'' '' '' winuser -- header translated with help of SWIG FB wrapper '' '' NOTICE: This file is part of the FreeBASIC Compiler package and can't '' be included in other distributions without authorization. '' '' #ifndef __win_winuser_bi__ #define __win_winuser_bi__ #define MNGO_NOINTERFACE 0 #define MNGO_NOERROR 1 #define MNGOF_TOPGAP 1 #define MNGOF_BOTTOMGAP 2 #define WC_DIALOG MAKEINTATOM(&h8002) #define FALT 16 #define FCONTROL 8 #define FNOINVERT 2 #define FSHIFT 4 #define FVIRTKEY 1 #define ATF_TIMEOUTON 1 #define ATF_ONOFFFEEDBACK 2 #define ATF_AVAILABLE 4 #define WH_MIN (-1) #define WH_MSGFILTER (-1) #define WH_JOURNALRECORD 0 #define WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK 1 #define WH_KEYBOARD 2 #define WH_GETMESSAGE 3 #define WH_CALLWNDPROC 4 #define WH_CBT 5 #define WH_SYSMSGFILTER 6 #define WH_MOUSE 7 #define WH_HARDWARE 8 #define WH_DEBUG 9 #define WH_SHELL 10 #define WH_FOREGROUNDIDLE 11 #define WH_CALLWNDPROCRET 12 #define WH_KEYBOARD_LL 13 #define WH_MOUSE_LL 14 #define WH_MAX 14 #define WH_MINHOOK (-1) #define WH_MAXHOOK 14 #define HC_ACTION 0 #define HC_GETNEXT 1 #define HC_SKIP 2 #define HC_NOREMOVE 3 #define HC_NOREM 3 #define HC_SYSMODALON 4 #define HC_SYSMODALOFF 5 #define HCBT_MOVESIZE 0 #define HCBT_MINMAX 1 #define HCBT_QS 2 #define HCBT_CREATEWND 3 #define HCBT_DESTROYWND 4 #define HCBT_ACTIVATE 5 #define HCBT_CLICKSKIPPED 6 #define HCBT_KEYSKIPPED 7 #define HCBT_SYSCOMMAND 8 #define HCBT_SETFOCUS 9 #define CF_TEXT 1 #define CF_BITMAP 2 #define CF_METAFILEPICT 3 #define CF_SYLK 4 #define CF_DIF 5 #define CF_TIFF 6 #define CF_OEMTEXT 7 #define CF_DIB 8 #define CF_PALETTE 9 #define CF_PENDATA 10 #define CF_RIFF 11 #define CF_WAVE 12 #define CF_UNICODETEXT 13 #define CF_ENHMETAFILE 14 #define CF_HDROP 15 #define CF_LOCALE 16 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define CF_DIBV5 17 #define CF_MAX 18 #else #define CF_MAX 17 #endif #define CF_OWNERDISPLAY 128 #define CF_DSPTEXT 129 #define CF_DSPBITMAP 130 #define CF_DSPMETAFILEPICT 131 #define CF_DSPENHMETAFILE 142 #define CF_PRIVATEFIRST 512 #define CF_PRIVATELAST 767 #define CF_GDIOBJFIRST 768 #define CF_GDIOBJLAST 1023 #define HKL_NEXT 1 #define HKL_PREV 0 #define KLF_ACTIVATE 1 #define KLF_SUBSTITUTE_OK 2 #define KLF_UNLOADPREVIOUS 4 #define KLF_REORDER 8 #define KLF_REPLACELANG 16 #define KLF_NOTELLSHELL 128 #define KLF_SETFORPROCESS 256 #define KL_NAMELENGTH 9 #define MF_ENABLED 0 #define MF_GRAYED 1 #define MF_DISABLED 2 #define MF_BITMAP 4 #define MF_CHECKED 8 #define MF_MENUBARBREAK 32 #define MF_MENUBREAK 64 #define MF_OWNERDRAW 256 #define MF_POPUP 16 #define MF_SEPARATOR &h800 #define MF_STRING 0 #define MF_UNCHECKED 0 #define MF_DEFAULT 4096 #define MF_SYSMENU &h2000 #define MF_HELP &h4000 #define MF_END 128 #define MF_RIGHTJUSTIFY &h4000 #define MF_MOUSESELECT &h8000 #define MF_INSERT 0 #define MF_CHANGE 128 #define MF_APPEND 256 #define MF_DELETE 512 #define MF_REMOVE 4096 #define MF_USECHECKBITMAPS 512 #define MF_UNHILITE 0 #define MF_HILITE 128 #define BSM_ALLCOMPONENTS 0 #define BSM_APPLICATIONS 8 #define BSM_ALLDESKTOPS 16 #define BSM_INSTALLABLEDRIVERS 4 #define BSM_NETDRIVER 2 #define BSM_VXDS 1 #define BSF_FLUSHDISK &h00000004 #define BSF_FORCEIFHUNG &h00000020 #define BSF_IGNORECURRENTTASK &h00000002 #define BSF_NOHANG &h00000008 #define BSF_NOTIMEOUTIFNOTHUNG &h00000040 #define BSF_POSTMESSAGE &h00000010 #define BSF_QUERY &h00000001 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define BSF_ALLOWSFW &h00000080 #define BSF_SENDNOTIFYMESSAGE &h00000100 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define BSF_LUID &h00000400 #define BSF_RETURNHDESK &h00000200 #endif #define BROADCAST_QUERY_DENY 1112363332 #define ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS cuint(-1) #define ENUM_REGISTRY_SETTINGS cuint(-2) #define DM_BITSPERPEL &h40000 #define DM_PELSWIDTH &h80000 #define DM_PELSHEIGHT &h100000 #define DM_DISPLAYFLAGS &h200000 #define DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY &h400000 #define CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY 1 #define CDS_TEST 2 #define CDS_FULLSCREEN 4 #define CDS_GLOBAL 8 #define CDS_SET_PRIMARY 16 #define CDS_RESET &h40000000 #define CDS_SETRECT &h20000000 #define CDS_NORESET &h10000000 #define DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL 0 #define DISP_CHANGE_RESTART 1 #define DISP_CHANGE_BADFLAGS (-4) #define DISP_CHANGE_BADPARAM (-5) #define DISP_CHANGE_BADDUALVIEW (-6) #define DISP_CHANGE_FAILED (-1) #define DISP_CHANGE_BADMODE (-2) #define DISP_CHANGE_NOTUPDATED (-3) #define BST_CHECKED 1 #define BST_INDETERMINATE 2 #define BST_UNCHECKED 0 #define BST_FOCUS 8 #define BST_PUSHED 4 #define MF_BYCOMMAND 0 #define MF_BYPOSITION 1024 #define MF_UNCHECKED 0 #define MF_HILITE 128 #define MF_UNHILITE 0 #define CWP_ALL 0 #define CWP_SKIPINVISIBLE 1 #define CWP_SKIPDISABLED 2 #define CWP_SKIPTRANSPARENT 4 #define IMAGE_BITMAP 0 #define IMAGE_ICON 1 #define IMAGE_CURSOR 2 #define IMAGE_ENHMETAFILE 3 #define DF_ALLOWOTHERACCOUNTHOOK 1 #define DESKTOP_CREATEMENU 4 #define DESKTOP_CREATEWINDOW 2 #define DESKTOP_ENUMERATE 64 #define DESKTOP_HOOKCONTROL 8 #define DESKTOP_JOURNALPLAYBACK 32 #define DESKTOP_JOURNALRECORD 16 #define DESKTOP_READOBJECTS 1 #define DESKTOP_SWITCHDESKTOP 256 #define DESKTOP_WRITEOBJECTS 128 #define CW_USEDEFAULT &h80000000 #define WS_BORDER &h800000 #define WS_CAPTION &hc00000 #define WS_CHILD &h40000000 #define WS_CHILDWINDOW &h40000000 #define WS_CLIPCHILDREN &h2000000 #define WS_CLIPSIBLINGS &h4000000 #define WS_DISABLED &h8000000 #define WS_DLGFRAME &h400000 #define WS_GROUP &h20000 #define WS_HSCROLL &h100000 #define WS_ICONIC &h20000000 #define WS_MAXIMIZE &h1000000 #define WS_MAXIMIZEBOX &h10000 #define WS_MINIMIZE &h20000000 #define WS_MINIMIZEBOX &h20000 #define WS_OVERLAPPED 0 #define WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW &hcf0000 #define WS_POPUP &h80000000 #define WS_POPUPWINDOW &h80880000 #define WS_SIZEBOX &h40000 #define WS_SYSMENU &h80000 #define WS_TABSTOP &h10000 #define WS_THICKFRAME &h40000 #define WS_TILED 0 #define WS_TILEDWINDOW &hcf0000 #define WS_VISIBLE &h10000000 #define WS_VSCROLL &h200000 #define MDIS_ALLCHILDSTYLES 1 #define BS_3STATE 5 #define BS_AUTO3STATE 6 #define BS_AUTOCHECKBOX 3 #define BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON 9 #define BS_BITMAP 128 #define BS_BOTTOM &h800 #define BS_CENTER &h300 #define BS_CHECKBOX 2 #define BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON 1 #define BS_GROUPBOX 7 #define BS_ICON 64 #define BS_LEFT 256 #define BS_LEFTTEXT 32 #define BS_MULTILINE &h2000 #define BS_NOTIFY &h4000 #define BS_OWNERDRAW &hb #define BS_PUSHBUTTON 0 #define BS_PUSHLIKE 4096 #define BS_RADIOBUTTON 4 #define BS_RIGHT 512 #define BS_RIGHTBUTTON 32 #define BS_TEXT 0 #define BS_TOP &h400 #define BS_USERBUTTON 8 #define BS_VCENTER &hc00 #define BS_FLAT &h8000 #define CBS_AUTOHSCROLL 64 #define CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL &h800 #define CBS_DROPDOWN 2 #define CBS_DROPDOWNLIST 3 #define CBS_HASSTRINGS 512 #define CBS_LOWERCASE &h4000 #define CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT &h400 #define CBS_OEMCONVERT 128 #define CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED 16 #define CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE 32 #define CBS_SIMPLE 1 #define CBS_SORT 256 #define CBS_UPPERCASE &h2000 #define ES_AUTOHSCROLL 128 #define ES_AUTOVSCROLL 64 #define ES_CENTER 1 #define ES_LEFT 0 #define ES_LOWERCASE 16 #define ES_MULTILINE 4 #define ES_NOHIDESEL 256 #define ES_NUMBER &h2000 #define ES_OEMCONVERT &h400 #define ES_PASSWORD 32 #define ES_READONLY &h800 #define ES_RIGHT 2 #define ES_UPPERCASE 8 #define ES_WANTRETURN 4096 #define LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL 4096 #define LBS_EXTENDEDSEL &h800 #define LBS_HASSTRINGS 64 #define LBS_MULTICOLUMN 512 #define LBS_MULTIPLESEL 8 #define LBS_NODATA &h2000 #define LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT 256 #define LBS_NOREDRAW 4 #define LBS_NOSEL &h4000 #define LBS_NOTIFY 1 #define LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED 16 #define LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE 32 #define LBS_SORT 2 #define LBS_STANDARD &ha00003 #define LBS_USETABSTOPS 128 #define LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT &h400 #define SBS_BOTTOMALIGN 4 #define SBS_HORZ 0 #define SBS_LEFTALIGN 2 #define SBS_RIGHTALIGN 4 #define SBS_SIZEBOX 8 #define SBS_SIZEBOXBOTTOMRIGHTALIGN 4 #define SBS_SIZEBOXTOPLEFTALIGN 2 #define SBS_SIZEGRIP 16 #define SBS_TOPALIGN 2 #define SBS_VERT 1 #define SS_BITMAP 14 #define SS_BLACKFRAME 7 #define SS_BLACKRECT 4 #define SS_CENTER 1 #define SS_CENTERIMAGE 512 #define SS_EDITCONTROL &h2000 #define SS_ENHMETAFILE 15 #define SS_ETCHEDFRAME 18 #define SS_ETCHEDHORZ 16 #define SS_ETCHEDVERT 17 #define SS_GRAYFRAME 8 #define SS_GRAYRECT 5 #define SS_ICON 3 #define SS_LEFT 0 #define SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP &hc #define SS_NOPREFIX 128 #define SS_NOTIFY 256 #define SS_OWNERDRAW &hd #define SS_REALSIZECONTROL &h40 #define SS_REALSIZEIMAGE &h800 #define SS_RIGHT 2 #define SS_RIGHTJUST &h400 #define SS_SIMPLE 11 #define SS_SUNKEN 4096 #define SS_WHITEFRAME 9 #define SS_WHITERECT 6 #define SS_USERITEM 10 #define SS_TYPEMASK &h0000001FL #define SS_ENDELLIPSIS &h00004000L #define SS_PATHELLIPSIS &h00008000L #define SS_WORDELLIPSIS &h0000C000L #define SS_ELLIPSISMASK &h0000C000L #define DS_3DLOOK 4 #define DS_ABSALIGN 1 #define DS_CENTER &h800 #define DS_CENTERMOUSE 4096 #define DS_CONTEXTHELP &h2000 #define DS_CONTROL &h400 #define DS_FIXEDSYS 8 #define DS_LOCALEDIT 32 #define DS_MODALFRAME 128 #define DS_NOFAILCREATE 16 #define DS_NOIDLEMSG 256 #define DS_SETFONT 64 #define DS_SETFOREGROUND 512 #define DS_SYSMODAL 2 #define DS_SHELLFONT (64 or 8) #define WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES 16 #define WS_EX_APPWINDOW &h40000 #define WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE 512 #define WS_EX_COMPOSITED &h2000000 #define WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP &h400 #define WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT &h10000 #define WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME 1 #define WS_EX_LAYERED &h80000 #define WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL &h400000 #define WS_EX_LEFT 0 #define WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR &h4000 #define WS_EX_LTRREADING 0 #define WS_EX_MDICHILD 64 #define WS_EX_NOACTIVATE &h8000000 #define WS_EX_NOINHERITLAYOUT &h100000 #define WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY 4 #define WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW &h300 #define WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW &h188 #define WS_EX_RIGHT &h1000 #define WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR 0 #define WS_EX_RTLREADING &h2000 #define WS_EX_STATICEDGE &h20000 #define WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW 128 #define WS_EX_TOPMOST 8 #define WS_EX_TRANSPARENT 32 #define WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE 256 #define WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS 895 #define WINSTA_ACCESSCLIPBOARD 4 #define WINSTA_ACCESSGLOBALATOMS 32 #define WINSTA_CREATEDESKTOP 8 #define WINSTA_ENUMDESKTOPS 1 #define WINSTA_ENUMERATE 256 #define WINSTA_EXITWINDOWS 64 #define WINSTA_READATTRIBUTES 2 #define WINSTA_READSCREEN 512 #define WINSTA_WRITEATTRIBUTES 16 #define DDL_READWRITE 0 #define DDL_READONLY 1 #define DDL_HIDDEN 2 #define DDL_SYSTEM 4 #define DDL_DIRECTORY 16 #define DDL_ARCHIVE 32 #define DDL_POSTMSGS 8192 #define DDL_DRIVES 16384 #define DDL_EXCLUSIVE 32768 #define DC_ACTIVE &h00000001 #define DC_SMALLCAP &h00000002 #define DC_ICON &h00000004 #define DC_TEXT &h00000008 #define DC_INBUTTON &h00000010 #if (_WIN32_WINDOWS >= &h0410 or _WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define DC_GRADIENT &h00000020 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define DC_BUTTONS &h00001000 #endif #define DC_CAPTION (&h00000004 or &h00000008 or &h00001000) #define BDR_RAISEDOUTER 1 #define BDR_SUNKENOUTER 2 #define BDR_RAISEDINNER 4 #define BDR_SUNKENINNER 8 #define BDR_OUTER 3 #define BDR_INNER &hc #define BDR_RAISED 5 #define BDR_SUNKEN 10 #define EDGE_RAISED (1 or 4) #define EDGE_SUNKEN (2 or 8) #define EDGE_ETCHED (2 or 4) #define EDGE_BUMP (1 or 8) #define BF_LEFT 1 #define BF_TOP 2 #define BF_RIGHT 4 #define BF_BOTTOM 8 #define BF_TOPLEFT (2 or 1) #define BF_TOPRIGHT (2 or 4) #define BF_BOTTOMLEFT (8 or 1) #define BF_BOTTOMRIGHT (8 or 4) #define BF_RECT (1 or 2 or 4 or 8) #define BF_DIAGONAL 16 #define BF_DIAGONAL_ENDTOPRIGHT (16 or 2 or 4) #define BF_DIAGONAL_ENDTOPLEFT (16 or 2 or 1) #define BF_DIAGONAL_ENDBOTTOMLEFT (16 or 8 or 1) #define BF_DIAGONAL_ENDBOTTOMRIGHT (16 or 8 or 4) #define BF_MIDDLE &h800 #define BF_SOFT &h1000 #define BF_ADJUST &h2000 #define BF_FLAT &h4000 #define BF_MONO &h8000 #define DFC_CAPTION 1 #define DFC_MENU 2 #define DFC_SCROLL 3 #define DFC_BUTTON 4 #if (WINVER >= &h0500) #define DFC_POPUPMENU 5 #endif #define DFCS_CAPTIONCLOSE 0 #define DFCS_CAPTIONMIN 1 #define DFCS_CAPTIONMAX 2 #define DFCS_CAPTIONRESTORE 3 #define DFCS_CAPTIONHELP 4 #define DFCS_MENUARROW 0 #define DFCS_MENUCHECK 1 #define DFCS_MENUBULLET 2 #define DFCS_MENUARROWRIGHT 4 #define DFCS_SCROLLUP 0 #define DFCS_SCROLLDOWN 1 #define DFCS_SCROLLLEFT 2 #define DFCS_SCROLLRIGHT 3 #define DFCS_SCROLLCOMBOBOX 5 #define DFCS_SCROLLSIZEGRIP 8 #define DFCS_SCROLLSIZEGRIPRIGHT 16 #define DFCS_BUTTONCHECK 0 #define DFCS_BUTTONRADIOIMAGE 1 #define DFCS_BUTTONRADIOMASK 2 #define DFCS_BUTTONRADIO 4 #define DFCS_BUTTON3STATE 8 #define DFCS_BUTTONPUSH 16 #define DFCS_INACTIVE 256 #define DFCS_PUSHED 512 #define DFCS_CHECKED 1024 #if (WINVER >= &h0500) #define DFCS_TRANSPARENT &h800 #define DFCS_HOT &h1000 #endif #define DFCS_ADJUSTRECT &h2000 #define DFCS_FLAT &h4000 #define DFCS_MONO &h8000 #define DST_COMPLEX 0 #define DST_TEXT 1 #define DST_PREFIXTEXT 2 #define DST_ICON 3 #define DST_BITMAP 4 #define DSS_NORMAL 0 #define DSS_UNION 16 #define DSS_DISABLED 32 #define DSS_MONO 128 #define DSS_RIGHT &h8000 #define DT_BOTTOM 8 #define DT_CALCRECT 1024 #define DT_CENTER 1 #define DT_EDITCONTROL 8192 #define DT_END_ELLIPSIS 32768 #define DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS 16384 #define DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS &h40000 #define DT_EXPANDTABS 64 #define DT_EXTERNALLEADING 512 #define DT_LEFT 0 #define DT_MODIFYSTRING 65536 #define DT_NOCLIP 256 #define DT_NOPREFIX 2048 #define DT_RIGHT 2 #define DT_RTLREADING 131072 #define DT_SINGLELINE 32 #define DT_TABSTOP 128 #define DT_TOP 0 #define DT_VCENTER 4 #define DT_WORDBREAK 16 #define DT_INTERNAL 4096 #define WB_ISDELIMITER 2 #define WB_LEFT 0 #define WB_RIGHT 1 #define SB_HORZ 0 #define SB_VERT 1 #define SB_CTL 2 #define SB_BOTH 3 #define ESB_DISABLE_BOTH 3 #define ESB_DISABLE_DOWN 2 #define ESB_DISABLE_LEFT 1 #define ESB_DISABLE_LTUP 1 #define ESB_DISABLE_RIGHT 2 #define ESB_DISABLE_RTDN 2 #define ESB_DISABLE_UP 1 #define ESB_ENABLE_BOTH 0 #define SB_LINEUP 0 #define SB_LINEDOWN 1 #define SB_LINELEFT 0 #define SB_LINERIGHT 1 #define SB_PAGEUP 2 #define SB_PAGEDOWN 3 #define SB_PAGELEFT 2 #define SB_PAGERIGHT 3 #define SB_THUMBPOSITION 4 #define SB_THUMBTRACK 5 #define SB_ENDSCROLL 8 #define SB_LEFT 6 #define SB_RIGHT 7 #define SB_BOTTOM 7 #define SB_TOP 6 #define MAKEINTRESOURCEA(i) cptr(LPSTR, cuint(i)) #define MAKEINTRESOURCEW(i) cptr(LPWSTR, cuint(i)) #define RT_CURSOR MAKEINTRESOURCE(1) #define RT_FONT MAKEINTRESOURCE(8) #define RT_BITMAP MAKEINTRESOURCE(2) #define RT_ICON MAKEINTRESOURCE(3) #define RT_MENU MAKEINTRESOURCE(4) #define RT_DIALOG MAKEINTRESOURCE(5) #define RT_STRING MAKEINTRESOURCE(6) #define RT_FONTDIR MAKEINTRESOURCE(7) #define RT_ACCELERATOR MAKEINTRESOURCE(9) #define RT_RCDATA MAKEINTRESOURCE(10) #define RT_MESSAGETABLE MAKEINTRESOURCE(11) #define DIFFERENCE 11 #define RT_GROUP_CURSOR MAKEINTRESOURCE(cuint(RT_CURSOR)+DIFFERENCE) #define RT_GROUP_ICON MAKEINTRESOURCE(cuint(RT_ICON)+DIFFERENCE) #define RT_VERSION MAKEINTRESOURCE(16) #define RT_DLGINCLUDE MAKEINTRESOURCE(17) #define RT_PLUGPLAY MAKEINTRESOURCE(19) #define RT_VXD MAKEINTRESOURCE(20) #define RT_ANICURSOR MAKEINTRESOURCE(21) #define RT_ANIICON MAKEINTRESOURCE(22) #define RT_HTML MAKEINTRESOURCE(23) #define EWX_FORCE 4 #define EWX_LOGOFF 0 #define EWX_POWEROFF 8 #define EWX_REBOOT 2 #define EWX_SHUTDOWN 1 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define EWX_FORCEIFHUNG 16 #endif #define CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT 4096 #define CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW 8192 #define CS_KEYCVTWINDOW 4 #define CS_NOKEYCVT 256 #define CS_CLASSDC 64 #define CS_DBLCLKS 8 #define CS_GLOBALCLASS 16384 #define CS_HREDRAW 2 #define CS_NOCLOSE 512 #define CS_OWNDC 32 #define CS_PARENTDC 128 #define CS_SAVEBITS 2048 #define CS_VREDRAW 1 #define CS_IME &h10000 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define CS_DROPSHADOW &h20000 #endif #define GCW_ATOM (-32) #define GCL_CBCLSEXTRA (-20) #define GCL_CBWNDEXTRA (-18) #define GCL_HBRBACKGROUND (-10) #define GCL_HCURSOR (-12) #define GCL_HICON (-14) #define GCL_HICONSM (-34) #define GCL_HMODULE (-16) #define GCL_MENUNAME (-8) #define GCL_STYLE (-26) #define GCL_WNDPROC (-24) #define GCLP_MENUNAME (-8) #define GCLP_HBRBACKGROUND (-10) #define GCLP_HCURSOR (-12) #define GCLP_HICON (-14) #define GCLP_HMODULE (-16) #define GCLP_WNDPROC (-24) #define GCLP_HICONSM (-34) #define IDC_ARROW MAKEINTRESOURCE(32512) #define IDC_IBEAM MAKEINTRESOURCE(32513) #define IDC_WAIT MAKEINTRESOURCE(32514) #define IDC_CROSS MAKEINTRESOURCE(32515) #define IDC_UPARROW MAKEINTRESOURCE(32516) #define IDC_SIZENWSE MAKEINTRESOURCE(32642) #define IDC_SIZENESW MAKEINTRESOURCE(32643) #define IDC_SIZEWE MAKEINTRESOURCE(32644) #define IDC_SIZENS MAKEINTRESOURCE(32645) #define IDC_SIZEALL MAKEINTRESOURCE(32646) #define IDC_NO MAKEINTRESOURCE(32648) #define IDC_HAND MAKEINTRESOURCE(32649) #define IDC_APPSTARTING MAKEINTRESOURCE(32650) #define IDC_HELP MAKEINTRESOURCE(32651) #define IDC_ICON MAKEINTRESOURCE(32641) #define IDC_SIZE MAKEINTRESOURCE(32640) #define IDI_APPLICATION MAKEINTRESOURCE(32512) #define IDI_HAND MAKEINTRESOURCE(32513) #define IDI_QUESTION MAKEINTRESOURCE(32514) #define IDI_EXCLAMATION MAKEINTRESOURCE(32515) #define IDI_ASTERISK MAKEINTRESOURCE(32516) #define IDI_WINLOGO MAKEINTRESOURCE(32517) #define MIIM_STATE 1 #define MIIM_ID 2 #define MIIM_SUBMENU 4 #define MIIM_CHECKMARKS 8 #define MIIM_TYPE 16 #define MIIM_DATA 32 #define MIIM_STRING 64 #define MIIM_BITMAP 128 #define MIIM_FTYPE 256 #if (WINVER >= &h0500) #define MIM_MAXHEIGHT 1 #define MIM_BACKGROUND 2 #define MIM_HELPID 4 #define MIM_MENUDATA 8 #define MIM_STYLE 16 #define MIM_APPLYTOSUBMENUS &h80000000L #define MNS_NOCHECK &h80000000 #define MNS_MODELESS &h40000000 #define MNS_DRAGDROP &h20000000 #define MNS_AUTODISMISS &h10000000 #define MNS_NOTIFYBYPOS &h08000000 #define MNS_CHECKORBMP &h04000000 #endif #define MFT_BITMAP 4 #define MFT_MENUBARBREAK 32 #define MFT_MENUBREAK 64 #define MFT_OWNERDRAW 256 #define MFT_RADIOCHECK 512 #define MFT_RIGHTJUSTIFY &h4000 #define MFT_SEPARATOR &h800 #define MFT_RIGHTORDER &h2000L #define MFT_STRING 0 #define MFS_CHECKED 8 #define MFS_DEFAULT 4096 #define MFS_DISABLED 3 #define MFS_ENABLED 0 #define MFS_GRAYED 3 #define MFS_HILITE 128 #define MFS_UNCHECKED 0 #define MFS_UNHILITE 0 #define GW_HWNDNEXT 2 #define GW_HWNDPREV 3 #define GW_CHILD 5 #define GW_HWNDFIRST 0 #define GW_HWNDLAST 1 #define GW_OWNER 4 #define SW_HIDE 0 #define SW_NORMAL 1 #define SW_SHOWNORMAL 1 #define SW_SHOWMINIMIZED 2 #define SW_MAXIMIZE 3 #define SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED 3 #define SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE 4 #define SW_SHOW 5 #define SW_MINIMIZE 6 #define SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE 7 #define SW_SHOWNA 8 #define SW_RESTORE 9 #define SW_SHOWDEFAULT 10 #define SW_FORCEMINIMIZE 11 #define SW_MAX 11 #define MB_USERICON 128 #define MB_ICONASTERISK 64 #define MB_ICONEXCLAMATION &h30 #define MB_ICONWARNING &h30 #define MB_ICONERROR 16 #define MB_ICONHAND 16 #define MB_ICONQUESTION 32 #define MB_OK 0 #define MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE 2 #define MB_APPLMODAL 0 #define MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLY &h20000 #define MB_HELP &h4000 #define MB_RIGHT &h80000 #define MB_RTLREADING &h100000 #define MB_TOPMOST &h40000 #define MB_DEFBUTTON1 0 #define MB_DEFBUTTON2 256 #define MB_DEFBUTTON3 512 #define MB_DEFBUTTON4 &h300 #define MB_ICONINFORMATION 64 #define MB_ICONSTOP 16 #define MB_OKCANCEL 1 #define MB_RETRYCANCEL 5 #ifdef _WIN32_WINNT #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0400) #define MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION &h00200000 #else #define MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION &h00040000 #endif #define MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION_NT3X &h00040000 #endif #define MB_SETFOREGROUND &h10000 #define MB_SYSTEMMODAL 4096 #define MB_TASKMODAL &h2000 #define MB_YESNO 4 #define MB_YESNOCANCEL 3 #define MB_ICONMASK 240 #define MB_DEFMASK 3840 #define MB_MODEMASK &h00003000 #define MB_MISCMASK &h0000C000 #define MB_NOFOCUS &h00008000 #define MB_TYPEMASK 15 #define MB_TOPMOST &h40000 #if (WINVER >= &h0500) #define MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE 6 #endif #define IDOK 1 #define IDCANCEL 2 #define IDABORT 3 #define IDRETRY 4 #define IDIGNORE 5 #define IDYES 6 #define IDNO 7 #if (WINVER >= &h0400) #define IDCLOSE 8 #define IDHELP 9 #endif #if (WINVER >= &h0500) #define IDTRYAGAIN 10 #define IDCONTINUE 11 #endif #define GWL_EXSTYLE (-20) #define GWL_STYLE (-16) #define GWL_WNDPROC (-4) #define GWLP_WNDPROC (-4) #define GWL_HINSTANCE (-6) #define GWLP_HINSTANCE (-6) #define GWL_HWNDPARENT (-8) #define GWLP_HWNDPARENT (-8) #define GWL_ID (-12) #define GWLP_ID (-12) #define GWL_USERDATA (-21) #define GWLP_USERDATA (-21) #define DWL_DLGPROC 4 #define DWLP_DLGPROC 4 #define DWL_MSGRESULT 0 #define DWLP_MSGRESULT 0 #define DWL_USER 8 #define DWLP_USER 8 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define QS_ALLEVENTS 1215 #define QS_ALLINPUT 1279 #else #define QS_ALLEVENTS 191 #define QS_ALLINPUT 255 #endif #define QS_ALLPOSTMESSAGE 256 #define QS_HOTKEY 128 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define QS_INPUT 1031 #else #define QS_INPUT 7 #endif #define QS_KEY 1 #define QS_MOUSE 6 #define QS_MOUSEBUTTON 4 #define QS_MOUSEMOVE 2 #define QS_PAINT 32 #define QS_POSTMESSAGE 8 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define QS_RAWINPUT 1024 #endif #define QS_SENDMESSAGE 64 #define QS_TIMER 16 #define MWMO_WAITALL 1 #define MWMO_ALERTABLE 2 #define MWMO_INPUTAVAILABLE 4 #define COLOR_3DDKSHADOW 21 #define COLOR_3DFACE 15 #define COLOR_3DHILIGHT 20 #define COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT 20 #define COLOR_3DLIGHT 22 #define COLOR_BTNHILIGHT 20 #define COLOR_3DSHADOW 16 #define COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER 10 #define COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION 2 #define COLOR_APPWORKSPACE 12 #define COLOR_BACKGROUND 1 #define COLOR_DESKTOP 1 #define COLOR_BTNFACE 15 #define COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT 20 #define COLOR_BTNSHADOW 16 #define COLOR_BTNTEXT 18 #define COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT 9 #define COLOR_GRAYTEXT 17 #define COLOR_HIGHLIGHT 13 #define COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT 14 #define COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER 11 #define COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION 3 #define COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT 19 #define COLOR_INFOBK 24 #define COLOR_INFOTEXT 23 #define COLOR_MENU 4 #define COLOR_MENUTEXT 7 #define COLOR_SCROLLBAR 0 #define COLOR_WINDOW 5 #define COLOR_WINDOWFRAME 6 #define COLOR_WINDOWTEXT 8 #define COLOR_HOTLIGHT 26 #define COLOR_GRADIENTACTIVECAPTION 27 #define COLOR_GRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION 28 #define CTLCOLOR_MSGBOX 0 #define CTLCOLOR_EDIT 1 #define CTLCOLOR_LISTBOX 2 #define CTLCOLOR_BTN 3 #define CTLCOLOR_DLG 4 #define CTLCOLOR_SCROLLBAR 5 #define CTLCOLOR_STATIC 6 #define CTLCOLOR_MAX 7 #define SM_CXSCREEN 0 #define SM_CYSCREEN 1 #define SM_CXVSCROLL 2 #define SM_CYHSCROLL 3 #define SM_CYCAPTION 4 #define SM_CXBORDER 5 #define SM_CYBORDER 6 #define SM_CXDLGFRAME 7 #define SM_CXFIXEDFRAME 7 #define SM_CYDLGFRAME 8 #define SM_CYFIXEDFRAME 8 #define SM_CYVTHUMB 9 #define SM_CXHTHUMB 10 #define SM_CXICON 11 #define SM_CYICON 12 #define SM_CXCURSOR 13 #define SM_CYCURSOR 14 #define SM_CYMENU 15 #define SM_CXFULLSCREEN 16 #define SM_CYFULLSCREEN 17 #define SM_CYKANJIWINDOW 18 #define SM_MOUSEPRESENT 19 #define SM_CYVSCROLL 20 #define SM_CXHSCROLL 21 #define SM_DEBUG 22 #define SM_SWAPBUTTON 23 #define SM_RESERVED1 24 #define SM_RESERVED2 25 #define SM_RESERVED3 26 #define SM_RESERVED4 27 #define SM_CXMIN 28 #define SM_CYMIN 29 #define SM_CXSIZE 30 #define SM_CYSIZE 31 #define SM_CXSIZEFRAME 32 #define SM_CXFRAME 32 #define SM_CYSIZEFRAME 33 #define SM_CYFRAME 33 #define SM_CXMINTRACK 34 #define SM_CYMINTRACK 35 #define SM_CXDOUBLECLK 36 #define SM_CYDOUBLECLK 37 #define SM_CXICONSPACING 38 #define SM_CYICONSPACING 39 #define SM_MENUDROPALIGNMENT 40 #define SM_PENWINDOWS 41 #define SM_DBCSENABLED 42 #define SM_CMOUSEBUTTONS 43 #define SM_SECURE 44 #define SM_CXEDGE 45 #define SM_CYEDGE 46 #define SM_CXMINSPACING 47 #define SM_CYMINSPACING 48 #define SM_CXSMICON 49 #define SM_CYSMICON 50 #define SM_CYSMCAPTION 51 #define SM_CXSMSIZE 52 #define SM_CYSMSIZE 53 #define SM_CXMENUSIZE 54 #define SM_CYMENUSIZE 55 #define SM_ARRANGE 56 #define SM_CXMINIMIZED 57 #define SM_CYMINIMIZED 58 #define SM_CXMAXTRACK 59 #define SM_CYMAXTRACK 60 #define SM_CXMAXIMIZED 61 #define SM_CYMAXIMIZED 62 #define SM_NETWORK 63 #define SM_CLEANBOOT 67 #define SM_CXDRAG 68 #define SM_CYDRAG 69 #define SM_SHOWSOUNDS 70 #define SM_CXMENUCHECK 71 #define SM_CYMENUCHECK 72 #define SM_SLOWMACHINE 73 #define SM_MIDEASTENABLED 74 #define SM_MOUSEWHEELPRESENT 75 #define SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN 76 #define SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN 77 #define SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN 78 #define SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN 79 #define SM_CMONITORS 80 #define SM_SAMEDISPLAYFORMAT 81 #define SM_IMMENABLED 82 #define SM_CXFOCUSBORDER 83 #define SM_CYFOCUSBORDER 84 #define SM_TABLETPC 86 #define SM_MEDIACENTER 87 #define SM_STARTER 88 #define SM_SERVERR2 89 #if (_WIN32_WINNT < &h0400) #define SM_CMETRICS 76 #else #define SM_CMETRICS 88 #endif #define SM_REMOTESESSION &h1000 #define ARW_BOTTOMLEFT 0 #define ARW_BOTTOMRIGHT 1 #define ARW_HIDE 8 #define ARW_TOPLEFT 2 #define ARW_TOPRIGHT 3 #define ARW_DOWN 4 #define ARW_LEFT 0 #define ARW_RIGHT 0 #define ARW_UP 4 #define UOI_FLAGS 1 #define UOI_NAME 2 #define UOI_TYPE 3 #define UOI_USER_SID 4 #define LR_DEFAULTCOLOR 0 #define LR_MONOCHROME 1 #define LR_COLOR 2 #define LR_COPYRETURNORG 4 #define LR_COPYDELETEORG 8 #define LR_LOADFROMFILE 16 #define LR_LOADTRANSPARENT 32 #define LR_LOADREALSIZE 128 #define LR_DEFAULTSIZE &h0040 #define LR_VGACOLOR &h0080 #define LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS 4096 #define LR_CREATEDIBSECTION 8192 #define LR_COPYFROMRESOURCE &h4000 #define LR_SHARED 32768 #define KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY &h00000001 #define KEYEVENTF_KEYUP 00000002 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define KEYEVENTF_UNICODE &h00000004 #define KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE &h00000008 #endif #define OBM_BTNCORNERS 32758 #define OBM_BTSIZE 32761 #define OBM_CHECK 32760 #define OBM_CHECKBOXES 32759 #define OBM_CLOSE 32754 #define OBM_COMBO 32738 #define OBM_DNARROW 32752 #define OBM_DNARROWD 32742 #define OBM_DNARROWI 32736 #define OBM_LFARROW 32750 #define OBM_LFARROWI 32734 #define OBM_LFARROWD 32740 #define OBM_MNARROW 32739 #define OBM_OLD_CLOSE 32767 #define OBM_OLD_DNARROW 32764 #define OBM_OLD_LFARROW 32762 #define OBM_OLD_REDUCE 32757 #define OBM_OLD_RESTORE 32755 #define OBM_OLD_RGARROW 32763 #define OBM_OLD_UPARROW 32765 #define OBM_OLD_ZOOM 32756 #define OBM_REDUCE 32749 #define OBM_REDUCED 32746 #define OBM_RESTORE 32747 #define OBM_RESTORED 32744 #define OBM_RGARROW 32751 #define OBM_RGARROWD 32741 #define OBM_RGARROWI 32735 #define OBM_SIZE 32766 #define OBM_UPARROW 32753 #define OBM_UPARROWD 32743 #define OBM_UPARROWI 32737 #define OBM_ZOOM 32748 #define OBM_ZOOMD 32745 #define OCR_NORMAL 32512 #define OCR_IBEAM 32513 #define OCR_WAIT 32514 #define OCR_CROSS 32515 #define OCR_UP 32516 #define OCR_SIZE 32640 #define OCR_ICON 32641 #define OCR_SIZENWSE 32642 #define OCR_SIZENESW 32643 #define OCR_SIZEWE 32644 #define OCR_SIZENS 32645 #define OCR_SIZEALL 32646 #define OCR_NO 32648 #define OCR_APPSTARTING 32650 #define OIC_SAMPLE 32512 #define OIC_HAND 32513 #define OIC_QUES 32514 #define OIC_BANG 32515 #define OIC_NOTE 32516 #define OIC_WINLOGO 32517 #define OIC_WARNING 32515 #define OIC_ERROR 32513 #define OIC_INFORMATION 32516 #define HELPINFO_MENUITEM 2 #define HELPINFO_WINDOW 1 #define MSGF_DIALOGBOX 0 #define MSGF_MESSAGEBOX 1 #define MSGF_MENU 2 #define MSGF_MOVE 3 #define MSGF_SIZE 4 #define MSGF_SCROLLBAR 5 #define MSGF_NEXTWINDOW 6 #define MSGF_MAINLOOP 8 #define MSGF_USER 4096 #define MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE 1 #define MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN 2 #define MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP 4 #define MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN 8 #define MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP 16 #define MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN 32 #define MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP 64 #define MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE &h00008000 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0400) #define MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL &h0800 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define MOUSEEVENTF_XDOWN &h00000080 #define MOUSEEVENTF_XUP &h00000100 #endif #define PM_NOREMOVE 0 #define PM_REMOVE 1 #define PM_NOYIELD 2 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define PM_QS_INPUT (QS_INPUT shl 16) #define PM_QS_POSTMESSAGE ((QS_POSTMESSAGE or QS_HOTKEY or QS_TIMER) shl 16) #define PM_QS_PAINT (QS_PAINT shl 16) #define PM_QS_SENDMESSAGE (QS_SENDMESSAGE shl 16) #endif #define HWND_BROADCAST cptr(HWND, &hffff) #define HWND_BOTTOM cptr(HWND, 1) #define HWND_NOTOPMOST cptr(HWND, -2) #define HWND_TOP cptr(HWND, 0) #define HWND_TOPMOST cptr(HWND, -1) #define HWND_DESKTOP cptr(HWND, 0) #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define HWND_MESSAGE cptr(HWND, -3) #endif #define RDW_ERASE 4 #define RDW_FRAME 1024 #define RDW_INTERNALPAINT 2 #define RDW_INVALIDATE 1 #define RDW_NOERASE 32 #define RDW_NOFRAME 2048 #define RDW_NOINTERNALPAINT 16 #define RDW_VALIDATE 8 #define RDW_ERASENOW 512 #define RDW_UPDATENOW 256 #define RDW_ALLCHILDREN 128 #define RDW_NOCHILDREN 64 #define SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG 2 #define SMTO_BLOCK 1 #define SMTO_NORMAL 0 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define SMTO_NOTIMEOUTIFNOTHUNG &h0008 #endif #define SIF_ALL 23 #define SIF_PAGE 2 #define SIF_POS 4 #define SIF_RANGE 1 #define SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL 8 #define SIF_TRACKPOS 16 #define SWP_DRAWFRAME 32 #define SWP_FRAMECHANGED 32 #define SWP_HIDEWINDOW 128 #define SWP_NOACTIVATE 16 #define SWP_NOCOPYBITS 256 #define SWP_NOMOVE 2 #define SWP_NOSIZE 1 #define SWP_NOREDRAW 8 #define SWP_NOZORDER 4 #define SWP_SHOWWINDOW 64 #define SWP_NOOWNERZORDER 512 #define SWP_NOREPOSITION 512 #define SWP_NOSENDCHANGING 1024 #define SWP_DEFERERASE 8192 #define SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS 16384 #define HSHELL_ACTIVATESHELLWINDOW 3 #define HSHELL_ENDTASK 10 #define HSHELL_GETMINRECT 5 #define HSHELL_LANGUAGE 8 #define HSHELL_REDRAW 6 #define HSHELL_TASKMAN 7 #define HSHELL_WINDOWACTIVATED 4 #define HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED 1 #define HSHELL_WINDOWDESTROYED 2 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define HSHELL_ACCESSIBILITYSTATE 11 #define HSHELL_APPCOMMAND 12 #define HSHELL_RUDEAPPACTIVATED 32772 #define HSHELL_FLASH 32774 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define HSHELL_WINDOWREPLACED 13 #define HSHELL_WINDOWREPLACING 14 #endif #define SPI_GETACCESSTIMEOUT 60 #define SPI_GETACTIVEWINDOWTRACKING 4096 #define SPI_GETACTIVEWNDTRKTIMEOUT 8194 #define SPI_GETACTIVEWNDTRKZORDER 4108 #define SPI_GETANIMATION 72 #define SPI_GETBEEP 1 #define SPI_GETBLOCKSENDINPUTRESETS &h1026 #define SPI_GETBORDER 5 #define SPI_GETCARETWIDTH &h2006 #define SPI_GETCOMBOBOXANIMATION &h1004 #define SPI_GETCURSORSHADOW &h101A #define SPI_GETDEFAULTINPUTLANG 89 #define SPI_GETDESKWALLPAPER &h0073 #define SPI_GETDRAGFULLWINDOWS 38 #define SPI_GETFASTTASKSWITCH 35 #define SPI_GETFILTERKEYS 50 #define SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHING 74 #define SPI_GETFOREGROUNDFLASHCOUNT &h2004 #define SPI_GETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT &h2000 #define SPI_GETGRADIENTCAPTIONS &h1008 #define SPI_GETGRIDGRANULARITY 18 #define SPI_GETHIGHCONTRAST 66 #define SPI_GETHOTTRACKING &h100E #define SPI_GETICONMETRICS 45 #define SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT 31 #define SPI_GETICONTITLEWRAP 25 #define SPI_GETKEYBOARDCUES &h100A #define SPI_GETKEYBOARDDELAY 22 #define SPI_GETKEYBOARDPREF 68 #define SPI_GETKEYBOARDSPEED 10 #define SPI_GETLISTBOXSMOOTHSCROLLING &h1006 #define SPI_GETLOWPOWERACTIVE 83 #define SPI_GETLOWPOWERTIMEOUT 79 #define SPI_GETMENUANIMATION &h1002 #define SPI_GETMENUDROPALIGNMENT 27 #define SPI_GETMENUFADE &h1012 #define SPI_GETMENUSHOWDELAY &h006A #define SPI_GETMENUUNDERLINES SPI_GETKEYBOARDCUES #define SPI_GETMINIMIZEDMETRICS 43 #define SPI_GETMOUSE 3 #define SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERHEIGHT &h0064 #define SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERTIME &h0066 #define SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERWIDTH &h0062 #define SPI_GETMOUSEKEYS 54 #define SPI_GETMOUSESPEED &h0070 #define SPI_GETMOUSETRAILS 94 #define SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS 41 #define SPI_GETPOWEROFFACTIVE 84 #define SPI_GETPOWEROFFTIMEOUT 80 #define SPI_GETSCREENREADER 70 #define SPI_GETSCREENSAVEACTIVE 16 #define SPI_SCREENSAVERRUNNING 97 #define SPI_GETSCREENSAVETIMEOUT 14 #define SPI_GETSELECTIONFADE &h1014 #define SPI_GETSERIALKEYS 62 #define SPI_GETSHOWIMEUI &h006E #define SPI_GETSHOWSOUNDS 56 #define SPI_GETSNAPTODEFBUTTON &h005F #define SPI_GETSOUNDSENTRY 64 #define SPI_GETSTICKYKEYS 58 #define SPI_GETTOGGLEKEYS 52 #define SPI_GETTOOLTIPANIMATION &h1016 #define SPI_GETTOOLTIPFADE &h1018 #define SPI_GETUIEFFECTS &h103E #define SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLLINES 104 #define SPI_GETWINDOWSEXTENSION 92 #define SPI_GETWORKAREA 48 #define SPI_ICONHORIZONTALSPACING 13 #define SPI_ICONVERTICALSPACING 24 #define SPI_LANGDRIVER 12 #define SPI_SETACCESSTIMEOUT 61 #define SPI_SETACTIVEWINDOWTRACKING 4097 #define SPI_SETACTIVEWNDTRKTIMEOUT 8195 #define SPI_SETACTIVEWNDTRKZORDER 4109 #define SPI_SETANIMATION 73 #define SPI_SETBEEP 2 #define SPI_SETBLOCKSENDINPUTRESETS &h1027 #define SPI_SETBORDER 6 #define SPI_SETCARETWIDTH &h2007 #define SPI_SETCOMBOBOXANIMATION &h1005 #define SPI_SETCURSORS &h0057 #define SPI_SETCURSORSHADOW &h101B #define SPI_SETDEFAULTINPUTLANG 90 #define SPI_SETDESKPATTERN 21 #define SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER 20 #define SPI_SETDOUBLECLICKTIME 32 #define SPI_SETDOUBLECLKHEIGHT 30 #define SPI_SETDOUBLECLKWIDTH 29 #define SPI_SETDRAGFULLWINDOWS 37 #define SPI_SETDRAGHEIGHT 77 #define SPI_SETDRAGWIDTH 76 #define SPI_SETFASTTASKSWITCH 36 #define SPI_SETFILTERKEYS 51 #define SPI_SETFONTSMOOTHING 75 #define SPI_SETFOREGROUNDFLASHCOUNT &h2005 #define SPI_SETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT &h2001 #define SPI_SETGRADIENTCAPTIONS &h1009 #define SPI_SETGRIDGRANULARITY 19 #define SPI_SETHANDHELD 78 #define SPI_SETHIGHCONTRAST 67 #define SPI_SETHOTTRACKING &h100F #define SPI_SETICONMETRICS 46 #define SPI_SETICONS &h0058 #define SPI_SETICONTITLELOGFONT 34 #define SPI_SETICONTITLEWRAP 26 #define SPI_SETKEYBOARDCUES &h100B #define SPI_SETKEYBOARDDELAY 23 #define SPI_SETKEYBOARDPREF 69 #define SPI_SETKEYBOARDSPEED 11 #define SPI_SETLANGTOGGLE 91 #define SPI_SETLISTBOXSMOOTHSCROLLING &h1007 #define SPI_SETLOWPOWERACTIVE 85 #define SPI_SETLOWPOWERTIMEOUT 81 #define SPI_SETMENUANIMATION &h1003 #define SPI_SETMENUDROPALIGNMENT 28 #define SPI_SETMENUFADE &h1013 #define SPI_SETMENUSHOWDELAY &h006B #define SPI_SETMENUUNDERLINES SPI_SETKEYBOARDCUES #define SPI_SETMINIMIZEDMETRICS 44 #define SPI_SETMOUSE 4 #define SPI_SETMOUSEBUTTONSWAP 33 #define SPI_SETMOUSEHOVERHEIGHT &h0065 #define SPI_SETMOUSEHOVERTIME &h0067 #define SPI_SETMOUSEHOVERWIDTH &h0063 #define SPI_SETMOUSEKEYS 55 #define SPI_SETMOUSESPEED &h0071 #define SPI_SETMOUSETRAILS 93 #define SPI_SETNONCLIENTMETRICS 42 #define SPI_SETPENWINDOWS 49 #define SPI_SETPOWEROFFACTIVE 86 #define SPI_SETPOWEROFFTIMEOUT 82 #define SPI_SETSCREENREADER 71 #define SPI_SETSCREENSAVEACTIVE 17 #define SPI_SETSCREENSAVERRUNNING 97 #define SPI_SETSCREENSAVETIMEOUT 15 #define SPI_SETSELECTIONFADE &h1015 #define SPI_SETSERIALKEYS 63 #define SPI_SETSHOWIMEUI &h006F #define SPI_SETSHOWSOUNDS 57 #define SPI_SETSNAPTODEFBUTTON &h0060 #define SPI_SETSOUNDSENTRY 65 #define SPI_SETSTICKYKEYS 59 #define SPI_SETTOGGLEKEYS 53 #define SPI_SETTOOLTIPANIMATION &h1017 #define SPI_SETTOOLTIPFADE &h1019 #define SPI_SETUIEFFECTS &h103F #define SPI_SETWHEELSCROLLLINES 105 #define SPI_SETWORKAREA 47 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define SPI_GETDROPSHADOW &h1024 #define SPI_GETFLATMENU &h1022 #define SPI_GETFOCUSBORDERHEIGHT &h2010 #define SPI_GETFOCUSBORDERWIDTH &h200E #define SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHINGCONTRAST &h200C #define SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHINGTYPE &h200A #define SPI_GETMOUSECLICKLOCK &h101E #define SPI_GETMOUSECLICKLOCKTIME &h2008 #define SPI_GETMOUSESONAR &h101C #define SPI_GETMOUSEVANISH &h1020 #define SPI_SETDROPSHADOW &h1025 #define SPI_SETFLATMENU &h1023 #define SPI_SETFOCUSBORDERHEIGHT &h2011 #define SPI_SETFOCUSBORDERWIDTH &h200F #define SPI_SETFONTSMOOTHINGCONTRAST &h200D #define SPI_SETFONTSMOOTHINGTYPE &h200B #define SPI_SETMOUSECLICKLOCK &h101F #define SPI_SETMOUSECLICKLOCKTIME &h2009 #define SPI_SETMOUSESONAR &h101D #define SPI_SETMOUSEVANISH &h1021 #endif #define SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE 1 #define SPIF_SENDCHANGE 2 #define SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE 2 #define ATF_ONOFFFEEDBACK 2 #define ATF_TIMEOUTON 1 #define WM_APP 32768 #define WM_ACTIVATE 6 #define WM_ACTIVATEAPP 28 #define WM_AFXFIRST 864 #define WM_AFXLAST 895 #define WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME 780 #define WM_CANCELJOURNAL 75 #define WM_CANCELMODE 31 #define WM_CAPTURECHANGED 533 #define WM_CHANGECBCHAIN 781 #define WM_CHAR 258 #define WM_CHARTOITEM 47 #define WM_CHILDACTIVATE 34 #define WM_CLEAR 771 #define WM_CLOSE 16 #define WM_COMMAND 273 #define WM_COMMNOTIFY 68 #define WM_COMPACTING 65 #define WM_COMPAREITEM 57 #define WM_CONTEXTMENU 123 #define WM_COPY 769 #define WM_COPYDATA 74 #define WM_CREATE 1 #define WM_CTLCOLORBTN 309 #define WM_CTLCOLORDLG 310 #define WM_CTLCOLOREDIT 307 #define WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX 308 #define WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX 306 #define WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR 311 #define WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC 312 #define WM_CUT 768 #define WM_DEADCHAR 259 #define WM_DELETEITEM 45 #define WM_DESTROY 2 #define WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD 775 #define WM_DEVICECHANGE 537 #define WM_DEVMODECHANGE 27 #define WM_DISPLAYCHANGE 126 #define WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD 776 #define WM_DRAWITEM 43 #define WM_DROPFILES 563 #define WM_ENABLE 10 #define WM_ENDSESSION 22 #define WM_ENTERIDLE 289 #define WM_ENTERMENULOOP 529 #define WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE 561 #define WM_ERASEBKGND 20 #define WM_EXITMENULOOP 530 #define WM_EXITSIZEMOVE 562 #define WM_FONTCHANGE 29 #define WM_GETDLGCODE 135 #define WM_GETFONT 49 #define WM_GETHOTKEY 51 #define WM_GETICON 127 #define WM_GETMINMAXINFO 36 #define WM_GETTEXT 13 #define WM_GETTEXTLENGTH 14 #define WM_HANDHELDFIRST 856 #define WM_HANDHELDLAST 863 #define WM_HELP 83 #define WM_HOTKEY 786 #define WM_HSCROLL 276 #define WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD 782 #define WM_ICONERASEBKGND 39 #define WM_INITDIALOG 272 #define WM_INITMENU 278 #define WM_INITMENUPOPUP 279 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define WM_INPUT &h00FF #endif #define WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE 81 #define WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST 80 #define WM_KEYDOWN 256 #define WM_KEYUP 257 #define WM_KILLFOCUS 8 #define WM_MDIACTIVATE 546 #define WM_MDICASCADE 551 #define WM_MDICREATE 544 #define WM_MDIDESTROY 545 #define WM_MDIGETACTIVE 553 #define WM_MDIICONARRANGE 552 #define WM_MDIMAXIMIZE 549 #define WM_MDINEXT 548 #define WM_MDIREFRESHMENU 564 #define WM_MDIRESTORE 547 #define WM_MDISETMENU 560 #define WM_MDITILE 550 #define WM_MEASUREITEM 44 #if (WINVER >= &h0500) #define WM_GETOBJECT &h003D #define WM_CHANGEUISTATE &h0127 #define WM_UPDATEUISTATE &h0128 #define WM_QUERYUISTATE &h0129 #define WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP &h0125 #define WM_MENURBUTTONUP 290 #define WM_MENUCOMMAND &h0126 #define WM_MENUGETOBJECT &h0124 #define WM_MENUDRAG &h0123 #define WM_APPCOMMAND &h0319 #endif #define WM_MENUCHAR 288 #define WM_MENUSELECT 287 #define WM_NEXTMENU 531 #define WM_MOVE 3 #define WM_MOVING 534 #define WM_NCACTIVATE 134 #define WM_NCCALCSIZE 131 #define WM_NCCREATE 129 #define WM_NCDESTROY 130 #define WM_NCHITTEST 132 #define WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK 163 #define WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN 161 #define WM_NCLBUTTONUP 162 #define WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK 169 #define WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN 167 #define WM_NCMBUTTONUP 168 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define WM_NCXBUTTONDOWN 171 #define WM_NCXBUTTONUP 172 #define WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK 173 #define WM_NCMOUSEHOVER &h02A0 #define WM_NCMOUSELEAVE &h02A2 #endif #define WM_NCMOUSEMOVE 160 #define WM_NCPAINT 133 #define WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK 166 #define WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN 164 #define WM_NCRBUTTONUP 165 #define WM_NEXTDLGCTL 40 #define WM_NEXTMENU 531 #define WM_NOTIFY 78 #define WM_NOTIFYFORMAT 85 #define WM_NULL 0 #define WM_PAINT 15 #define WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD 777 #define WM_PAINTICON 38 #define WM_PALETTECHANGED 785 #define WM_PALETTEISCHANGING 784 #define WM_PARENTNOTIFY 528 #define WM_PASTE 770 #define WM_PENWINFIRST 896 #define WM_PENWINLAST 911 #define WM_POWER 72 #define WM_POWERBROADCAST 536 #define WM_PRINT 791 #define WM_PRINTCLIENT 792 #define WM_QUERYDRAGICON 55 #define WM_QUERYENDSESSION 17 #define WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE 783 #define WM_QUERYOPEN 19 #define WM_QUEUESYNC 35 #define WM_QUIT 18 #define WM_RENDERALLFORMATS 774 #define WM_RENDERFORMAT 773 #define WM_SETCURSOR 32 #define WM_SETFOCUS 7 #define WM_SETFONT 48 #define WM_SETHOTKEY 50 #define WM_SETICON 128 #define WM_SETREDRAW 11 #define WM_SETTEXT 12 #define WM_SETTINGCHANGE 26 #define WM_SHOWWINDOW 24 #define WM_SIZE 5 #define WM_SIZECLIPBOARD 779 #define WM_SIZING 532 #define WM_SPOOLERSTATUS 42 #define WM_STYLECHANGED 125 #define WM_STYLECHANGING 124 #define WM_SYSCHAR 262 #define WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE 21 #define WM_SYSCOMMAND 274 #define WM_SYSDEADCHAR 263 #define WM_SYSKEYDOWN 260 #define WM_SYSKEYUP 261 #define WM_TCARD 82 #define WM_THEMECHANGED 794 #define WM_TIMECHANGE 30 #define WM_TIMER 275 #define WM_UNDO 772 #define WM_USER 1024 #define WM_USERCHANGED 84 #define WM_VKEYTOITEM 46 #define WM_VSCROLL 277 #define WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD 778 #define WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED 71 #define WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING 70 #define WM_WININICHANGE 26 #define WM_KEYFIRST 256 #if _WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501 #define WM_KEYLAST 265 #define WM_UNICHAR 265 #define UNICODE_NOCHAR &hffff #else #define WM_KEYLAST 264 #endif #define WM_SYNCPAINT 136 #define WM_MOUSEACTIVATE 33 #define WM_MOUSEMOVE 512 #define WM_LBUTTONDOWN 513 #define WM_LBUTTONUP 514 #define WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK 515 #define WM_RBUTTONDOWN 516 #define WM_RBUTTONUP 517 #define WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK 518 #define WM_MBUTTONDOWN 519 #define WM_MBUTTONUP 520 #define WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK 521 #define WM_MOUSEWHEEL 522 #define WM_MOUSEFIRST 512 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define WM_XBUTTONDOWN 523 #define WM_XBUTTONUP 524 #define WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK 525 #define WM_MOUSELAST 525 #else #define WM_MOUSELAST 522 #endif #define WM_MOUSEHOVER &h2A1 #define WM_MOUSELEAVE &h2A3 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0400) #define WHEEL_DELTA 120 #define GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(wparam) (cshort(HIWORD(wparam)) #define WHEEL_PAGESCROLL UINT_MAX #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0601) #define WM_TOUCHMOVE 576 #define WM_TOUCHDOWN 577 #define WM_TOUCHUP 578 #endif #define BM_CLICK 245 #define BM_GETCHECK 240 #define BM_GETIMAGE 246 #define BM_GETSTATE 242 #define BM_SETCHECK 241 #define BM_SETIMAGE 247 #define BM_SETSTATE 243 #define BM_SETSTYLE 244 #define BN_CLICKED 0 #define BN_DBLCLK 5 #define BN_DISABLE 4 #define BN_DOUBLECLICKED 5 #define BN_HILITE 2 #define BN_KILLFOCUS 7 #define BN_PAINT 1 #define BN_PUSHED 2 #define BN_SETFOCUS 6 #define BN_UNHILITE 3 #define BN_UNPUSHED 3 #define CB_ADDSTRING 323 #define CB_DELETESTRING 324 #define CB_DIR 325 #define CB_FINDSTRING 332 #define CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT 344 #define CB_GETCOUNT 326 #define CB_GETCURSEL 327 #define CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT 338 #define CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE 343 #define CB_GETDROPPEDWIDTH 351 #define CB_GETEDITSEL 320 #define CB_GETEXTENDEDUI 342 #define CB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT 349 #define CB_GETITEMDATA 336 #define CB_GETITEMHEIGHT 340 #define CB_GETLBTEXT 328 #define CB_GETLBTEXTLEN 329 #define CB_GETLOCALE 346 #define CB_GETTOPINDEX 347 #define CB_INITSTORAGE 353 #define CB_INSERTSTRING 330 #define CB_LIMITTEXT 321 #define CB_RESETCONTENT 331 #define CB_SELECTSTRING 333 #define CB_SETCURSEL 334 #define CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH 352 #define CB_SETEDITSEL 322 #define CB_SETEXTENDEDUI 341 #define CB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT 350 #define CB_SETITEMDATA 337 #define CB_SETITEMHEIGHT 339 #define CB_SETLOCALE 345 #define CB_SETTOPINDEX 348 #define CB_SHOWDROPDOWN 335 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define CB_SETMINVISIBLE &h1701 #define CB_GETMINVISIBLE &h1702 #endif #define CBN_CLOSEUP 8 #define CBN_DBLCLK 2 #define CBN_DROPDOWN 7 #define CBN_EDITCHANGE 5 #define CBN_EDITUPDATE 6 #define CBN_ERRSPACE (-1) #define CBN_KILLFOCUS 4 #define CBN_SELCHANGE 1 #define CBN_SELENDCANCEL 10 #define CBN_SELENDOK 9 #define CBN_SETFOCUS 3 #define EM_CANUNDO 198 #define EM_CHARFROMPOS 215 #define EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER 205 #define EM_FMTLINES 200 #define EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE 206 #define EM_GETHANDLE 189 #define EM_GETLIMITTEXT 213 #define EM_GETLINE 196 #define EM_GETLINECOUNT 186 #define EM_GETMARGINS 212 #define EM_GETMODIFY 184 #define EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR 210 #define EM_GETRECT 178 #define EM_GETSEL 176 #define EM_GETTHUMB 190 #define EM_GETWORDBREAKPROC 209 #define EM_LIMITTEXT 197 #define EM_LINEFROMCHAR 201 #define EM_LINEINDEX 187 #define EM_LINELENGTH 193 #define EM_LINESCROLL 182 #define EM_POSFROMCHAR 214 #define EM_REPLACESEL 194 #define EM_SCROLL 181 #define EM_SCROLLCARET 183 #define EM_SETHANDLE 188 #define EM_SETLIMITTEXT 197 #define EM_SETMARGINS 211 #define EM_SETMODIFY 185 #define EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR 204 #define EM_SETREADONLY 207 #define EM_SETRECT 179 #define EM_SETRECTNP 180 #define EM_SETSEL 177 #define EM_SETTABSTOPS 203 #define EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC 208 #define EM_UNDO 199 #if (WINVER >= &h0500) #define EM_GETIMESTATUS 217 #define EM_SETIMESTATUS 216 #endif #define EN_CHANGE 768 #define EN_ERRSPACE 1280 #define EN_HSCROLL 1537 #define EN_KILLFOCUS 512 #define EN_MAXTEXT 1281 #define EN_SETFOCUS 256 #define EN_UPDATE 1024 #define EN_VSCROLL 1538 #define LB_ADDFILE 406 #define LB_ADDSTRING 384 #define LB_DELETESTRING 386 #define LB_DIR 397 #define LB_FINDSTRING 399 #define LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT 418 #define LB_GETANCHORINDEX 413 #define LB_GETCARETINDEX 415 #define LB_GETCOUNT 395 #define LB_GETCURSEL 392 #define LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT 403 #define LB_GETITEMDATA 409 #define LB_GETITEMHEIGHT 417 #define LB_GETITEMRECT 408 #define LB_GETLOCALE 422 #define LB_GETSEL 391 #define LB_GETSELCOUNT 400 #define LB_GETSELITEMS 401 #define LB_GETTEXT 393 #define LB_GETTEXTLEN 394 #define LB_GETTOPINDEX 398 #define LB_INITSTORAGE 424 #define LB_INSERTSTRING 385 #define LB_ITEMFROMPOINT 425 #define LB_RESETCONTENT 388 #define LB_SELECTSTRING 396 #define LB_SELITEMRANGE 411 #define LB_SELITEMRANGEEX 387 #define LB_SETANCHORINDEX 412 #define LB_SETCARETINDEX 414 #define LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH 405 #define LB_SETCOUNT 423 #define LB_SETCURSEL 390 #define LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT 404 #define LB_SETITEMDATA 410 #define LB_SETITEMHEIGHT 416 #define LB_SETLOCALE 421 #define LB_SETSEL 389 #define LB_SETTABSTOPS 402 #define LB_SETTOPINDEX 407 #define LBN_DBLCLK 2 #define LBN_ERRSPACE (-2) #define LBN_KILLFOCUS 5 #define LBN_SELCANCEL 3 #define LBN_SELCHANGE 1 #define LBN_SETFOCUS 4 #define SBM_ENABLE_ARROWS 228 #define SBM_GETPOS 225 #define SBM_GETRANGE 227 #define SBM_GETSCROLLINFO 234 #define SBM_SETPOS 224 #define SBM_SETRANGE 226 #define SBM_SETRANGEREDRAW 230 #define SBM_SETSCROLLINFO 233 #define STM_GETICON 369 #define STM_GETIMAGE 371 #define STM_SETICON 368 #define STM_SETIMAGE 370 #define STN_CLICKED 0 #define STN_DBLCLK 1 #define STN_DISABLE 3 #define STN_ENABLE 2 #define DM_GETDEFID 1024 #define DM_SETDEFID (1024+1) #define DM_REPOSITION (1024+2) #define PSM_PAGEINFO (1024+100) #define PSM_SHEETINFO (1024+101) #define PSI_SETACTIVE 1 #define PSI_KILLACTIVE 2 #define PSI_APPLY 3 #define PSI_RESET 4 #define PSI_HASHELP 5 #define PSI_HELP 6 #define PSI_CHANGED 1 #define PSI_GUISTART 2 #define PSI_REBOOT 3 #define PSI_GETSIBLINGS 4 #define DCX_WINDOW 1 #define DCX_CACHE 2 #define DCX_PARENTCLIP 32 #define DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS 16 #define DCX_CLIPCHILDREN 8 #define DCX_NORESETATTRS 4 #define DCX_INTERSECTUPDATE &h200 #define DCX_LOCKWINDOWUPDATE &h400 #define DCX_EXCLUDERGN 64 #define DCX_INTERSECTRGN 128 #define DCX_VALIDATE &h200000 #define GMDI_GOINTOPOPUPS 2 #define GMDI_USEDISABLED 1 #define FKF_AVAILABLE 2 #define FKF_CLICKON 64 #define FKF_FILTERKEYSON 1 #define FKF_HOTKEYACTIVE 4 #define FKF_HOTKEYSOUND 16 #define FKF_CONFIRMHOTKEY 8 #define FKF_INDICATOR 32 #define HCF_HIGHCONTRASTON 1 #define HCF_AVAILABLE 2 #define HCF_HOTKEYACTIVE 4 #define HCF_CONFIRMHOTKEY 8 #define HCF_HOTKEYSOUND 16 #define HCF_INDICATOR 32 #define HCF_HOTKEYAVAILABLE 64 #define MKF_AVAILABLE 2 #define MKF_CONFIRMHOTKEY 8 #define MKF_HOTKEYACTIVE 4 #define MKF_HOTKEYSOUND 16 #define MKF_INDICATOR 32 #define MKF_MOUSEKEYSON 1 #define MKF_MODIFIERS 64 #define MKF_REPLACENUMBERS 128 #define SERKF_ACTIVE 8 #define SERKF_AVAILABLE 2 #define SERKF_INDICATOR 4 #define SERKF_SERIALKEYSON 1 #define SSF_AVAILABLE 2 #define SSF_SOUNDSENTRYON 1 #define SSTF_BORDER 2 #define SSTF_CHARS 1 #define SSTF_DISPLAY 3 #define SSTF_NONE 0 #define SSGF_DISPLAY 3 #define SSGF_NONE 0 #define SSWF_CUSTOM 4 #define SSWF_DISPLAY 3 #define SSWF_NONE 0 #define SSWF_TITLE 1 #define SSWF_WINDOW 2 #define SKF_AUDIBLEFEEDBACK 64 #define SKF_AVAILABLE 2 #define SKF_CONFIRMHOTKEY 8 #define SKF_HOTKEYACTIVE 4 #define SKF_HOTKEYSOUND 16 #define SKF_INDICATOR 32 #define SKF_STICKYKEYSON 1 #define SKF_TRISTATE 128 #define SKF_TWOKEYSOFF 256 #define TKF_AVAILABLE 2 #define TKF_CONFIRMHOTKEY 8 #define TKF_HOTKEYACTIVE 4 #define TKF_HOTKEYSOUND 16 #define TKF_TOGGLEKEYSON 1 #define MDITILE_SKIPDISABLED 2 #define MDITILE_HORIZONTAL 1 #define MDITILE_VERTICAL 0 #define VK_LBUTTON 1 #define VK_RBUTTON 2 #define VK_CANCEL 3 #define VK_MBUTTON 4 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define VK_XBUTTON1 5 #define VK_XBUTTON2 6 #endif #define VK_BACK 8 #define VK_TAB 9 #define VK_CLEAR 12 #define VK_RETURN 13 #define VK_SHIFT 16 #define VK_CONTROL 17 #define VK_MENU 18 #define VK_PAUSE 19 #define VK_CAPITAL 20 #define VK_KANA &h15 #define VK_HANGEUL &h15 #define VK_HANGUL &h15 #define VK_JUNJA &h17 #define VK_FINAL &h18 #define VK_HANJA &h19 #define VK_KANJI &h19 #define VK_ESCAPE &h1B #define VK_CONVERT &h1C #define VK_NONCONVERT &h1D #define VK_ACCEPT &h1E #define VK_MODECHANGE &h1F #define VK_SPACE 32 #define VK_PRIOR 33 #define VK_NEXT 34 #define VK_END 35 #define VK_HOME 36 #define VK_LEFT 37 #define VK_UP 38 #define VK_RIGHT 39 #define VK_DOWN 40 #define VK_SELECT 41 #define VK_PRINT 42 #define VK_EXECUTE 43 #define VK_SNAPSHOT 44 #define VK_INSERT 45 #define VK_DELETE 46 #define VK_HELP 47 #define VK_0 &H30 #define VK_1 &H31 #define VK_2 &H32 #define VK_3 &H33 #define VK_4 &H34 #define VK_5 &H35 #define VK_6 &H36 #define VK_7 &H37 #define VK_8 &H38 #define VK_9 &H39 #define VK_A &H41 #define VK_B &H42 #define VK_C &H43 #define VK_D &H44 #define VK_E &H45 #define VK_F &H46 #define VK_G &H47 #define VK_H &H48 #define VK_I &H49 #define VK_J &H4A #define VK_K &H4B #define VK_L &H4C #define VK_M &H4D #define VK_N &H4E #define VK_O &H4F #define VK_P &H50 #define VK_Q &H51 #define VK_R &H52 #define VK_S &H53 #define VK_T &H54 #define VK_U &H55 #define VK_V &H56 #define VK_W &H57 #define VK_X &H58 #define VK_Y &H59 #define VK_Z &H5A #define VK_LWIN &h5B #define VK_RWIN &h5C #define VK_APPS &h5D #define VK_SLEEP &h5F #define VK_NUMPAD0 &h60 #define VK_NUMPAD1 &h61 #define VK_NUMPAD2 &h62 #define VK_NUMPAD3 &h63 #define VK_NUMPAD4 &h64 #define VK_NUMPAD5 &h65 #define VK_NUMPAD6 &h66 #define VK_NUMPAD7 &h67 #define VK_NUMPAD8 &h68 #define VK_NUMPAD9 &h69 #define VK_MULTIPLY &h6A #define VK_ADD &h6B #define VK_SEPARATOR &h6C #define VK_SUBTRACT &h6D #define VK_DECIMAL &h6E #define VK_DIVIDE &h6F #define VK_F1 &h70 #define VK_F2 &h71 #define VK_F3 &h72 #define VK_F4 &h73 #define VK_F5 &h74 #define VK_F6 &h75 #define VK_F7 &h76 #define VK_F8 &h77 #define VK_F9 &h78 #define VK_F10 &h79 #define VK_F11 &h7A #define VK_F12 &h7B #define VK_F13 &h7C #define VK_F14 &h7D #define VK_F15 &h7E #define VK_F16 &h7F #define VK_F17 &h80 #define VK_F18 &h81 #define VK_F19 &h82 #define VK_F20 &h83 #define VK_F21 &h84 #define VK_F22 &h85 #define VK_F23 &h86 #define VK_F24 &h87 #define VK_NUMLOCK &h90 #define VK_SCROLL &h91 #define VK_LSHIFT &hA0 #define VK_RSHIFT &hA1 #define VK_LCONTROL &hA2 #define VK_RCONTROL &hA3 #define VK_LMENU &hA4 #define VK_RMENU &hA5 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define VK_BROWSER_BACK &hA6 #define VK_BROWSER_FORWARD &hA7 #define VK_BROWSER_REFRESH &hA8 #define VK_BROWSER_STOP &hA9 #define VK_BROWSER_SEARCH &hAA #define VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES &hAB #define VK_BROWSER_HOME &hAC #define VK_VOLUME_MUTE &hAD #define VK_VOLUME_DOWN &hAE #define VK_VOLUME_UP &hAF #define VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK &hB0 #define VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK &hB1 #define VK_MEDIA_STOP &hB2 #define VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE &hB3 #define VK_LAUNCH_MAIL &hB4 #define VK_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT &hB5 #define VK_LAUNCH_APP1 &hB6 #define VK_LAUNCH_APP2 &hB7 #endif #define VK_OEM_1 &hBA #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define VK_OEM_PLUS &hBB #define VK_OEM_COMMA &hBC #define VK_OEM_MINUS &hBD #define VK_OEM_PERIOD &hBE #endif #define VK_OEM_2 &hBF #define VK_OEM_3 &hC0 #define VK_OEM_4 &hDB #define VK_OEM_5 &hDC #define VK_OEM_6 &hDD #define VK_OEM_7 &hDE #define VK_OEM_8 &hDF #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define VK_OEM_102 &hE2 #endif #define VK_PROCESSKEY &hE5 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define VK_PACKET &hE7 #endif #define VK_ATTN &hF6 #define VK_CRSEL &hF7 #define VK_EXSEL &hF8 #define VK_EREOF &hF9 #define VK_PLAY &hFA #define VK_ZOOM &hFB #define VK_NONAME &hFC #define VK_PA1 &hFD #define VK_OEM_CLEAR &hFE #define TME_HOVER 1 #define TME_LEAVE 2 #define TME_QUERY &h40000000 #define TME_CANCEL &h80000000 #define HOVER_DEFAULT &hFFFFFFFF #define MK_LBUTTON 1 #define MK_RBUTTON 2 #define MK_SHIFT 4 #define MK_CONTROL 8 #define MK_MBUTTON 16 #if(_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define MK_XBUTTON1 32 #define MK_XBUTTON2 64 #endif #define TPM_CENTERALIGN 4 #define TPM_LEFTALIGN 0 #define TPM_RIGHTALIGN 8 #define TPM_LEFTBUTTON 0 #define TPM_RIGHTBUTTON 2 #define TPM_HORIZONTAL 0 #define TPM_VERTICAL 64 #define TPM_TOPALIGN 0 #define TPM_VCENTERALIGN 16 #define TPM_BOTTOMALIGN 32 #define TPM_NONOTIFY 128 #define TPM_RETURNCMD 256 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500 or _WIN32_WINDOWS >= &h0410) #define TPM_RECURSE 1 #endif #define HELP_COMMAND &h102 #define HELP_CONTENTS 3 #define HELP_CONTEXT 1 #define HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP 8 #define HELP_FORCEFILE 9 #define HELP_HELPONHELP 4 #define HELP_INDEX 3 #define HELP_KEY &h101 #define HELP_MULTIKEY &h201 #define HELP_PARTIALKEY &h105 #define HELP_QUIT 2 #define HELP_SETCONTENTS 5 #define HELP_SETINDEX 5 #define HELP_SETWINPOS &h203 #define HELP_CONTEXTMENU &ha #define HELP_FINDER &hb #define HELP_WM_HELP &hc #define HELP_TCARD &h8000 #define HELP_TCARD_DATA 16 #define HELP_TCARD_OTHER_CALLER &h11 #define IDH_NO_HELP 28440 #define IDH_MISSING_CONTEXT 28441 #define IDH_GENERIC_HELP_BUTTON 28442 #define IDH_OK 28443 #define IDH_CANCEL 28444 #define IDH_HELP 28445 #define LB_CTLCODE 0 #define LB_OKAY 0 #define LB_ERR (-1) #define LB_ERRSPACE (-2) #define CB_OKAY 0 #define CB_ERR (-1) #define CB_ERRSPACE (-2) #define HIDE_WINDOW 0 #define SHOW_OPENWINDOW 1 #define SHOW_ICONWINDOW 2 #define SHOW_FULLSCREEN 3 #define SHOW_OPENNOACTIVATE 4 #define SW_PARENTCLOSING 1 #define SW_OTHERZOOM 2 #define SW_PARENTOPENING 3 #define SW_OTHERUNZOOM 4 #define KF_EXTENDED 256 #define KF_DLGMODE 2048 #define KF_MENUMODE 4096 #define KF_ALTDOWN 8192 #define KF_REPEAT 16384 #define KF_UP 32768 #define WSF_VISIBLE 1 #define PWR_OK 1 #define PWR_FAIL (-1) #define PWR_SUSPENDREQUEST 1 #define PWR_SUSPENDRESUME 2 #define PWR_CRITICALRESUME 3 #define NFR_ANSI 1 #define NFR_UNICODE 2 #define NF_QUERY 3 #define NF_REQUERY 4 #define MENULOOP_WINDOW 0 #define MENULOOP_POPUP 1 #define WMSZ_LEFT 1 #define WMSZ_RIGHT 2 #define WMSZ_TOP 3 #define WMSZ_TOPLEFT 4 #define WMSZ_TOPRIGHT 5 #define WMSZ_BOTTOM 6 #define WMSZ_BOTTOMLEFT 7 #define WMSZ_BOTTOMRIGHT 8 #define HTERROR (-2) #define HTTRANSPARENT (-1) #define HTNOWHERE 0 #define HTCLIENT 1 #define HTCAPTION 2 #define HTSYSMENU 3 #define HTGROWBOX 4 #define HTSIZE 4 #define HTMENU 5 #define HTHSCROLL 6 #define HTVSCROLL 7 #define HTMINBUTTON 8 #define HTMAXBUTTON 9 #define HTREDUCE 8 #define HTZOOM 9 #define HTLEFT 10 #define HTSIZEFIRST 10 #define HTRIGHT 11 #define HTTOP 12 #define HTTOPLEFT 13 #define HTTOPRIGHT 14 #define HTBOTTOM 15 #define HTBOTTOMLEFT 16 #define HTBOTTOMRIGHT 17 #define HTSIZELAST 17 #define HTBORDER 18 #define HTOBJECT 19 #define HTCLOSE 20 #define HTHELP 21 #define MA_ACTIVATE 1 #define MA_ACTIVATEANDEAT 2 #define MA_NOACTIVATE 3 #define MA_NOACTIVATEANDEAT 4 #define SIZE_RESTORED 0 #define SIZE_MINIMIZED 1 #define SIZE_MAXIMIZED 2 #define SIZE_MAXSHOW 3 #define SIZE_MAXHIDE 4 #define SIZENORMAL 0 #define SIZEICONIC 1 #define SIZEFULLSCREEN 2 #define SIZEZOOMSHOW 3 #define SIZEZOOMHIDE 4 #define WVR_ALIGNTOP 16 #define WVR_ALIGNLEFT 32 #define WVR_ALIGNBOTTOM 64 #define WVR_ALIGNRIGHT 128 #define WVR_HREDRAW 256 #define WVR_VREDRAW 512 #define WVR_REDRAW (256 or 512) #define WVR_VALIDRECTS 1024 #define PRF_CHECKVISIBLE 1 #define PRF_NONCLIENT 2 #define PRF_CLIENT 4 #define PRF_ERASEBKGND 8 #define PRF_CHILDREN 16 #define PRF_OWNED 32 #define IDANI_OPEN 1 #define IDANI_CLOSE 2 #define IDANI_CAPTION 3 #define WPF_RESTORETOMAXIMIZED 2 #define WPF_SETMINPOSITION 1 #define ODT_MENU 1 #define ODT_LISTBOX 2 #define ODT_COMBOBOX 3 #define ODT_BUTTON 4 #define ODT_STATIC 5 #define ODA_DRAWENTIRE 1 #define ODA_SELECT 2 #define ODA_FOCUS 4 #define ODS_SELECTED 1 #define ODS_GRAYED 2 #define ODS_DISABLED 4 #define ODS_CHECKED 8 #define ODS_FOCUS 16 #define ODS_DEFAULT 32 #define ODS_COMBOBOXEDIT 4096 #define IDHOT_SNAPWINDOW (-1) #define IDHOT_SNAPDESKTOP (-2) #define DBWF_LPARAMPOINTER &h8000 #define DLGWINDOWEXTRA 30 #define MNC_IGNORE 0 #define MNC_CLOSE 1 #define MNC_EXECUTE 2 #define MNC_SELECT 3 #define DOF_EXECUTABLE &h8001 #define DOF_DOCUMENT &h8002 #define DOF_DIRECTORY &h8003 #define DOF_MULTIPLE &h8004 #define DOF_PROGMAN 1 #define DOF_SHELLDATA 2 #define DO_DROPFILE &h454C4946 #define DO_PRINTFILE &h544E5250 #define SW_SCROLLCHILDREN 1 #define SW_INVALIDATE 2 #define SW_ERASE 4 #if (_WIN32_WINDOWS >= &h0410 or _WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define SW_SMOOTHSCROLL &h0010 #endif #define SC_SIZE &hF000 #define SC_MOVE &hF010 #define SC_MINIMIZE &hF020 #define SC_ICON &hf020 #define SC_MAXIMIZE &hF030 #define SC_ZOOM &hF030 #define SC_NEXTWINDOW &hF040 #define SC_PREVWINDOW &hF050 #define SC_CLOSE &hF060 #define SC_VSCROLL &hF070 #define SC_HSCROLL &hF080 #define SC_MOUSEMENU &hF090 #define SC_KEYMENU &hF100 #define SC_ARRANGE &hF110 #define SC_RESTORE &hF120 #define SC_TASKLIST &hF130 #define SC_SCREENSAVE &hF140 #define SC_HOTKEY &hF150 #define SC_DEFAULT &hF160 #define SC_MONITORPOWER &hF170 #define SC_CONTEXTHELP &hF180 #define SC_SEPARATOR &hF00F #define EC_LEFTMARGIN 1 #define EC_RIGHTMARGIN 2 #define EC_USEFONTINFO &hffff #define DC_HASDEFID &h534B #define DLGC_WANTARROWS 1 #define DLGC_WANTTAB 2 #define DLGC_WANTALLKEYS 4 #define DLGC_WANTMESSAGE 4 #define DLGC_HASSETSEL 8 #define DLGC_DEFPUSHBUTTON 16 #define DLGC_UNDEFPUSHBUTTON 32 #define DLGC_RADIOBUTTON 64 #define DLGC_WANTCHARS 128 #define DLGC_STATIC 256 #define DLGC_BUTTON &h2000 #define LB_CTLCODE 0 #define WA_INACTIVE 0 #define WA_ACTIVE 1 #define WA_CLICKACTIVE 2 #define ICON_SMALL 0 #define ICON_BIG 1 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define ICON_SMALL2 2 #endif #define HBMMENU_CALLBACK cptr(HBITMAP, -1) #define HBMMENU_SYSTEM cptr(HBITMAP, 1) #define HBMMENU_MBAR_RESTORE cptr(HBITMAP, 2) #define HBMMENU_MBAR_MINIMIZE cptr(HBITMAP, 3) #define HBMMENU_MBAR_CLOSE cptr(HBITMAP, 5) #define HBMMENU_MBAR_CLOSE_D cptr(HBITMAP, 6) #define HBMMENU_MBAR_MINIMIZE_D cptr(HBITMAP, 7) #define HBMMENU_POPUP_CLOSE cptr(HBITMAP, 8) #define HBMMENU_POPUP_RESTORE cptr(HBITMAP, 9) #define HBMMENU_POPUP_MAXIMIZE cptr(HBITMAP, 10) #define HBMMENU_POPUP_MINIMIZE cptr(HBITMAP, 11) #define MOD_ALT 1 #define MOD_CONTROL 2 #define MOD_SHIFT 4 #define MOD_WIN 8 #define MOD_IGNORE_ALL_MODIFIER 1024 #define MOD_ON_KEYUP 2048 #define MOD_RIGHT 16384 #define MOD_LEFT 32768 #define LLKHF_EXTENDED (256 shr 8) #define LLKHF_INJECTED &h00000010 #define LLKHF_ALTDOWN (8192 shr 8) #define LLKHF_UP (32768 shr 8) #if (WINVER >= &h0500) #define FLASHW_STOP 0 #define FLASHW_CAPTION 1 #define FLASHW_TRAY 2 #define FLASHW_ALL (FLASHW_CAPTION or FLASHW_TRAY) #define FLASHW_TIMER 4 #define FLASHW_TIMERNOFG 12 #endif #define CURSOR_SHOWING &h00000001 #define WS_ACTIVECAPTION &h00000001 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0403) #define INPUT_MOUSE &h00000000 #define INPUT_KEYBOARD &h00000001 #define INPUT_HARDWARE &h00000002 #endif #if (WINVER >= &h0400) #define ENDSESSION_LOGOFF &h80000000 #endif #if (WINVER >= &h0500) #define CHILDID_SELF 0 #define OBJID_WINDOW &h00000000 #define OBJID_SYSMENU &hFFFFFFFF #define OBJID_TITLEBAR &hFFFFFFFE #define OBJID_MENU &hFFFFFFFD #define OBJID_CLIENT &hFFFFFFFC #define OBJID_VSCROLL &hFFFFFFFB #define OBJID_HSCROLL &hFFFFFFFA #define OBJID_SIZEGRIP &hFFFFFFF9 #define OBJID_CARET &hFFFFFFF8 #define OBJID_CURSOR &hFFFFFFF7 #define OBJID_ALERT &hFFFFFFF6 #define OBJID_SOUND &hFFFFFFF5 #define GUI_CARETBLINKING &h00000001 #define GUI_INMOVESIZE &h00000002 #define GUI_INMENUMODE &h00000004 #define GUI_SYSTEMMENUMODE &h00000008 #define GUI_POPUPMENUMODE &h00000010 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define GUI_16BITTASK &h00000020 #endif #define WINEVENT_OUTOFCONTEXT &h0000 #define WINEVENT_SKIPOWNTHREAD &h0001 #define WINEVENT_SKIPOWNPROCESS &h0002 #define WINEVENT_INCONTEXT &h0004 #define AW_HOR_POSITIVE &h00000001 #define AW_HOR_NEGATIVE &h00000002 #define AW_VER_POSITIVE &h00000004 #define AW_VER_NEGATIVE &h00000008 #define AW_CENTER &h00000010 #define AW_HIDE &h00010000 #define AW_ACTIVATE &h00020000 #define AW_SLIDE &h00040000 #define AW_BLEND &h00080000 #define DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE &h00000000 #define DEVICE_NOTIFY_SERVICE_HANDLE &h00000001 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define DEVICE_NOTIFY_ALL_INTERFACE_CLASSES &h00000004 #endif #define EVENT_MIN &h00000001 #define EVENT_SYSTEM_SOUND &h00000001 #define EVENT_SYSTEM_ALERT &h00000002 #define EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND &h00000003 #define EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUSTART &h00000004 #define EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUEND &h00000005 #define EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPSTART &h00000006 #define EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPEND &h00000007 #define EVENT_SYSTEM_CAPTURESTART &h00000008 #define EVENT_SYSTEM_CAPTUREEND &h00000009 #define EVENT_SYSTEM_MOVESIZESTART &h0000000a #define EVENT_SYSTEM_MOVESIZEEND &h0000000b #define EVENT_SYSTEM_CONTEXTHELPSTART &h0000000c #define EVENT_SYSTEM_CONTEXTHELPEND &h0000000d #define EVENT_SYSTEM_DRAGDROPSTART &h0000000e #define EVENT_SYSTEM_DRAGDROPEND &h0000000f #define EVENT_SYSTEM_DIALOGSTART &h00000010 #define EVENT_SYSTEM_DIALOGEND &h00000011 #define EVENT_SYSTEM_SCROLLINGSTART &h00000012 #define EVENT_SYSTEM_SCROLLINGEND &h00000013 #define EVENT_SYSTEM_SWITCHSTART &h00000014 #define EVENT_SYSTEM_SWITCHEND &h00000015 #define EVENT_SYSTEM_MINIMIZESTART &h00000016 #define EVENT_SYSTEM_MINIMIZEEND &h00000017 #define EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE &h00008000 #define EVENT_OBJECT_DESTROY &h00008001 #define EVENT_OBJECT_SHOW &h00008002 #define EVENT_OBJECT_HIDE &h00008003 #define EVENT_OBJECT_REORDER &h00008004 #define EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS &h00008005 #define EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTION &h00008006 #define EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONADD &h00008007 #define EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONREMOVE &h00008008 #define EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONWITHIN &h00008009 #define EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE &h0000800a #define EVENT_OBJECT_LOCATIONCHANGE &h0000800b #define EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE &h0000800c #define EVENT_OBJECT_DESCRIPTIONCHANGE &h0000800d #define EVENT_OBJECT_VALUECHANGE &h0000800e #define EVENT_OBJECT_PARENTCHANGE &h0000800f #define EVENT_OBJECT_HELPCHANGE &h00008010 #define EVENT_OBJECT_DEFACTIONCHANGE &h00008011 #define EVENT_OBJECT_ACCELERATORCHANGE &h00008012 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define EVENT_CONSOLE_CARET &h00004001 #define CONSOLE_CARET_SELECTION &h00000001 #define CONSOLE_CARET_VISIBLE &h00000002 #define EVENT_CONSOLE_UPDATE_REGION &h00004002 #define EVENT_CONSOLE_UPDATE_SIMPLE &h00004003 #define EVENT_CONSOLE_UPDATE_SCROLL &h00004004 #define EVENT_CONSOLE_LAYOUT &h00004005 #define EVENT_CONSOLE_START_APPLICATION &h00004006 #define CONSOLE_APPLICATION_16BIT &h00000001 #define EVENT_CONSOLE_END_APPLICATION &h00004007 #endif #define EVENT_MAX &h7fffffff #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500 or _WIN32_WINDOWS >= &h0490) #define ASFW_ANY (cast(DWORD,(-1))) #define LSFW_LOCK 1 #define LSFW_UNLOCK 2 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define LWA_COLORKEY &h01 #define LWA_ALPHA &h02 #define ULW_COLORKEY &h01 #define ULW_ALPHA &h02 #define ULW_OPAQUE &h04 #endif #define GA_PARENT 1 #define GA_ROOT 2 #define GA_ROOTOWNER 3 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500 or _WIN32_WINDOWS >= &h0410) #define MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL 0 #define MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY 1 #define MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST 2 #define MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY 1 #define EDS_RAWMODE &h00000002 #define ISMEX_NOSEND &h00000000 #define ISMEX_CALLBACK &h00000004 #define ISMEX_NOTIFY &h00000002 #define ISMEX_REPLIED &h00000008 #define ISMEX_SEND &h00000001 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define GR_GDIOBJECTS 0 #define GR_USEROBJECTS 1 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500 or _WIN32_WINDOWS >= &h0490) #define GMMP_USE_DISPLAY_POINTS 1 #define GMMP_USE_HIGH_RESOLUTION_POINTS 2 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0500) #define XBUTTON1 &h0001 #define XBUTTON2 &h0002 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0501) #define FE_FONTSMOOTHINGSTANDARD &h0001 #define FE_FONTSMOOTHINGCLEARTYPE &h0002 #define PW_CLIENTONLY &h00000001 #define RIM_INPUT &h00000000 #define RIM_INPUTSINK &h00000001 #define RIM_TYPEMOUSE &h00000000 #define RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD &h00000001 #define RIM_TYPEHID &h00000002 #define MOUSE_MOVE_RELATIVE &h00000000 #define MOUSE_MOVE_ABSOLUTE &h00000001 #define MOUSE_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP &h00000002 #define MOUSE_ATTRIBUTES_CHANGED &h00000004 #define RI_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN &h0001 #define RI_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP &h0002 #define RI_MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN &h0004 #define RI_MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON_UP &h0008 #define RI_MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON_DOWN &h0010 #define RI_MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON_UP &h0020 #define RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_1_DOWN &h0001 #define RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_1_UP &h0002 #define RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_2_DOWN &h0004 #define RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_2_UP &h0008 #define RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_3_DOWN &h0010 #define RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_3_UP &h0020 #define RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_4_DOWN &h0040 #define RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_4_UP &h0080 #define RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_5_DOWN &h0100 #define RI_MOUSE_BUTTON_5_UP &h0200 #define RI_MOUSE_WHEEL &h0400 #define KEYBOARD_OVERRUN_MAKE_CODE &h00ff #define RI_KEY_MAKE &h0000 #define RI_KEY_BREAK &h0001 #define RI_KEY_E0 &h0002 #define RI_KEY_E1 &h0004 #define RI_KEY_TERMSRV_SET_LED &h0008 #define RI_KEY_TERMSRV_SHADOW &h0010 #define RID_INPUT &h10000003 #define RID_HEADER &h10000005 #define RIDI_PREPARSEDDATA &h20000005 #define RIDI_DEVICENAME &h20000007 #define RIDI_DEVICEINFO &h200000&b #define RIDEV_REMOVE &h00000001 #define RIDEV_EXCLUDE &h00000010 #define RIDEV_PAGEONLY &h00000020 #define RIDEV_NOLEGACY &h00000030 #define RIDEV_INPUTSINK &h00000100 #define RIDEV_CAPTUREMOUSE &h00000200 #define RIDEV_NOHOTKEYS &h00000200 #define RIDEV_APPKEYS &h00000400 #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= &h0601) #define TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN &h0001 #define TOUCHEVENTF_INRANGE &h0008 #define TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE &h0002 #define TOUCHEVENTF_NOCOALESCE &h0020 #define TOUCHEVENTF_PALM &h0080 #define TOUCHEVENTF_PEN &h0040 #define TOUCHEVENTF_PRIMARY &h0010 #define TOUCHEVENTF_UP &h0004 #define TOUCHEVENTMASKF_CONTACTAREA &h0004 #define TOUCHEVENTMASKF_EXTRAINFO &h0002 #define TOUCHEVENTMASKF_TIMEFROMSYSTEM &h0001 #endif type DLGPROC as function (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL type TIMERPROC as sub (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as DWORD) type GRAYSTRINGPROC as function (byval as HDC, byval as LPARAM, byval as integer) as BOOL type HOOKPROC as function (byval as integer, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as LRESULT type PROPENUMPROCA as function (byval as HWND, byval as LPCSTR, byval as HANDLE) as BOOL type PROPENUMPROCW as function (byval as HWND, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as HANDLE) as BOOL type PROPENUMPROCEXA as function (byval as HWND, byval as LPSTR, byval as HANDLE, byval as DWORD) as BOOL type PROPENUMPROCEXW as function (byval as HWND, byval as LPWSTR, byval as HANDLE, byval as DWORD) as BOOL type EDITWORDBREAKPROCA as function (byval as LPSTR, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer) as integer type EDITWORDBREAKPROCW as function (byval as LPWSTR, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer) as integer type WNDPROC as function (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as LRESULT type DRAWSTATEPROC as function (byval as HDC, byval as LPARAM, byval as WPARAM, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL type WNDENUMPROC as function (byval as HWND, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL type ENUMWINDOWSPROC as function (byval as HWND, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL type MONITORENUMPROC as function (byval as HMONITOR, byval as HDC, byval as LPRECT, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL type NAMEENUMPROCA as function (byval as LPSTR, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL type NAMEENUMPROCW as function (byval as LPWSTR, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL type DESKTOPENUMPROCA as NAMEENUMPROCA type DESKTOPENUMPROCW as NAMEENUMPROCW type WINSTAENUMPROCA as NAMEENUMPROCA type WINSTAENUMPROCW as NAMEENUMPROCW type SENDASYNCPROC as sub (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as DWORD, byval as LRESULT) type HHOOK__ i as integer end type type HHOOK as HHOOK__ ptr type HDWP__ i as integer end type type HDWP as HDWP__ ptr type HDEVNOTIFY__ i as integer end type type HDEVNOTIFY as HDEVNOTIFY__ ptr type ACCEL fVirt as UBYTE key as WORD cmd as WORD end type type LPACCEL as ACCEL ptr type ACCESSTIMEOUT cbSize as UINT dwFlags as DWORD iTimeOutMSec as DWORD end type type LPACCESSTIMEOUT as ACCESSTIMEOUT ptr type ANIMATIONINFO cbSize as UINT iMinAnimate as integer end type type LPANIMATIONINFO as ANIMATIONINFO ptr #ifndef UNICODE type CREATESTRUCTA lpCreateParams as LPVOID hInstance as HINSTANCE hMenu as HMENU hwndParent as HWND cy as integer cx as integer y as integer x as integer style as LONG lpszName as LPCSTR lpszClass as LPCSTR dwExStyle as DWORD end type type LPCREATESTRUCTA as CREATESTRUCTA ptr #else ''UNICODE type CREATESTRUCTW lpCreateParams as LPVOID hInstance as HINSTANCE hMenu as HMENU hwndParent as HWND cy as integer cx as integer y as integer x as integer style as LONG lpszName as LPCWSTR lpszClass as LPCWSTR dwExStyle as DWORD end type type LPCREATESTRUCTW as CREATESTRUCTW ptr #endif ''UNICODE #ifndef UNICODE type CBT_CREATEWNDA lpcs as LPCREATESTRUCTA hwndInsertAfter as HWND end type type LPCBT_CREATEWNDA as CBT_CREATEWNDA ptr #else ''UNICODE type CBT_CREATEWNDW lpcs as LPCREATESTRUCTW hwndInsertAfter as HWND end type type LPCBT_CREATEWNDW as CBT_CREATEWNDW ptr #endif ''UNICODE type CBTACTIVATESTRUCT fMouse as BOOL hWndActive as HWND end type type LPCBTACTIVATESTRUCT as CBTACTIVATESTRUCT ptr type CLIENTCREATESTRUCT hWindowMenu as HANDLE idFirstChild as UINT end type type LPCLIENTCREATESTRUCT as CLIENTCREATESTRUCT ptr type COMPAREITEMSTRUCT CtlType as UINT CtlID as UINT hwndItem as HWND itemID1 as UINT itemData1 as DWORD itemID2 as UINT itemData2 as DWORD dwLocaleId as DWORD end type type LPCOMPAREITEMSTRUCT as COMPAREITEMSTRUCT ptr type COPYDATASTRUCT dwData as DWORD cbData as DWORD lpData as PVOID end type type PCOPYDATASTRUCT as COPYDATASTRUCT ptr type CURSORSHAPE xHotSpot as integer yHotSpot as integer cx as integer cy as integer cbWidth as integer Planes as UBYTE BitsPixel as UBYTE end type type LPCURSORSHAPE as CURSORSHAPE ptr type CWPRETSTRUCT lResult as LRESULT lParam as LPARAM wParam as WPARAM message as DWORD hwnd as HWND end type type CWPSTRUCT lParam as LPARAM wParam as WPARAM message as UINT hwnd as HWND end type type PCWPSTRUCT as CWPSTRUCT ptr type DEBUGHOOKINFO idThread as DWORD idThreadInstaller as DWORD lParam as LPARAM wParam as WPARAM code as integer end type type PDEBUGHOOKINFO as DEBUGHOOKINFO ptr type LPDEBUGHOOKINFO as DEBUGHOOKINFO ptr type DELETEITEMSTRUCT CtlType as UINT CtlID as UINT itemID as UINT hwndItem as HWND itemData as UINT end type type PDELETEITEMSTRUCT as DELETEITEMSTRUCT ptr type LPDELETEITEMSTRUCT as DELETEITEMSTRUCT ptr type DLGITEMTEMPLATE field=2 style as DWORD dwExtendedStyle as DWORD x as short y as short cx as short cy as short id as WORD end type type LPDLGITEMTEMPLATE as DLGITEMTEMPLATE ptr type DLGTEMPLATE field=2 style as DWORD dwExtendedStyle as DWORD cdit as WORD x as short y as short cx as short cy as short end type type LPDLGTEMPLATE as DLGTEMPLATE ptr type LPDLGTEMPLATEA as DLGTEMPLATE ptr type LPDLGTEMPLATEW as DLGTEMPLATE ptr type LPCDLGTEMPLATE as DLGTEMPLATE ptr type DRAWITEMSTRUCT CtlType as UINT CtlID as UINT itemID as UINT itemAction as UINT itemState as UINT hwndItem as HWND hDC as HDC rcItem as RECT itemData as DWORD end type type LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT as DRAWITEMSTRUCT ptr type PDRAWITEMSTRUCT as DRAWITEMSTRUCT ptr type DRAWTEXTPARAMS cbSize as UINT iTabLength as integer iLeftMargin as integer iRightMargin as integer uiLengthDrawn as UINT end type type LPDRAWTEXTPARAMS as DRAWTEXTPARAMS ptr type PAINTSTRUCT hdc as HDC fErase as BOOL rcPaint as RECT fRestore as BOOL fIncUpdate as BOOL rgbReserved(0 to 32-1) as UBYTE end type type LPPAINTSTRUCT as PAINTSTRUCT ptr type MSG hwnd as HWND message as UINT wParam as WPARAM lParam as LPARAM time as DWORD pt as POINT end type type LPMSG as MSG ptr type PMSG as MSG ptr type ICONINFO fIcon as BOOL xHotspot as DWORD yHotspot as DWORD hbmMask as HBITMAP hbmColor as HBITMAP end type type PICONINFO as ICONINFO ptr type NMHDR hwndFrom as HWND idFrom as UINT code as UINT end type type LPNMHDR as NMHDR ptr #ifndef UNICODE type WNDCLASSA style as UINT lpfnWndProc as WNDPROC cbClsExtra as integer cbWndExtra as integer hInstance as HINSTANCE hIcon as HICON hCursor as HCURSOR hbrBackground as HBRUSH lpszMenuName as LPCSTR lpszClassName as LPCSTR end type type LPWNDCLASSA as WNDCLASSA ptr type PWNDCLASSA as WNDCLASSA ptr #else ''UNICODE type WNDCLASSW style as UINT lpfnWndProc as WNDPROC cbClsExtra as integer cbWndExtra as integer hInstance as HINSTANCE hIcon as HICON hCursor as HCURSOR hbrBackground as HBRUSH lpszMenuName as LPCWSTR lpszClassName as LPCWSTR end type type LPWNDCLASSW as WNDCLASSW ptr type PWNDCLASSW as WNDCLASSW ptr #endif ''UNICODE #ifndef UNICODE type WNDCLASSEXA cbSize as UINT style as UINT lpfnWndProc as WNDPROC cbClsExtra as integer cbWndExtra as integer hInstance as HINSTANCE hIcon as HICON hCursor as HCURSOR hbrBackground as HBRUSH lpszMenuName as LPCSTR lpszClassName as LPCSTR hIconSm as HICON end type type LPWNDCLASSEXA as WNDCLASSEXA ptr type PWNDCLASSEXA as WNDCLASSEXA ptr #else ''UNICODE type WNDCLASSEXW cbSize as UINT style as UINT lpfnWndProc as WNDPROC cbClsExtra as integer cbWndExtra as integer hInstance as HINSTANCE hIcon as HICON hCursor as HCURSOR hbrBackground as HBRUSH lpszMenuName as LPCWSTR lpszClassName as LPCWSTR hIconSm as HICON end type type LPWNDCLASSEXW as WNDCLASSEXW ptr type PWNDCLASSEXW as WNDCLASSEXW ptr #endif ''UNICODE #ifndef UNICODE type MENUITEMINFOA cbSize as UINT fMask as UINT fType as UINT fState as UINT wID as UINT hSubMenu as HMENU hbmpChecked as HBITMAP hbmpUnchecked as HBITMAP dwItemData as DWORD dwTypeData as LPSTR cch as UINT end type type LPMENUITEMINFOA as MENUITEMINFOA ptr type LPCMENUITEMINFOA as MENUITEMINFOA ptr #else ''UNICODE type MENUITEMINFOW cbSize as UINT fMask as UINT fType as UINT fState as UINT wID as UINT hSubMenu as HMENU hbmpChecked as HBITMAP hbmpUnchecked as HBITMAP dwItemData as DWORD dwTypeData as LPWSTR cch as UINT end type type LPMENUITEMINFOW as MENUITEMINFOW ptr type LPCMENUITEMINFOW as MENUITEMINFOW ptr #endif ''UNICODE type SCROLLINFO cbSize as UINT fMask as UINT nMin as integer nMax as integer nPage as UINT nPos as integer nTrackPos as integer end type type LPSCROLLINFO as SCROLLINFO ptr type LPCSCROLLINFO as SCROLLINFO ptr type WINDOWPLACEMENT length as UINT flags as UINT showCmd as UINT ptMinPosition as POINT ptMaxPosition as POINT rcNormalPosition as RECT end type type LPWINDOWPLACEMENT as WINDOWPLACEMENT ptr type PWINDOWPLACEMENT as WINDOWPLACEMENT ptr type MENUITEMTEMPLATEHEADER versionNumber as WORD offset as WORD end type type MENUITEMTEMPLATE mtOption as WORD mtID as WORD mtString as wstring * 1 end type type MENUTEMPLATE as any type MENUTEMPLATEA as any type MENUTEMPLATEW as any type LPMENUTEMPLATEA as any ptr type LPMENUTEMPLATEW as any ptr type LPMENUTEMPLATE as any ptr type HELPINFO cbSize as UINT iContextType as integer iCtrlId as integer hItemHandle as HANDLE dwContextId as DWORD MousePos as POINT end type type LPHELPINFO as HELPINFO ptr type MSGBOXCALLBACK as sub (byval as LPHELPINFO) type MSGBOXPARAMSA cbSize as UINT hwndOwner as HWND hInstance as HINSTANCE lpszText as LPCSTR lpszCaption as LPCSTR dwStyle as DWORD lpszIcon as LPCSTR dwContextHelpId as DWORD lpfnMsgBoxCallback as MSGBOXCALLBACK dwLanguageId as DWORD end type type PMSGBOXPARAMSA as MSGBOXPARAMSA ptr type LPMSGBOXPARAMSA as MSGBOXPARAMSA ptr type MSGBOXPARAMSW cbSize as UINT hwndOwner as HWND hInstance as HINSTANCE lpszText as LPCWSTR lpszCaption as LPCWSTR dwStyle as DWORD lpszIcon as LPCWSTR dwContextHelpId as DWORD lpfnMsgBoxCallback as MSGBOXCALLBACK dwLanguageId as DWORD end type type PMSGBOXPARAMSW as MSGBOXPARAMSW ptr type LPMSGBOXPARAMSW as MSGBOXPARAMSW ptr type USEROBJECTFLAGS fInherit as BOOL fReserved as BOOL dwFlags as DWORD end type type FILTERKEYS cbSize as UINT dwFlags as DWORD iWaitMSec as DWORD iDelayMSec as DWORD iRepeatMSec as DWORD iBounceMSec as DWORD end type #ifndef UNICODE type HIGHCONTRASTA cbSize as UINT dwFlags as DWORD lpszDefaultScheme as LPSTR end type type LPHIGHCONTRASTA as HIGHCONTRASTA ptr #else ''UNICODE type HIGHCONTRASTW cbSize as UINT dwFlags as DWORD lpszDefaultScheme as LPWSTR end type type LPHIGHCONTRASTW as HIGHCONTRASTW ptr #endif ''UNICODE #ifndef UNICODE type ICONMETRICSA cbSize as UINT iHorzSpacing as integer iVertSpacing as integer iTitleWrap as integer lfFont as LOGFONTA end type type LPICONMETRICSA as ICONMETRICSA ptr #else ''UNICODE type ICONMETRICSW cbSize as UINT iHorzSpacing as integer iVertSpacing as integer iTitleWrap as integer lfFont as LOGFONTW end type type LPICONMETRICSW as ICONMETRICSW ptr #endif ''UNICODE type MINIMIZEDMETRICS cbSize as UINT iWidth as integer iHorzGap as integer iVertGap as integer iArrange as integer end type type LPMINIMIZEDMETRICS as MINIMIZEDMETRICS ptr type MOUSEKEYS cbSize as UINT dwFlags as DWORD iMaxSpeed as DWORD iTimeToMaxSpeed as DWORD iCtrlSpeed as DWORD dwReserved1 as DWORD dwReserved2 as DWORD end type type LPMOUSEKEYS as MOUSEKEYS ptr #ifndef UNICODE type NONCLIENTMETRICSA cbSize as UINT iBorderWidth as integer iScrollWidth as integer iScrollHeight as integer iCaptionWidth as integer iCaptionHeight as integer lfCaptionFont as LOGFONTA iSmCaptionWidth as integer iSmCaptionHeight as integer lfSmCaptionFont as LOGFONTA iMenuWidth as integer iMenuHeight as integer lfMenuFont as LOGFONTA lfStatusFont as LOGFONTA lfMessageFont as LOGFONTA end type type LPNONCLIENTMETRICSA as NONCLIENTMETRICSA ptr #else ''UNICODE type NONCLIENTMETRICSW cbSize as UINT iBorderWidth as integer iScrollWidth as integer iScrollHeight as integer iCaptionWidth as integer iCaptionHeight as integer lfCaptionFont as LOGFONTW iSmCaptionWidth as integer iSmCaptionHeight as integer lfSmCaptionFont as LOGFONTW iMenuWidth as integer iMenuHeight as integer lfMenuFont as LOGFONTW lfStatusFont as LOGFONTW lfMessageFont as LOGFONTW end type type LPNONCLIENTMETRICSW as NONCLIENTMETRICSW ptr #endif ''UNICODE #ifndef UNICODE type SERIALKEYSA cbSize as UINT dwFlags as DWORD lpszActivePort as LPSTR lpszPort as LPSTR iBaudRate as UINT iPortState as UINT iActive as UINT end type type LPSERIALKEYSA as SERIALKEYSA ptr #else ''UNICODE type SERIALKEYSW cbSize as UINT dwFlags as DWORD lpszActivePort as LPWSTR lpszPort as LPWSTR iBaudRate as UINT iPortState as UINT iActive as UINT end type type LPSERIALKEYSW as SERIALKEYSW ptr #endif ''UNICODE #ifndef UNICODE type SOUNDSENTRYA cbSize as UINT dwFlags as DWORD iFSTextEffect as DWORD iFSTextEffectMSec as DWORD iFSTextEffectColorBits as DWORD iFSGrafEffect as DWORD iFSGrafEffectMSec as DWORD iFSGrafEffectColor as DWORD iWindowsEffect as DWORD iWindowsEffectMSec as DWORD lpszWindowsEffectDLL as LPSTR iWindowsEffectOrdinal as DWORD end type type LPSOUNDSENTRYA as SOUNDSENTRYA ptr #else ''UNICODE type SOUNDSENTRYW cbSize as UINT dwFlags as DWORD iFSTextEffect as DWORD iFSTextEffectMSec as DWORD iFSTextEffectColorBits as DWORD iFSGrafEffect as DWORD iFSGrafEffectMSec as DWORD iFSGrafEffectColor as DWORD iWindowsEffect as DWORD iWindowsEffectMSec as DWORD lpszWindowsEffectDLL as LPWSTR iWindowsEffectOrdinal as DWORD end type type LPSOUNDSENTRYW as SOUNDSENTRYW ptr #endif ''UNICODE type STICKYKEYS cbSize as DWORD dwFlags as DWORD end type type LPSTICKYKEYS as STICKYKEYS ptr type TOGGLEKEYS cbSize as DWORD dwFlags as DWORD end type type MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT pt as POINT hwnd as HWND wHitTestCode as UINT dwExtraInfo as DWORD end type type LPMOUSEHOOKSTRUCT as MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT ptr type PMOUSEHOOKSTRUCT as MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT ptr type TRACKMOUSEEVENT cbSize as DWORD dwFlags as DWORD hwndTrack as HWND dwHoverTime as DWORD end type type LPTRACKMOUSEEVENT as TRACKMOUSEEVENT ptr type TPMPARAMS cbSize as UINT rcExclude as RECT end type type LPTPMPARAMS as TPMPARAMS ptr type EVENTMSG message as UINT paramL as UINT paramH as UINT time as DWORD hwnd as HWND end type type PEVENTMSGMSG as EVENTMSG ptr type LPEVENTMSGMSG as EVENTMSG ptr type PEVENTMSG as EVENTMSG ptr type LPEVENTMSG as EVENTMSG ptr type WINDOWPOS hwnd as HWND hwndInsertAfter as HWND x as integer y as integer cx as integer cy as integer flags as UINT end type type PWINDOWPOS as WINDOWPOS ptr type LPWINDOWPOS as WINDOWPOS ptr type NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS rgrc(0 to 3-1) as RECT lppos as PWINDOWPOS end type type LPNCCALCSIZE_PARAMS as NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS ptr #ifndef UNICODE type MDICREATESTRUCTA szClass as LPCSTR szTitle as LPCSTR hOwner as HANDLE x as integer y as integer cx as integer cy as integer style as DWORD lParam as LPARAM end type type LPMDICREATESTRUCTA as MDICREATESTRUCTA ptr #else ''UNICODE type MDICREATESTRUCTW szClass as LPCWSTR szTitle as LPCWSTR hOwner as HANDLE x as integer y as integer cx as integer cy as integer style as DWORD lParam as LPARAM end type type LPMDICREATESTRUCTW as MDICREATESTRUCTW ptr #endif ''UNICODE type MINMAXINFO ptReserved as POINT ptMaxSize as POINT ptMaxPosition as POINT ptMinTrackSize as POINT ptMaxTrackSize as POINT end type type PMINMAXINFO as MINMAXINFO ptr type LPMINMAXINFO as MINMAXINFO ptr type MDINEXTMENU hmenuIn as HMENU hmenuNext as HMENU hwndNext as HWND end type type PMDINEXTMENU as MDINEXTMENU ptr type LPMDINEXTMENU as MDINEXTMENU ptr type MEASUREITEMSTRUCT CtlType as UINT CtlID as UINT itemID as UINT itemWidth as UINT itemHeight as UINT itemData as DWORD end type type PMEASUREITEMSTRUCT as MEASUREITEMSTRUCT ptr type LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT as MEASUREITEMSTRUCT ptr type DROPSTRUCT hwndSource as HWND hwndSink as HWND wFmt as DWORD dwData as DWORD ptDrop as POINT dwControlData as DWORD end type type PDROPSTRUCT as DROPSTRUCT ptr type LPDROPSTRUCT as DROPSTRUCT ptr type HELPPOLY as DWORD #ifndef UNICODE type MULTIKEYHELPA mkSize as DWORD mkKeylist as CHAR szKeyphrase as zstring * 1 end type type PMULTIKEYHELPA as MULTIKEYHELPA ptr type LPMULTIKEYHELPA as MULTIKEYHELPA ptr #else ''UNICODE type MULTIKEYHELPW mkSize as DWORD mkKeylist as WCHAR szKeyphrase as wstring * 1 end type type PMULTIKEYHELPW as MULTIKEYHELPW ptr type LPMULTIKEYHELPW as MULTIKEYHELPW ptr #endif ''UNICODE #ifndef UNICODE type HELPWININFOA wStructSize as integer x as integer y as integer dx as integer dy as integer wMax as integer rgchMember as zstring * 2 end type type PHELPWININFOA as HELPWININFOA ptr type LPHELPWININFOA as HELPWININFOA ptr #else ''UNICODE type HELPWININFOW wStructSize as integer x as integer y as integer dx as integer dy as integer wMax as integer rgchMember as wstring * 2 end type type PHELPWININFOW as HELPWININFOW ptr type LPHELPWININFOW as HELPWININFOW ptr #endif ''UNICODE type STYLESTRUCT styleOld as DWORD styleNew as DWORD end type type LPSTYLESTRUCT as STYLESTRUCT ptr type ALTTABINFO cbSize as DWORD cItems as integer cColumns as integer cRows as integer iColFocus as integer iRowFocus as integer cxItem as integer cyItem as integer ptStart as POINT end type type PALTTABINFO as ALTTABINFO ptr type LPALTTABINFO as ALTTABINFO ptr type COMBOBOXINFO cbSize as DWORD rcItem as RECT rcButton as RECT stateButton as DWORD hwndCombo as HWND hwndItem as HWND hwndList as HWND end type type PCOMBOBOXINFO as COMBOBOXINFO ptr type LPCOMBOBOXINFO as COMBOBOXINFO ptr type CURSORINFO cbSize as DWORD flags as DWORD hCursor as HCURSOR ptScreenPos as POINT end type type PCURSORINFO as CURSORINFO ptr type LPCURSORINFO as CURSORINFO ptr type MENUBARINFO cbSize as DWORD rcBar as RECT hMenu as HMENU hwndMenu as HWND fBarFocused:1 as BOOL fFocused:1 as BOOL end type type PMENUBARINFO as MENUBARINFO ptr type MENUINFO cbSize as DWORD fMask as DWORD dwStyle as DWORD cyMax as UINT hbrBack as HBRUSH dwContextHelpID as DWORD dwMenuData as ULONG_PTR end type type LPMENUINFO as MENUINFO ptr type LPCMENUINFO as MENUINFO ptr #define CCHILDREN_SCROLLBAR 5 type SCROLLBARINFO cbSize as DWORD rcScrollBar as RECT dxyLineButton as integer xyThumbTop as integer xyThumbBottom as integer reserved as integer rgstate(0 to 5+1-1) as DWORD end type type PSCROLLBARINFO as SCROLLBARINFO ptr type LPSCROLLBARINFO as SCROLLBARINFO ptr #define CCHILDREN_TITLEBAR 5 type TITLEBARINFO cbSize as DWORD rcTitleBar as RECT rgstate(0 to 5+1-1) as DWORD end type type PTITLEBARINFO as TITLEBARINFO ptr type LPTITLEBARINFO as TITLEBARINFO ptr type WINDOWINFO cbSize as DWORD rcWindow as RECT rcClient as RECT dwStyle as DWORD dwExStyle as DWORD dwWindowStatus as DWORD cxWindowBorders as UINT cyWindowBorders as UINT atomWindowType as ATOM wCreatorVersion as WORD end type type PWINDOWINFO as WINDOWINFO ptr type LPWINDOWINFO as WINDOWINFO ptr type LASTINPUTINFO cbSize as UINT dwTime as DWORD end type type PLASTINPUTINFO as LASTINPUTINFO ptr type MONITORINFO cbSize as DWORD rcMonitor as RECT rcWork as RECT dwFlags as DWORD end type type LPMONITORINFO as MONITORINFO ptr #define CCHDEVICENAME 32 #ifndef UNICODE type MONITORINFOEXA cbSize as DWORD rcMonitor as RECT rcWork as RECT dwFlags as DWORD szDevice as zstring * 32 end type type LPMONITORINFOEXA as MONITORINFOEXA ptr #else ''UNICODE type MONITORINFOEXW cbSize as DWORD rcMonitor as RECT rcWork as RECT dwFlags as DWORD szDevice as wstring * 32 end type type LPMONITORINFOEXW as MONITORINFOEXW ptr #endif ''UNICODE type KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT vkCode as DWORD scanCode as DWORD flags as DWORD time as DWORD dwExtraInfo as DWORD end type type LPKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT as KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT ptr type PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT as KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT ptr type FLASHWINFO cbSize as UINT hwnd as HWND dwFlags as DWORD uCount as UINT dwTimeout as DWORD end type type PFLASHWINFO as FLASHWINFO ptr type MOUSEMOVEPOINT x as integer y as integer time as DWORD dwExtraInfo as ULONG_PTR end type type PMOUSEMOVEPOINT as MOUSEMOVEPOINT ptr type LPMOUSEMOVEPOINT as MOUSEMOVEPOINT ptr type MOUSEINPUT dx as LONG dy as LONG mouseData as DWORD dwFlags as DWORD time as DWORD dwExtraInfo as ULONG_PTR end type type PMOUSEINPUT as MOUSEINPUT ptr type KEYBDINPUT wVk as WORD wScan as WORD dwFlags as DWORD time as DWORD dwExtraInfo as ULONG_PTR end type type PKEYBDINPUT as KEYBDINPUT ptr type HARDWAREINPUT uMsg as DWORD wParamL as WORD wParamH as WORD end type type PHARDWAREINPUT as HARDWAREINPUT ptr type INPUT_ type as DWORD union mi as MOUSEINPUT ki as KEYBDINPUT hi as HARDWAREINPUT end union end type type PINPUT as INPUT_ ptr type LPINPUT as INPUT_ ptr type BSMINFO cbSize as UINT hdesk as HDESK hwnd as HWND luid as LUID end type type PBSMINFO as BSMINFO ptr type HRAWINPUT__ i as integer end type type HRAWINPUT as HRAWINPUT__ ptr type RAWINPUTHEADER dwType as DWORD dwSize as DWORD hDevice as HANDLE wParam as WPARAM end type type PRAWINPUTHEADER as RAWINPUTHEADER ptr type RAWMOUSE usFlags as USHORT union ulButtons as ULONG type usButtonFlags as USHORT usButtonData as USHORT end type end union ulRawButtons as ULONG lLastX as LONG lLastY as LONG ulExtraInformation as ULONG end type type PRAWMOUSE as RAWMOUSE ptr type LPRAWMOUSE as RAWMOUSE ptr type RAWKEYBOARD MakeCode as USHORT Flags as USHORT Reserved as USHORT VKey as USHORT Message as UINT ExtraInformation as ULONG end type type PRAWKEYBOARD as RAWKEYBOARD ptr type LPRAWKEYBOARD as RAWKEYBOARD ptr type RAWHID dwSizeHid as DWORD dwCount as DWORD bRawData as UBYTE end type type PRAWHID as RAWHID ptr type LPRAWHID as RAWHID ptr union RAWINPUT_data mouse as RAWMOUSE keyboard as RAWKEYBOARD hid as RAWHID end union type RAWINPUT header as RAWINPUTHEADER data as RAWINPUT_data end type type PRAWINPUT as RAWINPUT ptr type LPRAWINPUT as RAWINPUT ptr type RAWINPUTDEVICE usUsagePage as USHORT usUsage as USHORT dwFlags as DWORD hwndTarget as HWND end type type PRAWINPUTDEVICE as RAWINPUTDEVICE ptr type LPRAWINPUTDEVICE as RAWINPUTDEVICE ptr type PCRAWINPUTDEVICE as RAWINPUTDEVICE ptr type RAWINPUTDEVICELIST hDevice as HANDLE dwType as DWORD end type type PRAWINPUTDEVICELIST as RAWINPUTDEVICELIST ptr type GUITHREADINFO cbSize as DWORD flags as DWORD hwndActive as HWND hwndFocus as HWND hwndCapture as HWND hwndMenuOwner as HWND hwndMoveSize as HWND hwndCaret as HWND rcCaret as RECT end type type PGUITHREADINFO as GUITHREADINFO ptr #define AnsiToOem CharToOemA #define OemToAnsi OemToCharA #define AnsiToOemBuff CharToOemBuffA #define OemToAnsiBuff OemToCharBuffA #define AnsiUpper CharUpperA #define AnsiUpperBuff CharUpperBuffA #define AnsiLower CharLowerA #define AnsiLowerBuff CharLowerBuffA #define AnsiNext CharNextA #define AnsiPrev CharPrevA #define MAKELPARAM(l,h) cint(MAKELONG(l,h)) #define MAKEWPARAM(l,h) cuint(MAKELONG(l,h)) #define MAKELRESULT(l,h) cint(MAKELONG(l,h)) #define POINTSTOPOINT(p,ps) p.x = LOWORD( *cptr(DWORD ptr, @ps) ) : p.y = HIWORD( *cptr(DWORD ptr, @ps) ) ''''''' #define POINTTOPOINTS(p) ((POINTS)MAKELONG(p.x,p.y)) extern "windows" lib "user32" declare function ActivateKeyboardLayout (byval as HKL, byval as UINT) as HKL declare function AdjustWindowRect (byval as LPRECT, byval as DWORD, byval as BOOL) as BOOL declare function AdjustWindowRectEx (byval as LPRECT, byval as DWORD, byval as BOOL, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function AnimateWindow (byval as HWND, byval as DWORD, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function AnyPopup () as BOOL declare function ArrangeIconicWindows (byval as HWND) as UINT declare function AttachThreadInput (byval as DWORD, byval as DWORD, byval as BOOL) as BOOL declare function BeginDeferWindowPos (byval as integer) as HDWP declare function BeginPaint (byval as HWND, byval as LPPAINTSTRUCT) as HDC declare function BringWindowToTop (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function BroadcastSystemMessage (byval as DWORD, byval as LPDWORD, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as integer declare function CallNextHookEx (byval as HHOOK, byval as integer, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as LRESULT declare function CascadeWindows (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as LPCRECT, byval as UINT, byval as HWND ptr) as WORD declare function ChangeClipboardChain (byval as HWND, byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function CheckDlgButton (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function CheckMenuItem (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as DWORD declare function CheckMenuRadioItem (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function CheckRadioButton (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function ChildWindowFromPoint (byval as HWND, byval as POINT) as HWND declare function ChildWindowFromPointEx (byval as HWND, byval as POINT, byval as UINT) as HWND declare function ClientToScreen (byval as HWND, byval as LPPOINT) as BOOL declare function ClipCursor (byval as LPCRECT) as BOOL declare function CloseClipboard () as BOOL declare function CloseDesktop (byval as HDESK) as BOOL declare function CloseWindow (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function CloseWindowStation (byval as HWINSTA) as BOOL declare function CopyIcon (byval as HICON) as HICON declare function CopyImage (byval as HANDLE, byval as UINT, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as HANDLE declare function CopyRect (byval as LPRECT, byval as LPCRECT) as BOOL declare function CountClipboardFormats () as integer declare function CreateCaret (byval as HWND, byval as HBITMAP, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function CreateCursor (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as PCVOID, byval as PCVOID) as HCURSOR declare function CreateIcon (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UBYTE, byval as UBYTE, byval as UBYTE ptr, byval as UBYTE ptr) as HICON declare function CreateIconFromResource (byval as PBYTE, byval as DWORD, byval as BOOL, byval as DWORD) as HICON declare function CreateIconFromResourceEx (byval as PBYTE, byval as DWORD, byval as BOOL, byval as DWORD, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as HICON declare function CreateIconIndirect (byval as PICONINFO) as HICON declare function CreateMenu () as HMENU declare function CreatePopupMenu () as HMENU declare function DeferWindowPos (byval as HDWP, byval as HWND, byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as HDWP declare function DefRawInputProc (byval as PRAWINPUT ptr, byval as INT_, byval as UINT) as LRESULT declare function DeleteMenu (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function DeregisterShellHookWindow (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function DestroyAcceleratorTable (byval as HACCEL) as BOOL declare function DestroyCaret () as BOOL declare function DestroyCursor (byval as HCURSOR) as BOOL declare function DestroyIcon (byval as HICON) as BOOL declare function DestroyMenu (byval as HMENU) as BOOL declare function DestroyWindow (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function DragDetect (byval as HWND, byval as POINT) as BOOL declare function DragObject (byval as HWND, byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as DWORD, byval as HCURSOR) as DWORD declare function DrawAnimatedRects (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as LPCRECT, byval as LPCRECT) as BOOL declare function DrawCaption (byval as HWND, byval as HDC, byval as LPCRECT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function DrawEdge (byval as HDC, byval as LPRECT, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function DrawFocusRect (byval as HDC, byval as LPCRECT) as BOOL declare function DrawFrameControl (byval as HDC, byval as LPRECT, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function DrawIcon (byval as HDC, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as HICON) as BOOL declare function DrawIconEx (byval as HDC, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as HICON, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UINT, byval as HBRUSH, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function DrawMenuBar (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function EmptyClipboard () as BOOL declare function EnableMenuItem (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function EnableScrollBar (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function EnableWindow (byval as HWND, byval as BOOL) as BOOL declare function EndDeferWindowPos (byval as HDWP) as BOOL declare function EndDialog (byval as HWND, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function EndMenu () as BOOL declare function EndPaint (byval as HWND, byval as PAINTSTRUCT ptr) as BOOL declare function EndTask (byval as HWND, byval as BOOL, byval as BOOL) as BOOL declare function EnumChildWindows (byval as HWND, byval as ENUMWINDOWSPROC, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL declare function EnumClipboardFormats (byval as UINT) as UINT declare function EnumDesktopWindows (byval as HDESK, byval as ENUMWINDOWSPROC, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL declare function EnumDisplayMonitors (byval as HDC, byval as LPCRECT, byval as MONITORENUMPROC, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL declare function EnumThreadWindows (byval as DWORD, byval as WNDENUMPROC, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL declare function EnumWindows (byval as WNDENUMPROC, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL declare function EqualRect (byval as LPCRECT, byval as LPCRECT) as BOOL declare function ExitWindowsEx (byval as UINT, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function FlashWindow (byval as HWND, byval as BOOL) as BOOL declare function FlashWindowEx (byval as PFLASHWINFO) as BOOL declare function FrameRect (byval as HDC, byval as LPCRECT, byval as HBRUSH) as integer declare function FrameRgn (byval as HDC, byval as HRGN, byval as HBRUSH, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function GetActiveWindow () as HWND declare function GetAncestor (byval as HWND, byval as UINT) as HWND declare function GetAsyncKeyState (byval as integer) as SHORT declare function GetCapture () as HWND declare function GetCaretBlinkTime () as UINT declare function GetCaretPos (byval as LPPOINT) as BOOL declare function GetClassWord (byval as HWND, byval as integer) as WORD declare function GetClientRect (byval as HWND, byval as LPRECT) as BOOL declare function GetClipboardData (byval as UINT) as HANDLE declare function GetClipboardOwner () as HWND declare function GetClipboardSequenceNumber () as DWORD declare function GetClipboardViewer () as HWND declare function GetClipCursor (byval as LPRECT) as BOOL declare function GetCursorPos (byval as LPPOINT) as BOOL declare function GetDC (byval as HWND) as HDC declare function GetDCEx (byval as HWND, byval as HRGN, byval as DWORD) as HDC declare function GetDesktopWindow () as HWND declare function GetDialogBaseUnits () as integer declare function GetDlgCtrlID (byval as HWND) as integer declare function GetDlgItem (byval as HWND, byval as integer) as HWND declare function GetDlgItemInt (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as PBOOL, byval as BOOL) as UINT declare function GetDoubleClickTime () as UINT declare function GetFocus () as HWND declare function GetForegroundWindow () as HWND declare function GetGuiResources (byval as HANDLE, byval as DWORD) as DWORD declare function GetIconInfo (byval as HICON, byval as PICONINFO) as BOOL declare function GetInputState () as BOOL declare function GetKBCodePage () as UINT declare function GetKeyboardLayout (byval as DWORD) as HKL declare function GetKeyboardLayoutList (byval as integer, byval as HKL ptr) as UINT declare function GetKeyboardState (byval as PBYTE) as BOOL declare function GetKeyboardType (byval as integer) as integer declare function GetKeyState (byval as integer) as SHORT declare function GetLastActivePopup (byval as HWND) as HWND declare function GetMenu (byval as HWND) as HMENU declare function GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions () as LONG declare function GetMenuContextHelpId (byval as HMENU) as DWORD declare function GetMenuDefaultItem (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as UINT declare function GetMenuItemCount (byval as HMENU) as integer declare function GetMenuItemID (byval as HMENU, byval as integer) as UINT declare function GetMenuItemRect (byval as HWND, byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as LPRECT) as BOOL declare function GetMenuState (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as UINT declare function GetMessageExtraInfo () as LONG declare function GetMessagePos () as DWORD declare function GetMessageTime () as LONG declare function GetMouseMovePointsEx (byval as UINT, byval as LPMOUSEMOVEPOINT, byval as LPMOUSEMOVEPOINT, byval as integer, byval as DWORD) as integer declare function GetNextDlgGroupItem (byval as HWND, byval as HWND, byval as BOOL) as HWND declare function GetNextDlgTabItem (byval as HWND, byval as HWND, byval as BOOL) as HWND declare function GetOpenClipboardWindow () as HWND declare function GetParent (byval as HWND) as HWND declare function GetPriorityClipboardFormat (byval as UINT ptr, byval as integer) as integer declare function GetRawInputBuffer (byval as PRAWINPUT, byval as PUINT, byval as UINT) as UINT declare function GetRawInputData (byval as HRAWINPUT, byval as UINT, byval as LPVOID, byval as PUINT, byval as UINT) as UINT declare function GetRawInputDeviceList (byval as PRAWINPUTDEVICELIST, byval as PUINT, byval as UINT) as UINT declare function GetRegisteredRawInputDevices (byval as PRAWINPUTDEVICE, byval as PUINT, byval as UINT) as UINT declare function GetQueueStatus (byval as UINT) as DWORD declare function GetScrollInfo (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as LPSCROLLINFO) as BOOL declare function GetScrollPos (byval as HWND, byval as integer) as integer declare function GetScrollRange (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as LPINT, byval as LPINT) as BOOL declare function GetShellWindow () as HWND declare function GetSubMenu (byval as HMENU, byval as integer) as HMENU declare function GetSysColor (byval as integer) as DWORD declare function GetSysColorBrush (byval as integer) as HBRUSH declare function GetSystemMenu (byval as HWND, byval as BOOL) as HMENU declare function GetSystemMetrics (byval as integer) as integer declare function GetThreadDesktop (byval as DWORD) as HDESK declare function GetTopWindow (byval as HWND) as HWND declare function GetUpdateRect (byval as HWND, byval as LPRECT, byval as BOOL) as BOOL declare function GetUpdateRgn (byval as HWND, byval as HRGN, byval as BOOL) as integer declare function GetUserObjectSecurity (byval as HANDLE, byval as PSECURITY_INFORMATION, byval as PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, byval as DWORD, byval as PDWORD) as BOOL declare function GetWindow (byval as HWND, byval as UINT) as HWND declare function GetWindowContextHelpId (byval as HWND) as DWORD declare function GetWindowDC (byval as HWND) as HDC #ifndef GetWindowExtEx declare function GetWindowExtEx (byval as HDC, byval as LPSIZE) as BOOL #endif declare function GetWindowPlacement (byval as HWND, byval as WINDOWPLACEMENT ptr) as BOOL declare function GetWindowRect (byval as HWND, byval as LPRECT) as BOOL declare function GetWindowRgn (byval as HWND, byval as HRGN) as integer declare function GetWindowWord (byval as HWND, byval as integer) as WORD declare function GetComboBoxInfo (byval as HWND, byval as PCOMBOBOXINFO) as BOOL declare function GetCursorInfo (byval as PCURSORINFO) as BOOL declare function GetLastInputInfo (byval as PLASTINPUTINFO) as BOOL declare function GetListBoxInfo (byval as HWND) as DWORD declare function GetMenuBarInfo (byval as HWND, byval as LONG, byval as LONG, byval as PMENUBARINFO) as BOOL declare function GetMenuInfo (byval as HMENU, byval as LPMENUINFO) as BOOL declare function GetProcessDefaultLayout (byval as DWORD ptr) as BOOL declare function GetScrollBarInfo (byval as HWND, byval as LONG, byval as PSCROLLBARINFO) as BOOL declare function GetTitleBarInfo (byval as HWND, byval as PTITLEBARINFO) as BOOL declare function GetWindowInfo (byval as HWND, byval as PWINDOWINFO) as BOOL declare function HideCaret (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function HiliteMenuItem (byval as HWND, byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function InflateRect (byval as LPRECT, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function InSendMessage () as BOOL declare function InSendMessageEx (byval as LPVOID) as DWORD declare function InternalGetWindowText (byval as HWND, byval as LPWSTR, byval as INT_) as INT_ declare function IntersectRect (byval as LPRECT, byval as LPCRECT, byval as LPCRECT) as BOOL declare function InvalidateRect (byval as HWND, byval as LPCRECT, byval as BOOL) as BOOL declare function InvalidateRgn (byval as HWND, byval as HRGN, byval as BOOL) as BOOL declare function InvertRect (byval as HDC, byval as LPCRECT) as BOOL declare function IsChild (byval as HWND, byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function IsClipboardFormatAvailable (byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function IsDlgButtonChecked (byval as HWND, byval as integer) as UINT declare function IsGUIThread (byval as BOOL) as BOOL declare function IsHungAppWindow (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function IsIconic (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function IsMenu (byval as HMENU) as BOOL declare function IsRectEmpty (byval as LPCRECT) as BOOL declare function IsWindow (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function IsWindowEnabled (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function IsWindowUnicode (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function IsWindowVisible (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function IsWinEventHookInstalled (byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function IsZoomed (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare sub keybd_event (byval as UBYTE, byval as UBYTE, byval as DWORD, byval as DWORD) declare function KillTimer (byval as HWND, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function LockWindowUpdate (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function LockWorkStation () as BOOL declare function LookupIconIdFromDirectory (byval as PBYTE, byval as BOOL) as integer declare function LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx (byval as PBYTE, byval as BOOL, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as integer declare function MapDialogRect (byval as HWND, byval as LPRECT) as BOOL declare function MapWindowPoints (byval as HWND, byval as HWND, byval as LPPOINT, byval as UINT) as integer declare function MenuItemFromPoint (byval as HWND, byval as HMENU, byval as POINT) as integer declare function MessageBeep (byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function MonitorFromPoint (byval as POINT, byval as DWORD) as HMONITOR declare function MonitorFromRect (byval as LPCRECT, byval as DWORD) as HMONITOR declare function MonitorFromWindow (byval as HWND, byval as DWORD) as HMONITOR declare sub mouse_event (byval as DWORD, byval as DWORD, byval as DWORD, byval as DWORD, byval as ULONG_PTR) declare function MoveWindow (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as BOOL) as BOOL declare function MsgWaitForMultipleObjects (byval as DWORD, byval as HANDLE ptr, byval as BOOL, byval as DWORD, byval as DWORD) as DWORD declare function MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx (byval as DWORD, byval as HANDLE ptr, byval as DWORD, byval as DWORD, byval as DWORD) as DWORD declare function OemKeyScan (byval as WORD) as DWORD declare function OffsetRect (byval as LPRECT, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function OpenClipboard (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function OpenIcon (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function OpenInputDesktop (byval as DWORD, byval as BOOL, byval as DWORD) as HDESK declare function PaintDesktop (byval as HDC) as BOOL declare sub PostQuitMessage (byval as integer) declare function PrintWindow (byval as HWND, byval as HDC, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function PtInRect (byval as LPCRECT, byval as POINT) as BOOL declare function RealChildWindowFromPoint (byval as HWND, byval as POINT) as HWND declare function RedrawWindow (byval as HWND, byval as LPCRECT, byval as HRGN, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function RegisterHotKey (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function RegisterRawInputDevices (byval as PCRAWINPUTDEVICE, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function ReleaseCapture () as BOOL declare function ReleaseDC (byval as HWND, byval as HDC) as integer declare function RemoveMenu (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function ReplyMessage (byval as LRESULT) as BOOL declare function ScreenToClient (byval as HWND, byval as LPPOINT) as BOOL declare function ScrollDC (byval as HDC, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as LPCRECT, byval as LPCRECT, byval as HRGN, byval as LPRECT) as BOOL declare function ScrollWindow (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as LPCRECT, byval as LPCRECT) as BOOL declare function ScrollWindowEx (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as LPCRECT, byval as LPCRECT, byval as HRGN, byval as LPRECT, byval as UINT) as integer declare function SendInput (byval as UINT, byval as LPINPUT, byval as integer) as UINT declare function SetActiveWindow (byval as HWND) as HWND declare function SetCapture (byval hWnd as HWND) as HWND declare function SetCaretBlinkTime (byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function SetCaretPos (byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function SetClassWord (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as WORD) as WORD declare function SetClipboardData (byval as UINT, byval as HANDLE) as HANDLE declare function SetClipboardViewer (byval as HWND) as HWND declare function SetCursor (byval as HCURSOR) as HCURSOR declare function SetCursorPos (byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare sub SetDebugErrorLevel (byval as DWORD) declare function SetDlgItemInt (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as UINT, byval as BOOL) as BOOL declare function SetDoubleClickTime (byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function SetFocus (byval as HWND) as HWND declare function SetForegroundWindow (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function SetKeyboardState (byval as PBYTE) as BOOL declare function SetMenu (byval as HWND, byval as HMENU) as BOOL declare function SetMenuContextHelpId (byval as HMENU, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function SetMenuDefaultItem (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function SetMenuInfo (byval as HMENU, byval as LPCMENUINFO) as BOOL declare function SetMenuItemBitmaps (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as HBITMAP, byval as HBITMAP) as BOOL declare function SetMessageExtraInfo (byval as LPARAM) as LPARAM declare function SetMessageQueue (byval as integer) as BOOL declare function SetParent (byval as HWND, byval as HWND) as HWND declare function SetProcessDefaultLayout (byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function SetProcessWindowStation (byval as HWINSTA) as BOOL declare function SetRect (byval as LPRECT, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function SetRectEmpty (byval as LPRECT) as BOOL declare function SetScrollInfo (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as LPCSCROLLINFO, byval as BOOL) as integer declare function SetScrollPos (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as BOOL) as integer declare function SetScrollRange (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as BOOL) as BOOL declare function SetSysColors (byval as integer, byval as INT_ ptr, byval as COLORREF ptr) as BOOL declare function SetSystemCursor (byval as HCURSOR, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function SetThreadDesktop (byval as HDESK) as BOOL declare function SetTimer (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as TIMERPROC) as UINT declare function SetUserObjectSecurity (byval as HANDLE, byval as PSECURITY_INFORMATION, byval as PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) as BOOL declare function SetWindowContextHelpId (byval as HWND, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function SetWindowPlacement (byval hWnd as HWND, byval as WINDOWPLACEMENT ptr) as BOOL declare function SetWindowPos (byval as HWND, byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function SetWindowRgn (byval as HWND, byval as HRGN, byval as BOOL) as integer declare function SetWindowWord (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as WORD) as WORD declare function ShowCaret (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function ShowCursor (byval as BOOL) as integer declare function ShowOwnedPopups (byval as HWND, byval as BOOL) as BOOL declare function ShowScrollBar (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as BOOL) as BOOL declare function ShowWindow (byval as HWND, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function ShowWindowAsync (byval as HWND, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function SubtractRect (byval as LPRECT, byval as LPCRECT, byval as LPCRECT) as BOOL declare function SwapMouseButton (byval as BOOL) as BOOL declare function SwitchDesktop (byval as HDESK) as BOOL declare sub SwitchToThisWindow (byval as HWND, byval as BOOL) declare function TileWindows (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as LPCRECT, byval as UINT, byval as HWND ptr) as WORD declare function ToAscii_ alias "ToAscii" (byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as PBYTE, byval as LPWORD, byval as UINT) as integer declare function ToAsciiEx (byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as PBYTE, byval as LPWORD, byval as UINT, byval as HKL) as integer declare function ToUnicode (byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as PBYTE, byval as LPWSTR, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as integer declare function ToUnicodeEx (byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as PBYTE, byval as LPWSTR, byval as integer, byval as UINT, byval as HKL) as integer declare function TrackMouseEvent (byval as LPTRACKMOUSEEVENT) as BOOL declare function TrackPopupMenu (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as HWND, byval as LPCRECT) as BOOL declare function TrackPopupMenuEx (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as HWND, byval as LPTPMPARAMS) as BOOL declare function TranslateMDISysAccel (byval as HWND, byval as LPMSG) as BOOL declare function TranslateMessage (byval as MSG ptr) as BOOL declare function UnhookWindowsHook (byval as integer, byval as HOOKPROC) as BOOL declare function UnhookWindowsHookEx (byval as HHOOK) as BOOL declare function UnionRect (byval as LPRECT, byval as LPCRECT, byval as LPCRECT) as BOOL declare function UnloadKeyboardLayout (byval as HKL) as BOOL declare function UnregisterDeviceNotification (byval as HANDLE) as BOOL declare function UnregisterHotKey (byval as HWND, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function UpdateWindow (byval as HWND) as BOOL declare function UserHandleGrantAccess (byval as HANDLE, byval as HANDLE, byval as BOOL) as BOOL declare function ValidateRect (byval as HWND, byval as LPCRECT) as BOOL declare function ValidateRgn (byval as HWND, byval as HRGN) as BOOL declare function WaitForInputIdle (byval as HANDLE, byval as DWORD) as DWORD declare function WaitMessage () as BOOL declare function WindowFromDC (byval hDC as HDC) as HWND declare function WindowFromPoint (byval as POINT) as HWND declare function WinExec (byval as LPCSTR, byval as UINT) as UINT declare function AllowSetForegroundWindow (byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function LockSetForegroundWindow (byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function SetLayeredWindowAttributes (byval as HWND, byval as COLORREF, byval as UBYTE, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function UpdateLayeredWindow (byval as HWND, byval as HDC, byval as POINT ptr, byval as SIZE ptr, byval as HDC, byval as POINT ptr, byval as COLORREF, byval as BLENDFUNCTION ptr, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function GetLayeredWindowAttributes (byval as HWND, byval as COLORREF ptr, byval as UBYTE ptr, byval as DWORD ptr) as BOOL #ifdef UNICODE type WNDCLASS as WNDCLASSW type LPWNDCLASS as WNDCLASSW ptr type PWNDCLASS as WNDCLASSW ptr type WNDCLASSEX as WNDCLASSEXW type LPWNDCLASSEX as WNDCLASSEXW ptr type PWNDCLASSEX as WNDCLASSEXW ptr type MENUITEMINFO as MENUITEMINFOW type LPMENUITEMINFO as MENUITEMINFOW ptr type LPCMENUITEMINFO as LPCMENUITEMINFOW type MSGBOXPARAMS as MSGBOXPARAMSW type PMSGBOXPARAMS as MSGBOXPARAMSW ptr type LPMSGBOXPARAMS as MSGBOXPARAMSW ptr type HIGHCONTRAST as HIGHCONTRASTW type LPHIGHCONTRAST as HIGHCONTRASTW ptr type SERIALKEYS as SERIALKEYSW type LPSERIALKEYS as SERIALKEYSW ptr type SOUNDSENTRY as SOUNDSENTRYW type LPSOUNDSENTRY as SOUNDSENTRYW ptr type CREATESTRUCT as CREATESTRUCTW type LPCREATESTRUCT as CREATESTRUCTW ptr type CBT_CREATEWND as CBT_CREATEWNDW type LPCBT_CREATEWND as CBT_CREATEWNDW ptr type MDICREATESTRUCT as MDICREATESTRUCTW type LPMDICREATESTRUCT as MDICREATESTRUCTW ptr type MULTIKEYHELP as MULTIKEYHELPW type PMULTIKEYHELP as MULTIKEYHELPW ptr type LPMULTIKEYHELP as MULTIKEYHELPW ptr type MONITORINFOEX as MONITORINFOEXW type LPMONITORINFOEX as MONITORINFOEXW ptr type ICONMETRICS as ICONMETRICSW type LPICONMETRICS as ICONMETRICSW ptr type NONCLIENTMETRICS as NONCLIENTMETRICSW type LPNONCLIENTMETRICS as NONCLIENTMETRICSW ptr #define EDITWORDBREAKPROC EDITWORDBREAKPROCW #define PROPENUMPROC PROPENUMPROCW #define PROPENUMPROCEX PROPENUMPROCEXW #define DESKTOPENUMPROC DESKTOPENUMPROCW #define WINSTAENUMPROC WINSTAENUMPROCW #define PROPENUMPROC PROPENUMPROCW #define PROPENUMPROCEX PROPENUMPROCEXW #define MAKEINTRESOURCE MAKEINTRESOURCEW declare function AppendMenu alias "AppendMenuW" (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as UINT_PTR, byval as LPCWSTR) as BOOL declare function BroadcastSystemMessageW alias "BroadcastSystemMessageW" (byval as DWORD, byval as LPDWORD, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as integer declare function BroadcastSystemMessageEx alias "BroadcastSystemMessageExW" (byval as DWORD, byval as LPDWORD, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM, byval as PBSMINFO) as integer declare function CallMsgFilter alias "CallMsgFilterW" (byval as LPMSG, byval as INT_) as BOOL declare function CallWindowProc alias "CallWindowProcW" (byval as WNDPROC, byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as LRESULT declare function ChangeDisplaySettings alias "ChangeDisplaySettingsW" (byval as PDEVMODEW, byval as DWORD) as LONG declare function ChangeDisplaySettingsEx alias "ChangeDisplaySettingsExW" (byval as LPCWSTR, byval as LPDEVMODEW, byval as HWND, byval as DWORD, byval as LPVOID) as LONG declare function ChangeMenu alias "ChangeMenuW" (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function CharLower alias "CharLowerW" (byval as LPWSTR) as LPWSTR declare function CharLowerBuff alias "CharLowerBuffW" (byval as LPWSTR, byval as DWORD) as DWORD declare function CharNext alias "CharNextW" (byval as LPCWSTR) as LPWSTR declare function CharNextEx alias "CharNextExW" (byval as WORD, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as DWORD) as LPWSTR declare function CharPrev alias "CharPrevW" (byval as LPCWSTR, byval as LPCWSTR) as LPWSTR declare function CharPrevEx alias "CharPrevExW" (byval as WORD, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as DWORD) as LPWSTR declare function CharToOem alias "CharToOemW" (byval as LPCWSTR, byval as LPSTR) as BOOL declare function CharToOemBuff alias "CharToOemBuffW" (byval as LPCWSTR, byval as LPSTR, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function CharUpper alias "CharUpperW" (byval as LPWSTR) as LPWSTR declare function CharUpperBuff alias "CharUpperBuffW" (byval as LPWSTR, byval as DWORD) as DWORD declare function CopyAcceleratorTable alias "CopyAcceleratorTableW" (byval as HACCEL, byval as LPACCEL, byval as integer) as integer declare function CreateAcceleratorTable alias "CreateAcceleratorTableW" (byval as LPACCEL, byval as integer) as HACCEL declare function CreateDesktop alias "CreateDesktopW" (byval as LPCWSTR, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as LPDEVMODEW, byval as DWORD, byval as ACCESS_MASK, byval as LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) as HDESK declare function CreateDialogIndirectParam alias "CreateDialogIndirectParamW" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCDLGTEMPLATE, byval as HWND, byval as DLGPROC, byval as LPARAM) as HWND declare function CreateDialogParam alias "CreateDialogParamW" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as HWND, byval as DLGPROC, byval as LPARAM) as HWND declare function CreateMDIWindow alias "CreateMDIWindowW" (byval as LPCWSTR, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as DWORD, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as HWND, byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPARAM) as HWND declare function CreateWindowEx alias "CreateWindowExW" (byval as DWORD, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as DWORD, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as HWND, byval as HMENU, byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPVOID) as HWND declare function CreateWindowStation alias "CreateWindowStationW" (byval as LPWSTR, byval as DWORD, byval as DWORD, byval as LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) as HWINSTA declare function DefDlgProc alias "DefDlgProcW" (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as LRESULT declare function DefFrameProc alias "DefFrameProcW" (byval as HWND, byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as LRESULT declare function DefMDIChildProc alias "DefMDIChildProcW" (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as LRESULT declare function DefWindowProc alias "DefWindowProcW" (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as LRESULT declare function DialogBoxIndirectParam alias "DialogBoxIndirectParamW" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCDLGTEMPLATE, byval as HWND, byval as DLGPROC, byval as LPARAM) as integer declare function DialogBoxParam alias "DialogBoxParamW" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as HWND, byval as DLGPROC, byval as LPARAM) as integer declare function DispatchMessage alias "DispatchMessageW" (byval as MSG ptr) as LONG declare function DlgDirList alias "DlgDirListW" (byval as HWND, byval as LPWSTR, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as integer declare function DlgDirListComboBox alias "DlgDirListComboBoxW" (byval as HWND, byval as LPWSTR, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as integer declare function DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx alias "DlgDirSelectComboBoxExW" (byval as HWND, byval as LPWSTR, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function DlgDirSelectEx alias "DlgDirSelectExW" (byval as HWND, byval as LPWSTR, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function DrawState alias "DrawStateW" (byval as HDC, byval as HBRUSH, byval as DRAWSTATEPROC, byval as LPARAM, byval as WPARAM, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function DrawText alias "DrawTextW" (byval as HDC, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as integer, byval as LPRECT, byval as UINT) as integer declare function DrawTextEx alias "DrawTextExW" (byval as HDC, byval as LPWSTR, byval as integer, byval as LPRECT, byval as UINT, byval as LPDRAWTEXTPARAMS) as integer declare function EnumDesktops alias "EnumDesktopsW" (byval as HWINSTA, byval as DESKTOPENUMPROCW, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL declare function EnumDisplaySettings alias "EnumDisplaySettingsW" (byval as LPCWSTR, byval as DWORD, byval as PDEVMODEW) as BOOL declare function EnumDisplaySettingsEx alias "EnumDisplaySettingsExW" (byval as LPCWSTR, byval as DWORD, byval as LPDEVMODEW, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function EnumDisplayDevices alias "EnumDisplayDevicesW" (byval as LPCWSTR, byval as DWORD, byval as PDISPLAY_DEVICEW, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function EnumProps alias "EnumPropsW" (byval as HWND, byval as PROPENUMPROCW) as integer declare function EnumPropsEx alias "EnumPropsExW" (byval as HWND, byval as PROPENUMPROCEXW, byval as LPARAM) as integer declare function EnumWindowStations alias "EnumWindowStationsW" (byval as WINSTAENUMPROCW, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL declare function FindWindowEx alias "FindWindowExW" (byval as HWND, byval as HWND, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as LPCWSTR) as HWND declare function FindWindow alias "FindWindowW" (byval as LPCWSTR, byval as LPCWSTR) as HWND declare function GetClassInfo alias "GetClassInfoW" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as LPWNDCLASSW) as BOOL declare function GetClassInfoEx alias "GetClassInfoExW" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as LPWNDCLASSEXW) as BOOL declare function GetClassLong alias "GetClassLongW" (byval as HWND, byval as integer) as DWORD declare function GetClassName alias "GetClassNameW" (byval as HWND, byval as LPWSTR, byval as integer) as integer declare function GetClipboardFormatName alias "GetClipboardFormatNameW" (byval as UINT, byval as LPWSTR, byval as integer) as integer declare function GetDlgItemText alias "GetDlgItemTextW" (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as LPWSTR, byval as integer) as UINT declare function GetKeyboardLayoutName alias "GetKeyboardLayoutNameW" (byval as LPWSTR) as BOOL declare function GetKeyNameText alias "GetKeyNameTextW" (byval as LONG, byval as LPWSTR, byval as integer) as integer declare function GetMenuItemInfo alias "GetMenuItemInfoW" (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as BOOL, byval as LPMENUITEMINFOW) as BOOL declare function GetMenuString alias "GetMenuStringW" (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as LPWSTR, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as integer declare function GetMessage alias "GetMessageW" (byval as LPMSG, byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function GetProp alias "GetPropW" (byval as HWND, byval as LPCWSTR) as HANDLE declare function GetRawInputDeviceInfo alias "GetRawInputDeviceInfoW" (byval as HANDLE, byval as UINT, byval as LPVOID, byval as PUINT) as UINT declare function GetTabbedTextExtent alias "GetTabbedTextExtentW" (byval as HDC, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as LPINT) as DWORD declare function GetWindowLong alias "GetWindowLongW" (byval as HWND, byval as integer) as LONG declare function GetUserObjectInformation alias "GetUserObjectInformationW" (byval as HANDLE, byval as integer, byval as PVOID, byval as DWORD, byval as PDWORD) as BOOL declare function GetWindowTextLength alias "GetWindowTextLengthW" (byval as HWND) as integer declare function GetWindowText alias "GetWindowTextW" (byval as HWND, byval as LPWSTR, byval as integer) as integer declare function GetAltTabInfo alias "GetAltTabInfoW" (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as PALTTABINFO, byval as LPWSTR, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function GetMonitorInfo alias "GetMonitorInfoW" (byval as HMONITOR, byval as LPMONITORINFO) as BOOL declare function GetWindowModuleFileName alias "GetWindowModuleFileNameW" (byval as HWND, byval as LPWSTR, byval as UINT) as UINT declare function GrayString alias "GrayStringW" (byval as HDC, byval as HBRUSH, byval as GRAYSTRINGPROC, byval as LPARAM, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function InsertMenu alias "InsertMenuW" (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as LPCWSTR) as BOOL declare function InsertMenuItem alias "InsertMenuItemW" (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as BOOL, byval as LPCMENUITEMINFOW) as BOOL declare function IsCharAlphaNumeric alias "IsCharAlphaNumericW" (byval as WCHAR) as BOOL declare function IsCharAlpha alias "IsCharAlphaW" (byval as WCHAR) as BOOL declare function IsCharLower alias "IsCharLowerW" (byval as WCHAR) as BOOL declare function IsCharUpper alias "IsCharUpperW" (byval as WCHAR) as BOOL declare function IsDialogMessage alias "IsDialogMessageW" (byval as HWND, byval as LPMSG) as BOOL declare function LoadAccelerators alias "LoadAcceleratorsW" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCWSTR) as HACCEL declare function LoadBitmap alias "LoadBitmapW" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCWSTR) as HBITMAP declare function LoadCursorFromFile alias "LoadCursorFromFileW" (byval as LPCWSTR) as HCURSOR declare function LoadCursor alias "LoadCursorW" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCWSTR) as HCURSOR declare function LoadIcon alias "LoadIconW" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCWSTR) as HICON declare function LoadImage alias "LoadImageW" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as UINT, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as HANDLE declare function LoadKeyboardLayout alias "LoadKeyboardLayoutW" (byval as LPCWSTR, byval as UINT) as HKL declare function LoadMenuIndirect alias "LoadMenuIndirectW" (byval as MENUTEMPLATE ptr) as HMENU declare function LoadMenu alias "LoadMenuW" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCWSTR) as HMENU declare function LoadString alias "LoadStringW" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as UINT, byval as LPWSTR, byval as integer) as integer declare function MapVirtualKeyEx alias "MapVirtualKeyExW" (byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as HKL) as UINT declare function MapVirtualKey alias "MapVirtualKeyW" (byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as UINT declare function MessageBox alias "MessageBoxW" (byval as HWND, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as UINT) as integer declare function MessageBoxEx alias "MessageBoxExW" (byval as HWND, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as UINT, byval as WORD) as integer declare function MessageBoxIndirect alias "MessageBoxIndirectW" (byval as MSGBOXPARAMSW ptr) as integer declare function ModifyMenu alias "ModifyMenuW" (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as LPCWSTR) as BOOL declare function OemToCharBuff alias "OemToCharBuffW" (byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPWSTR, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function OemToChar alias "OemToCharW" (byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPWSTR) as BOOL declare function OpenDesktop alias "OpenDesktopW" (byval as LPWSTR, byval as DWORD, byval as BOOL, byval as DWORD) as HDESK declare function OpenWindowStation alias "OpenWindowStationW" (byval as LPWSTR, byval as BOOL, byval as DWORD) as HWINSTA declare function PeekMessage alias "PeekMessageW" (byval as LPMSG, byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function PostMessage alias "PostMessageW" (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL declare function PostThreadMessage alias "PostThreadMessageW" (byval as DWORD, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL declare function RealGetWindowClass alias "RealGetWindowClassW" (byval as HWND, byval as LPWSTR, byval as UINT) as UINT declare function RegisterClass alias "RegisterClassW" (byval as WNDCLASSW ptr) as ATOM declare function RegisterClassEx alias "RegisterClassExW" (byval as WNDCLASSEXW ptr) as ATOM declare function RegisterClipboardFormat alias "RegisterClipboardFormatW" (byval as LPCWSTR) as UINT declare function RegisterWindowMessage alias "RegisterWindowMessageW" (byval as LPCWSTR) as UINT declare function RemoveProp alias "RemovePropW" (byval as HWND, byval as LPCWSTR) as HANDLE declare function SendDlgItemMessage alias "SendDlgItemMessageW" (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as LONG declare function SendMessageCallback alias "SendMessageCallbackW" (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM, byval as SENDASYNCPROC, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function SendMessageTimeout alias "SendMessageTimeoutW" (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM, byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as PDWORD) as LRESULT declare function SendMessage alias "SendMessageW" (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as LRESULT declare function SendNotifyMessage alias "SendNotifyMessageW" (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL declare function SetClassLong alias "SetClassLongW" (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as LONG) as DWORD declare function SetDlgItemText alias "SetDlgItemTextW" (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as LPCWSTR) as BOOL declare function SetMenuItemInfo alias "SetMenuItemInfoW" (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as BOOL, byval as LPCMENUITEMINFOW) as BOOL declare function SetProp alias "SetPropW" (byval as HWND, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as HANDLE) as BOOL declare function SetUserObjectInformation alias "SetUserObjectInformationW" (byval as HANDLE, byval as integer, byval as PVOID, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function SetWindowLong alias "SetWindowLongW" (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as LONG) as LONG declare function SetWindowsHook alias "SetWindowsHookW" (byval as integer, byval as HOOKPROC) as HHOOK declare function SetWindowsHookEx alias "SetWindowsHookExW" (byval as integer, byval as HOOKPROC, byval as HINSTANCE, byval as DWORD) as HHOOK declare function SetWindowText alias "SetWindowTextW" (byval as HWND, byval as LPCWSTR) as BOOL declare function SystemParametersInfo alias "SystemParametersInfoW" (byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as PVOID, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function TabbedTextOut alias "TabbedTextOutW" (byval as HDC, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as LPINT, byval as integer) as LONG declare function TranslateAccelerator alias "TranslateAcceleratorW" (byval as HWND, byval as HACCEL, byval as LPMSG) as integer declare function UnregisterClass alias "UnregisterClassW" (byval as LPCWSTR, byval as HINSTANCE) as BOOL declare function VkKeyScanEx alias "VkKeyScanExW" (byval as WCHAR, byval as HKL) as SHORT declare function VkKeyScan alias "VkKeyScanW" (byval as WCHAR) as SHORT declare function WinHelp alias "WinHelpW" (byval as HWND, byval as LPCWSTR, byval as UINT, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function wsprintf cdecl alias "wsprintfW" (byval as LPWSTR, byval as LPCWSTR, ...) as integer ''''''''declare function wvsprintf cdecl alias "wvsprintfW" (byval as LPWSTR, byval as LPCWSTR, byval arglist as va_list) as integer #else ''UNICODE type WNDCLASS as WNDCLASSA type LPWNDCLASS as WNDCLASSA ptr type PWNDCLASS as WNDCLASSA ptr type WNDCLASSEX as WNDCLASSEXA type LPWNDCLASSEX as WNDCLASSEXA ptr type PWNDCLASSEX as WNDCLASSEXA ptr type MENUITEMINFO as MENUITEMINFOA type LPMENUITEMINFO as MENUITEMINFOA ptr type LPCMENUITEMINFO as LPCMENUITEMINFOA type MSGBOXPARAMS as MSGBOXPARAMSA type PMSGBOXPARAMS as MSGBOXPARAMSA ptr type LPMSGBOXPARAMS as MSGBOXPARAMSA ptr type HIGHCONTRAST as HIGHCONTRASTA type LPHIGHCONTRAST as HIGHCONTRASTA ptr type SERIALKEYS as SERIALKEYSA type LPSERIALKEYS as SERIALKEYSA ptr type SOUNDSENTRY as SOUNDSENTRYA type LPSOUNDSENTRY as SOUNDSENTRYA ptr type CREATESTRUCT as CREATESTRUCTA type LPCREATESTRUCT as CREATESTRUCTA ptr type CBT_CREATEWND as CBT_CREATEWNDA type LPCBT_CREATEWND as CBT_CREATEWNDA ptr type MDICREATESTRUCT as MDICREATESTRUCTA type LPMDICREATESTRUCT as MDICREATESTRUCTA ptr type MULTIKEYHELP as MULTIKEYHELPA type PMULTIKEYHELP as MULTIKEYHELPA ptr type LPMULTIKEYHELP as MULTIKEYHELPA ptr type MONITORINFOEX as MONITORINFOEXA type LPMONITORINFOEX as MONITORINFOEXA ptr type ICONMETRICS as ICONMETRICSA type LPICONMETRICS as ICONMETRICSA ptr type NONCLIENTMETRICS as NONCLIENTMETRICSA type LPNONCLIENTMETRICS as NONCLIENTMETRICSA ptr #define EDITWORDBREAKPROC EDITWORDBREAKPROCA #define PROPENUMPROC PROPENUMPROCA #define PROPENUMPROCEX PROPENUMPROCEXA #define DESKTOPENUMPROC DESKTOPENUMPROCA #define WINSTAENUMPROC WINSTAENUMPROCA #define PROPENUMPROC PROPENUMPROCA #define PROPENUMPROCEX PROPENUMPROCEXA #define MAKEINTRESOURCE MAKEINTRESOURCEA declare function AppendMenu alias "AppendMenuA" (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as UINT_PTR, byval as LPCSTR) as BOOL declare function BroadcastSystemMessageA alias "BroadcastSystemMessageA" (byval as DWORD, byval as LPDWORD, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as integer declare function BroadcastSystemMessageEx alias "BroadcastSystemMessageExA" (byval as DWORD, byval as LPDWORD, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM, byval as PBSMINFO) as integer declare function CallMsgFilter alias "CallMsgFilterA" (byval as LPMSG, byval as INT_) as BOOL declare function CallWindowProc alias "CallWindowProcA" (byval as WNDPROC, byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as LRESULT declare function ChangeDisplaySettings alias "ChangeDisplaySettingsA" (byval as PDEVMODEA, byval as DWORD) as LONG declare function ChangeDisplaySettingsEx alias "ChangeDisplaySettingsExA" (byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPDEVMODEA, byval as HWND, byval as DWORD, byval as LPVOID) as LONG declare function ChangeMenu alias "ChangeMenuA" (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as LPCSTR, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function CharLower alias "CharLowerA" (byval as LPSTR) as LPSTR declare function CharLowerBuff alias "CharLowerBuffA" (byval as LPSTR, byval as DWORD) as DWORD declare function CharNext alias "CharNextA" (byval as LPCSTR) as LPSTR declare function CharNextEx alias "CharNextExA" (byval as WORD, byval as LPCSTR, byval as DWORD) as LPSTR declare function CharPrev alias "CharPrevA" (byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPCSTR) as LPSTR declare function CharPrevEx alias "CharPrevExA" (byval as WORD, byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPCSTR, byval as DWORD) as LPSTR declare function CharToOem alias "CharToOemA" (byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPSTR) as BOOL declare function CharToOemBuff alias "CharToOemBuffA" (byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPSTR, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function CharUpper alias "CharUpperA" (byval as LPSTR) as LPSTR declare function CharUpperBuff alias "CharUpperBuffA" (byval as LPSTR, byval as DWORD) as DWORD declare function CopyAcceleratorTable alias "CopyAcceleratorTableA" (byval as HACCEL, byval as LPACCEL, byval as integer) as integer declare function CreateAcceleratorTable alias "CreateAcceleratorTableA" (byval as LPACCEL, byval as integer) as HACCEL declare function CreateDesktop alias "CreateDesktopA" (byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPDEVMODEA, byval as DWORD, byval as ACCESS_MASK, byval as LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) as HDESK declare function CreateDialogIndirectParam alias "CreateDialogIndirectParamA" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCDLGTEMPLATE, byval as HWND, byval as DLGPROC, byval as LPARAM) as HWND declare function CreateDialogParam alias "CreateDialogParamA" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCSTR, byval as HWND, byval as DLGPROC, byval as LPARAM) as HWND declare function CreateMDIWindow alias "CreateMDIWindowA" (byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPCSTR, byval as DWORD, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as HWND, byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPARAM) as HWND declare function CreateWindowEx alias "CreateWindowExA" (byval as DWORD, byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPCSTR, byval as DWORD, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as HWND, byval as HMENU, byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPVOID) as HWND declare function CreateWindowStation alias "CreateWindowStationA" (byval as LPSTR, byval as DWORD, byval as DWORD, byval as LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) as HWINSTA declare function DefDlgProc alias "DefDlgProcA" (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as LRESULT declare function DefFrameProc alias "DefFrameProcA" (byval as HWND, byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as LRESULT declare function DefMDIChildProc alias "DefMDIChildProcA" (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as LRESULT declare function DefWindowProc alias "DefWindowProcA" (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as LRESULT declare function DialogBoxIndirectParam alias "DialogBoxIndirectParamA" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCDLGTEMPLATE, byval as HWND, byval as DLGPROC, byval as LPARAM) as integer declare function DialogBoxParam alias "DialogBoxParamA" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCSTR, byval as HWND, byval as DLGPROC, byval as LPARAM) as integer declare function DispatchMessage alias "DispatchMessageA" (byval as MSG ptr) as LONG declare function DlgDirList alias "DlgDirListA" (byval as HWND, byval as LPSTR, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as integer declare function DlgDirListComboBox alias "DlgDirListComboBoxA" (byval as HWND, byval as LPSTR, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as integer declare function DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx alias "DlgDirSelectComboBoxExA" (byval as HWND, byval as LPSTR, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function DlgDirSelectEx alias "DlgDirSelectExA" (byval as HWND, byval as LPSTR, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function DrawState alias "DrawStateA" (byval as HDC, byval as HBRUSH, byval as DRAWSTATEPROC, byval as LPARAM, byval as WPARAM, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function DrawText alias "DrawTextA" (byval as HDC, byval as LPCSTR, byval as integer, byval as LPRECT, byval as UINT) as integer declare function DrawTextEx alias "DrawTextExA" (byval as HDC, byval as LPSTR, byval as integer, byval as LPRECT, byval as UINT, byval as LPDRAWTEXTPARAMS) as integer declare function EnumDesktops alias "EnumDesktopsA" (byval as HWINSTA, byval as DESKTOPENUMPROCA, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL declare function EnumDisplaySettings alias "EnumDisplaySettingsA" (byval as LPCSTR, byval as DWORD, byval as PDEVMODEA) as BOOL declare function EnumDisplaySettingsEx alias "EnumDisplaySettingsExA" (byval as LPCSTR, byval as DWORD, byval as LPDEVMODEA, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function EnumDisplayDevices alias "EnumDisplayDevicesA" (byval as LPCSTR, byval as DWORD, byval as PDISPLAY_DEVICEA, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function EnumProps alias "EnumPropsA" (byval as HWND, byval as PROPENUMPROCA) as integer declare function EnumPropsEx alias "EnumPropsExA" (byval as HWND, byval as PROPENUMPROCEXA, byval as LPARAM) as integer declare function EnumWindowStations alias "EnumWindowStationsA" (byval as WINSTAENUMPROCA, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL declare function FindWindow alias "FindWindowA" (byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPCSTR) as HWND declare function FindWindowEx alias "FindWindowExA" (byval as HWND, byval as HWND, byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPCSTR) as HWND declare function GetClassInfo alias "GetClassInfoA" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPWNDCLASSA) as BOOL declare function GetClassInfoEx alias "GetClassInfoExA" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPWNDCLASSEXA) as BOOL declare function GetClassLong alias "GetClassLongA" (byval as HWND, byval as integer) as DWORD declare function GetClassName alias "GetClassNameA" (byval as HWND, byval as LPSTR, byval as integer) as integer declare function GetClipboardFormatName alias "GetClipboardFormatNameA" (byval as UINT, byval as LPSTR, byval as integer) as integer declare function GetDlgItemText alias "GetDlgItemTextA" (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as LPSTR, byval as integer) as UINT declare function GetKeyboardLayoutName alias "GetKeyboardLayoutNameA" (byval as LPSTR) as BOOL declare function GetKeyNameText alias "GetKeyNameTextA" (byval as LONG, byval as LPSTR, byval as integer) as integer declare function GetMenuItemInfo alias "GetMenuItemInfoA" (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as BOOL, byval as LPMENUITEMINFOA) as BOOL declare function GetMenuString alias "GetMenuStringA" (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as LPSTR, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as integer declare function GetMessage alias "GetMessageA" (byval as LPMSG, byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function GetProp alias "GetPropA" (byval as HWND, byval as LPCSTR) as HANDLE declare function GetRawInputDeviceInfo alias "GetRawInputDeviceInfoA" (byval as HANDLE, byval as UINT, byval as LPVOID, byval as PUINT) as UINT declare function GetTabbedTextExtent alias "GetTabbedTextExtentA" (byval as HDC, byval as LPCSTR, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as LPINT) as DWORD declare function GetWindowLong alias "GetWindowLongA" (byval as HWND, byval as integer) as LONG declare function GetUserObjectInformation alias "GetUserObjectInformationA" (byval as HANDLE, byval as integer, byval as PVOID, byval as DWORD, byval as PDWORD) as BOOL declare function GetWindowText alias "GetWindowTextA" (byval as HWND, byval as LPSTR, byval as integer) as integer declare function GetWindowTextLength alias "GetWindowTextLengthA" (byval as HWND) as integer declare function GetAltTabInfo alias "GetAltTabInfoA" (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as PALTTABINFO, byval as LPSTR, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function GetMonitorInfo alias "GetMonitorInfoA" (byval as HMONITOR, byval as LPMONITORINFO) as BOOL declare function GetWindowModuleFileName alias "GetWindowModuleFileNameA" (byval as HWND, byval as LPSTR, byval as UINT) as UINT declare function GrayString alias "GrayStringA" (byval as HDC, byval as HBRUSH, byval as GRAYSTRINGPROC, byval as LPARAM, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as integer) as BOOL declare function InsertMenu alias "InsertMenuA" (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as LPCSTR) as BOOL declare function InsertMenuItem alias "InsertMenuItemA" (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as BOOL, byval as LPCMENUITEMINFOA) as BOOL declare function IsCharAlpha alias "IsCharAlphaA" (byval ch as CHAR) as BOOL declare function IsCharAlphaNumeric alias "IsCharAlphaNumericA" (byval as CHAR) as BOOL declare function IsCharLower alias "IsCharLowerA" (byval as CHAR) as BOOL declare function IsCharUpper alias "IsCharUpperA" (byval as CHAR) as BOOL declare function IsDialogMessage alias "IsDialogMessageA" (byval as HWND, byval as LPMSG) as BOOL declare function LoadAccelerators alias "LoadAcceleratorsA" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCSTR) as HACCEL declare function LoadBitmap alias "LoadBitmapA" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCSTR) as HBITMAP declare function LoadCursor alias "LoadCursorA" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCSTR) as HCURSOR declare function LoadCursorFromFile alias "LoadCursorFromFileA" (byval as LPCSTR) as HCURSOR declare function LoadIcon alias "LoadIconA" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCSTR) as HICON declare function LoadImage alias "LoadImageA" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCSTR, byval as UINT, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as UINT) as HANDLE declare function LoadKeyboardLayout alias "LoadKeyboardLayoutA" (byval as LPCSTR, byval as UINT) as HKL declare function LoadMenu alias "LoadMenuA" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as LPCSTR) as HMENU declare function LoadMenuIndirect alias "LoadMenuIndirectA" (byval as MENUTEMPLATE ptr) as HMENU declare function LoadString alias "LoadStringA" (byval as HINSTANCE, byval as UINT, byval as LPSTR, byval as integer) as integer declare function MapVirtualKey alias "MapVirtualKeyA" (byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as UINT declare function MapVirtualKeyEx alias "MapVirtualKeyExA" (byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as HKL) as UINT declare function MessageBox alias "MessageBoxA" (byval as HWND, byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPCSTR, byval as UINT) as integer declare function MessageBoxEx alias "MessageBoxExA" (byval as HWND, byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPCSTR, byval as UINT, byval as WORD) as integer declare function MessageBoxIndirect alias "MessageBoxIndirectA" (byval as MSGBOXPARAMSA ptr) as integer declare function ModifyMenu alias "ModifyMenuA" (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as LPCSTR) as BOOL declare function OemToChar alias "OemToCharA" (byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPSTR) as BOOL declare function OemToCharBuff alias "OemToCharBuffA" (byval as LPCSTR, byval as LPSTR, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function OpenDesktop alias "OpenDesktopA" (byval as LPSTR, byval as DWORD, byval as BOOL, byval as DWORD) as HDESK declare function OpenWindowStation alias "OpenWindowStationA" (byval as LPSTR, byval as BOOL, byval as DWORD) as HWINSTA declare function PeekMessage alias "PeekMessageA" (byval as LPMSG, byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function PostMessage alias "PostMessageA" (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL declare function PostThreadMessage alias "PostThreadMessageA" (byval as DWORD, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL declare function RealGetWindowClass alias "RealGetWindowClassA" (byval as HWND, byval as LPSTR, byval as UINT) as UINT declare function RegisterClass alias "RegisterClassA" (byval as WNDCLASSA ptr) as ATOM declare function RegisterClassEx alias "RegisterClassExA" (byval as WNDCLASSEXA ptr) as ATOM declare function RegisterClipboardFormat alias "RegisterClipboardFormatA" (byval as LPCSTR) as UINT declare function RegisterWindowMessage alias "RegisterWindowMessageA" (byval as LPCSTR) as UINT declare function RemoveProp alias "RemovePropA" (byval as HWND, byval as LPCSTR) as HANDLE declare function SendDlgItemMessage alias "SendDlgItemMessageA" (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as LONG declare function SendMessage alias "SendMessageA" (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as LRESULT declare function SendMessageCallback alias "SendMessageCallbackA" (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM, byval as SENDASYNCPROC, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function SendMessageTimeout alias "SendMessageTimeoutA" (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM, byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as PDWORD) as LRESULT declare function SendNotifyMessage alias "SendNotifyMessageA" (byval as HWND, byval as UINT, byval as WPARAM, byval as LPARAM) as BOOL declare function SetClassLong alias "SetClassLongA" (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as LONG) as DWORD declare function SetDlgItemText alias "SetDlgItemTextA" (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as LPCSTR) as BOOL declare function SetMenuItemInfo alias "SetMenuItemInfoA" (byval as HMENU, byval as UINT, byval as BOOL, byval as LPCMENUITEMINFOA) as BOOL declare function SetProp alias "SetPropA" (byval as HWND, byval as LPCSTR, byval as HANDLE) as BOOL declare function SetUserObjectInformation alias "SetUserObjectInformationA" (byval as HANDLE, byval as integer, byval as PVOID, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function SetWindowLong alias "SetWindowLongA" (byval as HWND, byval as integer, byval as LONG) as LONG declare function SetWindowsHook alias "SetWindowsHookA" (byval as integer, byval as HOOKPROC) as HHOOK declare function SetWindowsHookEx alias "SetWindowsHookExA" (byval as integer, byval as HOOKPROC, byval as HINSTANCE, byval as DWORD) as HHOOK declare function SetWindowText alias "SetWindowTextA" (byval as HWND, byval as LPCSTR) as BOOL declare function SystemParametersInfo alias "SystemParametersInfoA" (byval as UINT, byval as UINT, byval as PVOID, byval as UINT) as BOOL declare function TabbedTextOut alias "TabbedTextOutA" (byval as HDC, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as LPCSTR, byval as integer, byval as integer, byval as LPINT, byval as integer) as LONG declare function TranslateAccelerator alias "TranslateAcceleratorA" (byval as HWND, byval as HACCEL, byval as LPMSG) as integer declare function UnregisterClass alias "UnregisterClassA" (byval as LPCSTR, byval as HINSTANCE) as BOOL declare function VkKeyScan alias "VkKeyScanA" (byval as CHAR) as SHORT declare function VkKeyScanEx alias "VkKeyScanExA" (byval as CHAR, byval as HKL) as SHORT declare function WinHelp alias "WinHelpA" (byval as HWND, byval as LPCSTR, byval as UINT, byval as DWORD) as BOOL declare function wsprintf cdecl alias "wsprintfA" (byval as LPSTR, byval as LPCSTR, ...) as integer ''''''''declare function wvsprintf cdecl alias "wvsprintfA" (byval as LPSTR, byval as LPCSTR, byval arglist as va_list) as integer #endif ''UNICODE #define CreateDialog(h,n,w,f) CreateDialogParam(h,n,w,f,0) #define CreateDialogIndirect(h,t,w,f) CreateDialogIndirectParam(h,t,w,f,0) #define CreateWindow(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k) CreateWindowEx(0,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k) #define DialogBox(i,t,p,f) DialogBoxParam(i,t,p,f,0) #define DialogBoxIndirect(i,t,p,f) DialogBoxIndirectParam(i,t,p,f,0) #define GetWindowLongPtr GetWindowLong #define PostAppMessage(t,m,w,l) PostThreadMessage(cuint(t),m,w,l) #define SetWindowLongPtr SetWindowLong #define DefHookProc(c,p,lp,h) CallNextHookEx(cptr(HHOOK, *h),c,p,lp) #define EnumTaskWindows(h,f,p) EnumThreadWindows(cuint(h),f,p) #define ExitWindows(r,c) ExitWindowsEx(EWX_LOGOFF,0) #define GetWindowTask(hWnd) cptr(HANDLE, GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, NULL)) #define SetSysModalWindow(h) #define GetClassLongPtr GetClassLong #define SetClassLongPtr SetClassLong end extern #endif