
GooData — the main file with common functions.


enum                GooDataMarkers;
void                goo_palette_set_function            (goo_palette_function Func);
guint               (*goo_palette_function)             (gdouble Scale,
                                                         char Alpha_);
unsigned char       goo_set_decimal_separator           (UByte V);
struct              GooDataPoints;
GooDataPoints *     goo_data_points_new                 (guint Rows,
                                                         guint Columns,
                                                         GooType *Array);
GooDataPoints *     goo_data_points_ref                 (GooDataPoints *Points);
void                goo_data_points_unref               (GooDataPoints *Points);
void                goo_data_points_set_point           (GooDataPoints *Points,
                                                         guint Row,
                                                         guint Column,
                                                         GooType Value);
GooType             goo_data_points_get_point           (GooDataPoints *Points,
                                                         guint Row,
                                                         guint Column);
struct              GooFillerValue;
struct              GooFiller;
GooFiller *         goo_filler_new                      (guint Entries);
GooFiller *         goo_filler_ref                      (GooFiller *Filler);
void                goo_filler_unref                    (GooFiller *Filler);
gboolean            goo_filler_set                      (GooFiller *Filler,
                                                         guint Index,
                                                         gchar *Prop,
                                                         gpointer Value);

Object Hierarchy



bla, bla, bla


enum GooDataMarkers

typedef enum {
} GooDataMarkers;

Enum values used for "marker-type" property to specify the type of the Markers.


no markers for the curve


a filled circle


a cross like an 'X'


a cross like a 't'


an equilateral triangle, tip up


an equilateral triangle, tip down


a rhombus


two rhombus in up / down direction


two rhombus in left / right direction


a square


four half-circles in up / down direction


four half-circles rotated by 45 degrees

goo_palette_set_function ()

void                goo_palette_set_function            (goo_palette_function Func);

Sets the goo_palette_function() for color gradients. Pass NULL to reset the default goo_palette_function().

Func :

A function that returns a color value for a rgba property (ie for "fill-color-rgba").

Since 0.0

goo_palette_function ()

guint               (*goo_palette_function)             (gdouble Scale,
                                                         char Alpha_);

A goo_palette_function() should return a color value to be used in color gradients (ie for high maps). The standard goo_pallete_function() returns colors ranging from red over blue to green. The colors have low contrast to their neighbours.

Scale :

the scale of the color in the integval [0,1]. Values outside this interval gets fitted to the next border.

Alpha_ :

optional alpha value, if the color should be translucent (default = 0xff).

Returns :

a color value for a rgba property (ie "fill-color-rgba").

Since 0.0

goo_set_decimal_separator ()

unsigned char       goo_set_decimal_separator           (UByte V);

Sets the decimal separator character. This can be either a '.' or a ',' character. To use the current locale setting call this function with empty parameter list or 0 (null) as parameter.

V :

the new value for the decimal separator.

Returns :

the new decimal separator setting.

Since 0.0

struct GooDataPoints

struct GooDataPoints;

GooDataPoints represents an array of numerical values as the source for all the graph types. It contains private data only. Use the functions of the goo_data_points family to set the content.

The data array may contain more data (more columns) than used in a graph, so one structs can be used for multiple graphs.

Since 0.0

goo_data_points_new ()

GooDataPoints *     goo_data_points_new                 (guint Rows,
                                                         guint Columns,
                                                         GooType *Array);

Creates a new GooDataPoints struct. The structure can either allocate space for the given number of values or can hold an previously created array of GooType values.

In the second case the memory must not be freed while the GooDataPoints struct is in usage (its reference counter is greater than zero) and when the calling code has to free it after the GooDataPoints struct memory gets freed.

In the first case the memory gets handled by the functions of the goo_data_points family and the content (values) can be manipulated by goo_data_points_set_point() and goo_data_points_get_point().

Free the memory by calling goo_data_points_unref() when done.

Rows :

the number of rows to create in the array.

Columns :

the number of columns to create in the array or nothing to create one column.

Array :

an (optional) array with the given number of rows and columns of GooType values or NULL to create a new internal array.

Returns :

a new GooDataPoints struct. [transfer full]

Since 0.0

goo_data_points_ref ()

GooDataPoints *     goo_data_points_ref                 (GooDataPoints *Points);

Increments the reference count of the given GooDataPoints struct.

Points :

a GooDataPoints struct.

Returns :

the GooDataPoints struct.

Since 0.0

goo_data_points_unref ()

void                goo_data_points_unref               (GooDataPoints *Points);

Decrements the reference count of the given GooDataPoints struct, freeing it if the reference count falls to zero.

Points :

a GooDataPoints struct.

Since 0.0

goo_data_points_set_point ()

void                goo_data_points_set_point           (GooDataPoints *Points,
                                                         guint Row,
                                                         guint Column,
                                                         GooType Value);

Set a value in the GooDataPoints struct.

Points :

a GooDataPoints struct.

Row :

the row of the value to set.

Column :

the column of the value to set.

Value :

the value to set at row and column.

Since 0.0

goo_data_points_get_point ()

GooType             goo_data_points_get_point           (GooDataPoints *Points,
                                                         guint Row,
                                                         guint Column);

Get a value from the GooDataPoints struct.

Points :

a GooDataPoints struct.

Row :

the row of the value to get.

Column :

the column of the value to get.

Returns :

the value to get from row and column.

Since 0.0

struct GooFillerValue

struct GooFillerValue;

This struct represents a set of a GooCanvasItemSimple filling methods. It contains private data only. Use the functions of the goo_filler family to set the content.

Since 0.0

struct GooFiller

struct GooFiller;

This struct is used to set the GooCanvasItemSimple filling methods for graphs with multiple colored items like GooBar2d or GooPie2d. It contains private data only. Use the functions below to set the content.

Since 0.0

goo_filler_new ()

GooFiller *         goo_filler_new                      (guint Entries);

Creates a new GooFiller struct to be used in properties like "filler" or "filler". The entries gets initialized by the default filler methods. Use goo_filler_set() to override an entry.

Free the memory by goo_filler_unref() when done.

Entries :

the number of entries in the GooFiller.

Returns :

a new GooFiller structure. [transfer full]

Since 0.0

goo_filler_ref ()

GooFiller *         goo_filler_ref                      (GooFiller *Filler);

Increments the reference count of the given GooFiller structure.

Filler :

a GooFiller structure.

Returns :

the GooFiller structure.

Since 0.0

goo_filler_unref ()

void                goo_filler_unref                    (GooFiller *Filler);

Decrements the reference count of the given GooFiller structure, freeing it if the reference count falls to zero.

Filler :

a GooFiller structure.

Since 0.0

goo_filler_set ()

gboolean            goo_filler_set                      (GooFiller *Filler,
                                                         guint Index,
                                                         gchar *Prop,
                                                         gpointer Value);

Set one GooFiller property and value. All fill properties of GooCanvasItemSimple can be used ( "fill-color", "fill-color-rgba", "fill-color-gdk-rgba", "fill-pattern", "fill-pixbuf").

Filler :

a GooFiller structure.

Index :

the position where to set the new property.

Prop :

a property name for a GooCanvasItemSimple filling method.

Value :

the value for the filling method.

Returns :

TRUE if the new filler is set, otherwise FALSE.

Since 0.0