

Settings : to set parameters for FBdebugger.

About : version number and author (Laurent GRAS)
Feel free to send me (sarg AT aliceadsl DOT fr) bugs, remarks, suggestions and improvement requests

Compile info: displays informations about FBC used for compiling the debuggee.

Help: displays help, hotkey=F1

Launch tutorial : launch the tutorial. Work in progress.

Launch IDE : launch an ide with the bas file as parameter if its path and file name are filled [settings]

Quick edit : uses an edit box to do some change
Option to kill running pgm when use of quick edit
2 options in quick edit : [save,compile and run] if only one source file / [reload]

Compile and run : compiles and starts the bas file

Copy notes to clipboard : notes

Show log file : shows the log file as a code source

Hide log : supress the log in the source codes tab. 

Delete log file : deletes the log file

List Enum : list of named enums with all texts and values

Process list : just a list of all the running process.

DLL list : just a list of all the debugged dll. 

Shortcut keys list : just a list of all shortcut keys. 

Translate win message : Enter the number of a Windows message to get the corresponding text.

Bin/hex/dec : enter a decimal or hexa (&hxxx) value to get the value in dec/hexa/bin.

Show run fast timer : displays the elapsed time when using fast run.

JITdebugger : set the Just in time debugger