FreeBASIC  0.91.0 File Reference
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#include ""
#include ""
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Data Structures

class  AST_NODE_OP
class  ASTNODE
class  ASTCTX


#define __AST_BI__
#define astInitNode(n, class_, dtype_, subtype_)
#define astCopy(dst, src)   /* *dst = *src */
#define astSwap(dst, src)   /* swap *dst, *src */
#define astGetClass(n)   /* n->class */
#define astGetLeft(n)   /* n->l */
#define astGetRight(n)   /* n->r */
#define astGetPrev(n)   /* n->prev */
#define astGetNext(n)   /* n->next */
#define astIsCONST(n)   /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_CONST) */
#define astIsVAR(n)   /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_VAR) */
#define astIsIDX(n)   /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_IDX) */
#define astIsCALL(n)   /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_CALL) */
#define astIsCALLCTOR(n)   /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_CALLCTOR) */
#define astIsDEREF(n)   /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_DEREF) */
#define astIsOFFSET(n)   /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_OFFSET) */
#define astIsFIELD(n)   /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_FIELD) */
#define astIsBITFIELD(n)   /* iif( astIsFIELD(n), (astGetDataType( astGetLeft( n ) ) = FB_DATATYPE_BITFIELD), FALSE ) */
#define astIsNIDXARRAY(n)   /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_NIDXARRAY) */
#define astIsTYPEINI(n)   /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_TYPEINI) */
#define astIsCAST(n)   /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_CONV) */
#define astConstGetVal(n)   /* (@(n)->val) */
#define astConstGetFloat(n)   /* ((n)->val.f) */
#define astConstGetInt(n)   /* ((n)->val.i) */
#define astConstGetUint(n)   /* cunsg( (n)->val.i ) */
#define astGetFullType(n)   /* n->dtype */
#define astGetDataType(n)   /* typeGetDtAndPtrOnly( astGetFullType( n ) ) */
#define astGetSubtype(n)   /* n->subtype */
#define astGetDataClass(n)   /* typeGetClass( astGetDataType( n ) ) */
#define astGetSymbol(n)   /* n->sym */
#define astGetProcExitlabel(n)   /* n->block.exitlabel */
#define astGetProc()   /* ast.proc.curr */
#define astGetProcTailNode()   /* ast.proc.curr->r */
#define astTypeIniGetOfs(n)   /* n->typeini.ofs */
#define astGetOpClass(op)   /* ast_opTB(op).class */
#define astGetOpIsCommutative(op)   /* ((ast_opTB(op).flags and AST_OPFLAGS_COMM) <> 0) */
#define astGetOpIsSelf(op)   /* ((ast_opTB(op).flags and AST_OPFLAGS_SELF) <> 0) */
#define astGetOpNoResult(op)   /* ((ast_opTB(op).flags and AST_OPFLAGS_NORES) <> 0) */
#define astGetOpSelfVer(op)   /* ast_opTB(op).selfop */
#define astGetOpId(op)   /* ast_opTB(op).id */
#define astGetFirstDataStmtSymbol()   /* */
#define astGetLastDataStmtSymbol()   /* */
#define astDTorListIsEmpty()   /* (listGetHead( @ast.dtorlist ) = NULL) */
#define astGetCastDoConv(n)   /* n->cast.doconv */
#define astIsUOP(n, uop)   /* ( ((n)->class = AST_NODECLASS_UOP) andalso ((n)->op.op = (uop)) ) */
#define astIsBOP(n, bop)   /* ( ((n)->class = AST_NODECLASS_BOP) andalso ((n)->op.op = (bop)) ) */


typedef struct ASTNODE ASTNODE_


enum  AST_OPOPT {
  AST_OPOPT_NONE = &h00000000, AST_OPOPT_ALLOCRES = &h00000001, AST_OPOPT_LPTRARITH = &h00000002, AST_OPOPT_RPTRARITH = &h00000004,
  AST_OPOPT_NOCOERCION = &h00000008, AST_OPOPT_DONTCHKPTR = &h00000010, AST_OPOPT_DONTCHKOPOVL = &h00000020, AST_OPOPT_ISINI = &h00000040,
enum  AST_OPFLAGS { AST_OPFLAGS_NONE = &h00000000, AST_OPFLAGS_SELF = &h00000001, AST_OPFLAGS_COMM = &h00000002, AST_OPFLAGS_NORES = &h00000004 }
enum  AST_INIOPT { AST_INIOPT_NONE = &h00000000, AST_INIOPT_ISINI = &h00000001, AST_INIOPT_ISSTATIC = &h00000002, AST_INIOPT_DODEREF = &h00000004 }


sub astInit ()
sub astEnd ()
sub astProcListInit ()
sub astProcListEnd ()
sub astCallInit ()
sub astCallEnd ()
sub astMiscInit ()
sub astMiscEnd ()
sub astDataStmtInit ()
sub astDelNode (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astCloneTree (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
sub astDelTree (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_integer astIsTreeEqual (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr r)
function_as_integer astIsEqualParamInit (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr r)
function_as_integer astIsConstant (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr)
sub astProcBegin (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr proc, byval_as_integer ismain)
function_as_integer astProcEnd (byval_as_integer callrtexit)
sub astProcVectorize (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr p)
function_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr astProcAddStaticInstance (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym)
sub astProcAddGlobalInstance (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr initree, byval_as_integer has_dtor)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astScopeBegin ()
sub astScopeBreak (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr tolabel)
sub astScopeEnd (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr s)
function_as_integer astScopeUpdBreakList (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr proc)
sub astScopeDestroyVars (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr symtbtail)
sub astScopeAllocLocals (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr symtbhead)
function_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr astTempScopeBegin (byref_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr lastscp, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr backnode)
sub astTempScopeEnd (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr scp, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr lastscp)
sub astTempScopeClone (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr scp, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr clonetree)
sub astTempScopeDelete (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr scp)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astAdd (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astAddAfter (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr ref)
sub astAddUnscoped (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astFindFirstCode (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr proc)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildBranch (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr label, byval_as_integer is_inverse, byval_as_integer is_iif=FALSE)
function_as_integer astPtrCheck (byval_as_integer pdtype, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr psubtype, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr, byval_as_integer strictcheck=FALSE)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewNOP ()
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewASSIGN (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr r, byval_as_AST_OPOPT options=AST_OPOPT_NONE)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCONV (byval_as_integer to_dtype, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr to_subtype, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l, byval_as_AST_CONVOPT options=0, byval_as_integer_ptr perrmsg=NULL)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewOvlCONV (byval_as_integer to_dtype, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr to_subtype, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l)
sub astUpdateCONVFD2FS (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n, byval_as_integer dtype, byval_as_integer is_expr)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewBOP (byval_as_integer op, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr r, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr ex=NULL, byval_as_AST_OPOPT options=AST_OPOPT_DEFAULT)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewSelfBOP (byval_as_integer op, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr r, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr ex=NULL, byval_as_AST_OPOPT options=AST_OPOPT_DEFAULT)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewUOP (byval_as_integer op, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr o)
function_as_integer astConstEqZero (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_integer astConstGeZero (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCONST (byval_as_FBVALUE_ptr v, byval_as_integer dtype, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr subtype=NULL)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCONSTstr (byval_as_zstring_ptr v)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCONSTwstr (byval_as_wstring_ptr v)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCONSTi (byval_as_longint value, byval_as_integer dtype=FB_DATATYPE_INTEGER, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr subtype=NULL)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCONSTf (byval_as_double value, byval_as_integer dtype=FB_DATATYPE_DOUBLE)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCONSTz (byval_as_integer dtype=FB_DATATYPE_CHAR, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr subtype=NULL)
function_as_longint astConstFlushToInt (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_string astConstFlushToStr (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_wstring_ptr astConstFlushToWstr (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_longint astConstGetAsInt64 (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_double astConstGetAsDouble (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildConst (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astConvertRawCONSTi (byval_as_integer dtype, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr subtype, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewVAR (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym, byval_as_longint ofs=0, byval_as_integer dtype=FB_DATATYPE_INVALID, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr subtype=NULL)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewIDX (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr v, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr i, byval_as_integer dtype, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr subtype)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewFIELD (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym)
sub astForgetBitfields (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astUpdateBitfields (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewDEREF (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l, byval_as_integer dtype=FB_DATATYPE_INVALID, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr subtype=NULL, byval_as_longint ofs=0)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCALL (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr ptrexpr=NULL)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCALLCTOR (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr procexpr, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr instptr)
sub astCloneCALL (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr c)
sub astDelCALL (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewARG (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr f, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr p, byval_as_integer dtype=FB_DATATYPE_INVALID, byval_as_integer mode=INVALID)
sub astReplaceInstanceArg (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr parent, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr, byval_as_integer mode=INVALID)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewADDROF (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewLOAD (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l, byval_as_integer dtype, byval_as_integer isresult=FALSE)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewBRANCH (byval_as_integer op, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr label, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l=NULL)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildJMPTB (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr tempvar, byval_as_ulongint_ptr values1, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr_ptr labels1, byval_as_integer labelcount, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr deflabel, byval_as_ulongint minval, byval_as_ulongint maxval)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewLOOP (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr label, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewIIF (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr condexpr, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr truexpr, byval_as_integer truecookie, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr falsexpr, byval_as_integer falsecookie)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewLINK (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr r, byval_as_integer ret_left=TRUE)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewSTACK (byval_as_integer op, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewLABEL (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym, byval_as_integer doflush=TRUE)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewLIT (byval_as_zstring_ptr text)
function_as_ASTASMTOK_ptr astAsmAppendText (byval_as_ASTASMTOK_ptr tail, byval_as_zstring_ptr text)
function_as_ASTASMTOK_ptr astAsmAppendSymb (byval_as_ASTASMTOK_ptr tail, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewASM (byval_as_ASTASMTOK_ptr asmtokhead)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewDBG (byval_as_integer op, byval_as_integer ex=0)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewMEM (byval_as_integer op, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr r, byval_as_longint bytes=0)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildNewOp (byval_as_AST_OP op, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr tmp, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr elementsexpr, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr initexpr, byval_as_integer dtype, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr subtype, byval_as_integer do_clear, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr newexpr)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildDeleteOp (byval_as_AST_OP op, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr ptrexpr, byval_as_integer dtype, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr subtype)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewBOUNDCHK (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr lb, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr ub, byval_as_integer linenum, byval_as_zstring_ptr filename)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildBOUNDCHK (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr lb, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr ub)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewPTRCHK (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l, byval_as_integer linenum, byval_as_zstring_ptr filename)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildPTRCHK (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewDECL (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym, byval_as_integer do_defaultinit)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewNIDXARRAY (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewNode (byval_as_integer class_, byval_as_integer dtype, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr subtype=NULL)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoad (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astOptimizeTree (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astOptAssignment (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
sub astCheckConst (byval_as_integer dtype, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_integer astCheckASSIGN (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr r)
function_as_integer astCheckASSIGNToType (byval_as_integer ldtype, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr lsubtype, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr r)
function_as_integer astCheckCONV (byval_as_integer to_dtype, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr to_subtype, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astUpdStrConcat (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astIsClassOnTree (byval_as_integer class_, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_integer astIsSymbolOnTree (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr astGetStrLitSymbol (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniBegin (byval_as_integer dtype, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr subtype, byval_as_integer is_local, byval_as_longint ofs=0)
sub astTypeIniEnd (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree, byval_as_integer is_initializer)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniAddPad (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree, byval_as_longint bytes)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniAddAssign (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniAddCtorCall (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr procexpr)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniAddCtorList (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym, byval_as_longint elements)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniScopeBegin (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniScopeEnd (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym)
sub astTypeIniCopyElements (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr source, byval_as_integer beginindex)
sub astTypeIniReplaceElement (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree, byval_as_integer element, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniFlush (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr basesym, byval_as_AST_INIOPT options)
function_as_integer astTypeIniIsConst (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree)
function_as_integer astTypeIniUsesLocals (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n, byval_as_integer ignoreattrib)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniUpdate (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniClone (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniTryRemove (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree)
sub astTypeIniDelete (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astDataStmtBegin ()
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astDataStmtStore (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr)
sub astDataStmtEnd (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree)
function_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr astDataStmtAdd (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr label, byval_as_integer elements)
function_as_integer astGetInverseLogOp (byval_as_integer op)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astRemSideFx (byref_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildVarDeref (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildVarAddrof (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildVarInc (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr lhs, byval_as_integer rhs)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildVarAssign (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr lhs, byval_as_integer rhs)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildVarAssign (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr lhs, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr rhs)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildFakeWstringAccess (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildFakeWstringAssign (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr, byval_as_integer options=0)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildVarField (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr fld=NULL, byval_as_longint ofs=0)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildTempVarClear (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildCall (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr proc, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr arg1=NULL, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr arg2=NULL, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr arg3=NULL)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildVtableLookup (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr proc, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr thisexpr)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildCtorCall (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr thisexpr)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildDtorCall (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr thisexpr, byval_as_integer ignore_virtual=FALSE)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildForBegin (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr cnt, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr label, byval_as_integer inivalue, byval_as_integer flush_label=TRUE)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildForEnd (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr tree, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr cnt, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr label, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr endvalue)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildInstPtr (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr fld=NULL, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr idxexpr=NULL)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildInstPtrAtOffset (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr fld=NULL, byval_as_longint ofs=0)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildVarDtorCall (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr s, byval_as_integer check_access=FALSE)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildTypeIniCtorList (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildProcAddrof (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr proc)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildProcResultVar (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr proc, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astPatchCtorCall (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr procexpr, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr thisexpr)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astCALLCTORToCALL (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildImplicitCtorCall (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr subtype, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr, byval_as_FB_PARAMMODE arg_mode, byref_as_integer is_ctorcall)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildImplicitCtorCallEx (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr, byval_as_FB_PARAMMODE arg_mode, byref_as_integer is_ctorcall)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildArrayDescIniTree (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr desc, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr array, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr array_expr)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildArrayBound (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr arrayexpr, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr dimexpr, byval_as_integer tk)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildStrPtr (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr lhs)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildMultiDeref (byval_as_integer cnt, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr, byval_as_integer dtype, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr subtype)
sub astReplaceSymbolOnTree (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr old_sym, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr new_sym)
sub astReplaceFwdref (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr oldsubtype, byval_as_integer newdtype, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr newsubtype)
sub astDtorListDump ()
sub astDtorListAdd (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym)
sub astDtorListAddRef (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym)
sub astDtorListRemoveRef (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astDtorListFlush (byval_as_integer cookie=0)
sub astDtorListDel (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr sym)
sub astDtorListScopeBegin (byval_as_integer cookie=0)
function_as_integer astDtorListScopeEnd ()
sub astDtorListUnscope (byval_as_integer cookie)
sub astSetType (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n, byval_as_integer dtype, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr subtype)
function_as_longint astSizeOf (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_integer astIsAccessToLocal (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr)
function_as_longint astGetOFFSETChildOfs (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr l)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildCallResultVar (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildCallResultUdt (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildByrefResultDeref (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr)
function_as_integer astIsByrefResultDeref (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr)
function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astRemoveByrefResultDeref (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr)
sub astGosubAddInit (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr proc)
sub astGosubAddJmp (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr proc, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr l)
sub astGosubAddJumpPtr (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr proc, byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr expr, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr exitlabel)
function_as_integer astGosubAddReturn (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr proc, byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr l)
sub astGosubAddExit (byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr proc)
function_as_integer hTruncateInt (byval_as_integer dtype, byval_as_integer_ptr value)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadNOP (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadASSIGN (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadCONV (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadBOP (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadUOP (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadCONST (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadVAR (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadIDX (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadDEREF (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadCALL (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadCALLCTOR (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadADDROF (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadLOAD (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadBRANCH (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadIIF (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadOFFSET (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadLINK (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadFIELD (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadSTACK (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadLABEL (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadLIT (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadASM (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadJMPTB (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadLOOP (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadDBG (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadMEM (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadBOUNDCHK (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadPTRCHK (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadSCOPEBEGIN (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadSCOPEEND (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadDECL (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadNIDXARRAY (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)
function_as_string astDumpOp (byval_as_AST_OP op)
sub astDumpTree (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n, byval_as_integer col=0)
sub astDumpList (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n, byval_as_integer col=0)
function_as_string astDumpInline (byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr n)


const VAR AST_INITNODES = 8192
uinteger ast_bitmaskTB [to+1]

Macro Definition Documentation

#define __AST_BI__

Definition at line 2 of file

#define astConstGetFloat (   n)    /* ((n)->val.f) */

Definition at line 2815 of file

#define astConstGetInt (   n)    /* ((n)->val.i) */

Definition at line 2816 of file

#define astConstGetUint (   n)    /* cunsg( (n)->val.i ) */

Definition at line 2817 of file

#define astConstGetVal (   n)    /* (@(n)->val) */

Definition at line 2814 of file

#define astCopy (   dst,
)    /* *dst = *src */

Definition at line 2776 of file

#define astDTorListIsEmpty ( )    /* (listGetHead( @ast.dtorlist ) = NULL) */

Definition at line 2852 of file

#define astGetCastDoConv (   n)    /* n->cast.doconv */

Definition at line 2854 of file

#define astGetClass (   n)    /* n->class */

Definition at line 2780 of file

#define astGetDataClass (   n)    /* typeGetClass( astGetDataType( n ) ) */

Definition at line 2824 of file

#define astGetDataType (   n)    /* typeGetDtAndPtrOnly( astGetFullType( n ) ) */

Definition at line 2820 of file

#define astGetFirstDataStmtSymbol ( )    /* */

Definition at line 2848 of file

#define astGetFullType (   n)    /* n->dtype */

Definition at line 2819 of file

#define astGetLastDataStmtSymbol ( )    /* */

Definition at line 2850 of file

#define astGetLeft (   n)    /* n->l */

Definition at line 2782 of file

#define astGetNext (   n)    /* n->next */

Definition at line 2788 of file

#define astGetOpClass (   op)    /* ast_opTB(op).class */

Definition at line 2836 of file

#define astGetOpId (   op)    /* ast_opTB(op).id */

Definition at line 2846 of file

#define astGetOpIsCommutative (   op)    /* ((ast_opTB(op).flags and AST_OPFLAGS_COMM) <> 0) */

Definition at line 2838 of file

#define astGetOpIsSelf (   op)    /* ((ast_opTB(op).flags and AST_OPFLAGS_SELF) <> 0) */

Definition at line 2840 of file

#define astGetOpNoResult (   op)    /* ((ast_opTB(op).flags and AST_OPFLAGS_NORES) <> 0) */

Definition at line 2842 of file

#define astGetOpSelfVer (   op)    /* ast_opTB(op).selfop */

Definition at line 2844 of file

#define astGetPrev (   n)    /* n->prev */

Definition at line 2786 of file

#define astGetProc ( )    /* ast.proc.curr */

Definition at line 2830 of file

#define astGetProcExitlabel (   n)    /* n->block.exitlabel */

Definition at line 2828 of file

#define astGetProcTailNode ( )    /* ast.proc.curr->r */

Definition at line 2832 of file

#define astGetRight (   n)    /* n->r */

Definition at line 2784 of file

#define astGetSubtype (   n)    /* n->subtype */

Definition at line 2822 of file

#define astGetSymbol (   n)    /* n->sym */

Definition at line 2826 of file

#define astInitNode (   n,
/* (multi line FreeBasic #MACRO)
(n)->class = class_
(n)->dtype = dtype_
(n)->subtype = subtype_
(n)->l = NULL
(n)->r = NULL
(n)->sym = NULL
(n)->vector = 0
#endmacro */

Definition at line 2766 of file

#define astIsBITFIELD (   n)    /* iif( astIsFIELD(n), (astGetDataType( astGetLeft( n ) ) = FB_DATATYPE_BITFIELD), FALSE ) */

Definition at line 2806 of file

#define astIsBOP (   n,
)    /* ( ((n)->class = AST_NODECLASS_BOP) andalso ((n)->op.op = (bop)) ) */

Definition at line 2858 of file

#define astIsCALL (   n)    /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_CALL) */

Definition at line 2796 of file

#define astIsCALLCTOR (   n)    /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_CALLCTOR) */

Definition at line 2798 of file

#define astIsCAST (   n)    /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_CONV) */

Definition at line 2812 of file

#define astIsCONST (   n)    /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_CONST) */

Definition at line 2790 of file

#define astIsDEREF (   n)    /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_DEREF) */

Definition at line 2800 of file

#define astIsFIELD (   n)    /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_FIELD) */

Definition at line 2804 of file

#define astIsIDX (   n)    /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_IDX) */

Definition at line 2794 of file

#define astIsNIDXARRAY (   n)    /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_NIDXARRAY) */

Definition at line 2808 of file

#define astIsOFFSET (   n)    /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_OFFSET) */

Definition at line 2802 of file

#define astIsTYPEINI (   n)    /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_TYPEINI) */

Definition at line 2810 of file

#define astIsUOP (   n,
)    /* ( ((n)->class = AST_NODECLASS_UOP) andalso ((n)->op.op = (uop)) ) */

Definition at line 2856 of file

#define astIsVAR (   n)    /* (n->class = AST_NODECLASS_VAR) */

Definition at line 2792 of file

#define astSwap (   dst,
)    /* swap *dst, *src */

Definition at line 2778 of file

#define astTypeIniGetOfs (   n)    /* n->typeini.ofs */

Definition at line 2834 of file

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct ASTNODE ASTNODE_

Definition at line 1536 of file

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 1591 of file


Definition at line 1977 of file


Definition at line 1844 of file


Definition at line 1454 of file


Definition at line 1829 of file


Definition at line 1519 of file

Function Documentation

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astAdd ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 264 of file ast-node-proc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astAddAfter ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  ref 

Definition at line 301 of file ast-node-proc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astAddUnscoped ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 344 of file ast-node-proc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTASMTOK_ptr astAsmAppendSymb ( byval_as_ASTASMTOK_ptr  tail,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym 

Definition at line 107 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTASMTOK_ptr astAsmAppendText ( byval_as_ASTASMTOK_ptr  tail,
byval_as_zstring_ptr  text 

Definition at line 93 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildArrayBound ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  arrayexpr,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  dimexpr,
byval_as_integer  tk 

Definition at line 974 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildArrayDescIniTree ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  desc,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  array,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  array_expr 

Definition at line 763 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildBOUNDCHK ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  lb,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  ub 

Definition at line 119 of file ast-node-check.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildBranch ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  label,
byval_as_integer  is_inverse,
byval_as_integer  is_iif = FALSE 

Definition at line 761 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildByrefResultDeref ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr)

Definition at line 403 of file ast-node-call.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildCall ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  proc,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  arg1 = NULL,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  arg2 = NULL,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  arg3 = NULL 

Definition at line 316 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildCallResultUdt ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr)

Definition at line 378 of file ast-node-call.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildCallResultVar ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr)

Definition at line 368 of file ast-node-call.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildConst ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym)

Definition at line 242 of file ast-node-const.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildCtorCall ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  thisexpr 

Definition at line 365 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildDeleteOp ( byval_as_AST_OP  op,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  ptrexpr,
byval_as_integer  dtype,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  subtype 

Definition at line 304 of file ast-node-mem.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildDtorCall ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  thisexpr,
byval_as_integer  ignore_virtual = FALSE 

Definition at line 395 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildFakeWstringAccess ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym)

Definition at line 37 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildFakeWstringAssign ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr,
byval_as_integer  options = 0 

Definition at line 43 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildForBegin ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  cnt,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  label,
byval_as_integer  inivalue,
byval_as_integer  flush_label = TRUE 

Definition at line 211 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildForEnd ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  cnt,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  label,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  endvalue 

Definition at line 229 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildImplicitCtorCall ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  subtype,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr,
byval_as_FB_PARAMMODE  arg_mode,
byref_as_integer  is_ctorcall 

Definition at line 476 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildImplicitCtorCallEx ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr,
byval_as_FB_PARAMMODE  arg_mode,
byref_as_integer  is_ctorcall 

Definition at line 527 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildInstPtr ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  fld = NULL,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  idxexpr = NULL 

Definition at line 583 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildInstPtrAtOffset ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  fld = NULL,
byval_as_longint  ofs = 0 

Definition at line 631 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildJMPTB ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  tempvar,
byval_as_ulongint_ptr  values1,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr_ptr  labels1,
byval_as_integer  labelcount,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  deflabel,
byval_as_ulongint  minval,
byval_as_ulongint  maxval 

Definition at line 155 of file ast-node-branch.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildMultiDeref ( byval_as_integer  cnt,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr,
byval_as_integer  dtype,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  subtype 

Definition at line 690 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildNewOp ( byval_as_AST_OP  op,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  tmp,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  elementsexpr,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  initexpr,
byval_as_integer  dtype,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  subtype,
byval_as_integer  do_clear,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  newexpr 

Definition at line 111 of file ast-node-mem.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildProcAddrof ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  proc)

Definition at line 556 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildProcResultVar ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  proc,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym 

Definition at line 563 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildPTRCHK ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr)

Definition at line 208 of file ast-node-check.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildStrPtr ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  lhs)

Definition at line 1006 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildTempVarClear ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym)

Definition at line 189 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildTypeIniCtorList ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym)

Definition at line 672 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildVarAddrof ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym)

Definition at line 105 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildVarAssign ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  lhs,
byval_as_integer  rhs 

Definition at line 18 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildVarAssign ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  lhs,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  rhs 

Definition at line 28 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildVarDeref ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym)

Definition at line 101 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildVarDtorCall ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  s,
byval_as_integer  check_access = FALSE 

Definition at line 111 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildVarField ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  fld = NULL,
byval_as_longint  ofs = 0 

Definition at line 152 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildVarInc ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  lhs,
byval_as_integer  rhs 

Definition at line 76 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astBuildVtableLookup ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  proc,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  thisexpr 

Definition at line 255 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astCALLCTORToCALL ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 440 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astCallEnd ( )

Definition at line 18 of file ast-node-call.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astCallInit ( )

Definition at line 14 of file ast-node-call.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astCheckASSIGN ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  r 

Definition at line 243 of file ast-node-assign.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astCheckASSIGNToType ( byval_as_integer  ldtype,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  lsubtype,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  r 

Definition at line 358 of file ast-node-assign.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astCheckConst ( byval_as_integer  dtype,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n 

Definition at line 548 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astCheckCONV ( byval_as_integer  to_dtype,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  to_subtype,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l 

Definition at line 224 of file ast-node-conv.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astCloneCALL ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  c 

Definition at line 278 of file ast-node-call.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astCloneTree ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 225 of file ast.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astConstEqZero ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 12 of file ast-node-const.bas.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_longint astConstFlushToInt ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 170 of file ast-node-const.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_string astConstFlushToStr ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 179 of file ast-node-const.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_wstring_ptr astConstFlushToWstr ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 197 of file ast-node-const.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_double astConstGetAsDouble ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 230 of file ast-node-const.bas.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_longint astConstGetAsInt64 ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 218 of file ast-node-const.bas.

function_as_integer astConstGeZero ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 22 of file ast-node-const.bas.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astConvertRawCONSTi ( byval_as_integer  dtype,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  subtype,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l 

Definition at line 259 of file ast-node-const.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr astDataStmtAdd ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  label,
byval_as_integer  elements 

Definition at line 208 of file ast-node-data.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astDataStmtBegin ( )

Definition at line 23 of file ast-node-data.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astDataStmtEnd ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree)

Definition at line 97 of file ast-node-data.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astDataStmtInit ( )

Definition at line 12 of file ast-node-data.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astDataStmtStore ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr 

Definition at line 35 of file ast-node-data.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astDelCALL ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 317 of file ast-node-call.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astDelNode ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 391 of file ast.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

sub astDelTree ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 341 of file ast.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

sub astDtorListAdd ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym)

Definition at line 1034 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astDtorListAddRef ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym)

Definition at line 1057 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astDtorListDel ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym)

Definition at line 1134 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astDtorListDump ( )

Definition at line 1022 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astDtorListFlush ( byval_as_integer  cookie = 0)

Definition at line 1103 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astDtorListRemoveRef ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym)

Definition at line 1077 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astDtorListScopeBegin ( byval_as_integer  cookie = 0)

Definition at line 1155 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astDtorListScopeEnd ( )

Definition at line 1176 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astDtorListUnscope ( byval_as_integer  cookie)

Definition at line 1185 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_string astDumpInline ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 932 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astDumpList ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n,
byval_as_integer  col = 0 

Definition at line 919 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_string astDumpOp ( byval_as_AST_OP  op)

Definition at line 777 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astDumpTree ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n,
byval_as_integer  col = 0 

Definition at line 908 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astEnd ( )

Definition at line 215 of file ast.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astFindFirstCode ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  proc)

Definition at line 373 of file ast-node-proc.bas.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astForgetBitfields ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 351 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astGetInverseLogOp ( byval_as_integer  op)

Definition at line 413 of file ast.bas.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_longint astGetOFFSETChildOfs ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l)

Definition at line 11 of file ast-node-addr.bas.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr astGetStrLitSymbol ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 524 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astGosubAddExit ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  proc)

Definition at line 255 of file ast-gosub.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astGosubAddInit ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  proc)

Definition at line 27 of file ast-gosub.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astGosubAddJmp ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  proc,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  l 

Definition at line 68 of file ast-gosub.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astGosubAddJumpPtr ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  proc,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  exitlabel 

Definition at line 105 of file ast-gosub.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astGosubAddReturn ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  proc,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  l 

Definition at line 154 of file ast-gosub.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astInit ( )

Definition at line 198 of file ast.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astIsAccessToLocal ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr)

Definition at line 1270 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astIsByrefResultDeref ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr)

Definition at line 440 of file ast-node-call.bas.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astIsClassOnTree ( byval_as_integer  class_,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n 

Definition at line 349 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astIsConstant ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr)

Definition at line 507 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astIsEqualParamInit ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  r 

Definition at line 199 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astIsSymbolOnTree ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n 

Definition at line 382 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astIsTreeEqual ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  r 

Definition at line 45 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoad ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 436 of file ast.bas.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadADDROF ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 236 of file ast-node-addr.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadASM ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 130 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadASSIGN ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 668 of file ast-node-assign.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadBOP ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 1512 of file ast-node-bop.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadBOUNDCHK ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 74 of file ast-node-check.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadBRANCH ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 45 of file ast-node-branch.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadCALL ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 124 of file ast-node-call.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadCALLCTOR ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 262 of file ast-node-call.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadCONST ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 157 of file ast-node-const.bas.

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadCONV ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 546 of file ast-node-conv.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadDBG ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 185 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadDECL ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 104 of file ast-node-decl.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadDEREF ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 77 of file ast-node-ptr.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadFIELD ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 510 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadIDX ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 41 of file ast-node-idx.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadIIF ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 379 of file ast-node-iif.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadJMPTB ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 136 of file ast-node-branch.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadLABEL ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 39 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadLINK ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 254 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadLIT ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 63 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadLOAD ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 287 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadLOOP ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 256 of file ast-node-branch.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadMEM ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 349 of file ast-node-mem.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadNIDXARRAY ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 218 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadNOP ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 202 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadOFFSET ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 50 of file ast-node-addr.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadPTRCHK ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 164 of file ast-node-check.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadSCOPEBEGIN ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 673 of file ast-node-scope.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadSCOPEEND ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 688 of file ast-node-scope.bas.

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadSTACK ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 545 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadUOP ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 286 of file ast-node-uop.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_IRVREG_ptr astLoadVAR ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 50 of file ast-node-var.bas.

sub astMiscEnd ( )

Definition at line 31 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astMiscInit ( )

Definition at line 20 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewADDROF ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l)

Definition at line 118 of file ast-node-addr.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewARG ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  f,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  p,
byval_as_integer  dtype = FB_DATATYPE_INVALID,
byval_as_integer  mode = INVALID 

Definition at line 1067 of file ast-node-arg.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewASM ( byval_as_ASTASMTOK_ptr  asmtokhead)

Definition at line 120 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewASSIGN ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  r,
byval_as_AST_OPOPT  options = AST_OPOPT_NONE 

Definition at line 375 of file ast-node-assign.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewBOP ( byval_as_integer  op,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  r,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  ex = NULL,
byval_as_AST_OPOPT  options = AST_OPOPT_DEFAULT 

Definition at line 670 of file ast-node-bop.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewBOUNDCHK ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  lb,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  ub,
byval_as_integer  linenum,
byval_as_zstring_ptr  filename 

Definition at line 18 of file ast-node-check.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewBRANCH ( byval_as_integer  op,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  label,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l = NULL 

Definition at line 17 of file ast-node-branch.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCALL ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  ptrexpr = NULL 

Definition at line 24 of file ast-node-call.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCALLCTOR ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  procexpr,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  instptr 

Definition at line 80 of file ast-node-call.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCONST ( byval_as_FBVALUE_ptr  v,
byval_as_integer  dtype,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  subtype = NULL 

Definition at line 89 of file ast-node-const.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCONSTf ( byval_as_double  value,
byval_as_integer  dtype = FB_DATATYPE_DOUBLE 

Definition at line 75 of file ast-node-const.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCONSTi ( byval_as_longint  value,
byval_as_integer  dtype = FB_DATATYPE_INTEGER,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  subtype = NULL 

Definition at line 56 of file ast-node-const.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCONSTstr ( byval_as_zstring_ptr  v)

Definition at line 31 of file ast-node-const.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCONSTwstr ( byval_as_wstring_ptr  v)

Definition at line 43 of file ast-node-const.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCONSTz ( byval_as_integer  dtype = FB_DATATYPE_CHAR,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  subtype = NULL 

Definition at line 104 of file ast-node-const.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewCONV ( byval_as_integer  to_dtype,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  to_subtype,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l,
byval_as_AST_CONVOPT  options = 0,
byval_as_integer_ptr  perrmsg = NULL 

Definition at line 290 of file ast-node-conv.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewDBG ( byval_as_integer  op,
byval_as_integer  ex = 0 

Definition at line 166 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewDECL ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym,
byval_as_integer  do_defaultinit 

Definition at line 86 of file ast-node-decl.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewDEREF ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l,
byval_as_integer  dtype = FB_DATATYPE_INVALID,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  subtype = NULL,
byval_as_longint  ofs = 0 

Definition at line 12 of file ast-node-ptr.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewFIELD ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym 

Definition at line 317 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewIDX ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  v,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  i,
byval_as_integer  dtype,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  subtype 

Definition at line 14 of file ast-node-idx.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewIIF ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  condexpr,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  truexpr,
byval_as_integer  truecookie,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  falsexpr,
byval_as_integer  falsecookie 

Definition at line 159 of file ast-node-iif.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewLABEL ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym,
byval_as_integer  doflush = TRUE 

Definition at line 16 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewLINK ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  r,
byval_as_integer  ret_left = TRUE 

Definition at line 225 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewLIT ( byval_as_zstring_ptr  text)

Definition at line 52 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewLOAD ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l,
byval_as_integer  dtype,
byval_as_integer  isresult = FALSE 

Definition at line 272 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewLOOP ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  label,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree 

Definition at line 236 of file ast-node-branch.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewMEM ( byval_as_integer  op,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  r,
byval_as_longint  bytes = 0 

Definition at line 14 of file ast-node-mem.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewNIDXARRAY ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr)

Definition at line 208 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewNode ( byval_as_integer  class_,
byval_as_integer  dtype,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  subtype = NULL 

Definition at line 375 of file ast.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewNOP ( )

Definition at line 194 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewOvlCONV ( byval_as_integer  to_dtype,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  to_subtype,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l 

Definition at line 489 of file ast-node-conv.bas.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewPTRCHK ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l,
byval_as_integer  linenum,
byval_as_zstring_ptr  filename 

Definition at line 132 of file ast-node-check.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewSelfBOP ( byval_as_integer  op,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  r,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  ex = NULL,
byval_as_AST_OPOPT  options = AST_OPOPT_DEFAULT 

Definition at line 1456 of file ast-node-bop.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewSTACK ( byval_as_integer  op,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  l 

Definition at line 526 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewUOP ( byval_as_integer  op,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  o 

Definition at line 76 of file ast-node-uop.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astNewVAR ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym,
byval_as_longint  ofs = 0,
byval_as_integer  dtype = FB_DATATYPE_INVALID,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  subtype = NULL 

Definition at line 8 of file ast-node-var.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astOptAssignment ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 1613 of file ast-optimize.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astOptimizeTree ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 1873 of file ast-optimize.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astPatchCtorCall ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  procexpr,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  thisexpr 

Definition at line 423 of file ast-helper.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astProcAddGlobalInstance ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  initree,
byval_as_integer  has_dtor 

Definition at line 1311 of file ast-node-proc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr astProcAddStaticInstance ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym)

Definition at line 1275 of file ast-node-proc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astProcBegin ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  proc,
byval_as_integer  ismain 

Definition at line 396 of file ast-node-proc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astProcEnd ( byval_as_integer  callrtexit)

Definition at line 581 of file ast-node-proc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astProcListEnd ( )

Definition at line 49 of file ast-node-proc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astProcListInit ( )

Definition at line 35 of file ast-node-proc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astProcVectorize ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  p)

Definition at line 665 of file ast-vectorize.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astPtrCheck ( byval_as_integer  pdtype,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  psubtype,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr,
byval_as_integer  strictcheck = FALSE 

Definition at line 639 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astRemoveByrefResultDeref ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr)

Definition at line 449 of file ast-node-call.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astRemSideFx ( byref_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 298 of file ast.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astReplaceFwdref ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  oldsubtype,
byval_as_integer  newdtype,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  newsubtype 

Definition at line 481 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astReplaceInstanceArg ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  parent,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr,
byval_as_integer  mode = INVALID 

Definition at line 1162 of file ast-node-arg.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astReplaceSymbolOnTree ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  old_sym,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  new_sym 

Definition at line 434 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astScopeAllocLocals ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  symtbhead)

Definition at line 617 of file ast-node-scope.bas.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astScopeBegin ( )

Definition at line 27 of file ast-node-scope.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astScopeBreak ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  tolabel)

Definition at line 88 of file ast-node-scope.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astScopeDestroyVars ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  symtbtail)

Definition at line 600 of file ast-node-scope.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astScopeEnd ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  s)

Definition at line 109 of file ast-node-scope.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astScopeUpdBreakList ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  proc)

Definition at line 146 of file ast-node-scope.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astSetType ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n,
byval_as_integer  dtype,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  subtype 

Definition at line 1204 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_longint astSizeOf ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 1253 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr astTempScopeBegin ( byref_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  lastscp,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  backnode 

Definition at line 708 of file ast-node-scope.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astTempScopeClone ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  scp,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  clonetree 

Definition at line 759 of file ast-node-scope.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astTempScopeDelete ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  scp)

Definition at line 784 of file ast-node-scope.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astTempScopeEnd ( byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  scp,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  lastscp 

Definition at line 728 of file ast-node-scope.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniAddAssign ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym 

Definition at line 167 of file ast-node-typeini.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniAddCtorCall ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  procexpr 

Definition at line 192 of file ast-node-typeini.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniAddCtorList ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym,
byval_as_longint  elements 

Definition at line 216 of file ast-node-typeini.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniAddPad ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree,
byval_as_longint  bytes 

Definition at line 146 of file ast-node-typeini.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniBegin ( byval_as_integer  dtype,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  subtype,
byval_as_integer  is_local,
byval_as_longint  ofs = 0 

Definition at line 17 of file ast-node-typeini.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniClone ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree)

Definition at line 998 of file ast-node-typeini.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astTypeIniCopyElements ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  source,
byval_as_integer  beginindex 

Definition at line 285 of file ast-node-typeini.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astTypeIniDelete ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree)

Definition at line 1043 of file ast-node-typeini.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astTypeIniEnd ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree,
byval_as_integer  is_initializer 

Definition at line 55 of file ast-node-typeini.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniFlush ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  basesym,
byval_as_AST_INIOPT  options 

Definition at line 699 of file ast-node-typeini.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astTypeIniIsConst ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree)

Definition at line 814 of file ast-node-typeini.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astTypeIniReplaceElement ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree,
byval_as_integer  element,
byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  expr 

Definition at line 312 of file ast-node-typeini.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniScopeBegin ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym 

Definition at line 240 of file ast-node-typeini.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniScopeEnd ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree,
byval_as_FBSYMBOL_ptr  sym 

Definition at line 260 of file ast-node-typeini.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniTryRemove ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree)

Definition at line 1014 of file ast-node-typeini.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astTypeIniUpdate ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  tree)

Definition at line 963 of file ast-node-typeini.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer astTypeIniUsesLocals ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n,
byval_as_integer  ignoreattrib 

Definition at line 843 of file ast-node-typeini.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astUpdateBitfields ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 459 of file ast-node-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

sub astUpdateCONVFD2FS ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n,
byval_as_integer  dtype,
byval_as_integer  is_expr 

Definition at line 504 of file ast-node-conv.bas.

function_as_ASTNODE_ptr astUpdStrConcat ( byval_as_ASTNODE_ptr  n)

Definition at line 713 of file ast-misc.bas.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

function_as_integer hTruncateInt ( byval_as_integer  dtype,
byval_as_integer_ptr  value 

Variable Documentation


Definition at line 18 of file ast.bas.

uinteger ast_bitmaskTB[to+1]

Definition at line 189 of file ast.bas.

const VAR AST_INITNODES = 8192

Definition at line 1450 of file


Definition at line 1451 of file


Definition at line 72 of file ast.bas.