'' '' '' commdlg -- header translated with help of SWIG FB wrapper '' '' NOTICE: This file is part of the FreeBASIC Compiler package and can't '' be included in other distributions without authorization. '' '' #ifndef __win_commdlg_bi__ #define __win_commdlg_bi__ #inclib "comdlg32" #define LBSELCHSTRINGA "commdlg_LBSelChangedNotify" #define SHAREVISTRINGA "commdlg_ShareViolation" #define FILEOKSTRINGA "commdlg_FileNameOK" #define COLOROKSTRINGA "commdlg_ColorOK" #define SETRGBSTRINGA "commdlg_SetRGBColor" #define HELPMSGSTRINGA "commdlg_help" #define FINDMSGSTRINGA "commdlg_FindReplace" #define LBSELCHSTRINGW WStr("commdlg_LBSelChangedNotify") #define SHAREVISTRINGW WStr("commdlg_ShareViolation") #define FILEOKSTRINGW WStr("commdlg_FileNameOK") #define COLOROKSTRINGW WStr("commdlg_ColorOK") #define SETRGBSTRINGW WStr("commdlg_SetRGBColor") #define HELPMSGSTRINGW WStr("commdlg_help") #define FINDMSGSTRINGW WStr("commdlg_FindReplace") #ifndef CDN_FIRST '' also in commctrl.bi #define CDN_FIRST cuint(-601) #define CDN_LAST cuint(-699) #endif #define CDN_INITDONE CDN_FIRST #define CDN_SELCHANGE (CDN_FIRST-1U) #define CDN_FOLDERCHANGE (CDN_FIRST-2U) #define CDN_SHAREVIOLATION (CDN_FIRST-3U) #define CDN_HELP (CDN_FIRST-4U) #define CDN_FILEOK (CDN_FIRST-5U) #define CDN_TYPECHANGE (CDN_FIRST-6U) #define CDM_FIRST (WM_USER+100) #define CDM_LAST (WM_USER+200) #define CDM_GETSPEC CDM_FIRST #define CDM_GETFILEPATH (CDM_FIRST+1) #define CDM_GETFOLDERPATH (CDM_FIRST+2) #define CDM_GETFOLDERIDLIST (CDM_FIRST+3) #define CDM_SETCONTROLTEXT (CDM_FIRST+4) #define CDM_HIDECONTROL (CDM_FIRST+5) #define CDM_SETDEFEXT (CDM_FIRST+6) #define CC_RGBINIT 1 #define CC_FULLOPEN 2 #define CC_PREVENTFULLOPEN 4 #define CC_SHOWHELP 8 #define CC_ENABLEHOOK 16 #define CC_ENABLETEMPLATE 32 #define CC_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE 64 #define CC_SOLIDCOLOR 128 #define CC_ANYCOLOR 256 #define CF_SCREENFONTS 1 #define CF_PRINTERFONTS 2 #define CF_BOTH 3 #define CF_SHOWHELP 4 #define CF_ENABLEHOOK 8 #define CF_ENABLETEMPLATE 16 #define CF_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE 32 #define CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT 64 #define CF_USESTYLE 128 #define CF_EFFECTS 256 #define CF_APPLY 512 #define CF_ANSIONLY 1024 #define CF_SCRIPTSONLY CF_ANSIONLY #define CF_NOVECTORFONTS 2048 #define CF_NOOEMFONTS 2048 #define CF_NOSIMULATIONS 4096 #define CF_LIMITSIZE 8192 #define CF_FIXEDPITCHONLY 16384 #define CF_WYSIWYG 32768 #define CF_FORCEFONTEXIST 65536 #define CF_SCALABLEONLY 131072 #define CF_TTONLY 262144 #define CF_NOFACESEL 524288 #define CF_NOSTYLESEL 1048576 #define CF_NOSIZESEL 2097152 #define CF_SELECTSCRIPT 4194304 #define CF_NOSCRIPTSEL 8388608 #define CF_NOVERTFONTS &h1000000 #define SIMULATED_FONTTYPE &h8000 #define PRINTER_FONTTYPE &h4000 #define SCREEN_FONTTYPE &h2000 #define BOLD_FONTTYPE &h100 #define ITALIC_FONTTYPE &h0200 #define REGULAR_FONTTYPE &h0400 #define WM_CHOOSEFONT_GETLOGFONT (WM_USER+1) #define WM_CHOOSEFONT_SETLOGFONT (WM_USER+101) #define WM_CHOOSEFONT_SETFLAGS (WM_USER+102) #define OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT 512 #define OFN_CREATEPROMPT &h2000 #define OFN_ENABLEHOOK 32 #define OFN_ENABLESIZING &h800000 #define OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE 64 #define OFN_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE 128 #define OFN_EXPLORER &h80000 #define OFN_EXTENSIONDIFFERENT &h400 #define OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST &h1000 #define OFN_HIDEREADONLY 4 #define OFN_LONGNAMES &h200000 #define OFN_NOCHANGEDIR 8 #define OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS &h100000 #define OFN_NOLONGNAMES &h40000 #define OFN_NONETWORKBUTTON &h20000 #define OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN &h8000 #define OFN_NOTESTFILECREATE &h10000 #define OFN_NOVALIDATE 256 #define OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT 2 #define OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST &h800 #define OFN_READONLY 1 #define OFN_SHAREAWARE &h4000 #define OFN_SHOWHELP 16 #define OFN_SHAREFALLTHROUGH 2 #define OFN_SHARENOWARN 1 #define OFN_SHAREWARN 0 #define OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS &h100000 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define OFN_DONTADDTORECENT &h02000000 #endif #define FR_DIALOGTERM 64 #define FR_DOWN 1 #define FR_ENABLEHOOK 256 #define FR_ENABLETEMPLATE 512 #define FR_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE &h2000 #define FR_FINDNEXT 8 #define FR_HIDEUPDOWN &h4000 #define FR_HIDEMATCHCASE &h8000 #define FR_HIDEWHOLEWORD &h10000 #define FR_MATCHALEFHAMZA &h80000000 #define FR_MATCHCASE 4 #define FR_MATCHDIAC &h20000000 #define FR_MATCHKASHIDA &h40000000 #define FR_NOMATCHCASE &h800 #define FR_NOUPDOWN &h400 #define FR_NOWHOLEWORD 4096 #define FR_REPLACE 16 #define FR_REPLACEALL 32 #define FR_SHOWHELP 128 #define FR_WHOLEWORD 2 #define PD_ALLPAGES 0 #define PD_SELECTION 1 #define PD_PAGENUMS 2 #define PD_NOSELECTION 4 #define PD_NOPAGENUMS 8 #define PD_COLLATE 16 #define PD_PRINTTOFILE 32 #define PD_PRINTSETUP 64 #define PD_NOWARNING 128 #define PD_RETURNDC 256 #define PD_RETURNIC 512 #define PD_RETURNDEFAULT 1024 #define PD_SHOWHELP 2048 #define PD_ENABLEPRINTHOOK 4096 #define PD_ENABLESETUPHOOK 8192 #define PD_ENABLEPRINTTEMPLATE 16384 #define PD_ENABLESETUPTEMPLATE 32768 #define PD_ENABLEPRINTTEMPLATEHANDLE 65536 #define PD_ENABLESETUPTEMPLATEHANDLE &h20000 #define PD_USEDEVMODECOPIES &h40000 #define PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE &h40000 #define PD_DISABLEPRINTTOFILE &h80000 #define PD_HIDEPRINTTOFILE &h100000 #define PD_NONETWORKBUTTON &h200000 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define PD_CURRENTPAGE &h00400000 #define PD_NOCURRENTPAGE &h00800000 #define PD_EXCLUSIONFLAGS &h01000000 #define PD_USELARGETEMPLATE &h10000000 #define PD_RESULT_CANCEL 0 #define PD_RESULT_PRINT 1 #define PD_RESULT_APPLY 2 #define START_PAGE_GENERAL &hFFFFFFFF #endif #define PSD_DEFAULTMINMARGINS 0 #define PSD_INWININIINTLMEASURE 0 #define PSD_MINMARGINS 1 #define PSD_MARGINS 2 #define PSD_INTHOUSANDTHSOFINCHES 4 #define PSD_INHUNDREDTHSOFMILLIMETERS 8 #define PSD_DISABLEMARGINS 16 #define PSD_DISABLEPRINTER 32 #define PSD_NOWARNING 128 #define PSD_DISABLEORIENTATION 256 #define PSD_DISABLEPAPER 512 #define PSD_RETURNDEFAULT 1024 #define PSD_SHOWHELP 2048 #define PSD_ENABLEPAGESETUPHOOK 8192 #define PSD_ENABLEPAGESETUPTEMPLATE &h8000 #define PSD_ENABLEPAGESETUPTEMPLATEHANDLE &h20000 #define PSD_ENABLEPAGEPAINTHOOK &h40000 #define PSD_DISABLEPAGEPAINTING &h80000 #define WM_PSD_PAGESETUPDLG WM_USER #define WM_PSD_FULLPAGERECT (WM_USER+1) #define WM_PSD_MINMARGINRECT (WM_USER+2) #define WM_PSD_MARGINRECT (WM_USER+3) #define WM_PSD_GREEKTEXTRECT (WM_USER+4) #define WM_PSD_ENVSTAMPRECT (WM_USER+5) #define WM_PSD_YAFULLPAGERECT (WM_USER+6) #define CD_LBSELNOITEMS (-1) #define CD_LBSELCHANGE 0 #define CD_LBSELSUB 1 #define CD_LBSELADD 2 #define DN_DEFAULTPRN 1 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define OPENFILENAME_SIZE_VERSION_400 76 #endif #ifndef SNDMSG #define SNDMSG SendMessage #endif #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetSpec(d,s,m) SNDMSG(d,CDM_GETSPEC,m,cint(s)) #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetSpecA CommDlg_OpenSave_GetSpec #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetSpecW CommDlg_OpenSave_GetSpec #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFilePath(d,s,m) SNDMSG(d,CDM_GETFILEPATH,m,cint(s)) #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFilePathA CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFilePath #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFilePathW CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFilePath #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderPath(d,s,m) SNDMSG(d,CDM_GETFOLDERPATH,m,cint(s)) #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderPathA CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderPath #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderPathW CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderPath #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderIDList(d,i,m) SNDMSG(d,CDM_GETFOLDERIDLIST,m,cint(i)) #define CommDlg_OpenSave_SetControlText(d,i,t) SNDMSG(d,CDM_SETCONTROLTEXT,i,cint(t)) #define CommDlg_OpenSave_HideControl(d,i) SNDMSG(d,CDM_HIDECONTROL,i,0) #define CommDlg_OpenSave_SetDefExt(d,e) SNDMSG(d,CDM_SETDEFEXT,0,cint(e)) type __CDHOOKPROC as function (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as UINT type LPCCHOOKPROC as __CDHOOKPROC type LPCFHOOKPROC as __CDHOOKPROC type LPFRHOOKPROC as __CDHOOKPROC type LPOFNHOOKPROC as __CDHOOKPROC type LPPAGEPAINTHOOK as __CDHOOKPROC type LPPAGESETUPHOOK as __CDHOOKPROC type LPSETUPHOOKPROC as __CDHOOKPROC type LPPRINTHOOKPROC as __CDHOOKPROC #ifndef UNICODE type CHOOSECOLORA field=1 lStructSize as DWORD hwndOwner as HWND hInstance as HWND rgbResult as COLORREF lpCustColors as COLORREF ptr Flags as DWORD lCustData as LPARAM lpfnHook as LPCCHOOKPROC lpTemplateName as LPCSTR end type type LPCHOOSECOLORA as CHOOSECOLORA ptr type CHOOSEFONTA field=1 lStructSize as DWORD hwndOwner as HWND hDC as HDC lpLogFont as LPLOGFONTA iPointSize as INT_ Flags as DWORD rgbColors as DWORD lCustData as LPARAM lpfnHook as LPCFHOOKPROC lpTemplateName as LPCSTR hInstance as HINSTANCE lpszStyle as LPSTR nFontType as WORD ___MISSING_ALIGNMENT__ as WORD nSizeMin as INT_ nSizeMax as INT_ end type type LPCHOOSEFONTA as CHOOSEFONTA ptr #else ''UNICODE type CHOOSECOLORW field=1 lStructSize as DWORD hwndOwner as HWND hInstance as HWND rgbResult as COLORREF lpCustColors as COLORREF ptr Flags as DWORD lCustData as LPARAM lpfnHook as LPCCHOOKPROC lpTemplateName as LPCWSTR end type type LPCHOOSECOLORW as CHOOSECOLORW ptr type CHOOSEFONTW field=1 lStructSize as DWORD hwndOwner as HWND hDC as HDC lpLogFont as LPLOGFONTW iPointSize as INT_ Flags as DWORD rgbColors as DWORD lCustData as LPARAM lpfnHook as LPCFHOOKPROC lpTemplateName as LPCWSTR hInstance as HINSTANCE lpszStyle as LPWSTR nFontType as WORD ___MISSING_ALIGNMENT__ as WORD nSizeMin as INT_ nSizeMax as INT_ end type type LPCHOOSEFONTW as CHOOSEFONTW ptr #endif ''UNICODE type DEVNAMES field=1 wDriverOffset as WORD wDeviceOffset as WORD wOutputOffset as WORD wDefault as WORD end type #ifndef UNICODE type LPDEVNAMES as DEVNAMES ptr type FINDREPLACEA field=1 lStructSize as DWORD hwndOwner as HWND hInstance as HINSTANCE Flags as DWORD lpstrFindWhat as LPSTR lpstrReplaceWith as LPSTR wFindWhatLen as WORD wReplaceWithLen as WORD lCustData as LPARAM lpfnHook as LPFRHOOKPROC lpTemplateName as LPCSTR end type type LPFINDREPLACEA as FINDREPLACEA ptr type OFNA field=1 lStructSize as DWORD hwndOwner as HWND hInstance as HINSTANCE lpstrFilter as LPCSTR lpstrCustomFilter as LPSTR nMaxCustFilter as DWORD nFilterIndex as DWORD lpstrFile as LPSTR nMaxFile as DWORD lpstrFileTitle as LPSTR nMaxFileTitle as DWORD lpstrInitialDir as LPCSTR lpstrTitle as LPCSTR Flags as DWORD nFileOffset as WORD nFileExtension as WORD lpstrDefExt as LPCSTR lCustData as DWORD lpfnHook as LPOFNHOOKPROC lpTemplateName as LPCSTR #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) pvReserved as PVOID dwReserved as DWORD FlagsEx as DWORD #endif end type type OPENFILENAMEA as OFNA type LPOPENFILENAMEA as OFNA ptr type OFNOTIFYA field=1 hdr as NMHDR lpOFN as LPOPENFILENAMEA pszFile as LPSTR end type type LPOFNOTIFYA as OFNOTIFYA ptr type PSDA field=1 lStructSize as DWORD hwndOwner as HWND hDevMode as HGLOBAL hDevNames as HGLOBAL Flags as DWORD ptPaperSize as POINT rtMinMargin as RECT rtMargin as RECT hInstance as HINSTANCE lCustData as LPARAM lpfnPageSetupHook as LPPAGESETUPHOOK lpfnPagePaintHook as LPPAGEPAINTHOOK lpPageSetupTemplateName as LPCSTR hPageSetupTemplate as HGLOBAL end type type PAGESETUPDLGA as PSDA type LPPAGESETUPDLGA as PSDA ptr type PDA field=1 lStructSize as DWORD hwndOwner as HWND hDevMode as HANDLE hDevNames as HANDLE hDC as HDC Flags as DWORD nFromPage as WORD nToPage as WORD nMinPage as WORD nMaxPage as WORD nCopies as WORD hInstance as HINSTANCE lCustData as DWORD lpfnPrintHook as LPPRINTHOOKPROC lpfnSetupHook as LPSETUPHOOKPROC lpPrintTemplateName as LPCSTR lpSetupTemplateName as LPCSTR hPrintTemplate as HANDLE hSetupTemplate as HANDLE end type type PRINTDLGA as PDA type LPPRINTDLGA as PDA ptr #else ''UNICODE type FINDREPLACEW field=1 lStructSize as DWORD hwndOwner as HWND hInstance as HINSTANCE Flags as DWORD lpstrFindWhat as LPWSTR lpstrReplaceWith as LPWSTR wFindWhatLen as WORD wReplaceWithLen as WORD lCustData as LPARAM lpfnHook as LPFRHOOKPROC lpTemplateName as LPCWSTR end type type LPFINDREPLACEW as FINDREPLACEW ptr type OFNW field=1 lStructSize as DWORD hwndOwner as HWND hInstance as HINSTANCE lpstrFilter as LPCWSTR lpstrCustomFilter as LPWSTR nMaxCustFilter as DWORD nFilterIndex as DWORD lpstrFile as LPWSTR nMaxFile as DWORD lpstrFileTitle as LPWSTR nMaxFileTitle as DWORD lpstrInitialDir as LPCWSTR lpstrTitle as LPCWSTR Flags as DWORD nFileOffset as WORD nFileExtension as WORD lpstrDefExt as LPCWSTR lCustData as DWORD lpfnHook as LPOFNHOOKPROC lpTemplateName as LPCWSTR #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) pvReserved as PVOID dwReserved as DWORD FlagsEx as DWORD #endif end type type OPENFILENAMEW as OFNW type LPOPENFILENAMEW as OFNW ptr type OFNOTIFYW field=1 hdr as NMHDR lpOFN as LPOPENFILENAMEW pszFile as LPWSTR end type type LPOFNOTIFYW as OFNOTIFYW ptr type PSDW field=1 lStructSize as DWORD hwndOwner as HWND hDevMode as HGLOBAL hDevNames as HGLOBAL Flags as DWORD ptPaperSize as POINT rtMinMargin as RECT rtMargin as RECT hInstance as HINSTANCE lCustData as LPARAM lpfnPageSetupHook as LPPAGESETUPHOOK lpfnPagePaintHook as LPPAGEPAINTHOOK lpPageSetupTemplateName as LPCWSTR hPageSetupTemplate as HGLOBAL end type type PAGESETUPDLGW as PSDW type LPPAGESETUPDLGW as PSDW ptr type PDW field=1 lStructSize as DWORD hwndOwner as HWND hDevMode as HANDLE hDevNames as HANDLE hDC as HDC Flags as DWORD nFromPage as WORD nToPage as WORD nMinPage as WORD nMaxPage as WORD nCopies as WORD hInstance as HINSTANCE lCustData as DWORD lpfnPrintHook as LPPRINTHOOKPROC lpfnSetupHook as LPSETUPHOOKPROC lpPrintTemplateName as LPCWSTR lpSetupTemplateName as LPCWSTR hPrintTemplate as HANDLE hSetupTemplate as HANDLE end type type PRINTDLGW as PDW type LPPRINTDLGW as PDW ptr #endif ''UNICODE #if (WINVER >= &h0500) #ifndef _OBJC_NO_COM #include "unknwn.bi" '' for LPUNKNOWN #include "prsht.bi" '' for HPROPSHEETPAGE type PRINTPAGERANGE field=1 nFromPage as DWORD nToPage as DWORD end type type LPPRINTPAGERANGE as PRINTPAGERANGE ptr #ifdef UNICODE type PDEXA field=1 lStructSize as DWORD hwndOwner as HWND hDevMode as HGLOBAL hDevNames as HGLOBAL hDC as HDC Flags as DWORD Flags2 as DWORD ExclusionFlags as DWORD nPageRanges as DWORD nMaxPageRanges as DWORD lpPageRanges as LPPRINTPAGERANGE nMinPage as DWORD nMaxPage as DWORD nCopies as DWORD hInstance as HINSTANCE lpPrintTemplateName as LPCSTR lpCallback as LPUNKNOWN nPropertyPages as DWORD lphPropertyPages as HPROPSHEETPAGE ptr nStartPage as DWORD dwResultAction as DWORD end type type LPPRINTDLGEXA as PRINTDLGEXA ptr #else ''UNICODE type PDEXW field=1 lStructSize as DWORD hwndOwner as HWND hDevMode as HGLOBAL hDevNames as HGLOBAL hDC as HDC Flags as DWORD Flags2 as DWORD ExclusionFlags as DWORD nPageRanges as DWORD nMaxPageRanges as DWORD lpPageRanges as LPPRINTPAGERANGE nMinPage as DWORD nMaxPage as DWORD nCopies as DWORD hInstance as HINSTANCE lpPrintTemplateName as LPCWSTR lpCallback as LPUNKNOWN nPropertyPages as DWORD lphPropertyPages as HPROPSHEETPAGE ptr nStartPage as DWORD dwResultAction as DWORD end type type LPPRINTDLGEXW as PRINTDLGEXW ptr #endif #endif #endif declare function CommDlgExtendedError alias "CommDlgExtendedError" () as DWORD #ifdef UNICODE #define LBSELCHSTRING LBSELCHSTRINGW #define SHAREVISTRING SHAREVISTRINGW #define FILEOKSTRING FILEOKSTRINGW #define COLOROKSTRING COLOROKSTRINGW #define SETRGBSTRING SETRGBSTRINGW #define HELPMSGSTRING HELPMSGSTRINGW #define FINDMSGSTRING FINDMSGSTRINGW declare function ChooseColor alias "ChooseColorW" (byval as LPCHOOSECOLORW) as BOOL declare function ChooseFont alias "ChooseFontW" (byval as LPCHOOSEFONTW) as BOOL declare function FindText alias "FindTextW" (byval as LPFINDREPLACEW) as HWND declare function GetFileTitle alias "GetFileTitleW" (byval as LPCWSTR, byval as LPWSTR, byval as WORD) as short declare function GetOpenFileName alias "GetOpenFileNameW" (byval as LPOPENFILENAMEW) as BOOL declare function GetSaveFileName alias "GetSaveFileNameW" (byval as LPOPENFILENAMEW) as BOOL declare function PageSetupDlg alias "PageSetupDlgW" (byval as LPPAGESETUPDLGW) as BOOL declare function PrintDlg alias "PrintDlgW" (byval as LPPRINTDLGW) as BOOL declare function ReplaceText alias "ReplaceTextW" (byval as LPFINDREPLACEW) as HWND #if (WINVER >= &h0500) #ifndef _OBJC_NO_COM declare function PrintDlgEx alias "PrintDlgExW" (byval as LPPRINTDLGEXW) as HRESULT type PRINTDLGEX_ as PRINTDLGEXW type LPPRINTDLGEX as PRINTDLGEXW ptr #endif #endif type CHOOSECOLOR as CHOOSECOLORW type LPCHOOSECOLOR as CHOOSECOLORW ptr type CHOOSEFONT as CHOOSEFONTW type LPCHOOSEFONT as CHOOSEFONTW ptr type FINDREPLACE as FINDREPLACEW type LPFINDREPLACE as FINDREPLACEW ptr type OPENFILENAME as OPENFILENAMEW type LPOPENFILENAME as OPENFILENAMEW ptr type OFNOTIFY as OFNOTIFYW type LPOFNOTIFY as OFNOTIFYW ptr type PAGESETUPDLG as PAGESETUPDLGW type LPPAGESETUPDLG as PAGESETUPDLGW ptr type PRINTDLG as PRINTDLGW type LPPRINTDLG as PRINTDLGW ptr #else ''UNICODE #define LBSELCHSTRING LBSELCHSTRINGA #define SHAREVISTRING SHAREVISTRINGA #define FILEOKSTRING FILEOKSTRINGA #define COLOROKSTRING COLOROKSTRINGA #define SETRGBSTRING SETRGBSTRINGA #define HELPMSGSTRING HELPMSGSTRINGA #define FINDMSGSTRING FINDMSGSTRINGA declare function ChooseColor alias "ChooseColorA" (byval as LPCHOOSECOLORA) as BOOL declare function ChooseFont alias "ChooseFontA" (byval as LPCHOOSEFONTA) as BOOL declare function FindText alias "FindTextA" (byval as LPFINDREPLACEA) as HWND declare function GetFileTitle alias "GetFileTitleA" (byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPSTR, byval as WORD) as short declare function GetOpenFileName alias "GetOpenFileNameA" (byval as LPOPENFILENAMEA) as BOOL declare function GetSaveFileName alias "GetSaveFileNameA" (byval as LPOPENFILENAMEA) as BOOL declare function PageSetupDlg alias "PageSetupDlgA" (byval as LPPAGESETUPDLGA) as BOOL declare function PrintDlg alias "PrintDlgA" (byval as LPPRINTDLGA) as BOOL declare function ReplaceText alias "ReplaceTextA" (byval as LPFINDREPLACEA) as HWND #if (WINVER >= &h0500) #ifndef _OBJC_NO_COM declare function PrintDlgEx alias "PrintDlgExA" (byval as Integer) as HRESULT type PRINTDLGEX_ as PRINTDLGEXA type LPPRINTDLGEX as PRINTDLGEXA ptr #endif #endif type CHOOSECOLOR as CHOOSECOLORA type LPCHOOSECOLOR as CHOOSECOLORA ptr type CHOOSEFONT as CHOOSEFONTA type LPCHOOSEFONT as CHOOSEFONTA ptr type FINDREPLACE as FINDREPLACEA type LPFINDREPLACE as FINDREPLACEA ptr type OPENFILENAME as OPENFILENAMEA type LPOPENFILENAME as OPENFILENAMEA ptr type OFNOTIFY as OFNOTIFYA type LPOFNOTIFY as OFNOTIFYA ptr type PAGESETUPDLG as PAGESETUPDLGA type LPPAGESETUPDLG as PAGESETUPDLGA ptr type PRINTDLG as PRINTDLGA type LPPRINTDLG as PRINTDLGA ptr #endif ''UNICODE #endif