as integer lParam as LPARAM end type type LPNMLVGETINFOTIPW as NMLVGETINFOTIPW ptr #endif ''UNICODE type TBADDBITMAP hInst as HINSTANCE nID as UINT end type type LPTBADDBITMAP as TBADDBITMAP ptr #ifndef UNICODE type TBSAVEPARAMSA hkr as HKEY pszSubKey as LPCSTR pszValueName as LPCSTR end type #else ''UNICODE type TBSAVEPARAMSW hkr as HKEY pszSubKey as LPCWSTR pszValueName as LPCWSTR end type #endif ''UNICODE type TBREPLACEBITMAP hInstOld as HINSTANCE nIDOld as UINT hInstNew as HINSTANCE nIDNew as UINT nButtons as integer end type type LPTBREPLACEBITMAP as TBREPLACEBITMAP ptr #ifndef UNICODE type NMTOOLBARA hdr as NMHDR iItem as integer tbButton as TBBUTTON cchText as integer pszText as LPSTR rcButton as RECT end type type LPNMTOOLBARA as NMTOOLBARA ptr type TOOLINFOA cbSize as UINT uFlags as UINT hwnd as HWND uId as UINT rect as RECT hinst as HINSTANCE lpszText as LPSTR lParam as LPARAM end type type TTTOOLINFOA as TOOLINFOA type LPTTTOOLINFOA as TOOLINFOA ptr type PTOOLINFOA as TOOLINFOA ptr type LPTOOLINFOA as LPTTTOOLINFOA #define TTTOOLINFOA_V1_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(TTTOOLINFOA, lpszText) #define TTTOOLINFOA_V2_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(TTTOOLINFOA, lParam) #define TTTOOLINFOA_V3_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(TTTOOLINFOA, lpReserved) type TTHITTESTINFOA hwnd as HWND pt as POINT ti as TTTOOLINFOA end type type LPTTHITTESTINFOA as TTHITTESTINFOA ptr type NMTTDISPINFOA hdr as NMHDR lpszText as LPSTR szText as zstring * 80 hinst as HINSTANCE uFlags as UINT lParam as LPARAM end type type LPNMTTDISPINFOA as NMTTDISPINFOA ptr type TBNOTIFYA as NMTOOLBARA type LPTBNOTIFYA as LPNMTOOLBARA #else ''UNICODE type NMTOOLBARW hdr as NMHDR iItem as integer tbButton as TBBUTTON cchText as integer pszText as LPWSTR rcButton as RECT end type type LPNMTOOLBARW as NMTOOLBARW ptr type TOOLINFOW cbSize as UINT uFlags as UINT hwnd as HWND uId as UINT rect as RECT hinst as HINSTANCE lpszText as LPWSTR lParam as LPARAM end type type TTTOOLINFOW as TOOLINFOW type LPTTTOOLINFOW as TOOLINFOW ptr type PTOOLINFOW as TOOLINFOW ptr type LPTOOLINFOW as LPTTTOOLINFOW #define TTTOOLINFOW_V1_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(TTTOOLINFOW, lpszText) #define TTTOOLINFOW_V2_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(TTTOOLINFOW, lParam) #define TTTOOLINFOW_V3_SIZE CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(TTTOOLINFOW, lpReserved) type TTHITTESTINFOW hwnd as HWND pt as POINT ti as TTTOOLINFOW end type type LPTTHITTESTINFOW as TTHITTESTINFOW ptr type NMTTDISPINFOW hdr as NMHDR lpszText as LPWSTR szText as wstring * 80 hinst as HINSTANCE uFlags as UINT lParam as LPARAM end type type LPNMTTDISPINFOW as NMTTDISPINFOW ptr type TBNOTIFYW as NMTOOLBARW type LPTBNOTIFYW as LPNMTOOLBARW #endif ''UNICODE type UDACCEL nSec as UINT nInc as UINT end type type LPUDACCEL as UDACCEL ptr type NM_UPDOWN hdr as NMHDR iPos as integer iDelta as integer end type type LPNMUPDOWN as NM_UPDOWN ptr type LVHITTESTINFO pt as POINT flags as UINT iItem as integer iSubItem as integer end type type LPLVHITTESTINFO as LVHITTESTINFO ptr #ifndef UNICODE type LVITEMA mask as UINT iItem as integer iSubItem as integer state as UINT stateMask as UINT pszText as LPSTR cchTextMax as integer iImage as integer lParam as LPARAM iIndent as integer iGroupId as integer cColumns as UINT puColumns as PUINT end type type LPLVITEMA as LVITEMA ptr type LVFINDINFOA flags as UINT psz as LPCSTR lParam as LPARAM pt as POINT vkDirection as UINT end type type LPFINDINFOA as LVFINDINFOA ptr type NMLVFINDITEMA hdr as NMHDR iStart as integer lvfi as LVFINDINFOA end type type LPNMLVFINDITEMA as NMLVFINDITEMA ptr #else ''UNICODE type LVITEMW mask as UINT iItem as integer iSubItem as integer state as UINT stateMask as UINT pszText as LPWSTR cchTextMax as integer iImage as integer lParam as LPARAM iIndent as integer iGroupId as integer cColumns as UINT puColumns as PUINT end type type LPLVITEMW as LVITEMW ptr type LVFINDINFOW flags as UINT psz as LPCWSTR lParam as LPARAM pt as POINT vkDirection as UINT end type type LPFINDINFOW as LVFINDINFOW ptr type NMLVFINDITEMW hdr as NMHDR iStart as integer lvfi as LVFINDINFOW end type type LPNMLVFINDITEMW as NMLVFINDITEMW ptr #endif ''UNICODE type PFNLVCOMPARE as function (byval as LPARAM, byval as LPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as integer type NMLISTVIEW hdr as NMHDR iItem as integer iSubItem as integer uNewState as UINT uOldState as UINT uChanged as UINT ptAction as POINT lParam as LPARAM end type type LPNMLISTVIEW as NMLISTVIEW ptr type LV_KEYDOWN hdr as NMHDR wVKey as WORD flags as UINT end type type NMLVCACHEHINT hdr as NMHDR iFrom as integer iTo as integer end type type PNMLVCACHEHINT as NMLVCACHEHINT ptr type HTREEITEM as TREEITEM ptr #ifndef UNICODE type LVCOLUMNA mask as UINT fmt as integer cx as integer pszText as LPSTR cchTextMax as integer iSubItem as integer iImage as integer iOrder as integer end type type LPLVCOLUMNA as LVCOLUMNA ptr type NMLVDISPINFOA hdr as NMHDR item as LVITEMA end type type LPNMLVDISPINFOA as NMLVDISPINFOA ptr type TVITEMEXA mask as UINT hItem as HTREEITEM state as UINT stateMask as UINT pszText as LPSTR cchTextMax as integer iImage as integer iSelectedImage as integer cChildren as integer lParam as LPARAM iIntegral as integer end type type LPTVITEMEXA as TVITEMEXA ptr type TVITEMA mask as UINT hItem as HTREEITEM state as UINT stateMask as UINT pszText as LPSTR cchTextMax as integer iImage as integer iSelectedImage as integer cChildren as integer lParam as LPARAM end type type LPTVITEMA as TVITEMA ptr type LPNMLVFINDITEM as LPNMLVFINDITEMA type TVINSERTSTRUCTA hParent as HTREEITEM hInsertAfter as HTREEITEM union itemex as TVITEMEXA item as TVITEMA end union end type type LPTVINSERTSTRUCTA as TVINSERTSTRUCTA ptr #else ''UNICODE type LVCOLUMNW mask as UINT fmt as integer cx as integer pszText as LPWSTR cchTextMax as integer iSubItem as integer iImage as integer iOrder as integer end type type LPLVCOLUMNW as LVCOLUMNW ptr type NMLVDISPINFOW hdr as NMHDR item as LVITEMW end type type LPNMLVDISPINFOW as NMLVDISPINFOW ptr type TVITEMW mask as UINT hItem as HTREEITEM state as UINT stateMask as UINT pszText as LPWSTR cchTextMax as integer iImage as integer iSelectedImage as integer cChildren as integer lParam as LPARAM end type type LPTVITEMW as TVITEMW ptr type LPNMLVFINDITEM as LPNMLVFINDITEMW type TVITEMEXW mask as UINT hItem as HTREEITEM state as UINT stateMask as UINT pszText as LPWSTR cchTextMax as integer iImage as integer iSelectedImage as integer cChildren as integer lParam as LPARAM iIntegral as integer end type type LPTVITEMEXW as TVITEMEXW ptr type TVINSERTSTRUCTW hParent as HTREEITEM hInsertAfter as HTREEITEM union itemex as TVITEMEXW item as TVITEMW end union end type type LPTVINSERTSTRUCTW as TVINSERTSTRUCTW ptr #endif ''UNICODE type TVHITTESTINFO pt as POINT flags as UINT hItem as HTREEITEM end type type LPTVHITTESTINFO as TVHITTESTINFO ptr type PFNTVCOMPARE as function (byval as LPARAM, byval as LPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as integer type TVSORTCB hParent as HTREEITEM lpfnCompare as PFNTVCOMPARE lParam as LPARAM end type type LPTVSORTCB as TVSORTCB ptr type TV_KEYDOWN hdr as NMHDR wVKey as WORD flags as UINT end type #ifndef UNICODE type NMTREEVIEWA hdr as NMHDR action as UINT itemOld as TVITEMA itemNew as TVITEMA ptDrag as POINT end type type LPNMTREEVIEWA as NMTREEVIEWA ptr type NMTVDISPINFOA hdr as NMHDR item as TVITEMA end type type LPNMTVDISPINFOA as NMTVDISPINFOA ptr type TC_ITEMHEADERA mask as UINT lpReserved1 as UINT lpReserved2 as UINT pszText as LPSTR cchTextMax as integer iImage as integer end type #define TC_ITEMA TCITEMA type TCITEMA mask as UINT dwState as DWORD dwStateMask as DWORD pszText as LPSTR cchTextMax as integer iImage as integer lParam as LPARAM end type type LPTCITEMA as TCITEMA ptr #else ''UNICODE type NMTREEVIEWW hdr as NMHDR action as UINT itemOld as TVITEMW itemNew as TVITEMW ptDrag as POINT end type type LPNMTREEVIEWW as NMTREEVIEWW ptr type NMTVDISPINFOW hdr as NMHDR item as TVITEMW end type type LPNMTVDISPINFOW as NMTVDISPINFOW ptr type TC_ITEMHEADERW mask as UINT lpReserved1 as UINT lpReserved2 as UINT pszText as LPWSTR cchTextMax as integer iImage as integer end type #define TC_ITEMW TCITEMW type TCITEMW mask as UINT dwState as DWORD dwStateMask as DWORD pszText as LPWSTR cchTextMax as integer iImage as integer lParam as LPARAM end type type LPTCITEMW as TCITEMW ptr #endif ''UNICODE type TCHITTESTINFO pt as POINT flags as UINT end type type LPTCHITTESTINFO as TCHITTESTINFO ptr type TC_KEYDOWN hdr as NMHDR wVKey as WORD flags as UINT end type type INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX dwSize as DWORD dwICC as DWORD end type type LPINITCOMMONCONTROLSEX as INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX ptr type PBRANGE iLow as integer iHigh as integer end type type PPBRANGE as PBRANGE ptr type COLORSCHEME dwSize as DWORD clrBtnHighlight as COLORREF clrBtnShadow as COLORREF end type type LPCOLORSCHEME as COLORSCHEME ptr type MCHITTESTINFO cbSize as UINT pt as POINT uHit as UINT st as SYSTEMTIME end type type PMCHITTESTINFO as MCHITTESTINFO ptr type MONTHDAYSTATE as DWORD type LPMONTHDAYSTATE as MONTHDAYSTATE ptr type NMDAYSTATE nmhdr as NMHDR stStart as SYSTEMTIME cDayState as integer prgDayState as LPMONTHDAYSTATE end type type LPNMDAYSTATE as NMDAYSTATE ptr type REBARINFO cbSize as UINT fMask as UINT himl as HIMAGELIST end type type LPREBARINFO as REBARINFO ptr #ifndef UNICODE type REBARBANDINFOA cbSize as UINT fMask as UINT fStyle as UINT clrFore as COLORREF clrBack as COLORREF lpText as LPSTR cch as UINT iImage as integer hwndChild as HWND cxMinChild as UINT cyMinChild as UINT cx as UINT hbmBack as HBITMAP wID as UINT cyChild as UINT cyMaxChild as UINT cyIntegral as UINT cxIdeal as UINT lParam as LPARAM cxHeader as UINT end type type LPREBARBANDINFOA as REBARBANDINFOA ptr type LPCREBARBANDINFOA as REBARBANDINFOA ptr #else ''UNICODE type REBARBANDINFOW cbSize as UINT fMask as UINT fStyle as UINT clrFore as COLORREF clrBack as COLORREF lpText as LPWSTR cch as UINT iImage as integer hwndChild as HWND cxMinChild as UINT cyMinChild as UINT cx as UINT hbmBack as HBITMAP wID as UINT cyChild as UINT cyMaxChild as UINT cyIntegral as UINT cxIdeal as UINT lParam as LPARAM cxHeader as UINT end type type LPREBARBANDINFOW as REBARBANDINFOW ptr type LPCREBARBANDINFOW as const REBARBANDINFOW ptr #endif ''UNICODE type IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS cbSize as DWORD himl as HIMAGELIST i as integer hdcDst as HDC x as integer y as integer cx as integer cy as integer xBitmap as integer yBitmap as integer rgbBk as COLORREF rgbFg as COLORREF fStyle as UINT dwRop as DWORD fState as DWORD Frame as DWORD crEffect as COLORREF end type type LPIMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS as IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS ptr type NMREBARCHILDSIZE hdr as NMHDR uBand as UINT wID as UINT rcChild as RECT rcBand as RECT end type type LPNMREBARCHILDSIZE as NMREBARCHILDSIZE ptr type NMREBAR hdr as NMHDR dwMask as DWORD uBand as UINT fStyle as UINT wID as UINT lParam as LPARAM end type type LPNMREBAR as NMREBAR ptr type NMRBAUTOSIZE hdr as NMHDR fChanged as BOOL rcTarget as RECT rcActual as RECT end type type LPNMRBAUTOSIZE as NMRBAUTOSIZE ptr type NMREBARCHEVRON hdr as NMHDR uBand as UINT wID as UINT lParam as LPARAM rc as RECT lParamNM as LPARAM end type type LPNMREBARCHEVRON as tagNMREBARCHEVRON ptr type RB_HITTESTINFO pt as POINT flags as UINT iBand as integer end type type LPRBHITTESTINFO as RB_HITTESTINFO ptr #define INDEXTOOVERLAYMASK(i) ((i) shl 8) #define INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(i) ((i) shl 12) #define HANDLE_WM_NOTIFY(h,w,l,f) f(h,cint(w),cptr(NMHDR ptr, l)) #define FORWARD_WM_NOTIFY(h,i,p,f) cint( f(h,WM_NOTIFY,cuint( cint(i)),cint( cptr(NMHDR ptr, p)))) #define CCSIZEOF_STRUCT(s,m) (cint( cptr(PBYTE, @(cptr(s ptr,0)->m)) - cptr(PBYTE, cptr(s ptr, 0)) ) + len(cptr(s ptr, 0)->m)) #define MAKEIPADDRESS(b1,b2,b3,b4) cint((cuint(b1) shl 24)+(cuint(b2) shl 16)+(cuint(b3) shl 8)+(cuint(b4))) #define MAKEIPRANGE(low,high) cint(cushort((cubyte(high) shl 8)+cubyte(low))) #define FIRST_IPADDRESS(a) ((a shr 24) and &hff) #define SECOND_IPADDRESS(a) ((a shr 16) and &hff) #define THIRD_IPADDRESS(a) ((a shr 8) and &hff) #define FOURTH_IPADDRESS(a) (a and &hff) #define Animate_Create(w,i,s,hI) CreateWindow(ANIMATE_CLASS,NULL,s,0,0,0,0,w,cptr(HMENU,i),hI,NULL) #define Animate_Open(w,f) cint(SNDMSG(w,ACM_OPEN,0,cint(f))) #define Animate_Play(w,f,t,r) cint(SNDMSG(w,ACM_PLAY,(r),cint(MAKELONG(f,t)))) #define Animate_Stop(w) cint(SNDMSG(w,ACM_STOP,0,0)) #define Animate_Close(w) Animate_Open(w,NULL) #define Animate_Seek(w,f) Animate_Play(w,f,f,1) declare function CreateMappedBitmap alias "CreateMappedBitmap" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as integer, byval as UINT, byval as LPCOLORMAP, byval as integer) as HBITMAP declare function CreateToolbarEx alias "CreateToolbarEx" (byval as HWND, byval as DWORD, byval as UINT, byval as integer, byval as HINSTANCE, byval as UINT, byval as LPCTBBUTTON, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as HWND declare function CreateUpDownControl alias "CreateUpDownControl" (byval as DWORD, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as HINSTANCE, byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer) as HWND #define DateTime_GetMonthCal(hwnd) SNDMSG(hwnd, DTM_GETMONTHCAL, 0, 0) #define DateTime_GetMonthCalColor(hwnd, icolor) SNDMSG(hwnd, DTM_GETMONTHCAL, cuint(icolor),0) #define DateTime_GetMonthCalFont(hwnd) SNDMSG(hwnd,DTM_GETMCFONT,0,0) #define DateTime_GetRange(hwnd,lpsystimearray) SNDMSG(hwnd,DTM_GETRANGE,0,cint(lpsystimearray)) #define DateTime_GetSystemTime(hwnd,lpsystime) SNDMSG(hwnd,DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME,0,cint(lpsystime)) #define DateTime_SetFormat(hwnd,lpszformat) SNDMSG(hwnd,DTM_SETFORMAT,0,cint(lpszformat)) #define DateTime_SetMonthCalColor(hwnd,icolor,clr) SNDMSG(hwnd,DTM_SETMCCOLOR,cuint(icolor),cint(clr)) #define DateTime_SetMonthCalFont(hwnd,hfont,lparam) SNDMSG(hwnd,DTM_SETMCFONT,cuint(hfont),cint(lparam)) #define DateTime_SetRange(hwnd,flags,lpsystimearray) SNDMSG(hwnd,DTM_SETRANGE,cuint(flags),cint(lpsystimearray)) #define DateTime_SetSystemTime(hwnd,flag,lpsystime) SNDMSG(hwnd,DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME,cuint(flag),cint(lpsystime)) declare sub DrawInsert alias "DrawInsert" (byval as HWND, byval as HWND, byval as integer) declare sub GetEffectiveClientRect alias "GetEffectiveClientRect" (byval as HWND, byval as LPRECT, byval as LPINT) #define Header_GetItemCount(w) cint(SNDMSG(w,HDM_GETITEMCOUNT,0,0)) #define Header_InsertItem(w,i,phdi) cint(SNDMSG(w,HDM_INSERTITEM,cuint(cint(i)),cint(cptr(HD_ITEM ptr,phdi)))) #define Header_DeleteItem(w,i) cint(SNDMSG(w,HDM_DELETEITEM,cuint(cint(i)),0)) #define Header_GetItem(w,i,phdi) cint(SNDMSG(w,HDM_GETITEM,cuint(cint(i)),cint(cptr(HD_ITEM ptr,phdi)))) #define Header_SetItem(w,i,phdi) cint(SNDMSG(w,HDM_SETITEM,cuint(cint(i)),cint(cptr(HD_ITEM ptr,phdi)))) #define Header_Layout(w,l) cint(SNDMSG(w,HDM_LAYOUT,0,cint(cptr(HD_LAYOUT ptr,l)))) #define Header_OrderToIndex(w,o) cint(SNDMSG(w,HDM_ORDERTOINDEX,cuint(o),0)) #define Header_GetItemRect(w,i,r) cint(SNDMSG(w,HDM_GETITEMRECT,cuint(i),cint(r))) #define Header_GetOrderArray(w,l,a) cint(SNDMSG(w,HDM_GETORDERARRAY,cuint(l),cint(a))) #define Header_SetOrderArray(w,l,a) cint(SNDMSG(w,HDM_SETORDERARRAY,cuint(l),cint(a))) declare function ImageList_Add alias "ImageList_Add" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as HBITMAP, byval as HBITMAP) as integer #define ImageList_AddIcon(l,i) ImageList_ReplaceIcon(l,-1,i) declare function ImageList_AddMasked alias "ImageList_AddMasked" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as HBITMAP, byval as COLORREF) as integer declare function ImageList_BeginDrag alias "ImageList_BeginDrag" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function ImageList_Create alias "ImageList_Create" (byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UINT, byval as integer, byval as integer) as HIMAGELIST declare function ImageList_Destroy alias "ImageList_Destroy" (byval as HIMAGELIST) as BOOL declare function ImageList_DragEnter alias "ImageList_DragEnter" (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function ImageList_DragLeave alias "ImageList_DragLeave" (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function ImageList_DragMove alias "ImageList_DragMove" (byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function ImageList_DragShowNolock alias "ImageList_DragShowNolock" (byval as BOOL) as BOOL declare function ImageList_Draw alias "ImageList_Draw" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as integer, byval as HDC, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function ImageList_DrawEx alias "ImageList_DrawEx" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as integer, byval as HDC, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as COLORREF, byval as COLORREF, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare sub ImageList_EndDrag alias "ImageList_EndDrag" () #define ImageList_ExtractIcon(h,l,i) ImageList_GetIcon(l,i,0) declare function ImageList_GetBkColor alias "ImageList_GetBkColor" (byval as HIMAGELIST) as COLORREF declare function ImageList_GetDragImage alias "ImageList_GetDragImage" (byval as LPPOINT, byval as LPPOINT) as HIMAGELIST declare function ImageList_GetIcon alias "ImageList_GetIcon" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as HICON declare function ImageList_GetIconSize alias "ImageList_GetIconSize" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as integer ptr, byval as integer ptr) as BOOL declare function ImageList_GetImageCount alias "ImageList_GetImageCount" (byval as HIMAGELIST) as integer #define ImageList_LoadBitmap(h,l,x,G,M) ImageList_LoadImage(h,l,x,G,M,IMAGE_BITMAP,0) declare function ImageList_GetImageInfo alias "ImageList_GetImageInfo" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as integer, byval as IMAGEINFO ptr) as BOOL declare function ImageList_Merge alias "ImageList_Merge" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as integer, byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer) as HIMAGELIST declare function ImageList_Remove alias "ImageList_Remove" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as integer) as BOOL #define ImageList_RemoveAll(l) ImageList_Remove(l,-1) declare function ImageList_Replace alias "ImageList_Replace" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as integer, byval as HBITMAP, byval as HBITMAP) as BOOL declare function ImageList_ReplaceIcon alias "ImageList_ReplaceIcon" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as integer, byval as HICON) as integer declare function ImageList_SetBkColor alias "ImageList_SetBkColor" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as COLORREF) as COLORREF declare function ImageList_SetDragCursorImage alias "ImageList_SetDragCursorImage" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function ImageList_SetIconSize alias "ImageList_SetIconSize" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function ImageList_SetOverlayImage alias "ImageList_SetOverlayImage" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function ImageList_SetImageCount alias "ImageList_SetImageCount" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as UINT) as WINBOOL declare function ImageList_Copy alias "ImageList_Copy" (byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as integer, byval as HIMAGELIST, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as WINBOOL declare function ImageList_DrawIndirect alias "ImageList_DrawIndirect" (byval as IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS ptr) as WINBOOL declare sub InitCommonControls alias "InitCommonControls" () declare function InitCommonControlsEx alias "InitCommonControlsEx" (byval as LPINITCOMMONCONTROLSEX) as BOOL declare function LBItemFromPt alias "LBItemFromPt" (byval as HWND, byval as POINT, byval as BOOL) as integer #define ListView_GetBkColor(w) cuint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETBKCOLOR,0,0)) #define ListView_GetImageList(w,i) cast(HIMAGELIST,SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETIMAGELIST,(i),0)) #define ListView_GetItemCount(w) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETITEMCOUNT,0,0)) #define ListView_GetItem(w,i) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETITEM,0,cint( i))) #define ListView_SetBkColor(w,c) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_SETBKCOLOR,0,cint(c))) #define ListView_SetImageList(w,h,i) cast(HIMAGELIST,cuint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_SETIMAGELIST,i,cint( h)))) #define ListView_SetItem(w,i) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_SETITEM,0,cint( cast(LV_ITEM ptr,i)))) #define ListView_InsertItem(w,i) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_INSERTITEM,0,cint( cast(LV_ITEM ptr,i)))) #define ListView_DeleteItem(w,i) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_DELETEITEM,i,0)) #define ListView_DeleteAllItems(w) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_DELETEALLITEMS,0,0)) #define ListView_GetCallbackMask(w) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETCALLBACKMASK,0,0)) #define ListView_SetCallbackMask(w,m) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_SETCALLBACKMASK,m,0)) #define ListView_GetNextItem(w,i,f) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETNEXTITEM,i,MAKELPARAM((f),0))) #define ListView_FindItem(w,i,p) cint(SNDMSG(w, LVM_FINDITEM,i,cint( cast(LV_FINDINFO ptr,p)))) #define ListView_GetItemRect(w,i,p) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETITEMRECT,i,cint( cast(LPRECT, p)))) #define ListView_SetItemPosition(w,i,x,y) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_SETITEMPOSITION,i,MAKELPARAM(x,y))) #define ListView_GetItemPosition(w,i,p) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETITEMPOSITION,i,cint(p))) #define ListView_GetItemSpacing(w,f) cuint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETITEMSPACING,f,0)) #define ListView_GetStringWidth(w,s) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTH,0,cint(s))) #define ListView_HitTest(w,p) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_HITTEST,0,cint( cast(LV_HITTESTINFO ptr,p)))) #define ListView_EnsureVisible(w,i,f) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE,i,MAKELPARAM((f),0))) #define ListView_Scroll(w,dx,dy) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_SCROLL,dx,dy)) #define ListView_RedrawItems(w,f,l) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_REDRAWITEMS,f,l)) #define ListView_Arrange(w,c) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_ARRANGE,c,0)) #define ListView_EditLabel(w,i) cast(HWND,SNDMSG(w,LVM_EDITLABEL,i,0)) #define ListView_GetEditControlw cast(HWND,SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETEDITCONTROL,0,0)) #define ListView_GetColumn(w,i,p) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETCOLUMN,i,cint( cast(LV_COLUMN ptr,p)))) #define ListView_SetColumn(w,i,p) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_SETCOLUMN,i,cint( cast(LV_COLUMN ptr,p)))) #define ListView_InsertColumn(w,i,p) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_INSERTCOLUMN,i,cint( cast(LVCOLUMN ptr,p)))) #define ListView_DeleteColumn(w,i) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_DELETECOLUMN,i,0)) #define ListView_GetColumnWidth(w,i) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH,i,0)) #define ListView_SetColumnWidth(w,i,x) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH,i,MAKELPARAM((x),0))) #define ListView_CreateDragImage(w,i,p) cast(HIMAGELIST,SNDMSG(w,LVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE,i,cint( cast(LPPOINT,p)))) #define ListView_GetViewRect(w,p) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETVIEWRECT,0,cint( cast(LPRECT,p)))) #define ListView_GetTextColor(w) cuint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETTEXTCOLOR,0,0)) #define ListView_SetTextColor(w,c) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_SETTEXTCOLOR,0,cint( cuint(c)))) #define ListView_GetTextBkColor(w) cuint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETTEXTBKCOLOR,0,0)) #define ListView_SetTextBkColor(w,c) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR,0,cint(cuint(c)))) #define ListView_GetTopIndex(w) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETTOPINDEX,0,0)) #define ListView_GetCountPerPage(w) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETCOUNTPERPAGE,0,0)) #define ListView_GetOrigin(w,p) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETORIGIN,0,cint( cast(POINT ptr,p)))) #define ListView_Update(w,i) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_UPDATE,i,0)) #define ListView_GetItemState(w,i,m) cuint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETITEMSTATE,i,m)) #define ListView_SetItemCount(w,n) SNDMSG(w,LVM_SETITEMCOUNT,n,0) #define ListView_SortItems(w,f,l) cint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_SORTITEMS,l,cint(f))) #define ListView_GetSelectedCount(w) cuint(SNDMSG(w,LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT,0,0)) declare function MakeDragList alias "MakeDragList" (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare sub MenuHelp alias "MenuHelp" (byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM, byval as HMENU, byval as HINSTANCE, byval as HWND, byval as PUINT) declare function ShowHideMenuCtl alias "ShowHideMenuCtl" (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as PINT) as BOOL declare function _TrackMouseEvent alias "_TrackMouseEvent" (byval as LPTRACKMOUSEEVENT) as BOOL #define MonthCal_GetColor(hwnd,icolor) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_GETCOLOR,cuint(icolor),cint(0)) #define MonthCal_GetCurSel(hwnd,lpsystime) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_GETCURSEL,0,cint(lpsystime)) #define MonthCal_GetFirstDayOfWeek(hwnd) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_GETFIRSTDAYOFWEEK,0,0) #define MonthCal_GetMaxSelCount(hwnd) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_GETMAXSELCOUNT,0,0) #define MonthCal_GetMaxTodayWidth(hwnd) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_GETMAXTODAYWIDTH,0,0) #define MonthCal_GetMinReqRect(hwnd,lpRectInfo) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_GETMINREQRECT,0,cint(lpRectInfo)) #define MonthCal_GetMonthDelta(hwnd) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_GETMONTHDELTA,0,0) #define MonthCal_GetMonthRange(hwnd,flag,systimearray) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_GETMONTHRANGE,cuint(flag),cint(systimearray)) #define MonthCal_GetRange(hwnd,systimearray) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_GETRANGE,0,cint(systimearray)) #define MonthCal_GetSelRange(hwnd,systimearray) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_GETSELRANGE,0,cint(systimearray)) #define MonthCal_GetToday(hwnd,systime) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_GETTODAY,0,cint(systime)) #define MonthCal_GetUnicodeFormat(hwnd) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT,0,0) #define MonthCal_HitTest(hwnd,pmchittest) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_HITTEST,0,cint(pmchittest)) #define MonthCal_SetColor(hwnd,icolor,clr) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_SETCOLOR,cuint(icolor),cint(clr)) #define MonthCal_SetCurSel(hwnd,lpsystime) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_SETCURSEL,0,cint(lpsystime)) #define MonthCal_SetDayState(hwnd,imonths,lpdatestatearray) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_SETDAYSTATE,cuint(imonths),cint(lpdatestatearray)) #define MonthCal_SetFirstDayOfWeek(hwnd,iday) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_SETFIRSTDAYOFWEEK,0,cint(iday)) #define MonthCal_SetMaxSelCount(hwnd,imax) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_SETMAXSELCOUNT,cuint(imax),0) #define MonthCal_SetMonthDelta(hwnd,idelta) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_SETMONTHDELTA,cuint(idelta),0) #define MonthCal_SetRange(hwnd,whichlimit,systimearray) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_SETRANGE,whichlimit,systimearray) #define MonthCal_SetSelRange(hwnd,systimearray) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_SETSELRANGE,0,cint(systimearray)) #define MonthCal_SetToday(hwnd,systime) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_SETTODAY,0,cint(systime)) #define MonthCal_SetUnicodeFormat(hwnd,unicode) SNDMSG(hwnd,MCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT,cuint(unicode),0) #define TabCtrl_GetItem(w,i,p) cint(SNDMSG(w,TCM_GETITEM,i,cint(cast(TC_ITEM ptr,p)))) #define TabCtrl_SetItem(w,i,p) cint(SNDMSG(w,TCM_SETITEM,i,cint(cast(TC_ITEM ptr,p)))) #define TabCtrl_InsertItem(w,i,p) cint(SNDMSG(w,TCM_INSERTITEM,i,cint(cast(TC_ITEM ptr,p)))) #define TabCtrl_DeleteItem(w,i) cint(SNDMSG(w,TCM_DELETEITEM,i,0)) #define TabCtrl_DeleteAllItems(w) cint(SNDMSG(w,TCM_DELETEALLITEMS,0,0)) #define TabCtrl_GetItemRect(w,i,p) cint(SNDMSG(w,TCM_GETITEMRECT,i,cint(cast(LPRECT,p)))) #define TabCtrl_GetCurSel(w) cint(SNDMSG(w,TCM_GETCURSEL,0,0)) #define TabCtrl_SetCurSel(w,i) cint(SNDMSG(w,TCM_SETCURSEL,i,0)) #define TabCtrl_HitTest(w,p) cint(SNDMSG(w,TCM_HITTEST,0,cint(cast(TC_HITTESTINFO ptr,p)))) #define TabCtrl_SetItemExtra(w,c) cint(SNDMSG(w,TCM_SETITEMEXTRA,c,0)) #define TabCtrl_AdjustRect(w,b,p) cint(SNDMSG(w,TCM_ADJUSTRECT,b,cint(cast(LPRECT,p)))) #define TabCtrl_SetItemSize(w,x,y) cuint(SNDMSG(w,TCM_SETITEMSIZE,0,MAKELPARAM(x,y))) #define TabCtrl_RemoveImage(w,i) SNDMSG(w,TCM_REMOVEIMAGE,i,0) #define TabCtrl_SetPadding(w,x,y) SNDMSG(w,TCM_SETPADDING,0,MAKELPARAM(x,y)) #define TabCtrl_GetRowCount(w) cint(SNDMSG(w,TCM_GETROWCOUNT,0,0)) #define TabCtrl_GetToolTips(w) cast(HWND,SNDMSG(w,TCM_GETTOOLTIPS,0,0)) #define TabCtrl_SetToolTips(w,t) SNDMSG(w,TCM_SETTOOLTIPS,cuint(t),0) #define TabCtrl_GetCurFocus(w) cint(SNDMSG(w,TCM_GETCURFOCUS,0,0)) #define TabCtrl_SetCurFocus(w,i) SNDMSG(w,TCM_SETCURFOCUS,i,0) #define TabCtrl_SetImageList(w,h) cast(HIMAGELIST,SNDMSG(w,TCM_SETIMAGELIST,0,cint(cUINT(h)))) #define TabCtrl_GetItemCount(w) cint(SNDMSG(w,TCM_GETITEMCOUNT,0,0)) #define TreeView_InsertItem(w,i) cast(HTREEITEM,SNDMSG((w),TVM_INSERTITEM,0,cast(LPARAM,cast(LPTV_INSERTSTRUCT,i)))) #define TreeView_DeleteItem(w,i) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),TVM_DELETEITEM,0,cast(LPARAM,cast(HTREEITEM,i)))) #define TreeView_DeleteAllItems(w) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),TVM_DELETEITEM,0,cast(LPARAM,TVI_ROOT))) #define TreeView_Expand(w,i,c) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),TVM_EXPAND,c,cast(LPARAM,cast(HTREEITEM,i)))) ''''''' #define TreeView_GetItemRect(w,i,p,c) *cast(HTREEITEM ptr,p)=(i) : SNDMSG((w),TVM_GETITEMRECT,c,cast(LPARAM,cast(LPRECT,p))) #define TreeView_GetCount(w) cuint(SNDMSG((w),TVM_GETCOUNT,0,0)) #define TreeView_GetIndent(w) cuint(SNDMSG((w),TVM_GETINDENT,0,0)) #define TreeView_SetIndent(w,i) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),TVM_SETINDENT,i,0)) #define TreeView_GetImageList(w,i) cast(HIMAGELIST,SNDMSG((w),TVM_GETIMAGELIST,i,0)) #define TreeView_SetImageList(w,h,i) cast(HIMAGELIST,SNDMSG((w),TVM_SETIMAGELIST,i,cast(LPARAM,cast(HIMAGELIST,h)))) #define TreeView_GetNextItem(w,i,c) cast(HTREEITEM,SNDMSG((w),TVM_GETNEXTITEM,c,cast(LPARAM,cast(HTREEITEM,i)))) #define TreeView_GetChild(w,i) TreeView_GetNextItem(w,i,TVGN_CHILD) #define TreeView_GetNextSibling(w,i) TreeView_GetNextItem(w,i,TVGN_NEXT) #define TreeView_GetPrevSibling(w,i) TreeView_GetNextItem(w,i,TVGN_PREVIOUS) #define TreeView_GetParent(w,i) TreeView_GetNextItem(w,i,TVGN_PARENT) #define TreeView_GetFirstVisible(w) TreeView_GetNextItem(w,NULL,TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE) #define TreeView_GetNextVisible(w,i) TreeView_GetNextItem(w,i,TVGN_NEXTVISIBLE) #define TreeView_GetPrevVisible(w,i) TreeView_GetNextItem(w,i,TVGN_PREVIOUSVISIBLE) #define TreeView_GetSelection(w) TreeView_GetNextItem(w,NULL,TVGN_CARET) #define TreeView_GetDropHilight(w) TreeView_GetNextItem(w,NULL,TVGN_DROPHILITE) #define TreeView_GetRoot(w) TreeView_GetNextItem(w,NULL,TVGN_ROOT) #define TreeView_Select(w,i,c) cast(HTREEITEM,SNDMSG((w),TVM_SELECTITEM,c,cast(LPARAM,cast(HTREEITEM,i)))) #define TreeView_SelectItem(w,i) TreeView_Select(w,i,TVGN_CARET) #define TreeView_SelectDropTarget(w,i) TreeView_Select(w,i,TVGN_DROPHILITE) #define TreeView_SelectSetFirstVisible(w,i) TreeView_Select(w,i,TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE) #define TreeView_GetItem(w,i) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),TVM_GETITEM,0,cast(LPARAM,cast(TV_ITEM ptr,i)))) #define TreeView_SetItem(w,i) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),TVM_SETITEM,0,cast(LPARAM,cast(TV_ITEM ptr,i)))) #define TreeView_EditLabel(w,i) cast(HWND,SNDMSG((w),TVM_EDITLABEL,0,cast(LPARAM,cast(HTREEITEM,i)))) #define TreeView_GetEditControl(w) cast(HWND,SNDMSG((w),TVM_GETEDITCONTROL,0,0)) #define TreeView_GetVisibleCount(w) cuint(SNDMSG((w),TVM_GETVISIBLECOUNT,0,0)) #define TreeView_HitTest(w,p) cast(HTREEITEM,SNDMSG((w),TVM_HITTEST,0,cast(LPARAM,cast(LPTV_HITTESTINFO,p)))) #define TreeView_CreateDragImage(w,i) cast(HIMAGELIST,SNDMSG((w),TVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE,0,cast(LPARAM,cast(HTREEITEM,i)))) #define TreeView_SortChildren(w,i,r) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),TVM_SORTCHILDREN,r,cast(LPARAM,cast(HTREEITEM,i)))) #define TreeView_EnsureVisible(w,i) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE,0,cast(LPARAM,cast(HTREEITEM,i)))) #define TreeView_SortChildrenCB(w,s,r) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),TVM_SORTCHILDRENCB,r,cast(LPARAM,cast(LPTVSORTCB,s)))) #define TreeView_EndEditLabelNow(w,f) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),TVM_ENDEDITLABELNOW,f,0)) #define TreeView_GetISearchString(w,s) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),TVM_GETISEARCHSTRING,0,cast(LPARAM,s))) #define ListView_ApproximateViewRect(w,iw,ih,i) cuint(SNDMSG((w),LVM_APPROXIMATEVIEWRECT,(i),MAKELPARAM((iw),(ih)))) #define ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(w,s) cuint(SNDMSG((w),LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE,0,(s))) #define ListView_GetExtendedListViewStyle(w) cuint(SNDMSG((w),LVM_GETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE,0,0)) #define ListView_SetColumnOrderArray(w,i,a) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),LVM_SETCOLUMNORDERARRAY,cast(WPARAM,(i),cast(LPARAM,cast(LPINT,a))))) #define ListView_GetColumnOrderArray(w,i,a) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),LVM_GETCOLUMNORDERARRAY,cast(WPARAM,(i),cast(LPARAM,cast(LPINT,a))))) #define ListView_GetHeader(w) cast(HWND,SNDMSG((w),LVM_GETHEADER,0,0)) #define ListView_GetHotCursor(w) cast(HCURSOR,SNDMSG((w),LVM_GETHOTCURSOR,0,0)) #define ListView_GetHotItem(w) cint(SNDMSG((w),LVM_GETHOTITEM,0,0)) #define ListView_SetHotCursor(w,c) cast(HCURSOR,SNDMSG((w),LVM_SETHOTCURSOR,0,cast(LPARAM,c))) #define ListView_SetHotItem(w,i) cint(SNDMSG((w),LVM_SETHOTITEM,cast(WPARAM,i),0)) #define ListView_SetIconSpacing(w,x,y) cuint(SNDMSG((w),LVM_SETICONSPACING,0,MAKELONG(x,y))) #define ListView_SubItemHitTest(w,p) cint(SNDMSG((w),LVM_SUBITEMHITTEST,0,cast(LPARAM,cast(LPLVHITTESTINFO,p)))) #define TabCtrl_SetMinTabWidth(hwnd,x) SNDMSG(hwnd, TCM_SETMINTABWIDTH, 0, x) #define TabCtrl_DeselectAll(hwnd,fExcludeFocus) SNDMSG(hwnd, TCM_DESELECTALL, fExcludeFocus, 0) #define TreeView_GetToolTips(w) cast(HWND,SNDMSG((w),TVM_GETTOOLTIPS,0,0)) #define TreeView_SetToolTips(w,wt) cast(HWND,SNDMSG((w),TVM_SETTOOLTIPS,cast(WPARAM,wt),0)) #define ListView_GetBkImage(h,plvbki) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((h), LVM_GETBKIMAGE, 0, cast(LPARAM,plvbki))) #define ListView_SetBkImage(h, plvbki) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((h), LVM_SETBKIMAGE, 0, cast(LPARAM,plvbki))) #define ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyleEx(w,m,s) cuint(SNDMSG((w),LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE,(m),(s))) #define ListView_SetWorkAreas(w,n,r) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),LVM_SETWORKAREAS,cast(WPARAM,n),cast(LPARAM,cast(RECT ptr,r)))) #define ListView_GetWorkAreas(w,n,r) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),LVM_GETWORKAREAS,cast(WPARAM,n),cast(LPARAM,cast(RECT ptr,r)))) #define ListView_GetNumberOfWorkAreas(w,n) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),LVM_GETNUMBEROFWORKAREAS,0,cast(LPARAM,cast(UINT ptr,pnWorkAreas)))) #define ListView_SetHoverTime(w,t) cuint(SNDMSG((w),LVM_SETHOVERTIME,0,cast(LPARAM,t))) #define ListView_GetHoverTime(w) cuint(SNDMSG((w),LVM_GETHOVERTIME,0,0)) #define ListView_GetSelectionMark(w) cint(SNDMSG((w),LVM_GETSELECTIONMARK,0,0)) #define ListView_SetSelectionMark(w,i) cint(SNDMSG((w),LVM_SETSELECTIONMARK,0,cast(LPARAM,i))) #define ListView_SetToolTips(w,n) cast(HWND,SNDMSG((w),LVM_SETTOOLTIPS,cast(WPARAM,n),0)) #define ListView_GetToolTips(w) cast(HWND,SNDMSG((w),LVM_GETTOOLTIPS,0,0)) '''''''#define ListView_GetSubItemRect(w,i,is,c,p) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT, cast(WPARAM,cint(i),iif(p, cast(LPRECT,p)->left=c, cast(LPRECT,p)->top=is,cast(LPARAM,cast(LPRECT,p)), 0)))) #define TabCtrl_HighlightItem(hwnd, i, fHighlight) SNDMSG(hwnd, TCM_HIGHLIGHTITEM, cast(WPARAM,i), cast(LPARAM,MAKELONG (fHighlight, 0))) #define TabCtrl_SetExtendedStyle(hwnd, dw) SNDMSG(hwnd, TCM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, dw) #define TabCtrl_GetExtendedStylecast(hwnd) SNDMSG(hwnd, TCM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, 0) #define TabCtrl_SetUnicodeFormat(hwnd, fUnicode) SNDMSG(hwnd, TCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT, cast(WPARAM,fUnicode), 0) #define TabCtrl_GetUnicodeFormatcast(hwnd) SNDMSG(hwnd, TCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT, 0, 0) #define TreeView_GetBkColor(w) cast(COLORREF,SNDMSG((w),TVM_GETBKCOLOR,0,0)) #define TreeView_GetInsertMarkColor(w) cast(COLORREF,SNDMSG((w),TVM_GETINSERTMARKCOLOR,0,0)) #define TreeView_GetItemHeight(w) cint(SNDMSG((w),TVM_GETITEMHEIGHT,0,0)) #define TreeView_GetScrollTime(w) cuint(SNDMSG((w),TVM_GETSCROLLTIME,0,0)) #define TreeView_GetTextColor(w) cast(COLORREF,SNDMSG((w),TVM_GETTEXTCOLOR,0,0)) #define TreeView_SetBkColor(w,c) cast(COLORREF,SNDMSG((w),TVM_SETBKCOLOR,0,cast(LPARAM,c))) #define TreeView_SetInsertMarkColor(w,c) cast(COLORREF,SNDMSG((w),TVM_SETINSERTMARKCOLOR,0,cast(LPARAM,c))) #define TreeView_SetItemHeight(w,h) cint(SNDMSG((w),TVM_SETITEMHEIGHT,cast(WPARAM,h),0)) #define TreeView_SetScrollTime(w,t) cuint(SNDMSG((w),TVM_SETSCROLLTIME,cast(WPARAM,cuint(t)),0)) #define TreeView_SetTextColor(w,c) cast(COLORREF,SNDMSG((w),TVM_SETTEXTCOLOR,0,cast(LPARAM,c))) #define TreeView_SetInsertMark(w,i,a) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),TVM_SETINSERTMARK,cast(WPARAM,a),cast(LPARAM,i))) #define TreeView_SetUnicodeFormat(w,u) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),TVM_SETUNICODEFORMAT,cast(WPARAM,u),0)) #define TreeView_GetUnicodeFormat(w) cast(BOOL,SNDMSG((w),TVM_GETUNICODEFORMAT,0,0)) #define TreeView_GetItemState(w,i,m) cuint(SNDMSG((w),TVM_GETITEMSTATE,cast(WPARAM,i),cast(LPARAM,m))) #ifdef UNICODE declare function CreateStatusWindow alias "CreateStatusWindowW" (byval as LONG, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as HWND, byval as UINT) as HWND declare sub DrawStatusText alias "DrawStatusTextW" (byval as HDC, byval as LPRECT, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as UINT) declare function ImageList_LoadImage alias "ImageList_LoadImageW" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as COLORREF, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as HIMAGELIST type HDITEM as HDITEMW type TOOLINFO as TTTOOLINFOW type PTOOLINFO as TTTOOLINFOW ptr type LPTOOLINFO as TTTOOLINFOW ptr type TTHITTESTINFO as TTHITTESTINFOW type LPHITTESTINFO as TTHITTESTINFOW ptr type LPTTHITTESTINFO as TTHITTESTINFOW ptr type TOOLTIPTEXT as NMTTDISPINFOW type LPTOOLTIPTEXT as NMTTDISPINFOW ptr type NMTTDISPINFO as NMTTDISPINFOW type LPNMTTDISPINFO as NMTTDISPINFOW ptr type TV_ITEM as TVITEMW type LPTV_ITEM as TVITEMW ptr type TVITEM as TVITEMW type LPTVITEM as TVITEMW ptr type TV_INSERTSTRUCT as TVINSERTSTRUCTW type LPTV_INSERTSTRUCT as TVINSERTSTRUCTW ptr type TVINSERTSTRUCT as TVINSERTSTRUCTW type LPTVINSERTSTRUCT as TVINSERTSTRUCTW ptr type NM_TREEVIEW as NMTREEVIEWW type LPNM_TREEVIEW as NMTREEVIEWW ptr type NMTREEVIEW as NMTREEVIEWW type LPNMTREEVIEW as NMTREEVIEWW ptr type NMHDDISPINFO as NMHDDISPINFOW type LPNMHDDISPINFO as NMHDDISPINFOW ptr type TVITEMEX as TVITEMEXW type LPTVITEMEX as TVITEMEXW ptr #define ACM_OPEN ACM_OPENW #define COMBOBOXEXITEM COMBOBOXEXITEMW #define PCOMBOBOXEXITEM PCOMBOBOXEXITEMW #define PCCOMBOBOXEXITEM PCCOMBOBOXEXITEMW #define CBEM_INSERTITEM CBEM_INSERTITEMW #define CBEM_SETITEM CBEM_SETITEMW #define CBEM_GETITEM CBEM_GETITEMW #define CBEN_ENDEDIT CBEN_ENDEDITW #define NMCBEENDEDIT NMCBEENDEDITW #define LPNMCBEENDEDIT LPNMCBEENDEDITW #define PNMCBEENDEDIT PNMCBEENDEDITW #define NMCOMBOBOXEX NMCOMBOBOXEXW #define PNMCOMBOBOXEX PNMCOMBOBOXEXW #define CBEN_GETDISPINFO CBEN_GETDISPINFOW #define CBEN_DRAGBEGIN CBEN_DRAGBEGINW #define NMCBEDRAGBEGIN NMCBEDRAGBEGINW #define LPNMCBEDRAGBEGIN LPNMCBEDRAGBEGINW #define PNMCBEDRAGBEGIN PNMCBEDRAGBEGINW #define SB_GETTEXT SB_GETTEXTW #define SB_SETTEXT SB_SETTEXTW #define SB_GETTEXTLENGTH SB_GETTEXTLENGTHW #define HDM_INSERTITEM HDM_INSERTITEMW #define HDM_GETITEM HDM_GETITEMW #define HDM_SETITEM HDM_SETITEMW #define HDN_ITEMCHANGING HDN_ITEMCHANGINGW #define HDN_ITEMCHANGED HDN_ITEMCHANGEDW #define HDN_ITEMCLICK HDN_ITEMCLICKW #define HDN_ITEMDBLCLICK HDN_ITEMDBLCLICKW #define HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICK HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICKW #define HDN_BEGINTRACK HDN_BEGINTRACKW #define HDN_ENDTRACK HDN_ENDTRACKW #define HDN_TRACK HDN_TRACKW #define HDN_GETDISPINFO HDN_GETDISPINFOW #define HD_NOTIFY HD_NOTIFYW #define TB_GETBUTTONTEXT TB_GETBUTTONTEXTW #define TB_SAVERESTORE TB_SAVERESTOREW #define TB_ADDSTRING TB_ADDSTRINGW #define TBN_GETBUTTONINFO TBN_GETBUTTONINFOW #define TB_GETBUTTONINFO TB_GETBUTTONINFOW #define TB_SETBUTTONINFO TB_SETBUTTONINFOW #define TB_INSERTBUTTON TB_INSERTBUTTONW #define TB_ADDBUTTONS TB_ADDBUTTONSW #define TB_MAPACCELERATOR TB_MAPACCELERATORW #define TBBUTTONINFO TBBUTTONINFOW #define LPTBBUTTONINFO LPTBBUTTONINFOW #define TBN_GETDISPINFO TBN_GETDISPINFOW #define NMTBDISPINFO NMTBDISPINFOW #define LPNMTBDISPINFO LPNMTBDISPINFOW #define NMTOOLBAR NMTOOLBARW #define LPNMTOOLBAR LPNMTOOLBARW #define TTM_ADDTOOL TTM_ADDTOOLW #define TTM_DELTOOL TTM_DELTOOLW #define TTM_NEWTOOLRECT TTM_NEWTOOLRECTW #define TTM_GETTOOLINFO TTM_GETTOOLINFOW #define TTM_SETTOOLINFO TTM_SETTOOLINFOW #define TTM_HITTEST TTM_HITTESTW #define TTM_GETTEXT TTM_GETTEXTW #define TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTW #define TTM_ENUMTOOLS TTM_ENUMTOOLSW #define TTM_GETCURRENTTOOL TTM_GETCURRENTTOOLW #define TTN_NEEDTEXT TTN_NEEDTEXTW #define TTN_GETDISPINFO TTN_GETDISPINFOW #define SB_GETTEXT SB_GETTEXTW #define SB_SETTEXT SB_SETTEXTW #define SB_GETTEXTLENGTH SB_GETTEXTLENGTHW #define LV_ITEM LVITEMW #define LVITEM LVITEMW #define LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKW #define LVBKIMAGE LVBKIMAGEW #define LPLVBKIMAGE LPLVBKIMAGEW #define LVM_SETBKIMAGE LVM_SETBKIMAGEW #define LVM_GETBKIMAGE LVM_GETBKIMAGEW #define LVM_GETITEM LVM_GETITEMW #define LVM_SETITEM LVM_SETITEMW #define LVM_INSERTITEM LVM_INSERTITEMW #define LV_FINDINFO LV_FINDINFOW #define LVFINDINFO LVFINDINFOW #define LPFINDINFO LPFINDINFOW #define LVM_FINDITEM LVM_FINDITEMW #define LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTH LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTHW #define LVM_EDITLABEL LVM_EDITLABELW #define LV_COLUMN LVCOLUMNW #define LVCOLUMN LVCOLUMNW #define LVM_GETCOLUMN LVM_GETCOLUMNW #define LVM_SETCOLUMN LVM_SETCOLUMNW #define LVM_INSERTCOLUMN LVM_INSERTCOLUMNW #define LVM_GETITEMTEXT LVM_GETITEMTEXTW #define LVM_SETITEMTEXT LVM_SETITEMTEXTW #define LVM_GETISEARCHSTRING LVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGW #define LVN_BEGINLABELEDIT LVN_BEGINLABELEDITW #define LVN_ENDLABELEDIT LVN_ENDLABELEDITW #define LVN_GETDISPINFO LVN_GETDISPINFOW #define LVN_SETDISPINFO LVN_SETDISPINFOW #define LVN_GETINFOTIP LVN_GETINFOTIPW #define NMLVGETINFOTIP NMLVGETINFOTIPW #define LPNMLVGETINFOTIP LPNMLVGETINFOTIPW #define LV_DISPINFO LVDISPINFOW #define NMLVDISPINFO NMLVDISPINFOW #define TVM_INSERTITEM TVM_INSERTITEMW #define TVM_GETITEM TVM_GETITEMW #define TVM_SETITEM TVM_SETITEMW #define TVM_EDITLABEL TVM_EDITLABELW #define TVM_GETISEARCHSTRING TVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGW #define TV_DISPINFO NMTVDISPINFOW #define NMTVDISPINFO NMTVDISPINFOW #define LPNMTVDISPINFO LPNMTVDISPINFOW #define TVN_SELCHANGING TVN_SELCHANGINGW #define TVN_SELCHANGED TVN_SELCHANGEDW #define TVN_GETDISPINFO TVN_GETDISPINFOW #define TVN_SETDISPINFO TVN_SETDISPINFOW #define TVN_ITEMEXPANDING TVN_ITEMEXPANDINGW #define TVN_ITEMEXPANDED TVN_ITEMEXPANDEDW #define TVN_BEGINDRAG TVN_BEGINDRAGW #define TVN_BEGINRDRAG TVN_BEGINRDRAGW #define TVN_DELETEITEM TVN_DELETEITEMW #define TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT TVN_BEGINLABELEDITW #define TVN_ENDLABELEDIT TVN_ENDLABELEDITW #define TC_ITEMHEADER TC_ITEMHEADERW #define TC_ITEM TC_ITEMW #define TCITEM TCITEMW #define LPTCITEM LPTCITEMW #define TCM_GETITEM TCM_GETITEMW #define TCM_SETITEM TCM_SETITEMW #define TCM_INSERTITEM TCM_INSERTITEMW #define DTM_SETFORMAT DTM_SETFORMATW #define DTN_USERSTRING DTN_USERSTRINGW #define DTN_WMKEYDOWN DTN_WMKEYDOWNW #define DTN_FORMAT DTN_FORMATW #define DTN_FORMATQUERY DTN_FORMATQUERYW #define LPCREBARBANDINFO LPCREBARBANDINFOW #define REBARBANDINFO_V3_SIZE REBARBANDINFOW_V3_SIZE #define RB_INSERTBAND RB_INSERTBANDW #define RB_SETBANDINFO RB_SETBANDINFOW type REBARBANDINFO as REBARBANDINFOW type LPREBARBANDINFO as REBARBANDINFOW ptr #else ''UNICODE declare function CreateStatusWindow alias "CreateStatusWindowA" (byval as LONG, byval as LPCSTR, byval as HWND, byval as UINT) as HWND declare sub DrawStatusText alias "DrawStatusTextA" (byval as HDC, byval as LPRECT, byval as LPCSTR, byval as UINT) declare function ImageList_LoadImage alias "ImageList_LoadImageA" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCSTR, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as COLORREF, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as HIMAGELIST type HDITEM as HDITEMA type TOOLINFO as TTTOOLINFOA type PTOOLINFO as TTTOOLINFOA ptr type LPTOOLINFO as TTTOOLINFOA ptr type TTHITTESTINFO as TTHITTESTINFOA type LPHITTESTINFO as TTHITTESTINFOA ptr type LPTTHITTESTINFO as TTHITTESTINFOA ptr type TOOLTIPTEXT as NMTTDISPINFOA type LPTOOLTIPTEXT as NMTTDISPINFOA ptr type NMTTDISPINFO as NMTTDISPINFOA type LPNMTTDISPINFO as NMTTDISPINFOA ptr type TV_ITEM as TVITEMA type LPTV_ITEM as TVITEMA ptr type TVITEM as TVITEMA type LPTVITEM as TVITEMA ptr type TV_INSERTSTRUCT as TVINSERTSTRUCTA type LPTV_INSERTSTRUCT as TVINSERTSTRUCTA ptr type TVINSERTSTRUCT as TVINSERTSTRUCTA type LPTVINSERTSTRUCT as TVINSERTSTRUCTA ptr type NM_TREEVIEW as NMTREEVIEWA type LPNM_TREEVIEW as NMTREEVIEWA ptr type NMTREEVIEW as NMTREEVIEWA type LPNMTREEVIEW as NMTREEVIEWA ptr type NMHDDISPINFO as NMHDDISPINFOA type LPNMHDDISPINFO as NMHDDISPINFOA ptr type TVITEMEX as TVITEMEXA type LPTVITEMEX as TVITEMEXA ptr #define ACM_OPEN ACM_OPENA #define COMBOBOXEXITEM COMBOBOXEXITEMA #define PCOMBOBOXEXITEM PCOMBOBOXEXITEMA #define PCCOMBOBOXEXITEM PCCOMBOBOXEXITEMA #define CBEM_INSERTITEM CBEM_INSERTITEMA #define CBEM_SETITEM CBEM_SETITEMA #define CBEM_GETITEM CBEM_GETITEMA #define CBEN_ENDEDIT CBEN_ENDEDITA #define NMCBEENDEDIT NMCBEENDEDITA #define LPNMCBEENDEDIT LPNMCBEENDEDITA #define PNMCBEENDEDIT PNMCBEENDEDITA #define TB_GETBUTTONINFO TB_GETBUTTONINFOA #define TB_SETBUTTONINFO TB_SETBUTTONINFOA #define TB_INSERTBUTTON TB_INSERTBUTTONA #define TB_ADDBUTTONS TB_ADDBUTTONSA #define TB_MAPACCELERATOR TB_MAPACCELERATORA #define NMCOMBOBOXEX NMCOMBOBOXEXA #define PNMCOMBOBOXEX PNMCOMBOBOXEXA #define CBEN_DRAGBEGIN CBEN_DRAGBEGINA #define CBEN_GETDISPINFO CBEN_GETDISPINFOA #define NMCBEDRAGBEGIN NMCBEDRAGBEGINA #define LPNMCBEDRAGBEGIN LPNMCBEDRAGBEGINA #define PNMCBEDRAGBEGIN PNMCBEDRAGBEGINA #define TBN_GETDISPINFO TBN_GETDISPINFOA #define NMTBDISPINFO NMTBDISPINFOA #define SB_GETTEXT SB_GETTEXTA #define SB_SETTEXT SB_SETTEXTA #define SB_GETTEXTLENGTH SB_GETTEXTLENGTHA #define HDM_INSERTITEM HDM_INSERTITEMA #define HDM_GETITEM HDM_GETITEMA #define HDM_SETITEM HDM_SETITEMA #define HDN_ITEMCHANGING HDN_ITEMCHANGINGA #define HDN_ITEMCHANGED HDN_ITEMCHANGEDA #define HDN_ITEMCLICK HDN_ITEMCLICKA #define HDN_ITEMDBLCLICK HDN_ITEMDBLCLICKA #define HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICK HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICKA #define HDN_BEGINTRACK HDN_BEGINTRACKA #define HDN_ENDTRACK HDN_ENDTRACKA #define HDN_TRACK HDN_TRACKA #define HDN_GETDISPINFO HDN_GETDISPINFOA #define HD_NOTIFY HD_NOTIFYA #define TB_GETBUTTONTEXT TB_GETBUTTONTEXTA #define TB_SAVERESTORE TB_SAVERESTOREA #define TB_ADDSTRING TB_ADDSTRINGA #define TBN_GETBUTTONINFO TBN_GETBUTTONINFOA #define TBBUTTONINFO TBBUTTONINFOA #define LPTBBUTTONINFO LPTBBUTTONINFOA #define NMTOOLBAR NMTOOLBARA #define LPNMTOOLBAR LPNMTOOLBARA #define TTM_ADDTOOL TTM_ADDTOOLA #define TTM_DELTOOL TTM_DELTOOLA #define TTM_NEWTOOLRECT TTM_NEWTOOLRECTA #define TTM_GETTOOLINFO TTM_GETTOOLINFOA #define TTM_SETTOOLINFO TTM_SETTOOLINFOA #define TTM_HITTEST TTM_HITTESTA #define TTM_GETTEXT TTM_GETTEXTA #define TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTA #define TTM_ENUMTOOLS TTM_ENUMTOOLSA #define TTM_GETCURRENTTOOL TTM_GETCURRENTTOOLA #define TTN_NEEDTEXT TTN_NEEDTEXTA #define TTN_GETDISPINFO TTN_GETDISPINFOA #define SB_GETTEXT SB_GETTEXTA #define SB_SETTEXT SB_SETTEXTA #define SB_GETTEXTLENGTH SB_GETTEXTLENGTHA #define LV_ITEM LVITEMA #define LVITEM LVITEMA #define LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKA #define LVBKIMAGE LVBKIMAGEA #define LPLVBKIMAGE LPLVBKIMAGEA #define LVM_SETBKIMAGE LVM_SETBKIMAGEA #define LVM_GETBKIMAGE LVM_GETBKIMAGEA #define LVM_GETITEM LVM_GETITEMA #define LVM_SETITEM LVM_SETITEMA #define LVM_INSERTITEM LVM_INSERTITEMA #define LV_FINDINFO LV_FINDINFOA #define LVFINDINFO LVFINDINFOA #define LPFINDINFO LPFINDINFOA #define LVM_FINDITEM LVM_FINDITEMA #define LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTH LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTHA #define LVM_EDITLABEL LVM_EDITLABELA #define LV_COLUMN LVCOLUMNA #define LVCOLUMN LVCOLUMNA #define LVM_GETCOLUMN LVM_GETCOLUMNA #define LVM_SETCOLUMN LVM_SETCOLUMNA #define LVM_INSERTCOLUMN LVM_INSERTCOLUMNA #define LVM_GETITEMTEXT LVM_GETITEMTEXTA #define LVM_SETITEMTEXT LVM_SETITEMTEXTA #define LVM_GETISEARCHSTRING LVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGA #define LVN_BEGINLABELEDIT LVN_BEGINLABELEDITA #define LVN_ENDLABELEDIT LVN_ENDLABELEDITA #define LVN_GETDISPINFO LVN_GETDISPINFOA #define LVN_SETDISPINFO LVN_SETDISPINFOA #define LVN_GETINFOTIP LVN_GETINFOTIPA #define NMLVGETINFOTIP NMLVGETINFOTIPA #define LPNMLVGETINFOTIP LPNMLVGETINFOTIPA #define LV_DISPINFO LVDISPINFOA #define NMLVDISPINFO NMLVDISPINFOA #define TVM_INSERTITEM TVM_INSERTITEMA #define TVM_GETITEM TVM_GETITEMA #define TVM_SETITEM TVM_SETITEMA #define TVM_EDITLABEL TVM_EDITLABELA #define TVM_GETISEARCHSTRING TVM_GETISEARCHSTRINGA #define TV_DISPINFO NMTVDISPINFOA #define NMTVDISPINFO NMTVDISPINFOA #define LPNMTVDISPINFO LPNMTVDISPINFOA #define TVN_SELCHANGING TVN_SELCHANGINGA #define TVN_SELCHANGED TVN_SELCHANGEDA #define TVN_GETDISPINFO TVN_GETDISPINFOA #define TVN_SETDISPINFO TVN_SETDISPINFOA #define TVN_ITEMEXPANDING TVN_ITEMEXPANDINGA #define TVN_ITEMEXPANDED TVN_ITEMEXPANDEDA #define TVN_BEGINDRAG TVN_BEGINDRAGA #define TVN_BEGINRDRAG TVN_BEGINRDRAGA #define TVN_DELETEITEM TVN_DELETEITEMA #define TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT TVN_BEGINLABELEDITA #define TVN_ENDLABELEDIT TVN_ENDLABELEDITA #define TC_ITEMHEADER TC_ITEMHEADERA #define TC_ITEM TC_ITEMA #define TCITEM TCITEMA #define LPTCITEM LPTCITEMA #define TCM_GETITEM TCM_GETITEMA #define TCM_SETITEM TCM_SETITEMA #define TCM_INSERTITEM TCM_INSERTITEMA #define DTM_SETFORMAT DTM_SETFORMATA #define DTN_USERSTRING DTN_USERSTRINGA #define DTN_WMKEYDOWN DTN_WMKEYDOWNA #define DTN_FORMAT DTN_FORMATA #define DTN_FORMATQUERY DTN_FORMATQUERYA #define LPCREBARBANDINFO LPCREBARBANDINFOA #define REBARBANDINFO_V3_SIZE REBARBANDINFOA_V3_SIZE #define RB_INSERTBAND RB_INSERTBANDA #define RB_SETBANDINFO RB_SETBANDINFOA type REBARBANDINFO as REBARBANDINFOA type LPREBARBANDINFO as REBARBANDINFOA ptr #endif ''UNICODE #endif